结构设计 : Gayoon ENC 机械设备设计 : Hansan Engineering Co. 电气设计 : Jung-Myoung Engeneering Group Co. 施工公司 : Hanool Construction Co. 项目年代 : 摄影 : FG+SG

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韩国, 模仿博物馆 / 西扎 +Castanheira & Bastai Arquitectos Associados + Jun Sung Kim 建筑师 : Alvaro Siza + Castanheira & Bastai Arquitectos Associados + Jun Sung Kim 地点 : 韩国,Paju Book City 项目协调人 : Dalila Gomes 施工协调人 : Young-il Park 合作者 : Chungheon Han, João Figueiredo 客户 : Open Books Publishing Co.

结构设计 : Gayoon ENC 机械设备设计 : Hansan Engineering Co. 电气设计 : Jung-Myoung Engeneering Group Co. 施工公司 : Hanool Construction Co. 项目年代 : 2007-2009 摄影 : FG+SG - Fernando Guerra, Sergio Guerra

一只老虎与一个博物馆 很久以前, 一个中国的皇帝非常喜欢老虎, 有一天, 他叫中国最好的画家给他画一只老虎 画家喜欢干这个工作, 于是接受了 一年以后, 皇帝想起来, 画家还没有给他画好的老虎 他问画家, 画的怎么样了? 画家说, 快了 又过了一年, 接着又是一年 7 年以后, 皇帝没有了耐心, 去问画家, 老虎画的怎么样了?7 年已经过去了 你一次一次的许诺, 不过, 我一个也没有看见 画家拿出了文房四宝, 用优雅的姿势画老虎 画出了最美丽的老虎 皇帝陶醉了, 被画家的老虎征服了 他没有忘记问画家应该付多少钱 画家要的数目让皇帝很惊奇 你两秒钟的绘画要这么多钱? 是的, 穷画家说, 我练习了 7 年

位于韩国坡州书城新镇的模仿博物馆就是一只姗姗来迟的老虎 Álvaro Siza 的客户不用等他 7 年, 但是图纸完成 7 年后, 建筑还没有造出来 Álvaro Siza 没有来过韩国 有一天, 我去建筑现场参观, 沿着博物馆, 看了它的外观和周围的环境 在某个角度上看, 它模仿一只猫, 蜷缩着身体, 伸懒腰 打哈欠 您只要多看看就能发现 在开始的时候, 设计组的成员不明白为什么一幅猫的草图可以变成一个建筑 在哪些日子里, 我看了很多猫的草图, 我被这些草图所征服 我想看到更多的猫和猫的草图,7 年过去了

在建筑设计上, 开始的草图变成一种煎熬 初始的设计 模型 草图 一遍遍的修改, 新的草图, 新的模型, 对客户演示的时候, 客户虽然看过很多项目, 还是不能掩饰对这个项目的惊奇 一旦获得批准, 一旦获得批准, 我们通过正常的步骤开始, 该项目在韩国属于没有官僚主义的快速项目 总体的思路并未改变, 但在修改的过程中, 做了一些必要的调整, 在材料, 技术, 基础设施, 惯例上, 要让大家明白每一个问题 在地下室, 我们将有档案, 服务区, 作为展览空间的辅助面积, 这是阿尔瓦罗. 西扎设计博物馆的习惯 一层是入口和分流, 有临时展览和咖啡馆 / 餐厅和必要的存储空间 行政空间, 工作人员交通空间, 归档和工作人员的行政厕所面积位于夹层 顶层为展览空间 光, 一直都是很轻柔, 所以需要仔细研究 自然和人都至关重要 游客可以看, 而不被看 做了一个又一个模型, 其中一些可以让人进入 设计过程也采用了大量的三维渲染图 博物馆采用浅灰色的现浇混凝土, 猫的颜色 室内采用大理石的墙壁和天花板, 我们希望是白色的, 来自 Estremoz, 也是橡树花的颜色 内部的框子和窗户的框子采用木材 外面的窗户, 采用木材, 涂漆的钢铁和水晶玻璃

博物馆越设计越好, 我们也获得了进步, 因为是在韩国 在技术上有很多难题, 我们让承包商 和分包商参与解决质量的问题 我们的朋友和合作伙伴都很有工作热情热情, 让我们放心 画一只老虎是非常困难的, 试试吧! 必须花 7 年时间! 至少!

