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FY3-2012 3 rd Quarter Results Tokyo Stock Exchange / Nagoya Stock Exchange 8593 Results announcement date : February 3, 2012 Inquiries: Corporate Communications Department Tel 81+3-6865-3002, Fax: 81+3-6895-5306 Visit us at (Japanese) English)

Index 1. Financial Summary FY3/2012-3Q (Consolidated) 3 2. Trend of Financial Performance (Consolidated) 4 (1) Profit and Loss Statement 4 (2) Balance Sheet 5 3. Overview of Principal Consolidated Companies 6 4. New Transactions 8 5. Funding 10 6. Net Credit Cost 10 7. Forecast for FY3/2012 11 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance s statements contained in this material of their current expectations are forward-looking statements subject to significant risks and uncertainties, and actual results any differ materially. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, changes in overall economic conditions, changes in market rates of interest and the effect of new legislation or government directives. 2 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

Financial Summary FY3/2012-3Q (Consolidated) Billion Yen FY3/2012 YOY FY3/2011 3Q Change 3Q Operating Revenues 541.7 0.9% 546.6 Gross Profit 87.1 3.0% 89.8 Operating Profit 45.9 15.3% 39.8 Recurring Profit 48.5 17.6% 41.3 Net Profit 26.1 14.6% 22.8 New Transactions Volume 915.1 7.8% 848.6 FY3/2012 3Q Change From FY3/2011 Billion Yen FY3/2011 Net Asset 410.7 5.4% 389.8 Total Asset 3,689.0 0.9% 3,721.1 In FY3/2012-3Q, Operating Revenues were decreased by 0.9% to 541.7bil yen. As a result of continuous efforts for low cost and stable funding as well as concentration on efficient business operation and decreased amount of Expenses for non-performing assets (credit cost) by enhancing credit control, Operating Profit was increasedby 15.3% to 45.9bil yen, Recurring Profit was increased by 17.6% to 48.5bil yen and Net Profit was increased by 14.6% to 26.1bil yen. New transaction volume was increased by 7.8% by way of promoting business activity to meet various customers needs. Breakdown ofexpenses for Non-performing assets in SG&AExpenses Specific Provision General Provision Total MUL 4.4-1.2 3.2 Subsidiaries 4.2-2.3 1.9 Total 8.6-3.5 5.1 bil yen 3 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

