3 Dyson AM06 風扇 ( 銀白色 ) Dyson AM06 Table Fan (White/Silver) $3,680 $2,500 Dyson AM06 無扇葉靜音風扇風力強勁及運作寧靜 透過利用 Air Multiplier TM 氣流倍增技術將周圍的空氣倍增, 製造流暢強風, 無

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No 拍賣品 Items 簡介 Description 價值 * Value* 底價 Minimum bid 1 奧比斯眼科飛機醫院飛機模型 Orbis Flying Eye Hospital Plane Model 無價 Priceless $1,000 最新推出之 MD-10 型號眼科飛機醫院模型即將推出, 甚具收藏價值 It s worth collecting the latest model plane of MD-10 in celebration of the launch of our new Flying Eye Hospital and this great milestone in our 34-year history for the fight against blindness. ( 圖片為參考用 Photo for reference only) 2 律師證婚服務 Civil Celebrant of Marriages Service $4,000 $2,500 由孔碧華律師在香港任何地點和時間主持結婚註冊儀式, 包括辦理所有文件, 新人無須去婚姻登記處 律師證婚服務可轉贈給快將結婚的朋友, 作為一份有意義的結婚禮物 Miss Anna Hung can attend a wedding ceremony anywhere and any time in Hong Kong. The wedding couple is not required to go to the Marriage Registry and can file all documents through the civil celebrant of marriages. This service can be given to soon-to-marry friends as a meaningful wedding gift. 詳情 For details: www.morethanhoneymoon.com/civilcelebrant/civilcelebrant/proced ure.html

3 Dyson AM06 風扇 ( 銀白色 ) Dyson AM06 Table Fan (White/Silver) $3,680 $2,500 Dyson AM06 無扇葉靜音風扇風力強勁及運作寧靜 透過利用 Air Multiplier TM 氣流倍增技術將周圍的空氣倍增, 製造流暢強風, 無需扇葉, 亦無斷續氣流, 設計 75% 更寧靜 40% 更省電 配備上亦包括睡眠計時器以預設 15 分鐘至 9 小時後關機時間 遙控器以提供 10 個精確氣流設定選擇 流暢的擺風操控及更安全和容易清潔的設計 Dyson AM06 Table Fan features and specifications: Air Multiplier TM technology to project smooth, powerful, high-velocity airflow. No blades. No choppy air. 75% Quieter and 40% less power consumed. Sleep timer that can turn off the fan after preset intervals ranging from 15 minutes to 9 hours. Remote control with 10 precise airflow settings. Curved and magnetized to store neatly on the machine. Smooth one-touch oscillation control. Safe and easy to clean operation with no fast-spinning blades and awkward grilles. Total height: 552 mm; Base diameter/with plate: 145 mm; Amp diameter: 300 mm; Cord length: 2M; Airflow max. setting: 370 l/s 資料來源 Source: www.dyson.hk

4 Harman Kardon 藍芽揚 聲器喇叭套裝 Harman Kardon Soundsticks Wireless Three-Piece Speaker Set $1,998 $1,400 Harman Kardon 藍芽揚聲器喇叭套裝提供藍芽介面, 讓您可以使用手機藍芽連結無線播放音樂 透明水母造型配備六英吋重低音的喇叭形口 40 瓦功率的播音系統 3.5mm 立體聲音頻連接方便與任何媒體設備連結, 以及靈敏的觸控音量設計, 讓使用者只要輕輕的觸摸即可方便的提高 降低或屏蔽喇叭的音量 直觀的設計特點, 讓使用者在 Soundsticks 操作上更加的方便 Harman Kardon Soundsticks Wireless Three-Piece Speaker Set features a six-inch (160-millimeter) subwoofer, eight full-range drivers, 40 watts of amplification, touch controls for volume and muting, and a 1/8-inch (3.5-millimeter) audio connection for compatibility to various devices and it also has the added benefit of integrated Bluetooth technology. The SoundSticks Wireless is truly performance at its finest 資料來源 Source: www.harmankardon.com 5 Fitbit Charge HR 無線 心率 + 活動智能樂活手環 ( 黑色 ) Fitbit Charge HR Activity Wristband (Black) $1,398 $970 Fitbit Charge HR 智能樂活心率手環配備 Fitbit 專利的 PurePulse 光學心率監測技術, 可準確量度心率, 其他功能包括來電顯示, 監測步數 步行距離 行走樓層數 所消耗卡路里及自動睡眠記綠等 Fitbit Charge HR Activity Wristband key features: PurePulse Heart Rate Get continuous, automatic, wrist-based heart rate and simplified heart rate zones Workouts + All-Day Activity Track steps, distance, calories

burned, floors climbed, active minutes, heart rate, hourly activity and stationary time Caller ID + Watch See daily stats and time of day, and get call notifications with compatible devices SmartTrack TM Automatically recognize when you exercise and record it in the Fitbit app Other features include sleep tracking, wireless syncing and long battery life. 資料來源 Source: www.fitbit.com 6 日本余市單一純麥威士忌 700ml Nikka Yoichi Single Malt Whisky 700ml $990 $700 日本余市單一純麥威士忌是一瓶在口感 氣味等各方面都恰如其分的極品威士忌, 獲得專業品酒師的強烈推薦 針對余市的酒香與氣味, 品酒師們不約而同地給予極佳的評價, 認爲余市巧妙地混合了橡木 煙熏味與蜜糖的甜味 類別 : 單一純麥威士忌 主要原料 : 大麥產區 : 日本北海道余市容量 700ml 酒精成分 :45% 製造商 : The Nikka Whisky Distilling Co.,Ltd This is the single malt from the Yoichi distillery, Nikka's first distillery built in 1934. The founder Masataka Taketsuru chose Yoichi in Hokkaido because of the similar environmental conditions to Scotland, where he learned whisky making. Yoichi single malt has pleasant peaty notes and smokiness originating from the traditional, direct, coal-fired distillation as well as a briny hint delivered by the sea breeze during the aging process. 資料來源 Source: www.nikka.com

7 YMCA of HK We > Play Art 企鵝檯燈 Wacky Penguin with YMCA of HK We > Play Art Edition 490 x 310 x 270mm 無價 Priceless $888 YMCA of HK We > Play Art 為 Q.Qute 捐出的 3D 打印產品 企鵝檯燈, 貼上不同形狀顏色的玩具散件, 製成一個精美獨特的擺設 Q.Qute worked with YMCA in donating our 3D printed products. Friends in YMCA of HK We > Play Art putting different toys parts on it to make it a unique decoration. 8 3D 打印座檯燈一對 $776 $540 One Set of Mood Lamps 貓頭鷹 Round Owl 190 x 220 x 220mm 企鵝 Wacky Penguin 300 x 190 x 170mm 這對 3D 打印座檯燈為 Q.Qute 創新的 3D 產品為品味顧客帶來獨特愉快的生活體驗, 照亮其他人的生活 企鵝和貓頭鷹於夜裡散發柔和的燈光, 寓意帶給你歡樂及喜悅, 為你打造舒適的安樂窩 Q.Qute s products are made and designed in Hong Kong. They tailor personalized gifts for you and your love ones and design artistic products to bring you a lighthearted life. The penguin lamp is fun and adds a sense of delight to your home, you can feel surrounded by ocean friends all night long. The round owl lamp will illuminate your home with soft and welcoming glow, creating soothing ambience. 資料來源 Source: www.3dqqute.com * 貨品 / 服務價值由贊助單位建議 Product / service s value is provided by respective sponsors. 查詢 Enquiry: 2508-7008 李小姐 Ms Tephenie Lee