PRODUCT KEY FACTS Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Stars Equities (the Sub-fund ) This statement provides you with key information about t

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PRODUCTS KEY FACTS STATEMENTS ROBECO CAPITAL GROWTH FUNDS Société d'investissement à Capital Variable - SICAV Incorporated under Luxembourg law

PRODUCT KEY FACTS Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Stars Equities (the Sub-fund ) This statement provides you with key information about this product. This statement is a part of the offering document. You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. February 2013 Quick facts Management company: Investment adviser: Robeco Luxembourg S.A. (located in Luxembourg) Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands) Custodian: Dealing frequency: Base currency: Dividend policy: Financial year end of this fund: Min. investment: The above delegation is internal RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. Each bank business day in Luxembourg EUR Class DL - Dividend (if any) will be re-invested 31 December Minimum initial investment Class DL: 1 share Additional investment Nil What is this product? The Sub-fund is a sub-fund of Robeco Capital Growth Funds, a Luxembourg domiciled open-ended investment company with variable capital and whose home regulator is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ). Objectives and Investment Strategy Objective To provide long term capital growth by taking exposure of at least two thirds of its total assets to equities of companies having their registered office or exercising a preponderant part of their economic activities in emerging countries. Emerging countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Cote d Ivoire, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam. The Robeco Emerging Stars Equities portfolio has a focused, concentrated portfolio with a small number of larger bets. Strategy Robeco Emerging Stars Equities invests worldwide stocks of companies in emerging economies. The fund invests mainly in the countries that are most attractive according to our country allocation process. In these countries, the focus is on stocks of companies with a sound business model, solid growth prospects and reasonable valuation. The portfolio has a focused, concentrated portfolio with a small number of larger bets. As a QFII licensee the Sub-fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets directly in China A and China B Shares issued by companies in the PRC and listed on PRC stock exchanges. The Sub-fund may also invest in convertible bonds, bonds, money market instruments and derivatives. Exchange traded and overthe-counter derivatives are permitted, including but not limited to options, swaps, contracts for differences, futures and currency forwards. Whilst the Sub-Fund may use derivatives extensively both for investment purposes as well as for hedging and efficient portfolio management, it does not intend to utilize derivatives extensively for such purposes. When leverage is calculated by using the commitment approach, the positions in financial derivative instruments are converted into equivalent positions of the underlying assets. The total commitment is quantified as the sum of the absolute values of the individual commitments, after consideration of the possible effects of netting. The expected level of leverage is not expected to exceed 110% of the net asset value of the Subfund. The Sub-Fund does not however use a specific derivatives strategy but will use derivatives non- extensively for investment purposes in accordance with its investment policies and for efficiently managing the investments of the Sub-Fund.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Stars Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the key risks? Investment involves risks. Please refer to the offering document for details including the risk factors. Market risk - The value of the Shares is sensitive to market fluctuations in general, and to fluctuations in the price of individual financial instruments in particular. In addition, investors should be aware of the possibility that the value of investments may vary as a result of changes in political, economic or market circumstances, as well as changes in an individual business situation. Currency risk - All or part of the securities portfolio of the Sub-funds may be invested in instruments denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Sub-fund. As a result, fluctuations in the exchange rate may have both a negative and a positive effect on the investment result of the Sub-funds. Currency risks may be hedged with currency forward transactions and currency options. Liquidity risk - The actual buying and selling prices of financial instruments in which the Sub-fund invests partly depend upon the liquidity of the financial instruments in question. It is possible that a position taken on behalf of the Sub-fund cannot be liquidated in good time at a reasonable price due to a lack of liquidity in the market in the context of supply and demand and potentially result