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Planning For a Better Future IncomeShine Whole Life Coupon Plan

We have different dreams and targets in every life stage. Well planning is necessary to encounter the challenges before reaching our dreams. BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited ( BOC Life ) offers the IncomeShine Whole Life Coupon Plan ( the Plan ), providing Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 equivalent to 6% of the Sum Insured annually, starting from the 2 nd policy anniversary, until the age of 100 of the Insured during his lifetime while the policy is in force. In addition, there are various options of payment period which allow you to meet your financial plan and well prepare to achieve your future goals with ease. Guaranteed Yearly Income to the Age of 100 Starting from the 2 nd policy anniversary, an amount equivalent to 6% of the Sum Insured will be payable annually as Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 until the age of 100 of the Insured during his lifetime while the policy is in force. You may choose to cash out the Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 at any time to make your dream comes true or accumulate them in your policy for interest 2. 4 Options of Premium Payment Period 3 The Plan offers premium payment period of 5 years, 8 years, 12 years or 20 years for your selection. Once the premium amount is determined, it will remain unchanged throughout the premium payment period, allowing you to have a better financial plan. Annual Dividend 4 The Plan also offers Annual Dividend 4 (if any), allowing your annual income to grow with time. If you choose not to withdraw your Annual Dividend 4 (if any), you can leave it with the policy for interest accumulation 4. Life Protection till the Age of 100 The Plan provides life protection until the Insured reaches the age of 100. In the event of death, the Plan will pay the Death Benefit 6 to the policy Beneficiary. What s more? You may choose to enrol in the simplified version 7 of the Plan, where the Death Benefit 7 is different. For details, please contact our Wealth Management Managers. Supplementary Riders 8 for Comprehensive Planning You may enhance your coverage by attaching a wide range of supplementary riders 8 to the policy. For details, please contact our Wealth Management Managers. 24-Hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services 9 The Plan provides an easy access to 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services 9, covering emergency medical assistance and referral services, as well as other relevant services. Terminal Dividend 4 In addition, Terminal Dividend 4 (if any) may be payable upon policy maturity; or upon surrender of policy, or upon the death of the Insured from as early as the 7 th policy anniversary (subject to premium payment period) 4. Grasp this opportunity! Enrol Now! You are welcome to enquire our Wealth Management Managers for the details. Enquiry Hotline: (852) 2860 0688 Website: www.boclife.com.hk Basic Eligibility Requirements Issue Age / Premium Payment Period Issue Age Premium Payment Period 5 years 8 years Age 0^ to age 70 12 years Age 0^ to age 65 20 years Age 0^ to age 60 Policy Currency RMB / HKD / USD Coverage Period Up to age 100 of the Insured Minimum Sum Insured RMB40,000 (RMB policy) / HKD48,000 (HKD policy) / USD6,000 (USD policy) Premium Payment Mode Annual / Semi-annual / Quarterly / Monthly ^ Age 0 means starting from 15 days after birth

Investment Strategy, Philosophy in Deciding Dividends and Fulfilment Ratio of Dividends: Under normal circumstances, the major markets invested by BOC Life include, but not limited to, North America, Europe and Asia markets. The assets supporting the policies under the Plan mainly consist of the following: Fixed income instrument or interest-bearing securities (including but not limited to government and corporate bonds, etc.) Growth asset (including but not limited to equity investment, mutual funds, properties investment, etc.) Mix 60%-80% 20%-40% With the aim of achieving our long term investment target, BOC Life, at our sole discretion, reserves the right to adjust the aforementioned asset allocation when there are material changes in market outlook and condition, or engage in other financial arrangements including but not limited to reinsurance arrangement. BOC Life aims at investing in assets denominated in policy's currency. If the currency of which the assets are denominated is not the same as policy currency, BOC Life may use derivatives to manage the impact of currency risk. For the latest Investment Strategy, please refer to BOC Life website www.boclife.com.hk. You may browse the following website, www.boclife.com.hk/ps, to understand BOC Life s philosophy in deciding dividends and fulfilment ratio of dividends. Risk Disclosure of RMB and USD Insurance: RMB and USD policies are subject to exchange rate risk. The exchange rate between RMB and HKD or USD and HKD may rise as well as fall. Therefore, if calculated in HKD, premiums, fees and charges (where applicable), account value / surrender value and other benefits payable under RMB or USD policy will vary with the exchange rate. The exchange rate between RMB and HKD or USD and HKD will be the market-based