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8D Inner Mongolia Yinchuan Nature Heaven Inner Mongolia Home to nomadic herders who still roam the steppe as they have since the time of Genghis Khan. The land of Blue Sky and boundless space, the cradle of nomadic peoples. Kubuqi Desert Sounding Sand Bay It is th biggest desert in China, its sands produce the sound of automobile engines, which is an unexplained natural phenomenon. Sand Lake A little oasis of sand lake set amid the sand dunes. The clumpy reed marshes that dot the clear waters of it are home to tens of thousands of birds Genghis Khan's Mausoleum A sacred place with great significance for Mongolian people. Featuring the traditional Mongolian style, It is just a cenotaph, where the coffin contains no body; Xilamuren Grassland It is the largest and a unique scenic spot bearing the Mongolian ethical features of China.a typical plateau of grassland with a chain of undulating hills around it.colorful wild flowers and flocks of sheep that look like masses of cloud make the scene absolutely beautiful. Day Bkf Lunch Dinner INC8 City 8 Days (Bkf Lunch & Dinner) Hotel or Similar 1 Yinchuan Macrolink Regent Hotel Hotel Ordos Jinxia Hotel Hotel Instantboiled mutton Hohhot Inner Mongolia Jinjiang Hotel Hotel HandGrilled Mutton Mongolian Flavor Xilamuren Mongolian Yurt<No Triple Room> Hotel Mongolia Noodle Ordos Jinxia Hotel Hotel Hotel Yinchuan N Macrolink Regent Hotel 8 Hotel Wish you enjoy 8 days holiday with Hong Thai! INC8 Effective from Mar 018 INC8_CN_Feb18 Tour Sequence and Flight Schedule subject to local agent and airline s final arrangement Please note that only foldable rollover bed will be provided in most China Hotels for tripling sharing room, NO TRP room in Mongolian Yurt, has to top up S$1p.p for 1TWN+1SGL Due to Inner Mongolia hotels and restaurants limited condition, we appreciate your understanding In the event of unforeseen circumstances like the bad weather, the tour leader or local guide concerned possesses full discretion to change the tour sequence or cancel some itineraries. In the event of discrepancy between the Chinese and English tour itineraries, please refer to the former for accuracy Tipping for local guide & driver: Total RMB 00/P.P (Adult & Child Same); <Not applicable for promo tour> Zhebeipu Western Studio Known as "the Orient Hollywood", is built based on two ancient castles,two of the most famous movies include <Red Sorghum>&<Westward Journey>. Wolfberry Plantation Ningxia wolfberries have earned a reputation throughout Asia for premium quality sometimes described commercially as "red diamonds". Experience the fun of picking fresh wolfberry Western Xia Tombs It is known as the Oriental Pyramid, one of the largest and best protected imperial cemeteries in China. there are 9 massive mausoleums, along with 0 lesser tombs.