in the suspension or restriction of purchase and issue of Shares. Emerging market risk - In emerging and less developed markets as are described above, the legal, judicial and regulatory infrastructure is still developing and there may be legal uncertainty both for local market participants and their overseas counterparts. Some markets may carry higher risks for investors who should therefore ensure that, before investing, they understand the risks involved and are satisfied that despite the substantial risk of loss of investment, their investment is suitable as part of their portfolio. Chinese A share risk - This Sub-fund might invest in China A-shares. Investments in China A-shares carry increased risks, most notably liquidity and credit risks. Significant liquidity risk exists because investments in China A-shares have an initial lockup period of minimal one year and a waiting period for repatriation of capital and profit of several months. Credit risk arises from transactions taking place free-of-payment and being only done through a single broker per market. Risk of use of financial derivative instruments - the Sub-fund may invest in financial derivative instruments, including futures, options and swaps. Given the leverage effect embedded in financial derivative instruments, such investments may result in higher volatility or even a total loss of the Sub- fund s assets within a short period of time. Investments in financial derivative instruments may also subject the Sub-fund to substantial counterparty and liquidity risks. Leverage risk - the Sub-fund may make use of derivative instruments, techniques or structures. They may be used for hedging risks, and for achieving investment objectives and ensuring efficient portfolio management. These instruments may present a leverage effect, which will increase the Sub-fund s sensitivity to market fluctuations. The risk of derivative instruments, techniques or structures will always be limited within the conditions of the Sub-fund s integral risk management. Counterparty risk - A counterparty of the Sub-fund may fail to fulfill its obligations towards the Sub-fund. This risk is limited as much as possible by taking every possible care in the selection of counterparties. In general, there is less governmental regulation and supervision of transactions in the OTC markets than of transactions entered into on organized exchanges. In addition, many of the protections afforded to participants on some organized exchanges, such as the performance guarantee of an exchange clearinghouse, may not be available in connection with OTC transactions. Is there any guarantee? The Sub-fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Stars Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the fees and charges? Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. Fee Subscription fee (Sales charge) Switching fee Redemption fee What you pay Up to 5% of the subscription amount Up to 1% of the total amount being switched Nil Ongoing fees payable by the Sub-fund The following expenses will be paid out of the Sub-fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Annual rate (as a % of the Sub-fund s value) Management fee* Share Classes Management fee Class DL EUR 1.75% Custodian fee Approximately 0.04% of the average net assets of the Sub-fund, subject to a maximum fee at the rate of 0.5%. Performance Fee Not applicable Administration fee** (Service fee) Share Classes Service fee Class DL EUR 0.12% Other fees You may have to pay other fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. * The maximum rate of the management fee is 3.05% per annum. One month s prior notice of any increase in the current rate up to the maximum rate will be given to affected shareholders. ** The annual service fee will be payable at a maximum rate of 0.12% per annum of the monthly average Net Asset Values of the relevant Share Class of a Sub-fund for the portion of assets under management up to EUR 1 billion. If the assets of a Share Class of a Sub-fund exceed EUR 1 billion, a 0.02% discount on the service fee of the relevant Share Class of the Sub-fund applies to the assets above this limit and a further 0.02% discount applies to assets over EUR 5 billion. However, the rate of annual service fee cannot be less than 0.01% for a specific Share Class.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Stars Equities (the Sub-fund ) Additional Information Applications for classes of shares or requests for switching, redemption of shares can be sent to the Hong Kong Representative or other authorized Hong Kong distributors by 5:00 p.m. Hong Kong time (the Hong Kong cut-off time ) on any day which is a bank business day in Hong Kong. For applications or redemption requests that are sent through authorized Hong Kong distributors, Hong Kong investors should note that such authorized Hong Kong distributor may have an earlier cut-off time. The net asset value (per Class) of Share(s) of the Sub-fund will be published daily in the South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Important If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness.