prevailing exchange rate determined by BOC Life from time to time, which may not be the same as the spot rate of banks. The fluctuation in exchange rate may result in losses if a customer chooses to pay premiums in HKD, or requests the insurer to pay the account value / surrender value or other benefits payable in HKD, for RMB or USD policy. RMB Conversion Limitation Risk - RMB Insurance are subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of RMB may result in losses in the event that the customer converts RMB into HKD or other foreign currencies. (Only applicable to Individual Customers) RMB is currently not fully freely convertible. Individual customers can be offered CNH rate to conduct conversion of RMB through bank accounts and may occasionally not be able to do so fully or immediately, for which it is subject to the RMB position of the banks and their commercial decisions at that moment. Customers should consider and understand the possible impact on their liquidity of RMB funds in advance. (Only applicable to Corporate Customers) RMB is currently not fully freely convertible. Corporate customers that intend to conduct conversion of RMB through banks may occasionally not be able to do so fully or immediately, for which it is subject to the RMB position of the banks and their commercial decisions at that moment. Customers should consider and understand the possible impact on their liquidity of RMB funds in advance. Other Key Risks: 1. The Policy Owner should pay premium on time during the premium payment term. It may result in lapse or termination of the policy if the required amount (such as premium) is not made before expiry of the grace period (if applicable) as prescribed by BOC Life. Nevertheless, it is subject to the automatic premium loan (if applicable) (BOC Life will advance the premium due from the non-forfeiture value as an automatic premium loan) and non-forfeiture provisions (if applicable). If the policy is terminated or lapsed due to non-payment of premium, the surrender value received by the Policy Owner may be less than the total premiums paid and the Policy Owner will lose the insurance protection provided by the policy. 2. BOC Life may terminate the policy before the maturity date if any one of the following events occurs: (i) the death of the Insured; or (ii) BOC Life approves the Policy Owner s written request for surrender; or (iii) the policy lapses after the end of the grace period; or (iv) the non-forfeiture value is less than zero (if applicable); or (v) the aggregate amount paid or payable by BOC Life has reached the maximum benefit amount of all coverage of the policy (if applicable). 3. The actual rate of inflation may be higher than expected, therefore the amount you receive may be less in real terms. Remarks: 1. Guaranteed Cash Coupons will be payable to the Policy Owner on every policy anniversary starting from the 2 nd policy anniversary until the age of 100 of the Insured during his lifetime while the policy is in force. To be eligible for receiving Guaranteed Cash Coupons, the Policy Owner should pay the premiums due in full on time. 2. The annual interest rate for the accumulation of Guaranteed Cash Coupons is not guaranteed and may be changed from time to time. Any projected amounts of the accumulated Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 as shown in any insurance proposals provided by BOC Life are neither guaranteed nor estimated values for future years. The Policy Owner may withdraw any portion or all of the accumulated Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 (if any) and / or any interest accrued while the policy is in force. Such amount withdrawn will no longer be counted as part of the total cash value and the total Death Benefit 6,7 of the policy. For details, please refer to policy documents and provisions issued by BOC Life. 3. The policy will be terminated if the Policy Owner cannot pay the premium payable before the end of the grace period (31 days from the due date from payment of each premium after the first premium payment or it is subject to change by BOC Life from time to time) during the premium payment period. Nevertheless, it is subject to the automatic premium loan (BOC Life will advance the premium due from the non-forfeiture value as an automatic premium loan) and non-forfeiture provisions. For details of the provisions, please refer to the policy provisions issued by BOC Life. If the policy is terminated or surrendered before policy maturity, the total cash value received by the Policy Owner may be less than the premiums paid. 4. The Plan is a participating policy. Nevertheless, Annual Dividend (if any) and the annual interest rate for dividend accumulation, and Terminal Dividend (if any) are not guaranteed and may be changed from time to time. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The actual amount received may be higher or lower than the estimated amount. BOC Life reserves the right to change them from time to time. Policy Owner may choose to withdraw Annual Dividend (if any) and / or interest accumulated (if any) throughout the policy term. The Annual Dividend and / or interest withdrawn will no longer be accumulated as part of the total cash value and the total Death Benefit 6,7 of the policy. Terminal Dividend (if any) may be payable upon policy maturity; or upon surrender of the policy or the death of the Insured, all of which happen on or after the 7 th policy anniversary (for premium payment period of 5 years) / 10 th policy anniversary (for premium payment period of 8 years, 12 years or 20 years). For details, please contact our Wealth Management Managers. 