Tour Code: INC8 Effective from Mar 018 1 Singapore (est.hrs)yinchuan Assemble at Changi Airport for your flight to [Yinchuan]. Yinchuan ~(est 1hr) Sand Lake Incl. Boat Ride ~(est hrs) Ordos [Sand Lake] It combines sand,water and hill together. Reeds and lotuses seem to be endless at the lake. Many exciting activities such as watermotorcycling, surfing and sliding down the dunes.and one of the best places for bird watching in China, Every year during spring and autumn, over one million migratory birds stop here.<it will be replaced by Shuidong Valley Ruins during Feb Mar when Sand lake closed> Ordos ~(est 1hr) Kubuqi Desert Sounding Sand Bay Incl.Cable Car Ride ~(est hrs) Hohhot [Sounding Sand Bay] is in the Kubuqi Desert, a small section of the Gobi Desert about 0 miles ( km) west of Beijing. When people are sliding down 110meterhigh, degree sand hills, cause the "singing sands" to produce a roaring or booming sound, an unexplained natural phenomenon. Hohhot~(est 1.hrs)Xilamuren Grassland ~Qingqing Pasture Incl. Dressed in Traditional Mongolian Clothes+ DIY Salty Milk Tea ~ Naadam Incl. Horseback Riding + Nomadic Family Visit + OBO ~ Mongolian Campfire Party [Xilamuren grassland] the pleasant climate, the blue sky and white clouds, the rolling grass, the wandering flocks and herds, the passionate herdsmen and their Mongolian food will undoubtedly leave you with a deep impression.during the Nadam Festival held every summer,there are a series of different activities, including camel riding, horse racing, wrestling, archery, a camp fire party and singing and dancing. [Qingqing Pasture] Hongthai special arrange a participation of making Mongolia's famous milk tea and take photos in Traditional Mongolian Clothes In the evening, indulge yourself into the Mongolian Singing & Dance performance at the Campfire Party. <Pls note that Mongolia Yurt only available in May onwards, there would be arrange stay in city for gourps dept on Apr, and Non campfire party will be arranged> Xilamuren~(est. 1. hrs)hohhot ~ Qing Princess House Peach Blossoms<0 1/>~Xilitu Temple~(est hrs) Ordos [Qing Princess House] is Princess Jing Ke th daughter of the Qing Emperor Kangxi,lived in the house,has a more than 00 years history, It truly reflects the early Qing Dynasty local construction technology, building materials, the standard of living, national customs, art appreciation, and other aspects, [Xilitu Temple Shiretu Juu] is a distinct blend of Chinese and Tibetan architecture, reflecting its intercultural influences. It has acted as the official residence of a Living Buddha( an incarnate lama), since 1 and remains so this day, housing the 11th Grand Living Buddha Ordos~(est 