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Automotive MZ120 Gear hobbing and worm milling machine Max module 1.0 MZ130 Gear hobbing and worm milling machine Max module 1.5 M644 Cnc Duplex worm milling machine Max module 2.5 L248 Duplex worm milling machine Max module 3.5 M651 Worm milling machine Max module 3.5 M663 Thread and worm grinding machine Max module 4.0 W1000micro Fine pitch gear hobbing machine Max module 1.0 M312 Profile rolling machine Max module 1.75 Max rolling pressure 120 kn 4

2000 D-drive Gear hobbing machine M667 Worm milling machine M305 Profile rolling machine 5

Watch industry W90 CNC (Hand loading) fine pitch gear hobbing machine Module 0.05-1 mm W90 CNC (Packeting loader) fine pitch gear hobbing machine For loading unit W37 / W38 W900micro Fine pitch gear hobbing machine Manually adjustable swivel angle W91 Fine pitch gear hobbing machine Module 0.05-1.5 mm W92 Fine pitch gear hobbing machine For gear production of small workpieces L109 Crown wheel hobbing machine Diameter 1-6 mm 6

500 D-drive Fine pitch gear hobbing / crown wheel hobbing machine Synchronized motor spindles, headstock and tailstock max 6 000 min -1, tool spindle max 12 000 min -1 Longitudinal, shift and plunge axes with highly dynamic linear drives Wahli W20, W25 and W31 loaders can be integrated W1000micro Fine pitch gear hobbing machine Hobbing machine with the highest precision and performance, suitable for a wide range of gears for the watch industry, equipment manufacturing and precision engineering Three electronically synchronized motor spindles allow speeds of up to 15 000 min -1 Auxiliary units integrated into the machine W90 CNC Fine pitch gear hobbing machine 7

Medical M621 Thread whirling machine Workpiece diameter 2.5-13mm M628 Special machine for milling self-cutting flutes on medical screws Machining with milling cutters or end mills M648 Rotary transfer drill grinding machine Complete machining with up to 18 CNC axes M669 Head and tip whirling machine for medical screws Machining of pressed blanks made of titanium or medical steel M658 2-station polishing machine for heads and inserts Station 1: Polishing of head and inserts Station 2: Polishing of radius, chamfer, face M660 M650 Internal grinding machine for grinding the cone in ceramic heads and inserts With one or two grinding units 8

M668 Honing machine for heads and inserts Suitable for processing steel, titanium and ceramics Customized workpiece and tool holders Tool changer and tool magazine for 10 honing / grinding tools Workpiece magazine with workpiece loader (optional) Transverse CNC axis on tool slide for processing front side, run-in radius and spine products M654 Polishing machine for heads and inserts Temperature monitoring (infrared) Polishing tool with integrated suspension infeed For polishing products made of ceramics M641 Honing machine for heads and inserts Minimum conversion time through simple dialogue programming Turret head for 5 honing / grinding tools Measuring unit for internal and external measurement Polishing unit for steel Workpiece magazine with workpiece loader (optional) 9

Dental Dentasoft calculation software from MTS With the calculation software by MTS, our grinding machines can also be used for applications outside the dental industry. Among the features offered by the software are modules for milling cutters, rotary cutters, drills, reamers, punches and pre-processing, opening up a wide range of possible applications for the machines. Our own calculation software Dentasoft can still be used for the calculation of rotary burrs. 10

M647 Grinding machine for dental burs 6-axes-path control Automatic loading and unloading system with funnel magazine for 1 000 workpieces (bar sizes) and/or drum magazine for overend workpieces Universal grinding machine for grinding miniature tools Grinding wheel attachment for three wheels M642evolution Grinding machine for rotary cutters 6-axes-path control Automatic loading and unloading system with drum magazine Grinding wheel attachment for three wheels Software for all shapes (radii and straight lines) M665 Pregrinding machine Automatic loading system with funnel or drum magazine The programmable CNC tailstock (part support) compensates for diameter difference through synchronous infeed with the grinding wheel, ensuring the highest level of stability High efficiency for simple shapes with up to five programmable plunging operations per workpiece Workpiece programming using powerful MTS toolkits. Direct implementation of a wide range of shape and processing variants 11

Special purpose machines Designed to the customer... With our competent and experienced employees, we offer our customers ongoing development and individual support for solutions tailored exactly to their requirements. We adapt and optimize standard machines to meet the requirements and specifications of our customers For special applications, we re also happy to develop special purpose machines Many years of experience and comprehensive knowhow support us in the construction of special purpose machines 12

Trainees Apprenticeship training is important to us... To ensure that we can develop and manufacture our products to a high level of quality, we need well-trained and skilled specialists. The training of our apprentices is therefore very important to us. At our company, ten to twelve apprentices complete their vocational training as automation engineers, design engineers or multi-skilled mechanics, in each case earning a Swiss Federal VET Diploma. The good atmosphere we have here and the many funny moments give me the motivation to work every day. The varied jobs (turning, milling, drilling etc.) throw up new challenges for me every day. Aaron / Apprentice multi-skilled mechanic, 1st year Why did you decide on an apprenticeship as a design engineer? «With its multi-faceted training, the profession of multi-skilled mechanic offers a perfect foundation. The apprentices are given the opportunity to get to know the many aspects of our profession in various departments. The challenge of introducing young people into the world of work and being able to see how they develop makes my job exciting. As a vocational trainer, I work hard to get the best from every apprentice.» Benjamin Fuhrer / Vocational trainer and multi-skilled mechanic First and foremost because I m interested in technical stuff, like motors and cars. And I also like being able to develop my own ideas and ultimately put them into practice. By the end of the apprenticeship, you have a good basic education and the doors are open to a wide range of advanced training options. Marco / Apprentice design engineer, 2nd year What skills do you acquire as a trainee design engineer apart from the technical expertise? During the apprenticeship, independent work and personal responsibility are encouraged. You grow with your responsibilities as the level of difficulty and your own ability to solve problems increases. Manuel / Apprentice design engineer, 4th year 13

Quality Quality comes first... MZ maintains a management system that meets our own specific requirements, and reviews and improves its efficiency continuously. With our management system, we are certified in quality management (ISO 9001:2008). We observe the following principles of quality assurance, which must be in line with the requirements of the underlying standards: The requirements of customers and other stakeholders must be known if you want to be able to meet - or even better exceed them. Here, legal compliance must be accorded a high priority. The management system creates an environment in which it is possible to meet these requirements. Employees are informed about the contents of the management system as appropriate to their specific roles. The planned outcome shall be achieved by controlling the required resource and activities in a defined and reproducible process. The processes shall be monitored by means of sensible reviews. All of MZ s actions shall be based on up-to-date knowledge and high data quality. 14

Environment For the sake of the environment... With our management system, we are certified in environmental management (ISO 14001:2004). The sustainable use of resources is extremely important to us. We manufacture our products in a way that ensures the minimum possible impact on the environment. This means choosing environmentally balanced materials and methods for processes and products. Operations Reduction of energy requirements in operation Certified suppliers for waste disposal Optimisation of commuter, business trip and transport traffic Products Reduction of energy requirements for our products Avoidance or reduction of hazardous substances in our machines High standards of service Long service life We also overhaul, refit and modify older machines to bring them up to the standards of the best available technology, allowing us to save additional resources. 15

LAMBERT - WAHLI AG CH-2553 SAFNERN Hauptstrasse 115 P.O. Box 164 Phone +41 (0)32 356 02 72 MONNIER + ZAHNER AG CH-2553 SAFNERN Hauptstrasse 115 P.O. Box 148 Phone +41 (0)32 356 03 70