PRODUCT KEY FACTS Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) This statement provides you with key information about this product. This statement is a part of the offering document. You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. February 2013 Quick facts Management company: Investment adviser: Robeco Luxembourg S.A. (located in Luxembourg) Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands) Custodian: Dealing frequency: Base currency: Dividend policy: Financial year end of this fund: Min. investment: The above delegation is internal RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. Each bank business day in Luxembourg EUR Class D - Dividend (if any) will be re-invested. Class Bx Dividend (if any) will be distributed. 31 December Minimum initial investment Class D: 1 share Class Bx: 1 share Additional investment Nil What is this product? The Sub-fund is a sub-fund of Robeco Capital Growth Funds, a Luxembourg domiciled open-ended investment company with variable capital and whose home regulator is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ). Objectives and Investment Strategy Objective To provide long term capital growth by taking exposure of at least two-thirds of the total assets of the Sub- fund to equities of companies having their registered office or exercising a preponderant part of their economic activities in emerging countries. Emerging countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Cote d Ivoire, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam. Strategy Robeco Emerging Markets Equities invests in stocks of large companies in emerging economies throughout the world. Stock returns in emerging markets are mainly determined by economic and political developments. The most attractive companies are selected within the countries. As a QFII licensee the Sub-fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets directly in China A and China B Shares issued by companies in the PRC and listed on PRC stock exchanges. The Sub-fund may also invest in convertible bonds, bonds, money market instruments and derivatives. Exchange traded and over-thecounter derivatives are permitted, including but not limited to options, swaps, contracts for differences, futures and currency forwards. Whilst the Sub-Fund may use derivatives extensively both for investment purposes as well as for hedging and efficient portfolio management, it does not intend to utilize derivatives extensively for such purposes. When leverage is calculated by using the commitment approach, the positions in financial derivative instruments are converted into equivalent positions of the underlying assets. The total commitment is quantified as the sum of the absolute values of the individual commitments, after consideration of the possible effects of netting. The expected level of leverage is not expected to exceed 110% of the net asset value of the Sub- fund. The Sub-Fund does not however use a specific derivatives strategy but will use derivatives non- extensively for investment purposes in accordance with its investment policies and for efficiently managing the investments of the Sub-Fund.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the key risks? Investment involves risks. Please refer to the offering document for details including the risk factors. Market risk - The value of the Shares is sensitive to market fluctuations in general, and to fluctuations in the price of individual financial instruments in particular. In addition, investors should be aware of the possibility that the value of investments may vary as a result of changes in political, economic or market circumstances, as well as changes in an individual business situation. Currency risk - All or part of the securities portfolio of the Sub-funds may be invested in instruments denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Sub-fund. As a result, fluctuations in the exchange rate may have both a negative and a positive effect on the investment result of the Sub-funds. Currency risks may be hedged with currency forward transactions and currency options. Liquidity risk - The actual buying and selling prices of financial instruments in which the Sub-fund invests partly depend upon the liquidity of the financial instruments in question. It is possible that a position taken on behalf of the Sub-fund cannot be liquidated in good time at a reasonable price due to a lack of liquidity in the market in the context of supply and demand and potentially result in the suspension or restriction of purchase and issue of Shares. Emerging market risk - In emerging and less developed markets as are described above, the legal, judicial and regulatory infrastructure is still developing and there may be legal uncertainty both for local market participants and their overseas counterparts. Some markets may carry higher risks for investors who should therefore ensure that, before investing, they understand the risks involved and are satisfied that despite the substantial risk of loss of investment, their investment is suitable as part of their portfolio. Chinese A share risk - This Sub-fund might invest in China A-shares. Investments in China A-shares carry increased risks, most notably liquidity and credit risks. Significant liquidity risk exists because investments in China A-shares have an initial lockup period of minimal one year and a waiting period for repatriation of capital and profit of several months. Credit risk arises from transactions taking place free-of-payment and being only done through a single broker per market. Risk of use of financial derivative instruments - the Sub-fund may invest in financial derivative instruments, including futures, options and swaps. Given the leverage effect embedded in financial derivative instruments, such investments may result in higher volatility or even a total loss of the Sub- fund s assets within a short period of time. Investments in financial derivative instruments may also subject the Sub-fund to substantial counterparty and liquidity risks. Leverage risk- the Sub-fund may make use of derivative instruments, techniques or structures. They may be used for hedging risks, and for achieving investment objectives and ensuring efficient portfolio management. These instruments may present a leverage effect, which will increase the Sub-fund s sensitivity to market fluctuations. The risk of derivative instruments, techniques or structures will always be limited within the conditions of the Sub-fund s integral risk management. Counterparty risk - A counterparty of the Sub-fund may fail to fulfill its obligations towards the Sub-fund. This risk is limited as much as possible by taking every possible care in the selection of counterparties. In general, there is less governmental regulation and supervision of transactions in the OTC markets than of transactions entered into on organized exchanges. In addition, many of the protections afforded to participants on some organized exchanges, such as the performance guarantee of an exchange clearinghouse, may not be available in connection with OTC transactions. Is there any guarantee? The Sub-fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the fees and charges? Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. Fee Subscription fee (Sales charge) Switching fee Redemption fee What you pay Up to 5% of the subscription amount Up to 1% of the total amount being switched Nil Ongoing fees payable by the Sub-fund The following expenses will be paid out of the Sub-fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Annual rate (as a % of the Sub-fund s value) Management fee* Share Classes Management fee Class Bx USD 1.50% Class D EUR 1.50% Class D USD 1.50% Custodian fee Approximately 0.04% of the average net assets of the Sub-fund, subject to a maximum fee at the rate of 0.5%. Performance Fee Not applicable Administration fee** (Service fee) Share Classes Service fee Class Bx USD 0.12% Class D EUR 0.12% Class D USD 0.12% Other fees You may have to pay other fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. * The maximum rate of the management fee is 3.05% per annum. One month s prior notice of any increase in the current rate up to the maximum rate will be given to affected shareholders. ** The annual service fee will be payable at a maximum rate of 0.12% per annum of the monthly average Net Asset Values of the relevant Share Class of a Sub-fund for the portion of assets under management up to EUR 1 billion. If the assets of a Share Class of a Sub-fund exceed EUR 1 billion, a 0.02% discount on the service fee of the relevant Share Class of the Sub-fund applies to the assets above this limit and a further 0.02% discount applies to assets over EUR 5 billion. However, the rate of annual service fee cannot be less than 0.01% for a specific Share Class.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) Additional Information Applications for classes of shares or requests for switching, redemption of shares can be sent to the Hong Kong Representative or other authorized Hong Kong distributors by 5:00 p.m. Hong Kong time (the Hong Kong cut-off time ) on any day which is a bank business day in Hong Kong. For applications or redemption requests that are sent through authorized Hong Kong distributors, Hong Kong investors should note that such authorized Hong Kong distributor may have an earlier cut-off time. The net asset value (per Class) of Share(s) of the Sub-fund will be published daily in the South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Important If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness.

PRODUCT KEY FACTS Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Active Quant Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) This statement provides you with key information about this product. This statement is a part of the offering document. You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. February 2013 Quick facts Management company: Investment adviser: Robeco Luxembourg S.A. (located in Luxembourg) Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands) Custodian: Dealing frequency: Base currency: Dividend policy: Financial year end of this fund: Min. investment: The above delegation is internal RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. Each bank business day in Luxembourg EUR Class D Dividend (if any) will be re-invested. 31 December Minimum initial investment Class D: 1 share Additional investment Nil What is this product? The Sub-fund is a sub-fund of Robeco Capital Growth Funds, a Luxembourg domiciled open-ended investment company with variable capital and whose home regulator is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ). Objectives and Investment Strategy Objective To provide long term capital growth by taking exposure of at least two-thirds of its total assets to equities of companies having their registered office or exercising a preponderant part of their economic activities in emerging countries or other countries who are included in the benchmark (MSCI Emerging Markets Standard Index). Emerging countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Cote d Ivoire, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam. Strategy Robeco Active Quant Emerging Markets Equities invests in stocks of companies in emerging economies throughout the world. The fund uses a quantitative stock selection model aiming to benefit from the systematic behavioral mistakes of investors. This model ranks stocks according to valuation and sentiment. Highly ranked stocks are overweighed against the benchmark, whereas low-ranked stocks are underweighted. The Sub-fund may also invest in convertible bonds, bonds, money market instruments and derivatives. Exchange traded and over-the-counter derivatives are permitted, including but not limited to options, swaps, and contracts for differences, futures and currency forwards. Whilst the Sub-Fund may use derivatives extensively both for investment purposes as well as for hedging and efficient portfolio management, it does not intend to utilize derivatives extensively for such purposes. When leverage is calculated by using the commitment approach, the positions in financial derivative instruments are converted into equivalent positions of the underlying assets. The total commitment is quantified as the sum of the absolute values of the individual commitments, after consideration of the possible effects of netting. The expected level of leverage is not expected to exceed 110% of the net asset value of the Sub- fund. The Sub-Fund does not however use a specific derivatives strategy but will use derivatives non- intensively for investment purposes in accordance with its investment policies and for efficiently managing the investments of the Sub-Fund.