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Abstract Mi-Fu, the master of calligraphy and painting in Song Dynasty, is famous for his unique mist scenery in the Chinese painting world. According


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14Days 10Nights CUBA & MEXICO Jewels of Central America Havana / Trinidad / Cienfuegos / Cancun / Chichen Itza / Tulum / / Teotihuacan VALIDITY: SEP 2017 ONWARDS 2017 九月起出发! AMERICA HIGHLIGHTS Havana City Tour with Convertible Classic Cars Lovely Trinidad & Pearl of the South Cienfuegos Chichen Itza Archaeological site & Scared Cenote Museo Nacional de Antropologia Xochimilco Floating Garden Boat trip 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED Havana Tour with Convertible Classic Cars Coco Taxi Ride Havana Club Rum Museum Manaca-Iznaga Tower Fusterlandia Chichen Itza Archaeological site Tulum archaeological site Teotichuacan Pyramid Museo Nacional de Antropologia Xochimilco Floating Garden Boat trip INTER - FLIGHTS Havana Cancun Cancun HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least in the lobby). 3N Havana - Nacional Hotel 5* or similar 2N Trinidad - Brisas Trinidad Del Mar Hotel 4* or similar 3N Cancun - Intercontinental Presidente Hotel 5* or similar 2N - Sheraton México City Maria Isabel Hotel 5* *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. DINING SPECIAL Lobster Menu in Cuban Style Cuban Mariscada" Columbus Lobster dinner cruise Caribbean Seafood Platter Mexican Folkfore Show Dinner Mexico s National Dish- Mole Poblano Revolving Restaurant-Bellini Dining Dine at iconic La Gruta Teotihuacán Number of Meals: Lunch - 10 Dinner - 10 *Specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private events DAY 01 Depart Kuala Lumpur DAY 02 Arrive Havana, Cuba ( - / - / Hotel Buffet Dinner ) Meet & greet upon arrival in Havana then transfer to dinner. DAY 03 Havana (Hotel breakfast / Cuban lunch / Lobster dinner) Convertible Classic Car Tour Travel with and discover what style is all about. Start the Cuba tour in style being chauffeured in a Convertible Classic Car, a throwback to the 1950s, for an unforgettable ride through Modern Havana. Drive pass Jose Marti Memorial, Revolution Square, Dignity Square, Malecon Promenade and Bayantree Park. For once, Old School is Cool! Old Havana City Tour After lunch, entrance into Havana Club Rum museum to witness a real time rum making. Start walking tour to San Francisco Square, Old Square, Ambos Mundos Hotel and Cathedral. Visit La Bodeguita Del Medio, the bar where Mojito cocktail was first created in 1942 for a Mojito tasting. Complete the day with a Coco Taxi short ride to the restaurant and wrap up your day with the signature Lobster menu in Cuban style. world heritage site. Walk through the Plaza Mayor, surrounded by splendid manors. Visit the ethnic Bar La Canchánchara and try a local drink made from lemon juice, honey and rum, served in glazed ceramic pots. Last stop at a lookout point, Manaca-Iznaga Tower with endless views over de Valle de los Ingenios (Sugar Mill Valley). DAY 05 Trinidad 83km- Cienfuegos 83km- Trinidad (Hotel breakfast / Cuban lunch / Hotel dinner) Cienfuegos city tour This morning, discover another UNESCO world heritage site, Cienfuegos, known as the Pearl of the South. Walking tour around historical sites : Marti Park, Terry Theater, Cathedral and the city's oldest building, Casa del Fundador. Enjoy some free time at the commercial center of the boulevard. Drive by the Cienfuegos Promenade by Jagua Bay to reach Palacio de Valle and learn about the palace. Palacio de Valle Coco Taxi DAY 04 Havana -315km -Trinidad (Hotel breakfast / Cuban lunch / Hotel dinner) Trinidad orientation tour Scenic drive along the coast to Trinidad, a town with unique colonial architecture declared by UNESCO as a DAY 06 Trinidad -315km - Havana (Hotel breakfast / Cuban lunch / Cuban dinner) Leisurely Havana tour Today, we will take you to an artist's village called "Fusterlandia". The artist Jose Antonio Rodriguez Fuster, transformed his house and neighbourhood into the whimsical art installation of Fusterlandia. Visit one of the oldest extant brands of cigars, Partagas Cigar Factory. Learns about Cuban cigar and chance to see locals hard at work.

