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Detoxify Toner 1

材料 : 柴胡 炒白芍 當歸 白術 茯苓 炙甘草 薄荷 逍遥散 : 疏肝解郁, 养血健脾 肝郁血虚脾溺症 两胁作痛, 头痛目弦, 口燥咽干, 神疲食少, 或往来寒热, 月经不调, 乳房胀痛, 脉弦而虚者 功能 : 用于神經衰弱,失眠,男女氣鬱病,月經不順,虛證便秘,目眩疏肝健脾, 养血调经 胸胁胀痛, 头晕目眩, 食欲减 Ingredients: CaiHu,BaoShao, DangGui, BaiZhu, Fuling, ZiGanCao, BoHe Indications: Detoxify Toner moves stagnant Qi or energy to detoxify the liver and calm the spirit. This herbal supplement helps to alleviate stress, anxiety, irritability, frustration, and depression. It also regulates restlessness, insomnia, agitation, bad temper and menses. Concentration: 5:1 Specifications: 12, 45, 90 Vegetable Capsules(500 mg per capsule) Usage: 2-3 capsules each time, 3 times a day before or after meals, or as directed by you herbalist or practitioner 禁忌 -- Cautious 1. Do not use it together with cold medicine. 不適合使用, 如果你正在服用感冒藥 2. Do not use it if you are pregnant. 不適合使用, 如果你在懷孕期間 3. Not suitable for Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding). 月经过多者不宜服用本药 4. Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are taking other medicines. 如果你正在服用其他藥物, 請諮詢你的中醫或您的醫生在使用前 5. If any adverse symptom occurs, discontinue use. 如果有任何不良症狀時, 请停止使用 6. Keep out of reach of children. 請置於兒童接觸不到的地方 2

柴胡 Chai Hu 柴胡 -- 苦,略寒. 疏散退热, 舒肝, 升阳 用于感冒发热, 寒热往来, 疟疾, 胸胁胀痛, 月经不调, 子宫脱垂, 脱肛 Chai Hu - Bupleurum chinense root-- Bitter, Slightly Cold Chai Hu is being used to disperse heat and fever, improve deficiency of yang. It also removes cold and influenza, alternates chill and fever, malaria, fullness in chest and rib cage, irregular menses, prolapse of uterus, and prolapse of rectum 白芍炒 Bai Shao(Chao) 白芍性味酸苦 微寒養血柔肝, 降血壓對月經不調有著很好的療效 Bai Shao - Paeonia lactiflora Pall -- Bitter, Sour, Cool Bai shao is being used for removing blood stasis and as a mild analgesic. It helps regulate menstrual dysfunction, vagina yeast infection, uterine bleeding, lessens liver yang ascending, and alleviates abdominal pain. It reduces headache and dizziness, abdomen and back pain due to liver yang ascending. 當歸 Dan Gui 當歸性味屬甘 辛 溫, 作用於肝 心 脾, 具補血調經 澤顏潤膚, 活血止痛的作用 在保護女性健康方面扮演著極其重要的角色 含維他命 B12 及葉酸, 有抗惡性貧血的作用 可促進傷口癒合 Dan Gui Angelica sinensis root - - Sweet, Acrid, Bitter, Warm Dang Gui is tonic for blood and for regulating the menses, lubricates bowels to correct constipation, reduces swelling, expels pus, and relieves pain. Dang gui wei (tail) is being used in condition of blood stasis and clots. 3

白術 Bai Zhu 白術 -- 甘, 略甜, 溫 健脾益氣, 燥濕利水, 止汗, 安胎 用於脾虛食少, 腹脹泄瀉, 痰飲眩悸, 水腫, 自汗, 胎動不安 陰虛者慎用 Bai Zhu - Atractylodes macrocephala rhizome Bitter, Sweet, Warm. It is traditionally used in pixu (spleen deficient) with lack of appetite, flatulence with diarrhea, abundance of phlegm, dizziness, palpitation, edema, instant sweating, and excessive fetus movements. 茯苓 Fu Ling 茯苓 -- 味甘淡 性平 濕利水, 健脾和胃, 寧心安神的功效 可治小便不利, 水腫脹滿, 痰飲咳逆, 嘔逆, 惡阻, 泄瀉, 遺精, 淋濁, 驚悸, 健忘等症健脾 安神 鎮靜 利尿, 促進身體免疫能力 Fu Ling - Poria cocos fungus - Sweet, Bland, Neutral Fu Ling is being used for diuretics, in urinary difficulty, diarrhea and water retention, pixu with water retention and urination difficulty due to damp heat. Symptoms of Pixu include mucus production and headache, dizziness, palpitations, with think greasy tongue coating. Other signs like palpitation, insomnia or forgetfulness, loss of appetite, Inflammation of the uterus and chronic sinusitis. 炙甘草 Gan Cao 甘草 -- 味甘, 益脾, 補氣, 清熱, 去毒, 排痰, 止咳, 止痛, 和其他藥味 用於脾虛消化不良, 疲倦, 無力, 心跳, 氣短, 痰多咳嗽. Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae uralensis root-- Sweet, Mild Gan Cao helps tonify pi (spleen), enhances qi, clears heat, rids of toxins, expels phlegm and stops cough, pain, and synergizes other herbs as well. It is being used in spleen and stomach weakness, tired and lack of strength, palpitation and short of breath, cough with abundance of phlegm. 4

薄荷 Bo He 薄荷 -- 辛,凉 外感風熱, 頭痛目赤, 咽喉腫痛, 肝氣鬱滯, 胃悶痛, 瘡疥 適用於頭痛,肌痛,咽喉腫痛等外感病症, 除解熱外, 還可使炎症消退, 減輕脹痛 Bo He - Mentha haplocalyx herb -- Acrid, Cool Menthol, when applied externally, can relieve headache, neuralgia, and itchiness. The information provided here is for healthcare professional practitioners only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 5