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Cricket Square Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681 Grand Cayman KY Cayman Islands D Royal Bank of Canada Trust Company (Cayman) Limited 4th Floo

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2014 Cathay Pacific International Chinese New Year Night Parade Float Descriptions 2014 國泰航空新春國際匯演之夜 花車簡介 Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 國泰航空公司 Name / Theme of Float: Cathay Pacific flies high with The Spirit of Hong Kong 花車名稱 主題 國泰 香港精神香港精神 騰飛萬里 Cathay Pacific has been the title sponsor of the International Chinese New Year Night Parade for 16 consecutive years. We are proud to continue our support for this spectacular event by joining the celebrations to mark the arrival of the Year of the Horse. As Hong Kong s home airline, Cathay Pacific is committed to strengthening Hong Kong s position as an international aviation hub, carrying its people across the globe and bringing in millions of visitors to experience the delights of this great city. For over six decades, Cathay Pacific has been growing together with Hong Kong and supporting the city every step of the way. This year s Cathay Pacific float features the airline s latest The Spirit of Hong Kong aircraft livery, which was specially created to show the world the extraordinary spirit of the city and its people. 110 winners of The Spirit of Hong Kong contest have their personal images incorporated into the design of the livery. Our pilots, cabin crew, ground staff, and some of the contest winners will accompany the float, spreading joy and happiness to everyone in Hong Kong at this special time of the year. 國泰航空今年已是第 16 年冠名贊助 新春國際匯演之夜 與大家共迎馬年的來臨 國泰一直致力鞏固香港的國際航空樞紐地位 助香港市民聯繫世界 並把各地旅客帶到香港 感受這城市的魅力 國泰陪伴香港成長逾六十載 與香港市民一起跨越每一步 今年的花車展示國泰航空最新 香港精神號 客機 以傳揚令香港成功自豪的香港精神 110 名 香港精神一起飛 比賽得獎者的剪影更成為飛機機身圖案 國泰的機師 艙務員 地勤職員及部分比賽得獎者 會携手出場 朝氣勃勃地與大家共慶新年 帶給市民和旅客熱鬧而歡樂的氣氛 1

Cheong Hing Store Limited 昌興 (1917) 有限公司 Name / Theme of Float: Zwilling J.A. Henckels the New Era of Cooking 花車名稱 主題 新年新煮意入廚新體驗 Zwilling J.A. Henckels brings you to a new era of cooking with pleasure and inspirations. We wish everyone a new year filled with good fortune and an auspicious beginning in the Year of the Horse. The float is a stunning visual experience featuring a giant-sized model of their symbolic knife series along with a giant smoke-puffing pot. With the concept of Cooking Wonderland, the middle features a merry-go-round to welcome the Year of the Horse. The back of the float is a ferris wheel built with colorful staub cookware that symbolizes the continuous growth of fortune. 德國孖人牌帶領入廚新煮意 並祝願各位馬年大吉大利 年年有餘 馬到功成 花車展示了最具代表性的刀具及噴煙的鍋具 配以繽紛樂園的概念 以迴旋木馬迎接馬年來臨 將色彩豐富的 staub 鍋具融合於摩天輪當中 祝願新一年貨如輪轉 China National Tourism Administration 中華人民共和國國家旅遊局 Name / Theme of Float: Beautiful China 花車名稱 主題 美麗中國之旅 Beautiful China is the new tagline for 2014 China tourism campaign, which is also the design theme of CNTA s float for 2014 Hong Kong CNY Float Parade; showcasing the stunning landscape and splendid culture of China to all over the world. To strengthen the message Beautiful China, the float design therefore applies scroll to package renowned travel destinations in China, suggesting their beauty is as fine as a painting. There re mountains and water place, forest and bamboos; rare animal species; the consecrate Potala Palace and hidden Phoenix Town, the imperatorial Great Wall and tranquil Hangzhou West Lake. Visitors will have so much to see, as the context of Beautiful China is extensively rich and varied. 2