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Active Quant Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the key risks? Investment involves risks. Please refer to the offering document for details including the risk factors. Market risk - The value of the Shares is sensitive to market fluctuations in general, and to fluctuations in the price of individual financial instruments in particular. In addition, investors should be aware of the possibility that the value of investments may vary as a result of changes in political, economic or market circumstances, as well as changes in an individual business situation. Currency risk - All or part of the securities portfolio of the Sub-funds may be invested in instruments denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Sub-fund. As a result, fluctuations in the exchange rate may have both a negative and a positive effect on the investment result of the Sub-funds. Currency risks may be hedged with currency forward transactions and currency options. Liquidity risk - The actual buying and selling prices of financial instruments in which the Sub-fund invests partly depend upon the liquidity of the financial instruments in question. It is possible that a position taken on behalf of the Sub-fund cannot be liquidated in good time at a reasonable price due to a lack of liquidity in the market in the context of supply and demand and potentially result in the suspension or restriction of purchase and issue of Shares. Emerging market risk - In emerging and less developed markets as are described above, the legal, judicial and regulatory infrastructure is still developing and there may be legal uncertainty both for local market participants and their overseas counterparts. Some markets may carry higher risks for investors who should therefore ensure that, before investing, they understand the risks involved and are satisfied that despite the substantial risk of loss of investment, their investment is suitable as part of their portfolio. Risk of use of financial derivative instruments - the Sub-fund may invest in financial derivative instruments, including futures, options and swaps. Given the leverage effect embedded in financial derivative instruments, such investments may result in higher volatility or even a total loss of the Sub- fund s assets within a short period of time. Investments in financial derivative instruments may also subject the Sub-fund to substantial counterparty and liquidity risks. Leverage risk - the Sub-fund may make use of derivative instruments, techniques or structures. They may be used for hedging risks, and for achieving investment objectives and ensuring efficient portfolio management. These instruments may present a leverage effect, which will increase the Sub-fund s sensitivity to market fluctuations. The risk of derivative instruments, techniques or structures will always be limited within the conditions of the Sub-fund s integral risk management. Counterparty risk - A counterparty of the Sub-fund may fail to fulfill its obligations towards the Sub-fund. This risk is limited as much as possible by taking every possible care in the selection of counterparties. In general, there is less governmental regulation and supervision of transactions in the OTC markets than of transactions entered into on organized exchanges. In addition, many of the protections afforded to participants on some organized exchanges, such as the performance guarantee of an exchange clearinghouse, may not be available in connection with OTC transactions. Is there any guarantee? The Sub-fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Active Quant Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the fees and charges? Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. Fee Subscription fee (Sales charge) Switching fee Redemption fee What you pay Up to 5% of the subscription amount Up to 1% of the total amount being switched Nil Ongoing fees payable by the Sub-fund The following expenses will be paid out of the Sub-fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Annual rate (as a % of the Sub-fund s value) Management fee* Share Classes Management fee Class D EUR 1.25% Class D USD 1.25% Custodian fee Approximately 0.04% of the average net assets of the Sub-fund, subject to a maximum fee at the rate of 0.5%. Performance Fee Not applicable Administration fee** (Service fee) Share Classes Service fee Class D EUR 0.12% Class D USD 0.12% Other fees You may have to pay other fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. * The maximum rate of the management fee is 3.05% per annum. One month s prior notice of any increase in the current rate up to the maximum rate will be given to affected shareholders. ** The annual service fee will be payable at a maximum rate of 0.12% per annum of the monthly average Net Asset Values of the relevant Share Class of a Sub-fund for the portion of assets under management up to EUR 1 billion. If the assets of a Share Class of a Sub-fund exceed EUR 1 billion, a 0.02% discount on the service fee of the relevant Share Class of the Sub-fund applies to the assets above this limit and a further 0.02% discount applies to assets over EUR 5 billion. However, the rate of annual service fee cannot be less than 0.01% for a specific Share Class.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Active Quant Emerging Markets Equities (the Sub-fund ) Additional Information Applications for classes of shares or requests for switching, redemption of shares can be sent to the Hong Kong Representative or other authorized Hong Kong distributors by 5:00 p.m. Hong Kong time (the Hong Kong cut-off time ) on any day which is a bank business day in Hong Kong. For applications or redemption requests that are sent through authorized Hong Kong distributors, Hong Kong investors should note that such authorized Hong Kong distributor may have an earlier cut-off time. The net asset value (per Class) of Share(s) of the Sub-fund will be published daily in the South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Important If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness.

PRODUCT KEY FACTS Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Global Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) This statement provides you with key information about this product. This statement is a part of the offering document. You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. December 2013 Quick facts Management company: Investment adviser: Robeco Luxembourg S.A. (located in Luxembourg) Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands) Custodian: Dealing frequency: Base currency: Dividend policy: Financial year end of this fund: Min. investment: The above delegation is internal RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. Each bank business day in Luxembourg EUR No dividend distribution 31 December Minimum initial investment Class D: 1 share Additional investment Nil What is this product? The Sub-fund is a sub-fund of Robeco Capital Growth Funds, a Luxembourg domiciled open-ended investment company with variable capital and whose home regulator is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ).