DAY 07 Havana, Cuba Cancun, Mexico (Breakfast Box / Brunch / Dinner Cruise) Early morning, transfer to the airport for a flight to Cancun, Mexico. Cancun Leisure time Upon arrival, head towards to Cancun signboard to have a great photo with the lovely beach. Enjoy shopping at La Isla Shopping Mall, the most visited mall in the hotel zone of Cancun and the most international recognition in our country. Enjoy an evening of sailing aboard an authentic Spanish galleon on this Columbus Lobster Dinner Cruise. You ll be treated to spectacular views of the Caribbean sunset from the Nichupte Lagoon and enjoy an evening of romance and fine dining. Tour Start the tour at Zocalo (Main Square), one of the biggest public squares in the world. Then visit the Catedral Metropolitana the biggest church in Latin America, and the Palacio Nacional (closed on Monday) which hosts Diego Rivera s murals depicting the history of Mexico. Columbus Lobster Dinner Cruise DAY 08 Cancun -197km- Chichen Itza -197km- Cancun (Hotel breakfast / Buffet lunch / Mexican dinner) Chichen Itza Archaeological Site This morning, visit this New 7 Wonder of the World, the best restored amongst Yucatan s Mayan sites. Explore the magnificent ruins set in a dense jungle starting with the Pyramid of Kukulcan, its height and striking geometric design dominating the whole site. Other attractions include the Great Ball Court and the Sacred Cenote, a natural well used for human sacrifice. At the stunning Cenote Ik Kil, go for a swim in its clear waters or simply admire the beautiful sinkhole from different parts of the stone staircase. DAY 09 Cancun -134km -Tulum -134km -Cancun (Hotel breakfast / Seafood lunch / Hotel dinner) Tulum Archaeological Site Tulum is the only walled city the Maya built and the only one by the edge of the ocean. Tour this impressive well-kept ruins, set along the Yucatan Coast. Explore the ruins, including the Castle and a beautiful pyramid perched on the edge of a cliff high above the pearl-white beaches below. DAY 10 Cancun (Hotel breakfast / Asean lunch / Mexican dinner) Early Morning, board your flight to the capital of Mexico,. DAY 11-74km- Teotihuacan -74km- (Hotel breakfast / Mexican lunch /Restaurant Bellini dinner) Teotihuacan Pyramides Teotihuacan is one of the most impressive cities of the ancient world, held sacred by the Aztecs. We will explore its temples, palaces and pyramids, including the Quetzalpapalotl Palace Complex, the Temple of the Feathered Conches, the Pyramid of the Moon and the immense Pyramid of the Sun, ranked among the biggest in the world. DAY 12 / Depart for home (Hotel Breakfast / Asean Lunch /-) National Museum of Anthropology Start the day at the National Museum of Anthropology, housing one of the world s largest collections of archaeological and anthropological artefacts from pre-hispanic Mayan civilizations to the Spanish conquest. The biggest highlight is the Aztec Calendar, a 12 foot, 25-ton carved basalt slab discovered buried beneath the Zocalo. (Closed on Mondays) Floating Gardens of Xochimilco Tranjinera Boat Trip The Floating Gardens of Xochimilco, south of Mexico City, were once connected to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (now ) by a causeway. We will navigate the channels on board of a typical trajinera, a flower-decked punt and discover how Aztec life was before the conquest. Enjoy the boat trip while being entertained with Mariachi songs performances Transfer to airport in the late evening for the flight back home. DAY 13 Onboard DAY 14 Arrival Home Arrival home with sweet memories.