2014 年新春之際 國家旅遊局帶著山水如畫 人文薈萃的 美麗中國之旅 花車 向香港市民拜年 美麗中國之旅 是中國旅遊的總體形象 亦是 2014 中國國家旅遊局花車設計主題 集中展示中國如畫的山水和燦爛的文化 從而將中國的自然美和人文美介紹給全世界 因此 本次的花車用卷軸的元素包裝中國遊的經典目的地, 寓意中國美如畫卷 畫卷內有山水竹林 稀奇動物 有雄偉神聖的布達拉宮和鳳凰古鎮的角樓小橋 有威嚴的八達嶺長城和秀麗的杭州西湖 美麗中國的內涵豐富多彩 讓遊客目不暇接 The Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Limited 香港鐘表業總會 Name / Theme of Float: Universal Celebration at Hong Kong Time 花車名稱 主題 香港時刻 寰宇同慶 The float is named as Universal Celebration at Hong Kong Time. The main body of the float - The world time zones decorated with luxurious jewelries - is presented via watches and jewelries with symbolic scenarios of different time zones, decorated with luxury jewellery pieces. This means the Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades and Industries leads the way of watch and jewelry industry of Hong Kong to international standards, develops its international perspective, and therefore makes it a star of this industry globally. In the meanwhile, the float is also designed to celebrate the 2014 CNY with visitors from every time zone in the world. 花車以 香港時刻 寰宇同慶 為主題 花車主體由代表世界不同時區的鐘錶及瑰麗的珠寶組成 象徵香港鐘表業總會帶領著香港鐘表珠寶同業與國際接軌 發展國際視野 成為國際鐘錶珠寶中的明珠 同時也表示與來自世界各地的遊客共慶新年 3

Guangdong Chimelong Group Co., Ltd (First timer) 廣東長隆集團有限公司 ( 首次參加 ) 花車名稱 主題 歡樂動感在長隆 珠海長隆國際海洋度假區恭祝大家馬年吉祥歡樂 隆 馬精神 珠海長隆國際海洋度假區是長隆集團邁向國際化的一個重要里程碑 區內除了有全球最大的水族館海洋奇觀外 更有全球最長的飛行過山車等尖端遊樂設施 配合中國最大的海洋主題生態酒店和國際馬戲城 將有效推動港珠澳乃至東南亞旅遊業的發展 Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行 Name / Theme of Float: Leap to Fortune 花車名稱 主題 鯉躍龍門 Hang Seng Bank is proud to welcome the Year of Horse alongside the people of Hong Kong. We wish everyone great success and prosperity in the new year! Hang Seng s float is filled with representations of Koi carp, which symbolise good fortune. The Bank s iconic God of Wealth offers blessings of prosperity for all. The crystal ball reflects the Bank s belief in the continuing affluence and success of Hong Kong the Pearl of the Orient. 恒生銀行與全港市民喜迎馬年 祝各位馬到功成 年年有餘 恒生銀行的花車以象徵吉祥的錦鯉為題 恒生財神祝願大家富貴榮華 花車上的水晶球寓意香港繼續豐盛繁榮 保持東方之珠的美譽 4