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Global Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) Objectives and Investment Strategy Objective To provide long term capital growth by taking exposure of at least two-thirds of the total assets to equities of companies all over the world (including in emerging markets). Strategy The Sub-fund will focus on investing in equities that show lower expected volatility than average global equity. The Subfund s selection of stocks is implemented using a quantitative model, which ranks stocks in a variety of ways including market sensitivity, volatility and valuation. The reference to Conservative in the Sub-fund s name is indicative of its focus on equity with a lower expected volatility as the outcome of the quantitative model. The Sub-fund s approach to determine whether a stock has lower than expected volatility is that it focuses on reducing risk by using a combination of factors (such as lower historic volatility compared to other stocks within the investment universe over different time horizons) and Robeco s proprietary and customized valuation model to determine stocks with relatively higher expected returns with the same level of risk. The Sub-fund aims to obtain an optimal investment result in the currency in which it is denominated. For this purpose the Sub-fund has an active currency management policy. This means that the Investment Adviser is allowed to take active currency positions resulting in positive, negative or hedged currency exposures. Long or short active currency positions (if implemented by the Sub-fund) may not be correlated with the underlying assets of the Sub-fund. With due consideration given to the investment restrictions and to the extent permitted by the applicable legislation, the sub-fund may invest in convertible bonds, securities issued and/or guaranteed by government, public or local authority with a minimum rating of investment grade or higher, non- government bonds, money market instruments and derivatives. Exchange traded and over-the-counter derivatives are permitted, including but not limited to futures, swaps, options, contracts for differences and currency forwards. Whilst the Sub-Fund may use derivatives extensively both for investment purposes as well as for hedging and efficient portfolio management, it does not intend to utilize derivatives extensively for such purposes. When leverage is calculated by using the commitment approach, the positions in financial derivative instruments are converted into equivalent positions of the underlying assets. The total commitment is quantified as the sum of the absolute values of the individual commitments, after consideration of the possible effects of netting. The expected level of leverage arising from the use of derivatives is not expected to exceed 100% of the net asset value of the Sub-fund. The Sub-Fund does not however use a specific derivatives strategy but will use derivatives non-extensively for investment purposes in accordance with its investment policies and for efficiently managing the investments of the Sub-Fund. Investors should note that the Sub-fund may engage in securities-lending transactions (up to 100% of its net asset value).

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Global Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the key risks? Investment involves risks. Please refer to the offering document for details including the risk factors. Equity investment risk - The Sub-fund may invest in equity securities. These equity securities are subject to risks that their market value may go down as well as up. Prices of such equity securities may be volatile. In particular, if the market value of equity securities in which the Sub-Fund invests goes down, investors may suffer substantial losses. Market Risk - The value of the Shares is sensitive to market fluctuations in general, and to fluctuations in the price of individual financial instruments in particular. In addition, investors should be aware of the possibility that the value of investments may vary as a result of changes in political, economic or market circumstances, as well as changes in a particular business situation. It cannot therefore be guaranteed that the value of the Sub-fund will not fall below its value at the time of acquisition. Furthermore, securities which the Sub-fund invests in may subsequently become volatile in certain circumstances (e.g. such as unforeseen market circumstances or market events) and investors should note that that lower expected volatility does not necessarily mean lower risk and the Sub-fund may nonetheless suffer losses from such investments. Risk associated with use of quantitative techniques - Investors should note that there is a possibility that any use by the Sub-fund of quantitative techniques may not work and the Sub-fund s value may be adversely affected. Currency risk - All or part of the securities portfolio of the Sub-fund may be invested in instruments denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Sub-fund. As a result, fluctuations in the exchange rate may result in the Sub-fund suffering losses. As part of the active currency management policy, exposure to currencies may be hedged but investors should note that there is no guarantee that the exposure of the currency in which the Shares are invested can be fully or effectively hedged against the base currency of the Sub-fund. Currency risks may be hedged with currency forward transactions and currency options. There is a possibility that the Sub- fund may suffer losses from hedging in the event of the potential ineffectiveness of hedging against currency risk. Investors should also note that the implementation of the active currency management policy strategy may, in certain circumstances, substantially reduce the benefit to Shareholders in the relevant class of Shares (for instance, if the base currency depreciates against the currency of the instrument in which the Sub-Fund is invested) and could thereby