以下入场费用全包 酒店住宿 特别餐饮 敞篷老爷车游哈瓦那城 乘坐 可可出租车 朗姆酒博物馆 伊斯那卡塔 Fusterlandia艺术家村庄 奇琴伊察遗址 图伦考古遗址 特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔 人类学国立博物馆 霍奇米尔科浮动花园游船 高级旅游酒店 大部分都有提供免费WiFi 无线 否则至少在酒店大堂也可无限上网 3晚 哈瓦那 - 纳斯奥纳尔酒店 5*或同级 2晚特立尼达 - 布里萨斯特立尼达酒店4* 或同级 3晚 坎昆 - 坎昆洲际总统酒店5* 或同级 2晚 墨西哥城 - 喜来登酒店5* 或同级 *所有酒店每日供应美式热早餐 内陆航班 哈瓦那 坎昆 道地古巴龙虾餐 古巴海鲜杂烩 哥伦比亚号龙虾晚餐游船 墨西哥民族舞蹈秀晚餐 墨西哥国菜 莫蕾巧克力酱嫩鸡 贝里尼旋转餐厅 典型乡味餐与墨西哥合奏团演奏 餐饮数量 午餐 10, 晚餐 10 *上述特色餐厅如果关闭 将由其他特色餐厅取代 坎昆 墨西哥城 第1天 从吉隆坡出发 第4天 哈瓦那-315公里-特立尼达西恩富埃戈斯 (酒店早餐 / 古巴式午餐 / 酒店晚餐) 游览特立尼达 第2天 抵达哈瓦那, 古巴 沿着风景如画的海来到特立尼达 一个独特的殖民时期建筑小 镇已被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产 步行游览被美丽的庄 园所包围住的马约尔广场 接着参观Canchanchara民族酒 吧 并尝试由柠檬汁 蜂蜜与朗姆酒所制作的当地饮料装在陶 壶里 最后一站 登上伊斯那卡塔可观赏到一望无际的洛斯因 赫尼奥斯山谷 甘蔗谷 (-/-/酒店晚餐) 抵达哈瓦那 享用道地晚餐 第3天 哈瓦那 (酒店早餐 / 古巴式午餐 / 龙虾晚餐) 古董车游哈瓦那市 今天 独家安排 乘搭古董车游览现代哈瓦那 途经何塞 马蒂纪念馆 革命广场 尊严广场 海滨大道散步和榕树公园 第5天 特立尼达-83公里-西恩富埃戈斯-83公里-特立尼达 (酒店早餐 / 古巴式午餐 / 中式晚餐) 西恩富埃戈斯之旅 今天让我们探索另一个联合国教科文组织世界遗产--西恩富戈 斯 也被誉为 南方之珠 步行游览历史遗迹 包括 马蒂 公园 特里剧院 大教堂和城市最悠久的建筑物--Casa del Fundador 在林荫大道的商业中心享受一些空闲时光 接着 经由捷豹湾在西恩富戈斯长廊前往帕拉西奥的山谷 了解古老 大宅Palacio de Valle宫殿 第6天 特立尼达-315公里-哈瓦那 经典老爷车游 (酒店早餐 / 古巴式午餐 / 酒店 晚餐) 哈瓦那休闲之旅 哈瓦那古城之旅 午餐后前往哈瓦那古城 进入著名 哈瓦那俱乐部 朗姆酒博物馆 以 了解真实的古巴朗姆酒的文化和制作过程 然后展开步行之旅 从旧金 山广场 古广场 Ambos Mundos酒店和大教堂 特别安排带您参观 被誉为鸡尾酒的发源地--La Bodeguita Del Medio和一尝它的鸡尾酒 结束哈瓦那美好的一天 安排您体验一趟当地的 可可出租车 最后 安排一餐古巴风格的特色龙虾餐 今天 带领您参观一个名为 Fusterlandia 艺术家的村庄 古巴著名的艺术家何塞 福斯特 受巴塞罗那的高迪公园的启 发 将他的房子和周边的社区变成了 艺术村庄 这里风情 独具一格 是用马赛克装饰的 参观古巴其中著名的特产雪茄制造厂 古巴的雪茄为世界最高 级品 各地游客均慕名而至 Fusterlandia艺术家的村庄 品尝Mojito

第7天 哈瓦那, 古巴 坎昆, 墨西哥 第10天 坎昆 墨西哥城 (酒店盒/早午餐/游船晚餐) (酒店早餐/亚式午餐/墨西哥晚餐) 清晨 接送前往机场乘搭航班飞往墨西哥--坎昆 清晨 乘搭短途航班飞往墨西哥城 坎昆悠闲之旅 墨西哥城之游 抵达后 前往前往坎昆的标志牌拍照与坎昆美丽的海滩 接着 来到最大与最受欢迎的La Isla购物中心 享受购物的乐趣 展开新的一天 从墨西哥城中心点的索卡洛 宪法广场 也是 世界最大的广场之一 接着前往广场北侧参观最具代表性的宗 教建筑墨西哥首都大教堂在拉丁美洲最大的天主教教堂 另外 位于广场上东侧的国家宫周一休息 包括承载迭戈 里维拉 的壁画描绘了墨西哥的历史 下午 体验浪漫的哥伦比亚号龙虾晚餐游船之旅 在伴有高水 平的萨克斯风音乐 享用精致美味的晚餐 这浪漫之旅将会是 一次您永生难忘的体验 第8天 坎昆 197公里- 奇琴伊察- 197公里 - 坎昆 (酒店早餐 /自助午餐 / 墨西哥晚餐) 清晨 乘搭短途航班飞往墨西哥城 奇琴伊察遗址 今天我们将前往世界新七大奇观之一和玛雅文明最后的遗址奇琴伊察 在1988年获联合国组织选列为世界文化遗产 参 观誉为马雅文化最伟大的金字塔--库库尔坎金字塔 其他景 点包括 马雅遗址中最大的球场Great Ball Court 最后到访一个由天然雨水浸蚀而形成的迷人天然井 据说这 里是千年前古马雅国王的专属浴池 第11天 墨西哥城 - 74公里 - 特奥蒂瓦坎 - 74公里- 墨西哥城 (酒店早餐/墨西哥午餐/晚餐于贝里尼旋转餐厅) 特奥蒂瓦坎金字塔 继续往市郊五十公里特奥蒂瓦坎,这里曾是阿兹特克帝国伟大 的遗迹 据说此地是众神之城 有雨神 水神 火神与羽蛇 神 城内有月亮金字塔 蝴蝶宫殿 四壁均有精美浮雕和彩 绘 色彩夺目 