原文 : A cat has become a museum. There once was a chinese emperor who liked cats a lot, and one day he called upon the most famous painter in the Empire and asked him to paint him a cat. The artist liked the idea and promised that he would work on it. A year passed and the Emperor remembered that the painter still had not given him the painting of the cat. He called him: What of the cat? It is nearly ready, answered the artist. Another year went by, and another and another. The scene kept repeating itself. After seven years, the Emperor s patience came to an end and he sent for the painter. What of the cat? Seven years have gone by. You have promised and promised but I still haven t seen one! The painter grabs a sheet of rice paper, an ink well, one of those brushes like you can only get in the East and in an elegant and sublime gesture he draws a cat, which was not just a cat but only the most beautiful cat ever seen. The Emperor was ecstatic, overwhelmed with such beauty. He did not neglect (which is no longer the case nowadays) to ask the artist how much he would charge for such beautiful drawing. The painter asked for a sum which surprised the Emperor. So much money for a drawing that you did in two seconds, in front of me? said the Emperor. Yes Excellency, that is true, but I have been

drawing cats for seven years now, replied the poor painter. Architects: <a href="http://alvarosizavieira.com/" target="_blank">alvaro Siza</a> + <a href="http://www.carloscastanheira.pt/">castanheira & Bastai Arquitectos Associados</a> + Jun Sung Kim Location: Paju Book City, Republic of Korea Project Coordinator: Dalila Gomes Construction Coordinator: Young-il Park Collaborators: Chungheon Han, João Figueiredo Client: Open Books Publishing Co. Structure: Gayoon ENC Mechanical Installations: Hansan Engineering Co. Electricity: Jung-Myoung Engeneering Group Co. Construction Company: Hanool Construction Co. Project Year: 2007-2009 Photographs: <a href="http://www.ultimasreportagens.com/" target="_blank">fg+sg</a> - Fernando Guerra, Sergio Guerra In architecture, after an initial sketch comes the torment. The initial design, models, drawings, corrections to these, doubts, new drawings, new models, a presentation to the client, who had already seen other projects but could not conceal his surprise at this one. Once approved, we progressed the project on through the usual steps, which in Korea are shorter and less bureaucratic. The brief has not been altered, but it is necessary to make some adjustments as part of the evolution process. To think of materials, techniques, infra-structure, representational conventions, so that everyone understands, in an attempt to make everything work out. In the basement we will have the archives, the service area, maybe an extension to the exhibition area, as is becoming a habit in museums designed by Álvaro Siza. The ground floor is a space for arrival and distribution, areas for temporary exhibitions and a café/restaurant with all necessary back up. Administration areas, staff circulation, area for the administrative archive and staff toilets are located in the mezzanines. The top floor is for exhibition space. Light, always light, so carefully studied. Both natural and artificial is seen as essential. Allowing to see without being seen. Models and more models were constructed, some of which you could enter into. Also 3D images. Form will be given by cast concrete, light grey, the colour of a cat. Inside, the white of the walls and ceilings, of the marble, which we hope will be from Estremoz and also the honey colour of Oak. Timber for the internal frames, and glass. As for the external windows, timber, painted steel and crystalline glass. The building progresses, so do we, as it is in Korea. It is a technically difficult job; we were concerned at the quality of the contractor and subcontractors involved. Our friends and partners are enthusiastic and reassure us. To draw a cat is really difficult, try it! It can take seven years! At least! The project for the Museum Mimesis, in the new town of Paju Book City in South

Korea, is a cat. The client didn t have to wait for seven years for his drawing of a cat, but Álvaro Siza has been drawing cats for over seven years now. He has never seen a Korean cat, because he has never been there. In one day I briefed him on the site, and brought along a small site model, showing the boundaries and the immediate context. In one single gesture, a cat was drawn. The Mimesis is a cat. A cat, all curled up and also open, that stretches and yawns. It s all there. All you need to do is look and look again. At first the design team members could not understand how that sketch of a cat could be a building. I have in my days seen many sketches of cats, and am always overwhelmed by them, can t get tired of them. I want to see more cats, more sketches of cats, for several seven years have gone by.