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Disclaimer & Copyright 2014 by AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or translated into any language by any means (Electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AVerMedia. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The information contained herein, is to be considered for informational purposes only and shall not be considered legally binding. "AVerMedia " is a trademark and logo of AVerMedia Technologies, Inc. Other trademarks used herein for description purpose only belong to each of their companies. Taiwan Headquarter Office Address 7F.,No. 137, Jian 1st Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23585, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Website Tel +886-2-2226-3630 1

Table of Contents 1. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Plug-in for AVerMedia Devices... 3 2. Sony Vegas Pro Plug-in for AVerMedia Devices... 6 3. ImageJ Plug-in for AVerMedia Devices... 8 *All the screenshots in this documentation are only example images. The images may vary depending on the product and software version. 目录 1. 圆刚科技设备 :Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 插件... 12 2. 圆刚科技设备 :Sony Vegas Pro 插件... 15 3. 圆刚科技设备 :ImageJ 插件 插件... 17 * 本档中所有截图仅供参考 不同产品和软件版本的图像可能会有所不同 目錄 1. 圓剛科技產品 :Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 外掛程式... 21 2. 圓剛科技產品 :Sony Vegas Pro 外掛程式... 24 3. 圓剛科技產品 :ImageJ 外掛程式 外掛程式... 26 * 本檔中所有截圖僅供參考 不同產品和軟件版本的圖像可能會有所不同 2

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Plug-in for AVerMedia Devices 1. Please go to AVerMedia website to download the Adobe Premiere Pro Plug-in 2. Follow the instruction to install the plug-in 3. Open Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 4. Select New Project 5. General Capture Format AVer Record 3

6. Click Settings, then choose your AVerMedia device, Video Source, Resolution and Record Format accordingly. Click OK to confirm. 7. Select your preferred Location, Project Name and Sequence Name. Click OK to confirm. 8. File Capture 4

9. Preview window is ready for capturing. Setup is complete. 5

Sony Vegas Pro Plug-in for AVerMedia Devices 1. Please go to AVerMedia website to download the Sony Vegas Plug-in 2. Follow the instruction to install the plug-in 3. Open Sony Vegas 4. Media Generators Third Party AVerMedia HD Capture 5. Drag (Default) Preset to the arrow-pointed area. 6

6. Set up AVerMedia HD Capture 7. Change Path (note: we recommend NOT to set path directly under C:\) 7

ImageJ Plug-in for AVerMedia Devices 1. Go to AVerMedia website to download the ImageJ plug-in 2. Follow the instruction to install the plug-in 3. Open ImageJ 4. Select Plugins AVerMedia HD Capture 8

5. Select your AVerMedia device, Video Source, Resolution, Video Format and Options accordingly. Click Start Streaming to confirm. 6. Streaming images appear, now you can select Snapshot, AVI Record or Stop Streaming. 7. Click Snapshot and view pictures instantly. 9

8. Before using AVI Recorder to capture images, setting up save path is required. Click Save to confirm. 9. Start the capturing. 10. Click Stop Record. Select First Frame, Last Frame, and check Use Virtual Stack, Convert to Grayscale or Flip Vertical accordingly. Click OK. 10

11. Preview captured images. 11

AVerMedia 设备 Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 插件 1. 请到 AVerMedia 官网下载插件 Adobe Premiere Pro 2. 根据说明安装插件 3. 运行 Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 4. 选择 New Project 5. General Capture Format AVer Record 12

6. 点击 Settings, 选择你的 AVerMedia 设备, 照着 Video Source, Resolution 和 Record Format 设置, 点击 OK 确认 7. 选择你的偏爱 Location, Project Name 和 Sequence Name, 点击 OK 确认 8. File Capture 13

9. 预览窗口准备开始采集, 设置已完成 14

AVerMedia 设备 Sony Vegas Pro 插件 1. 请到 AVerMedia 官网下载插件 Sony Vegas 2. 根据说明安装插件 3. 打开 Sony Vegas 4. Media Generators Third Party AVerMedia HD Capture 5. 把 (Default) Preset 拖到箭头指出的区域 15

6. 建立 AVerMedia 高清采集 7. 改变路径 ( 注意 : 我们建议不要不要直接建立路径在 C:\ 下 ) 16

AVerMedia 设备 ImageJ 插件 1. 请到 AVerMedia 官网下载插件 ImageJ 2. 根据说明安装插件 3. 运行 ImageJ 4. 选择 Plugins AVerMedia HD Capture 17

5. 选择你的 AVerMedia 设备, 相应地设置 Video Source, Resolution, Video Format 和 Options, 点击 Start Streaming 确认 6. 出现流媒体图像, 现在你可以选择 Snapshot, AVI Record 或者 Stop Streaming 7. 点击 Snapshot, 立即查看图片 18

8. 在使用 AVI Recorder 采集图像之前, 需要建立保存路径 点击 Save 确认 9. 开始采集 10. 点击 Stop Record, 选择 First Frame, Last Frame, 相应地勾选 Use Virtual Stack, Convert to Grayscale 或者 Flip Vertical, 点击 OK. 19

11. 预览采集的图像 20

AVerMedia 產品專用 :Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 外掛程式 1. 請到 AVerMedia 官網下載外掛程式 Adobe Premiere Pro 2. 根據說明安裝外掛程式 3. 執行 Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 4. 選擇 New Project 5. General Capture Format AVer Record 21

6. 點選 Settings, 選擇你要使用的 AVerMedia 裝置 : 依照 Video Source, Resolution 和 Record Format 設定, 點選 OK 確認 7. 偏好設定 Location, Project Name 和 Sequence Name, 點選 OK 確認 8. File Capture 22

9. 預覽視窗準備開始擷取, 設定已完成 23

AverMedia 產品專用 :Sony Vegas Pro 外掛程式 1. 請到 AVerMedia 官網下載外掛程式 Sony Vegas 2. 根據說明安裝外掛程式 3. 開啟 Sony Vegas 4. Media Generators Third Party AVerMedia HD Capture 5. 把 (Default) Preset 拖曳到箭頭指示的區域 24

6. 建立 AVerMedia 高畫質擷取 7. 改變路徑 ( 注意 : 建議不要不要直接建立路徑在 C:\ 下 ) 25

AVerMedia 產品專用 :ImageJ 外掛程式 1. 請到 AVerMedia 官網下載外掛程式 ImageJ 2. 根據說明安裝外掛程式 3. 執行 ImageJ 4. 選擇 Plugins AVerMedia HD Capture 26

5. 選擇要使用的 AVerMedia 裝置 : 設定 Video Source, Resolution, Video Format 和 Options, 點選 Start Streaming 確認 6. 顯示出串流媒體的影像, 现在可以選擇 Snapshot, AVI Record 或者 Stop Streaming 7. 點選 Snapshot, 立即檢視圖片 27

8. 在使用 AVI Recorder 擷取圖片之前, 需要建立儲存路徑 點選 Save 確認 9. 開始擷取 10. 點選 Stop Record, 選擇 First Frame, Last Frame, 再勾選 Use Virtual Stack, Convert to Grayscale 或者 Flip Vertical, 點選 OK. 28

11. 預覽擷取的圖像 29