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Digestive System 消化系统

General Description Constituents: 2 parts Alimentary canal 消化管 Digestive glands 消化腺 Functions: Ingest foods Secrete enzymes Absorb nutrients Eliminate unused residues

Alimentary canal mouth 口腔 pharynx 咽 esophagus 食管 stomach 胃 small intestines 小肠 duodenum 十二指肠 jejunum 空肠 ileum 回肠 large intestines 大肠 cecum 盲肠 appendix 阑尾 colon 结肠 rectum 直肠 anal canal 肛管

Ⅰ.The Mouth ( 口腔 ): 2 parts: oral vestibular, oral cavity proper Walls: oral lips, cheeks, palate, tongue. isthmus of fauces Contents: teeth, tongue, salivary glands palate 腭 hard palate 硬腭 soft palate 软腭 palatine velum 腭帆 palatoglossal arch 腭舌弓 palatopharyngeal arch 腭咽弓 palatine tonsil 腭扁桃体 isthmus of fauces 咽峡 uvula 悬雍垂 free margin of palatine velum palatoglossal arch 腭舌弓 root of tongue. 舌根

The teeth 牙 deciduous teeth 乳牙 permanent teeth 恒牙 The structure: crown 牙冠 root 牙根 neck of teeth 牙颈 dentine 牙本质 enamel 釉质, 珐琅质 cement 粘合质 periodontal membrane 牙周膜 dental cavity, root canal apical foramen dental pulp 牙髓

deciduous teeth 乳牙 : 20 2 pairs of incisors 切牙 1 pair of canine tooth 尖牙 2 pairs of molars 磨牙

permanent teeth 恒牙 : 28-32 2 pairs of incisors 切牙 1 pair of canine tooth 尖牙 2 pairs of premolars 前磨牙 3 pairs of molars 磨牙 (wisdom tooth 智齿 )

The tongue 舌 3 parts--- root, apex and body 2 surfaces---dorsum and inferior surface Dorsum V-shaped terminal sulcus 4 kinds of papillae 乳头 ---- filiform papillae 丝状乳头 fungiform papillae 菌状乳头 foliate papillae 叶状乳头 vallate papillae 轮廓乳头 lingual tonsil 舌扁桃体

Inferior surface of tongue frenulum of tongue ( 舌系带 ) sublingual caruncle( 舌下阜 ) sublingual folds ( 舌下襞 ) Structures mucosa 黏膜, muscles of the tongue 舌肌

The salivary glands: 唾液腺 parotid gland 腮腺 sublingual gland 舌下腺 submandibular gland 下颌下腺 The name, positions, and opening of its ducts

Ⅱ. The pharynx 咽 : Position: in front of the 1~6th cervical vertebrae Nasopharynx 鼻咽 Oropharynx 口咽 Laryngopharynx 喉咽

Features and structures: nasal part---- tubal torus 咽鼓管圆枕 pharyngeal recess 咽隐窝 oral part--- palatine tonsil 腭扁桃体, tubal tonsil 舌扁桃体 laryngeal part--- piriform recess 梨状隐窝

Communication of pharynx 咽的交通 : anteriorly ---choanae( 鼻后孔 )---nasal cavity ---isthmus of fauces( 咽峡 )---oral cavity inferiorly laterally ---aperture of larynx( 喉口 )---laryngeal cavity ---esophagus 食管 ---pharyngeal opening of auditory tube---tympanic cavity ( 鼓室 )

Ⅲ.The esophagus 食管 : 3 parts: cervical, thoracic and abdominal parts 3 constrictions( 狭窄 ): 1st---at its commencement, 15cm from the incisor teeth 2nd---where is crossed by the left principal bronchus anteriorly, 25cm from the incisor teeth 3rd---where it passes through the diaphragm, 40cm from the incisor teeth

Ⅳ.The stomach 胃 : The shape and parts 2 openings: cardia 贲门, pylorus 幽门 2 surfaces: anterior and posterior 2 curvatures: greater curvature 胃大弯 lesser curvature 胃小弯 angular incisure 角切迹 4 parts: cardiac part 贲门部 fundus of stomach 胃底 body of stomach 胃体 pyloric part 幽门部 pyloric antrum 幽门窦 pyloric canal 幽门管

The position Its between the end of the esophagus and the beginning of the small intestine. It lies in the epigastric, umbilical and left hypochondriac regions of abdomen. cardiac orifice at left side of 11th thoracic vertebra pyloric orifice at right side of 1st lumbar vertebra

The structures of the wall of stomach: --- mucosa: 粘膜 mucous folds longitudinal mucous folds pyloric valve --- submucosa 粘膜下层 --- muscular layers: 肌层 inner oblique layer intermediate circular layer pyloric sphincter outer longitudinal layer --- serous membrane 外膜 4 layers

Ⅴ.The duodenum 十二指肠 C-shaped 4 parts--- superior part 上部 descending part 降部 horizontal part 水平部 ascending part 升部 longitudinal fold and major duodenal papilla

Ⅵ. Jejunum and ileum 空肠和回肠 Jejunum Ileum Upper 2/5 Lower 3/5 Wider in diameter and wall is thicker; Color is redder and has more vascular The circular mucosal folds are larger and more Only solitary lymphatic follicles Thiner in diameter and wallis thinner Color is not redder than jejunum and has lesser vascular The circular mucosal folds are shorter and few Solitary and aggregated lymphatic follicles