1.hrs)Genghis Khan's Mausoleum ~(est.hrs)yichuan [Genghis Khan's Mausoleum] a temple devoted to the worship of Genghis Khan. it is a cenotaph, where the coffin contains no body but only headdresses and accessories, because the actual Tomb of Genghis Khan has never been discovered.within the mausoleum, which appears like three Mongolian yurts externally, there are four chambers and two halls. Yinchuan~(est 1hr) Western Xia Tombs ~Zhenbeipu Western Studio ~Wolfberry Plantation Fruits Picking Fun ~(est 1.hrs) Yinchuan~Xiguan Mosque [Western Xia tombs] includes nine imperial mausoleums and 0 tombs of imperial relatives and officials. It is known as the Oriental Pyramid. It is one of the largest existing Emperor Mausoleums in China. At the same time, it is also one of the bestpreserved Emperor Mausoleums in China. [Zhenbeipu Western Studio] Famous as the Hollywood in the East, it was once a frontier fortress. the site of the Ming and Qing Dynasties border castle. It has taken access to international and domestic awards, "Red Sorghum" as well as the famous film and television drama "Westward Journey", "New Dragon Inn", and more than 0 Department of Film and Television Feel free to pick fresh wolfberry in the vast [Wolfberry Plantation] <Wolfberries harvest season normally in June every year, subject to seasonality & land agent s final arrangement > [Xiguan Mosque] was originally built during the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. It was rebuilt in 199 into what it is today. The style of the mosque follows the Arabic Islamic style, while the prayer hall combines the Chinese classical and Arabic architectural style. 8 Yichuan Singapore Transfer to Yichuan airport for your flight back to Singapore with sweet memories. Wish you enjoy your holiday with Hong Thai Travel ~Tour Sequence subject to land agent s final ~The special sceneries listed is subj to season & weather conditions arrangement~ Additional Tours RMB00/P.P INC8_CN_ Feb18 1)Horse Riding on the grassland++ Noamadic Family Visit + OBO ; )Desert Shuttle Bus + Desert sightseeing train + Ordos wedding performance+ Camel riding

8天 内蒙草原寻奇*宁夏塞上江南 草原天漠内蒙古 体验叱吒欧亚黄金时代成吉思汗,内蒙草原与大漠风光风情;风吹草低见牛羊,点缀美丽 草原,白色蒙古包与湛蓝天空相辉映,不一样的塞外难忘景观. 希拉穆仁大草原 蒙古游牧民族 银碗敬酒仪式 献蓝色哈达 那达慕赛马 摔跤表演等 都展现着成吉思汗后裔的热情与英勇; 与当地牧民在草原篝火晚会上一起跳舞 对唱, 于星光之下与众同乐. 库布齐沙漠响沙湾 镇北堡西部影视城 中国第七大沙漠,一年四季只要天气 晴朗干燥,从沙顶下滑便会产生似直 升飞机马达的轰鸣声;若用双手刨 沙,还会发生如同青蛙 哇哇 的叫 声,独特奇妙. 红高粱 大话西游 等影片的 拍摄地,有很多经典场景,如 红高 粱 中的酿酒坊, 大话 中的盘丝 洞; 巩俐,张艺谋,周星驰,甄子丹等 在此留下过足迹 沙湖生态旅游区 宁夏枸杞采摘乐 中国十大魅力湿地之一,0 余平方 公里沙漠与 0 余平方公里水域毗邻 而居;既有大漠戈壁之雄浑,又有江 南水乡之秀美 夏到宁夏,正是串串殷红的枸杞果实 飘香,采摘繁忙的时节;于万亩生态 枸杞园内采摘并品尝新鲜枸杞 成吉思汗陵 西夏王陵 蒙古帝国第一代大汗成吉思汗的衣 冠冢.位于内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市 伊金霍洛旗草原上;在此可品味蒙古 民族最古老的萨满教祭祀文化及古 老的祭祀方式,了解成吉思汗的一生 西夏王朝的皇家陵寝,葬了西夏王朝 的多位皇帝;共 9 座帝陵和 10 多陪 葬墓.