5. Net Premiums Paid means the total premiums paid for the Basic Plan less all Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 distributed (if any) (excluding any interest accrued 2 thereon) to the Policy Owner up to the date of death of the Insured. Any Premium Deposit Account balance, extra premiums due to loading and Rider premiums (if applicable) shall be excluded from the calculation of the total premiums paid. If the Sum Insured is reduced, the Net Premiums Paid shall also be reduced proportionally. 6. The Death Benefit of the Plan (except for the simplified version) is equivalent to 100% of the Sum Insured or 100% of the Guaranteed Cash Value as at the date of the Insured s death or 105% of the Net Premiums Paid 5 as at the date of the Insured s death (whichever is the highest), plus accumulated Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 (if any) and interest accrued 2 thereon (if any), and accumulated Annual Dividend 4 (if any) and interest accrued 4 thereon (if any), and Terminal Dividend 4 (if any) at the relevant time; less all indebtedness 10 (if any) and outstanding premiums (if any). 7. The Death Benefit of the simplified version of the Plan is equivalent to 100% of the Guaranteed Cash Value as at the date of the Insured s death or 105% of the Net Premiums Paid 5 as at the date of the Insured s death (subject to the maximum amount of 100% of the Net Premiums Paid 5 plus RMB80,000 / HKD96,000 / USD12,000) (whichever is higher), plus accumulated Guaranteed Cash Coupons 1 (if any) and interest accrued thereon 2 (if any), accumulated Annual Dividends 4 (if any) and interest accrued thereon 4 (if any), and Terminal Dividend 4 (if any) at the relevant time, less all indebtedness 10 (if any) and outstanding premiums (if any). Regarding the maximum amount of the Death Benefit payable if the Insured is covered by more than one policy under the simplified version of the Plan issued by BOC Life, please refer to the policy documents and provisions issued by BOC Life for the details. The Sum Insured of the simplified version of the Plan is used for projecting the premiums, dividends and other policy values only, the Death Benefit amount payable upon the Insured s death may be less than the Sum Insured. 8. Supplementary riders are subject to corresponding issue age eligibilities. Premiums of such may be changed from time to time. For details, please contact our Wealth Management Managers. 9. 24-Hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services are provided by Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited in accordance with the Conditions for Services pursuant to Life Insurance Supplementary Emergency Assistance Services and Benefits. The services are not guaranteed for renewal and BOC Life reserves the right to withhold or amend the said services at its sole discretion. 10. Indebtedness shall include but not limited to any policy loan that has been taken by the Policy Owner and its interest (if any). Whilst the policy is in force, the Policy Owner can apply for a policy loan against Guaranteed Cash Value of the policy subject to the policy loan provision. The policy loan and its interest (if any) will be deducted from the total cash value upon termination of the policy. For details, please refer to the policy provisions issued by BOC Life. Important Notes: The Plan and the supplementary rider (s) (if any) are underwritten by BOC Life. BOC Life is authorised and regulated by Insurance Authority to carry on long term business in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People s Republic of China. BOC Life reserves the right to decide at its sole discretion to accept or decline any application for the Plan and the supplementary rider (s) (if any) according to the information provided by the proposed Insured and the applicant at the time of application. The Plan and the supplementary rider (s) (if any) are subject to the formal policy documents and provisions issued by BOC Life. Please refer to the relevant policy documents and provisions for details of the Insured items and coverage, provisions and exclusions. Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of this promotion material, the English version shall prevail. This promotion material is for reference only and is intended to be distributed in Hong Kong only. It shall not be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of BOC Life outside Hong Kong. Please refer to the policy documents and provisions issued by BOC Life for details (including detailed terms, conditions, exclusions, policy costs and fees) of the Plan and the supplementary rider (s) (if any). For enquiry, please contact our Wealth Management Managers. This promotion material is published by BOC Life.

8522860 0688 www.boclife.com.hk

1. 1. 2 100 2. 1 1 6,7 3. 31 4. 6,7 7510 81220 5. 1 2 6. 100% 100% 5 105% 1 2 4 4 4 10 7. 100% 5 105% 5 100% 80,00096,00012,000 1 2 4 4 4 10 8. 9. 24