目不暇给 最著名的太阳金字塔 塔高70公 尺 底座占222平方公尺 由三百万吨的砖块所堆砌而成 共 248石级登上塔顶 可算是巧夺天工 第12天 墨西哥城/启程回国 (酒店早餐/亚式午餐/-) 天然井 国立人类学博物馆 前往人类学博物馆 此馆为当地著名建筑家佩罗德 拉米雷 斯 巴斯克斯于1964年设计建成 占地超过4万平方公里 可 观的展品不胜其数 最精彩的要算其聋立众入口处的巨型特 拉洛克雨神石雕像 与及展出玛雅人生活遗迹及著名[太阳之 石]的玛雅展览馆 此外 馆内展出墨西哥原住民文化和生活 事务 和印第安人的服饰和日用品等文物 这些都是极珍贵 的考古遗物 饶富趣味性 星期一休息 霍奇米尔科Tranjinera游船的浮动花园 水上花园城市[霍奇米尔科]这里曾是阿兹特克人所建之湖边小 镇` 现今仍保留有运河 花园可乘色彩缤纷的船畅游这古老 运河 更可欣赏传统服饰的墨西哥合奏团演奏 良辰美景一 乐也 第9天 坎昆 -134公里 -图伦 -134公里 - 坎昆 送往机场飞往家园的航班 (酒店早餐/海鲜午餐/酒店晚餐) 图伦遗址 参观马雅文明的重要遗迹--图伦 这是墨西哥唯一一座紧邻 着加勒比海兴建的马雅古城 古堡如同一座远眺加勒比海的 文明瞭望塔 其独特的地理位置和文明遗迹吸引许多爱好马 雅文明游客们到访 图伦遗址 国立人类学博物馆 第13天 在机上 第14天 抵达家园 带着难忘又美好的回忆抵达家园

KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Bilingual commentaries with high emphasis on English Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western and meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. 以英语为主的双语评述 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程, 并让您有足够的空闲时间进行您所喜爱的活动 美味丰富的特别美食料理组合, 包括西餐, 和您自选的美食佳肴, 让您尽情沉醉在享受餐饮的乐趣 Geirangerfjord, Norway Floating gardens of Xochimilco Cancun Temple of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza Domestic Flight International Flight Coach Havana Cienfuegos Teotihuacan Chichen Itza Cancun Tulum Trinidad CUBA MEXICO Terms & Conditions / 备注 : Tour Code / 团号 : UCMHAV14 Printed Date 25 October 2017 1. Flight details, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary above are subject to change according to different departure dates without prior notice. Any changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basis. 4. We strongly recommend you to purchase travel insurance before departure. 5. To ensure the benefit of consumers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. 1. 行程表所列载的航班资料 交通 行程 酒店住宿及膳食安排, 将可能因应不同出发日期而有所变动, 恕可能不及时通知 然而如报名后有所更动的话, 本公司将另作个别通知 2. 行程, 膳食及住宿的先后次序, 最终以当地地接待社 ( 地接 ) 安排为准 3. 任何三人房都以折叠式加床为标准 4. 团队出发前建议购买旅游保险, 以则安心 5. 为确保消费者权益, 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节 For Agent use: 以上行程供参考, 最后行程确定是以最终航班确认及当地旅游社之最终确定为准, 但以上夜宿, 餐食及观光景点将会尽量保持不变, 我们建议您在出发前购买 安心旅游保险 中文行程以英文版本为准 The above itinerary is subject to change ; i) Subject to the final confirmation and the local tour operator final discretion. Hovewer, the night stay, number of meals and sightseeing places will remain unchanged.