Ⅶ. Large intestine 大肠 Parts--- colon 结肠 cecum 盲肠 rectum 直肠 anal canal 肛管 Structures --- except rectum anal canal and appendix 3 colic bands 结肠带 haustrations 结肠袋 epiploic appendices 肠脂垂

The cecum and vermiform appendix 盲肠和阑尾 position: in the right iliac fossa, above the lateral half of the inguinal ligament and below the ileocecal valves. structure: ileocecal valves 回盲瓣 opening of the vermiform appendix

Vermiform appendix 阑尾 : Shape: worm shaped tube, 2 20 cm in length, about 8.3cm in average Position: right iliac or inguinal region, spings from the posteromedial wall of the cecum. Common positions of the tip: retrocecally, 盲肠后位 inferior to the cecum 盲肠下位, behind or front of ileum 回肠前 后位, into the lesser pelvis 盆位 Surface projection of the root of vermiform appendix---mcburney s point

McBurney s point 麦氏点 At the junction of the meddle and lateral thirds of a line that joints the right anterior superior iliac spine and the umbilicus. 右髂前上棘与脐连线的外中 1/3 交点


Colon 结肠 : 4 parts---- ascending colon 升结肠 transverse colon 横结肠 descending colon 降结肠 sigmoid colon 乙状结肠

The rectum 直肠 position--- It lies in the posterior part of less pelvis, anterior to the sacrum and coccyx. shape--- 2 flexures: Sacral flexure 骶曲 Perineal flexure 会阴曲 Ampulla of rectum 直肠壶腹 structures--- 3 transverse folds of rectum ( 直肠横襞 )

The Anal Canal 肛管 : position: structures: mucous membrane--- anal columns 肛柱 anal valves 肛瓣 anal sinuses 肛窦 dentate line 齿状线 anal pecten (hemorrhoidal ring 痔环 ) white line 白线 submucosa--- muscular layer--- sphincter ani internus 肛门内括约肌 sphincter ani externus 肛门外括约肌

Digestive glands 消化腺 salivary glands 唾液腺 : parotid gland 腮腺 submandibular gland 下颌下腺 sublingual gland 舌下腺 liver 肝 pancreas 胰腺

The liver External features Position Internal structure Gallbladder and the biliary ducts

The external features: --- 1.2 ~ 1.5 kg (male) 1.0 ~ 1.3 kg (female) --- cuniform : 2 extremities : right (larger) left (smaller) 2 surfaces: diaphragmatic surface 膈面 visceral surface 脏面 2 borders: anterior border posterior border

diaphragmatic (superior) surface: --- 2 ligaments: falciform ligament 镰状韧带 coronary ligament 冠状韧带 right triangular ligament left triangular ligament --- 2 lobes: right lobe (large) left lobe (small) --- bare area 裸区

visceral (inferior) surface: --- H shaped groove: the fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis( 肝圆韧带 ) the fissure for ligamentum venosum ( 静脉韧带 ) the fossa for gallbladder ( 胆囊 ) the fossa for vena cava( 下腔静脉 ) (the secondary porta hepatis and hepatic veins ) the transverse fissure 横裂 ( porta hepatis 肝门 ) proper hepatic artery 肝固有动脉 hepatic ducts 肝管 hepatic portal vein 肝门静脉 nerves, lymphatic vessels --- 4 lobes: the right and left lobes the caudate lobe 尾叶 the quadrate lobe 方叶

porta hepatis 肝门静脉

The anterior border: --- the notch for ligamentum teres hepatis 肝圆韧带切迹 --- the notch for gallbladder 胆囊切迹 The posterior border: bare area 裸区

The position Position: right hypochondriac and epigastric regions. right half of the anterior border at the same level of the right costal arch at the middle line of the body, the anterior border below the xiphoid process about 2-4cm. Relations: diaphragmatic surface( 膈面 )- - diaphragm, lungs, pleura and pleural cavities, heart, pericardium and pericardial cavity

visceral surface ( 脏面 )--- esophagus, stomach, duodenum, gallbladder right colic flexure, right kidney right suprarenal gland The function: it is very complicated, but one of them is secreting the bile to digest the fat in the food

The internal structure

Glisson system

Liver segment

The gallbladder and the biliary ducts 1. gallbladder 胆囊 fundus 胆囊底 body 胆囊体 neck 胆囊颈 cystic duct 胆囊管 2. biliary ducts 输胆管道 right and left hepatic ducts 肝管 common hepatic duct 肝总管 gallbladder and cystic duct 胆囊管 common bile duct 胆总管 hepatopancreatic ampulla 肝胰壶腹 (sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla 肝胰壶腹括约肌 ) the major duodenal papilla 十二指肠大乳头

The formation and structures of extrahepatic apparatus

1. The external features: It s a long, soft, finely lobulated gland. 4 parts: head, neck, body and tail. 2. The structure and function: It s a both an exocrine and endocrine gland. Exocrine portion releases the pancreatic joice to digest the protein in the food mainly Endocrine portion is formed by pancreatic islets and secretes the glucagon and insulin. Pancreatic duct and accessory pancreatic duct. The Pancreas 胰腺

思考题 试述消化系统的分部和器官组成 口腔内可以观察到哪些结构? 试述牙的构造及乳牙和恒牙的牙式 试述咽的位置 分布及交通 消化系统是如何对食物进行消化的? 试述胆汁产生和排出的途径 名词解释 : 咽峡, 十二指肠大乳头, 回盲瓣, 麦氏点, 齿状线