result in a decrease in the value of their Shareholding. The Sub-fund may take currency positions for both hedging and investment purposes as part of the active currency management policy; and may suffer significant loss even if there is no loss of the value of the underlying securities invested by the Sub-fund as the currency position may not be correlated with the underlying assets of the Sub-fund. Emerging market risk - In some emerging and less developed markets in which the Sub-fund may invest, the legal, judicial and regulatory infrastructure is still developing and there may be legal uncertainty both for local market participants and their overseas counterparts. Investing in these markets may involve additional risks including social, political and economic instability, currency control, accounting and taxation issues, uncertainty in the interpretation and application of decrees and legislative acts, less developed custody and settlement system etc. In some emerging and less developed markets in which the Sub-fund may invest, conversion into a foreign currency or transfer from some markets of proceeds received from the sale of securities cannot be guaranteed. Some markets may carry higher risks for investors who should therefore ensure that, before investing, they understand the risks involved and are satisfied that despite the substantial risk of loss of investment, their investment is suitable as part of their portfolio.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Global Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) Liquidity risk - The actual buying and selling prices of financial instruments in which the Sub-fund invests partly depend upon the liquidity of the financial instruments in question. It is possible that a position taken on behalf of the Sub-fund cannot be liquidated in good time at a reasonable price due to a lack of liquidity in the market in the context of supply and demand or any delay in payment of subscription/ redemption proceeds of such financial instruments. This could potentially result in the delay, suspension or restriction of subscription or redemption of Shares and/or could result in the sub-fund suffering losses. Counterparty risk - A counterparty of the Sub-fund may fail to fulfill its obligations towards the Sub-fund resulting in losses being incurred. The Sub-fund may engage in OTC transactions. In general, there is less governmental regulation and supervision of transactions in the OTC markets than of transactions entered into on organized exchanges. In addition, many of the protections afforded to participants on some organized exchanges, such as the performance guarantee of an exchange clearinghouse, may not be available in connection with OTC transactions. Therefore, by entering into OTC transactions, the Sub- fund will be subject to the risk that its direct counterparty will not perform its obligations under the transactions and that the Sub-fund will sustain losses. Risk of use of financial derivative instruments - The Sub-fund may invest in financial derivative instruments, including futures, options and swaps. Given the leverage effect embedded in financial derivative instruments, such investments may result in higher volatility or even a total loss of the Sub- fund s assets within a short period of time. Investments in financial derivative instruments may also subject the Sub-fund to substantial counterparty and liquidity risks. Leverage risk - The Sub-fund may make use of derivative instruments, techniques or structures. They may be used for hedging risks, and for achieving investment objectives and ensuring efficient portfolio management. These instruments may present a leverage effect, which will increase the Sub-fund s sensitivity to market fluctuations. Such investments may result in higher volatility or even a total loss of the Sub-fund s assets within a short period of time. Risks relating to lending of securities - In the case of - lending transactions, the Sub-fund runs the risk that the recipient cannot comply with its obligation to return the lent securities on the agreed date or furnish the requested collateral. The lending policy of the Sub-fund is designed to control these risks as much as possible but there is a risk that the Sub-fund may suffer losses. Is there any guarantee? The Sub-fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Global Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) What are the fees and charges? Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. Fee Subscription fee (Sales charge) Switching fee Redemption fee What you pay Up to 5% of the subscription amount Up to 1% of the total amount being switched Nil Ongoing fees payable by the Sub-fund The following expenses will be paid out of the Sub-fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Annual rate (as a % of the Sub-fund s value) Management fee* Share Classes Management fee Class D EUR 1.00% Class D USD 1.00% Custodian fee Approximately 0.04% of the average net assets of the Sub-fund, subject to a maximum fee at the rate of 0.5%. Performance Fee Not applicable Administration fee** (Service fee) Share Classes Service fee Class D EUR 0.12% Class D USD 0.12% Other fees You may have to pay other fees when dealing in the shares of the Sub-fund. * The maximum rate of the management fee is 3.05% per annum. One month s prior notice of any increase in the current rate up to the maximum rate will be given to affected shareholders. ** The annual service fee will be payable at a maximum rate of 0.12% per annum of the monthly average Net Asset Values of the relevant Share Class of a Sub-fund for the portion of assets under management up to EUR 1 billion. If the assets of a Share Class of a Sub-fund exceed EUR 1 billion, a 0.02% discount on the service fee of the relevant Share Class of the Sub-fund applies to the assets above this limit and a further 0.02% discount applies to assets over EUR 5 billion. However, the rate of annual service fee cannot be less than 0.01% for a specific Share Class.