Hong Kong Disneyland 香港迪士尼樂園 Name / Theme of Float: Hong Kong Disneyland- Happiest Chinese New Year Celebration 花車名稱 主題 樂園無界福氣無限 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort wishes you the happiest Chinese New Year in the Year of Horse! The float has many pinwheels symbolizing the New Year bringing new opportunities. The Mickey Happiness balloons spread endless luck to Hong Kong during the Happiest Chinese New Year! The two horses are nods to the upcoming Chinese zodiac. Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy and Goofy will greet you in their Chinese New Year costumes and share blessings of luck and good fortune. 香港迪士尼樂園度假區祝各位馬年福氣無限 喜氣盈盈過新年 福樂滿滿賀新歲 今年的花車佈滿風車裝飾 象徵新年新轉機 車上米奇形狀的快樂氣球將無限福氣帶到城中 加上兩隻巨型彩馬 寓意雙 馬 報喜 米奇 米妮 唐老鴨 黛絲與高飛穿起全新的賀年服飾 沿路送上祝福 The Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港賽馬會 Name / Theme of Float: New Year off to A Galloping Start 花車名稱 主題 馬騰盛世飛躍新里程 This is the propitious Year of the Horse for The Hong Kong Jockey Club. In the past years, the Club has grown and developed with Hong Kong, channelling local gaming demand into community benefits through its not-for-profit business model. Its huge tax payments and charitable donations benefit people from all walks of life, contributing to the city's long-term prosperity. The HKJC float, adorned with magnificent golden horses in full gallop, celebrates the new year with the people of Hong Kong. Marrying traditional art and modern digital technology, it features a merry-go-around-like display, breathing life into the masterpiece Shuang Jun (The Two Horses) by renowned painter Xu Beihong. 5

金馬騰飛 馬年迎盛世! 賽馬會花車上金光閃爍的巨型駿馬 為香港帶來輝煌歲月 馬會在過去均以非牟利營運模式 將博彩收益轉化為巨大稅收和慈善捐款回饋社會 惠及社會各階層 促進香港繁榮發展 花車上配置的嶄新圓筒形顯示屏 揉合傳統藝術與數碼科技 重新製作國畫大師徐悲鴻的水墨名作 雙駿 以走馬燈形式展示駿馬奔騰風姿 象徵香港不斷向前 期望與市民馬年再創高峰! Hong Kong Tourism Board 香港旅遊發展局 Name / Theme of Float: New Year Party @ World City 花車名稱 主題 環球派對飛躍馬年 The Hong Kong Tourism Board hopes visitors will have an auspicious start to the Chinese New Year by celebrating this joyous festival in Hong Kong. Enjoy the party and kung hei fat choy! This year s float is a bejewelled carnival train on which horses and the God of Fortune celebrate amidst sparkling treasures. The train symbolises the energy and power of the horse, the vibrancy of Hong Kong and the hope that visitors enjoy a great Chinese New Year party in Asia s world city! 飛躍馬年 一日千里 香港旅遊發展局祝願大家在新的一年裡好運連連 馬到成功 在閃耀瑰麗的蒸汽火車上 駿馬和財神與您歡慶馬年 歡迎您跟著滿載嘉年華氣氛的列車展開精采之旅 感受這個 亞洲國際都會 的澎湃活力 Macau Government Tourist Office 澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局 Name / Theme of Float: Touching Moments Experience Macau 花車名稱 主題 感受澳門動容時刻 Horse symbolizes energy and forward moving just like Macau continues to build itself a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure with determination. To welcome the year of the Horse, we wish everyone good health and prosperity! MGTO employs Touching Moments Experience Macau as the theme of the float. Using drum as the main design element, together with LED wall playing the themed video, we wish to showcase the festive and dynamic elements of Macau. The float uses mainly gold colour to signify the joy and prosperity of Chinese New Year. 6