1.Trend of Financial Performance (Consolidated) (1) Profit & Loss Statement million yen Consolidated FY3/08-3Q FY3/09-3Q FY3/10-3Q FY3/11-3Q FY3/12-3Q 07/4~07/12 08/4~08/12 09/4~09/12 10/4~10/12 11/4~11/12 1 Operating Revenues 745,761 623,864 558,419 546,669 541,735 Changes +93.3% -16.3% -10.5% -2.1% -0.9% 2 Leases 578,558 467,232 420,102 421,421 418,006 Changes +115.0% -19.2% -10.1% +0.3% -0.8% 3 Installment Sales 123,650 107,520 90,286 76,444 70,101 Changes +37.1% -13.0% -16.0% -15.3% -8.3% 4 Loans 27,320 28,661 29,326 28,056 26,728 Changes +93.8% +4.9% +2.3% -4.3% -4.7% 5 Others 16,232 20,449 18,703 20,747 26,898 Changes +30.6% +26.0% -8.5% +10.9% +29.6% 6 Cost of Revenues 666,229 544,034 476,676 456,834 454,597 Changes +93.5% -18.3% -12.4% -4.2% -0.5% 7 COR / Revenues 89.3% 87.2% 85.4% 83.6% 83.9% Changes +0.1P -2.1P -1.8P -1.8P +0.3P 8 Leases, COR 517,086 410,875 364,156 359,941 358,961 Changes +114.6% -20.5% -11.4% -1.2% -0.3% 9 Installment Sales, COR 114,582 99,796 82,816 69,615 63,701 Changes +34.9% -12.9% -17.0% -15.9% -8.5% 10 Financial expenses 25,512 25,780 20,921 15,823 13,464 Changes +160.3% +1.0% -18.8% -24.4% -14.9% 11 Others, COR 9,047 7,581 8,781 11,453 18,469 Changes +3.8% -16.2% +15.8% +30.4% +61.3% 12 Gross Profit 79,532 79,830 81,743 89,835 87,138 Changes +91.7% +0.4% +2.4% +9.9% -3.0% 13 Gross Profit / Revenues 10.7% 12.8% 14.6% 16.4% 16.1% Changes -0.1P +2.1P +1.8P +1.8P -0.3P 14 SG&A Expenses 40,125 50,389 56,835 49,949 41,156 Changes +137.8% +25.6% +12.8% -12.1% -17.6% 15 Personnel Expenses 16,064 16,368 16,043 16,672 17,241 Changes +105.7% +1.9% -2.0% +3.9% +3.4% 16 Non-Personnel Expenses 20,652 17,574 17,568 18,121 18,788 Changes +155.4% -14.9% -0.0% +3.1% +3.7% 17 Expenses for Non-performing assets 3,409 16,446 23,224 15,155 5,126 Changes +250.1% +382.4% +41.2% -34.7% -66.2% 18 Overhead Ratio 46.2% 42.5% 41.1% 38.7% 41.3% (Overhead expenses divided by GP) Changes +7.9P -3.6P -1.4P -2.4P +2.6P 19 Operating Profit 39,406 29,440 24,907 39,886 45,981 Changes +60.1% -25.3% -15.4% +60.1% +15.3% 20 OP / Revenues 5.3% 4.7% 4.5% 7.3% 8.5% Changes -1.1P -0.6P -0.2P +2.8P +1.2P 21 Recurring Profit 40,049 29,382 25,489 41,318 48,579 Changes +59.2% -26.6% -13.2% +62.1% +17.6% 22 Extraordinary Profit 2,008 1,045 8,265 2,936 571 Changes +20.2% -48.0% +690.7% -64.5% -80.5% 23 Extraordinary Cost 1,330 8,746 1,189 2,431 465 Changes +2,749.2% +557.5% -86% +104.5% -80.9% 24 Net Profit 22,903 11,624 17,023 22,826 26,157 Changes +44.1% -49.2% +46.4% +34.1% +14.6% 4 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

(2) Balance Sheet Consolidated million yen FY3/2008 FY3/2009 FY3/2010 FY3/2011 FY3/2012 3Q 1 Net Assets 312,352 342,633 366,891 389,802 410,794 Changes +102.5% +9.7% +7.1% +6.2% +5.4% 2 Total Assets 3,965,891 3,909,077 3,885,161 3,721,136 3,689,036 Changes +66.6% -1.4% -0.6% -4.2% -0.9% 3 Operating Assets 3,630,737 3,497,071 3,517,982 3,393,547 3,351,191 Changes +66.1% -3.7% +0.6% -3.5% -1.2% 4 Leases 1,794,936 1,565,325 1,677,155 1,673,572 1,672,120 Changes +118.8% -12.8% +7.1% -0.2% -0.1% 5 Installment Sales 431,143 368,467 297,051 242,147 223,715 Changes +49.6% -14.5% -19.4% -18.5% -7.6% 6 Loans 1,145,939 1,227,716 1,222,770 1,174,661 1,180,509 Changes +27.1% +7.1% -0.4% -3.9% +0.5% 7 Others 258,719 335,562 321,005 303,167 274,846 Changes +47.6% +29.7% -4.3% -5.6% -9.3% 8 Impaired Assets 6,382 47,983 46,351 40,921 40,215 Changes +42.6% +651.8% -3.4% -11.7% -1.7% 9 Allowance 2,014 3,694 8,487 9,335 13,167 10 Net Balance of Impaired Assets 4,368 44,288 37,863 31,586 27,048 Changes +27.3% +913.9% -14.5% -16.6% -14.4% 11 Equity Ratio 7.5% 8.4% 9.1% 10.0% 10.7% Changes +1.3P +0.9P +0.7P +0.9P +0.7P 12 Total Funding 3,314,673 3,190,431 3,148,926 2,961,470 2,931,221 Changes +63.0% -3.7% -1.3% -6.0% -1.0% 13 Indirect Funding 1,765,716 1,842,291 1,740,993 1,614,526 1,614,588 Changes +50.0% +4.3% -5.5% -7.3% +0.0% 14 Direct Funding 1,548,957 1,348,139 1,407,932 1,346,944 1,316,633 Changes +80.9% -13.0% +4.4% -4.3% -2.3% 15 CP 900,800 892,900 872,400 866,000 820,700 Changes +63.1% -0.9% -2.3% -0.7% -5.2% 16 Securitization 288,108 162,959 152,256 101,944 100,671 (Lease Receivables) Changes +357.3% -43.4% -6.6% -33.0% -1.2% 17 Corporate Bond 360,049 292,280 383,276 379,000 395,262 Changes +49.3% -18.8% +31.1% -1.1% +4.3% 18 Direct Funding Ratio 46.7% 42.3% 44.7% 45.5% 44.9% Changes +4.6P -4.4P +2.4P +0.8P -0.6P 5 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