Robeco Capital Growth Funds- Robeco Global Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) Additional Information Applications for classes of shares or requests for switching, redemption of shares can be sent to the Hong Kong Representative or other authorized Hong Kong distributors by 5:00 p.m. Hong Kong time (the Hong Kong cut-off time ) on any day which is a bank business day in Hong Kong. For applications or redemption requests that are sent through authorized Hong Kong distributors, Hong Kong investors should note that such authorized Hong Kong distributor may have an earlier cut-off time. The net asset value (per Class) of Share(s) of the Sub-fund will be published daily in the South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong Economic Journal. Important If you are in doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness.

PRODUCT KEY FACTS Robeco Capital Growth Funds - Robeco Emerging Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) This statement provides you with key information about this product. This statement is a part of the offering document. You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. December 2013 Quick facts Management company: Investment adviser: Robeco Luxembourg S.A. (located in Luxembourg) Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands) Custodian: Dealing frequency: Base currency: Dividend policy: Financial year end of this fund: Min. investment: The above delegation is internal RBC Investor Services Bank S.A. Each bank business day in Luxembourg USD Class D - Dividend (if any) will be re-invested. No dividend will be distributed. Class B - Dividend (if any) will be distributed. Dividend may be paid out of capital the effect of which will be a reduction in the net asset value of such class. 31 December Minimum initial investment Class D: 1 share Class B: 1 share Additional investment Nil What is this product? The Sub-fund is a sub-fund of Robeco Capital Growth Funds, a Luxembourg domiciled open-ended investment company with variable capital and whose home regulator is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ).

Robeco Capital Growth Funds - Robeco Emerging Conservative Equities (the Sub-fund ) Objectives and Investment Strategy Objective To provide long term capital growth by taking exposure of at least two-thirds of the total assets of the Subfund to equities of companies having their registered office or exercising a preponderant part of their economic activities in emerging countries. Emerging countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Cote d Ivoire, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela and Vietnam. Strategy The Sub-fund will focus on investing in equities that show lower expected volatility than average emerging equity. The reference to Conservative in the Sub-fund s name is indicative of its focus on equity with lower expected volatility. The Sub-fund s approach to determine whether a stock has lower than expected volatility is that it focuses on reducing risk by using a combination of factors (such as lower historic volatility compared to other stocks within the investment universe over different time horizons) and Robeco s proprietary and customized valuation model to determine stocks with relatively higher expected returns with the same level of risk. The Sub-fund will normally not invest in mature economies. The Sub-fund is allowed to pursue an active currency management policy. This means that the Investment adviser is allowed to take active currency positions resulting in positive, negative or hedged currency exposures. Long or short active currency positions (if implemented by the Sub-fund) may not be correlated with the underlying assets of the Sub- fund. The Sub-fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets directly in China A and China B Shares issued by companies in the PRC and listed on PRC stock exchanges. With due consideration given to the investment restrictions and to the extent permitted by the applicable legislation, the sub-fund may invest in convertible bonds, securities issued and/or guaranteed by government, public or local authority with a minimum rating of investment grade or higher, non- government bonds, money market instruments and derivatives. Exchange traded and over-the-counter derivatives are permitted, including but not limited to futures, swaps, options, contracts for differences and currency forwards. Whilst the Sub-Fund may use derivatives extensively both for investment purposes as well as for hedging and efficient portfolio management, it does not intend to utilize derivatives extensively for such purposes. When leverage is calculated by using the commitment approach, the positions in financial derivative instruments are converted into equivalent positions of the underlying assets. The total commitment is quantified as the sum of the absolute values of the individual commitments, after consideration of the possible effects of netting. The expected level of leverage arising from the use of derivatives is not expected to exceed 100% of the net asset value of the Sub-fund. The Sub-Fund does not however use a specific derivatives strategy but will use derivatives non-extensively for investment purposes in accordance with its investment policies and for efficiently managing the investments of the Sub-Fund. Investors should note that the Sub-fund may engage in securities-lending transactions (up to 100% of its net asset value).