是中国现存规模最大 地面遗 迹保存最完整的帝王陵园之一,被誉 为 东方金字塔. 天数 早餐 午餐 晚餐 全程 8 天 ( 早 午 及 晚餐) 城市 INC8 或同级 1 银川 新华联瑞景 鄂尔多斯 锦厦国际大 涮羊肉风味 呼和浩特 提升 锦江国际大 手把肉风味 草原风味 希拉穆仁 特色住宿草原空调蒙古包<无三人间> 筱面风味 鄂尔多斯 锦厦国际大 8 银川 晚 新华联瑞景 结束 8 天精彩行程 康泰祝您旅途愉快! 团号: INC8 生效日期 : 018 年 月 o 若航班时间及行程次序如有任何更改,以航空公司及当地接待单位安排为准; o 中国各地的三人间提供的是折叠加床,蒙古包无三人间, 需补房差 SGD1/人,为 1 双人间+1 单人间 o 标明仅供参考;若中英文行程版本出现不符之处,将以中文版本为依据. o 内蒙古部份住宿及餐厅因条件所限,,食物及环境设施仍欠水准,传统菜以肉和奶制品为主,本社已尽量安排当地较佳,请各位团友留意 o 草原沙漠等活动需以天气为先决因素,如遇特别天气影响,基于安全大前题下,导游及领队会相应实际情况更改及取消个别行程.敬请团友注意及谅解 o 导游司机服务费 全程 8 天团人民币 00/人 两岁小孩亦需支付 <不适用于特价促销团> INC8_CN_Feb18

团号 : INC8 自 018 年 月起有效 1 新加坡 ( 约. 小时 ) 银川 齐集樟宜机场, 乘搭客机飞往史上西夏王朝的首都, 现宁夏回族自治区首府, 素有塞上江南美誉的 银川. 银川 ~( 约 1 小时 ) 沙湖生态旅游区含游船 观光塔 沙雕园 ~( 约 小时 ) 鄂尔多斯 沙湖生态旅游区 拥有万亩水域, 五千亩沙丘, 两千亩芦苇, 千亩荷池 ; 栖居着白鹤, 黑鹤, 天鹅等十数种珍鸟奇禽 ; 既可在观鸟塔上遥看群鸟嬉戏, 又可在水边苇杆间, 芦丛底部发现鸟巢无数. 每年春季, 五颜六色鸟蛋散布其间, 可称得上是大自然中的一处奇观. < 每年 月沙湖湖面结冰关闭期间, 将由水洞沟替代, 敬请留意 > 鄂尔多斯 ~( 约 1 小时 ) 库布齐沙漠 ~ 响沙湾含缆 车 ~ 沙漠悦沙岛 ( 自费 )~( 约 小时 ) 呼和浩特 响沙湾 高大的沙丘呈月牙形状约有 80 多米高, 横亘数公里, 金黄色的沙坡掩映在蓝天白云下, 有一种茫茫沙海入云天的壮丽景象, 好似一条金黄色的卧龙. 一年四季只要天气晴朗干燥, 从沙顶下滑便会产生 嗡嗡 似直升飞机马达的轰鸣声 ; 若用双手刨沙, 还会发生如同青蛙 哇哇 的叫声, 独特奇妙. 沙漠悦沙岛 由三大部分组成: 沙漠艺术宫, 沙雕园, 沙漠观光火车及沿途沙漠民俗风光带. 欣赏热闹的 鄂尔多斯婚礼, 乘坐沙漠观光小火车及冲浪车, 欣赏大漠美景, 还可尝试骑骆驼.< 该沙漠主题乐园的娱乐项目安排受气候与环境影响, 具体活动安排以当地最终确认为准 > 呼和浩特 ~( 约 1. 小时 ) 希拉穆仁草原 下马酒赛马摔跤表演 青青牧场含试穿蒙古袍 + 品尝 亲熬蒙古奶茶 ~ 蒙古式篝火晚会 银碗敬酒 + 敬献哈达仪式 观草原夜景 希拉穆仁大草原 海拔 100 米, 丘陵起伏, 芳草萋萋, 空气清新, 一派草原风光 ; 昼夜温较大, 盛夏之夜, 也凉爽似秋. 在这里, 有令人向往一睹其风采的敖包, 秦汉时期修建的长城, 心动不已的草原日出日落, 这一切都让人终身难忘. 而每年都要举行盛大的草原那达慕活动, 其中的赛马, 摔跤和射箭三项竞技是蒙古族 男儿三艺 ( 因气候变化而定 ), 让人既可观赏到草原美景, 又可品味到草原游牧民族的豪迈心情.< 每年 月草原住宿才开始营业, 此前出发的团队将安排入住市区, 篝火晚会及草原夜景将无法安排, 请见谅 > 康泰特别安排团友于 青青牧场 尝试品尝自己熬煮的蒙古奶茶, 还可在此试穿蒙古袍拍照留念. 团友还可自费参加草原活动, 如骑马或乘坐勒勒车前往牧民家访, 祭祀敖包山, 体会独特浓郁的蒙古民族文化风情. 希拉穆仁草原 ~( 约 1. 小时 ) 呼和浩特 ~ 清公主府 赏桃花 <01/>~ 席力图召 ~( 约 小时 ) 鄂尔多斯 清公主府 建于清康熙年间, 距今已有 00 余年 ; 据抄本 公主 府志 载, 府中先后居住顺治第四女静宜公主, 康熙第六女恪靖公 主 ; 府第旧址虽经多次改筑, 但依稀可见其旧格局.< 逢周一闭馆 > 席力图召 建于明朝万历年间, 为康熙所赐 ; 因四世达赖的老师 第一世席力图活佛长期主持此庙而得名. 是和浩特市规模最大的 寺庙, 也是呼和浩特现存最精美的一座寺庙. 每年还会在这里举行 佛会, 跳 恰木 等宗教活动, 热闹非凡. 鄂尔多斯 ~( 约 1. 小时 ) 成吉思汗陵景区含圣灯 祝颂仪式 ~( 约. 小时 ) 银川 成吉思汗陵景区 蒙古帝国第一代大汗成吉思汗的衣冠冢, 主 体建筑由三座蒙古式的大殿和与之相连的廊房组成 ; 建筑雄伟, 具 有浓厚的蒙古民族风格. 在此可品味蒙古民族最古老的萨满教祭 祀文化及古老的祭祀方式, 了解成吉思汗的一生. 银川 ~( 约 1 小时 ) 西夏王陵含景区环保车 ~ 镇北堡西部影城 ~ 枸杞生态园采摘乐 ~( 约 1. 小时 ) 银川 ~ 西关清真寺 西夏王陵 东方金字塔 西夏历代帝王的陵寝所在地. 是中国 现存规模最大, 地面遗址保存最完整的帝王陵墓之一. 内有九座王 陵和二百多座陪葬墓, 矗立在苍茫贺兰山麓, 诉说着数百年西夏王 朝的昌盛和历史. 镇北堡西部影城 被誉为东方好莱坞, 原址为明清时代的边防 城堡 ; 中国三大影视城之一, 以古朴, 原始, 粗犷, 荒凉为特色. 最突 出的是让游客充当明星自由表演, 录制成碟, 在个人的家庭影院中 欣赏, 这在世界各地影视城中是独一无二的. 而在此摄制的影片分 别有 红高粱 大话西游, 新龙门客栈 等众多获奖影片 枸杞生态园 宁夏为枸杞之乡, 枸杞园随处可见. 康泰特别安排 团友尝试亲手采摘并品尝枸杞鲜果.< 每年 月枸杞才开始成 熟,, 月下旬 10 月上旬出发团队才可参与采摘食用活动 > 西关清真寺 银川四大清真寺之一, 建于清康熙年间, 在此可了 解和感受到浓郁的回族文化. 8 银川 新加坡 于指定时间集合, 安排专车送往银川机场, 乘飞机返回新加坡. 康泰 旅行社在此与您共享美好回忆! 8 天行程圆满结束, 康泰祝您旅途愉快! ~ 行程顺序按实际情况可能前后调动, 以当地接待单位最后安排为准 ~ 附加配套 : 人民币 00/ 人 INC8_CN_ Feb18 包括 :1) 草原骑马或乘坐勒勒车访牧民 + 祭拜敖包

) 沙漠套票 : 冲浪车 + 小火车 + 鄂尔多斯婚礼 + 骑骆驼