馬是前進與動力的象徵 正如澳門繼續以決心建設為世界旅遊休閒中心 馬年伊始 僅祝各位健康興旺! 澳門旅遊局的花車以 感受澳門動容時刻 為主題 以 鼓 作為整個花車結構的亮點 並有 LED 電視屏 播放各個動容時刻的精彩片段 展示澳門作為一個多元豐富的旅遊勝地 車身顏色以金色為主 希望帶出農曆新年的喜悅與豐足 MTR Corporation 港鐵公司 Name / Theme of Float: MTR 35th Anniversary - Journeys with you for 35 years 花車名稱 主題 港鐵 35 週年 心繫生活 35 年. MTR celebrates its 35th anniversary with the community and overseas visitors at the Chinese New Year Night Parade. MTR is proud to serve Hong Kong and wishes the community and our visitors many more prosperous and delightful journeys ahead. The float s theme, Journeys with you for 35 years, showcases the inauguration of the first MTR train in 1979, a pivotal moment in Hong Kong s transformation. Capturing the city s vibrancy through iconic landmarks, the float shows the MTR connecting communities, plus exciting station developments such as its signature MTR Malls. 港鐵跟香港市民及旅客一同慶祝 35 週年 祝大家在馬年踏上更多 更豐富精采的旅程 花車重現了 1979 年港鐵列車首航的時刻 並以香港的不同地標作裝飾 這反映了港鐵多年來推動香港發展 連接各區 同時也帶來豐富的都會生活 Ocean Park Hong Kong 香港海洋公園 Name / Theme of Float: Ocean Park Underwater Fantasy 花車名稱 主題 海洋公園 海洋奇遇賀新歲海洋奇遇賀新歲 Ocean Park wishes you a healthy and prosperous New Year, with lucky greetings from our marine ambassadors! Kick off the joyful Year of the Horse with us and enjoy the marvellous promise of the year ahead! Ocean Park has created a marine fantasy in which gigantic lanterns shaped like sea dragons and sea horses glide in a sea of eco-friendly and recycled materials, accompanied by shark-costumed children inviting you to the new Shark Mystique exhibit, and wishing you a lucky and prosperous New Year! 7

海洋公園的海龍和海馬祝您龍馬精神 精靈魚兒祝您年年有餘 馬年行大運 四季甜蜜蜜 花車採用環保節能物料設計 營造夢幻般的海洋世界 裡頭有海龍 海馬 更有小朋友變身小鯊魚表演 預祝全新鯊魚館今年順利開幕 Quality Tourism Services Association 優質旅遊服務協會 Name / Theme of Float: Shining Quality Brands Carnival 花車名稱 主題 優質品牌共匯聚綻放異彩迎新歲 The QTSA would like to spread blessings and happiness to everyone in Hong Kong. And hopes everyone enjoys a wonderful shopping and eating experience in Asia s World City. Nine quality merchants Catalo Natural Health Foods, Kee Wah Bakery Limited, Pak Shing Tong, Sa Sa Cosmetic, Tai Hing Worldwide Development Ltd, Tom Lee Music Co Ltd, Treasure Lake Catering Holdings Ltd, Tsui Wah Restaurant and Wai Yuen Tong (Retail) Limited cordially invite you to join them at the Shining Quality Brands Carnival to celebrate Chinese New Year. In the traditional Chinese New Year celebration a firework is the symbol of rejoicing and happiness. Therefore, the QTSA will adopt the Shining Quality Brands Carnival as the theme of its float. The QTSA wishes to make this a very exciting event so that tourists will have the most wonderful and memorable travel experience. The float design will feature the most brilliant spherical core display on the centre. We believe that the Quality Tourism Services Scheme accredited merchants are the burning fire at the QTSA s spherical core. In addition, there will be a colorful horses logo windmill, which is symbol for good luck and a joyful New Year. 優質旅遊服務協會謹祝願香港各行各業繼續發展興旺 新年進步 市民和遊客都能盡情享受 香港購物和飲食的樂趣 體驗 亞洲國際都會 獨有魅力 由九家優質商戶 : 家得路美國天然健康食品 奇華餅家 百成堂 莎莎化粧品 太興飲食集 團 通利琴行有限公司 寶湖飲食集團 翠華餐廳 位元堂 ( 零售 ) 有限公司 全力支持的優 質旅遊服務協會馬年賀歲花車 煙花在傳統慶典中象徵和標誌著歡欣 吉祥的意思 因此 優質旅遊服務協會以優質品牌綻 放異彩迎新歲作花車的主題 寓意每位遊客在香港有最亮麗的旅遊體驗 8