3. Overview of Principal Consolidated Companies 6 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

7 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

5.New Transactions New transactions volume (consolidated) entered in FY3/2012-3Q increased by 7.8% (year-on-year) to 915.1billion Yen. By segment, lease volume increased by 5.0%, installment sales increased by 30.7%, and loans and other business increased by 8.1%. Trends of New Transactions Volume by Type (bil. yen) Leases Installment sales Loans Others 2,000 1,948.3 139.2 1,705.1 148.7 1,500 1,000 500 1,049.6 166.6 910.6 84.0 1,301.5 85.1 649.3 50.6 1,169.5 634.3 47.0 49.4 9 months 915.1 496.1 22.3 47.3 592.8 561.7 516.4 438.7 349.3 0 FY3/08 FY3/09 FY3/10 FY3/11 FY3/12 3Q Trends of New Transactions Component by Type Leases Installment sales Loans Others 100% 7% 9% 6% 4% 3% 80% 60% 54% 53% 50% 54% 54% 40% 9% 5% 4% 4% 5% 20% 30% 33% 40% 38% 38% 0% FY3/08 FY3/09 FY3/10 FY3/11 FY3/12 3Q 8 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

Leases (bil.yen) FY3/11 3Q FY3/12 3Q yoy change IT / Office Equip. 83.5 96.6 +15.8% Industrial Machinery 79.4 78.7-0.9% Civil Eng. & Construction Machinery 9.9 12.3 +23.5% Transport Equip. 31.3 32.7 +4.5% Medical Equip. 31.0 32.5 +4.9% Commercial & Service Equip. 39.5 44.3 +12.0% Others 57.7 51.9-10.0% Total 332.7 349.3 +5.0% Installment Sales (bil.yen) FY3/11 3Q FY3/12 3Q yoy change IT / Office Equip. 3.5 1.5-54.8% Industrial Machinery 3.8 5.4 41.6% Civil Eng. & Construction Machinery 5.2 10.4 97.8% Transport Equip. 2.0 1.9-7.6% Medical Equip. 4.3 4.5 +3.8% Commercial & Service Equip. 10.2 11.4 +12.3% Others 6.9 11.9 +72.6% Total 36.2 47.3 +30.7% Loan and other business (bil.yen) FY3/11 3Q FY3/12 3Q yoy change Factoring 223.3 208.7-6.5% Real estate financing 101.8 121.9 +19.7% Others 154.5 187.7 +21.5% Total 479.6 518.4 +8.1% All New Transactions (bil.yen) FY3/11 3Q FY3/12 3Q yoy change Total 848.6 915.1 +7.8% 9 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

5. Funding Funding Structure 6. Net Credit Cost Net Credit Cost Historical Chart The above figures represent consolidated net credit cost, which includes all related credit costs such as Cost of Revenue, SG&A expenses, Other income and Extraordinary items. 10 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results

7. Forecast for FY3/2012 Forecast for FY3/2012 Consolidated Amount (bil. Yen) Change Revenues 720.0 0.7% Gross Profit 114.0 4.0% 40% Operating Profit 55.0 1.6% Recurring Profit 57.0 1.2% NetProfit 33.0 28.1% Dividend per Share 52yen 2yen The above figures are our forecast for FY3/2012 as of February 3, 2012 (Announced on November 8, 2011). Consolidated Financial Performance Cash Dividends FY3/08 FY3/09 FY3/10 FY3/11 FY3/12(E) DPS (yen) 42 46 48 50 52 EPS (yen) 377 80 231 287 368 11 MUL FY03/2012 3Q Results