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4 天 3 晚泗水 / 婆罗摩托萨里 / 底特勒斯 / 诗都阿佐 4D3N Surabaya / Bromo Tosari / Tretes / Sidoarjo GROUND ARRANGEMENT (T/C: GA-SUB) PRIVATE TOUR UPDATED 01APR2015 Day


5 DAY 4 NIGHT OKINAWA +2 NIGHT TAIPEI ** Only One Departure Date ** * 01 Sep 2011 * Tour Highlights Murasaki Mura Nago Pineapple Park Ocean Expo Park Gala Salt Factory Manzamo Shuri Castle Kokusai Street Mihama Town Resort American Village Gyokusendo Cave Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum Ashibinaa Outlet Mall Naminoue-gu Shrine Taipei 101 Shilin Night Market Accommodation Beach Hotel : Rizzan Sea Park or similar class x 2N Naha City Hotel : Pacific Hotel or similar class x 2N Taipei Hotel : New Continental Hotel or similar class x 2N Departure Date 01Sep 2011 Flight Details 01Sep SIN/TPE CI 752 1025/1500 01Sep TPE/OKA CI 122 1625/1840 05Sep OKA/TPE CI 121 1155/1230 07Sep TPE/SIN CI 751 1605/2045 Meals Remarks 6 4 3 Chinese-speaking guide Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice Day Itinerary Details Meal 1 Singapore Okinawa Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to Okinawa via Taipei. Okinawa consists of 160 islands of various size scattered across a vast area of ocean. The temperature in winter is about the same Buffet as that of springtime in Tokyo and Osaka, making it warm and comfortable throughout the year. Naha is the largest city in Okinawa Prefecture. Located in the southern part of Okinawa Main Island, it is the political, economic and transportation center of the prefecture. Upon arrival, you will meet our local representative and transfer to hotel. 2 Murasaki Mura - Nago Pineapple Park - Ocean Expo Park - Gala Salt Factory Murasaki Mura: Used to be the real life set for a popular Japanese television drama about the Ryukyu Kingdom in the 16th and 17th century. Today it is a link to the past, an opportunity for visitors to step back in time and experience a bit of Okinawa nostalgia. Nago Pineapple Park: Board a pineapple-shaped shuttle bus and take a tour in pineapple fields. Nago Pineapple Park is an interactive museum where you can see how pineapple is grown, and how pineapple wine is made. There is also a collection of thousands of shells. You will also discover the process of pineapple cultivation, explore the winery park and enjoy samples of pineapple and pineapple wine. Ocean Expo Park: The largest theme park in Okinawa. In 1975, the World Exposition was held in Okinawa, revolving around the theme of seas and oceans. After the expo's closure, the Ocean Expo Park was built on the former expo site, in order to commemorate the event. The most famous among the various attractions found in the Ocean Expo Park, is the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, one of Japan's largest and best aquarium. Other attractions include a tropical flower park, a maritime museum, a sand beach and a historic Okinawa village. Gala Salt Factory: Walk around the complex and observe the stages of salt making from start to finish.

3 Manzamo - Shuri Castle - Kokusai Street - Mihama Town Resort American Village Manzamo: A grass plateau jutting into Nago Bay. The scenic view available here is said to be one of the best in Okinawa. Nearby are many fine bathing beaches including Manza beach. Located in Onna Village, the cape is particularly known for a distinctive formation that resulted from wave erosion and resembles an elephant's trunk. Shuri Castle: Believed to have been built in the 14th century by King Satto, who ruled here. Major repairs were subsequently carried out and it was used for many years as the castle of the kings of Ryukyu. Shurei Gate, reconstructed in 1958, has red-colored tiles on the two-layered roofs, which are set in white lime, retaining a beauty unique to Okinawa. Many tourists visit the castle as it is one of the most important buildings in Okinawa. Kokusai Street: Located close to the Okinawa Prefectural Office building, Kokusai Street offers plenty of souvenirs and fashion shops, restaurants and other boutiques. The main avenue of Okinawa, it also houses many hotels. Mihama Town Resort American Village: Featuring a wide variety of restaurants from fast food places like A & W, Starbucks, and Baskin Robins, to more traditional Japanese and Okinawa establishments or international cuisine such as Thai or Indian food there is something for everyone if you are looking for a bite to eat. American Village also has many stores for shopping, from tiny shops to mega department stores like Jusco. 4 Gyokusendo Cave - Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum - Ashibinaa Outlet Mall Naminoue-gu Shrine - Naha Habour Diner (photo-taking) Gyokusendo Cave: It is the longest of the many caves in the south of Okinawa Island and the second longest cave in the entire country. 850m of the cave are open to the public and feature spectacular stalactites and stalagmites. The inside of the cave is well-maintained and the walking paths are well-lit. Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum: The largest war memorial in Okinawa. The museum exhibits are divided into five separate areas that cover the history of Okinawa leading up to WWII, the Battle of Okinawa (three areas concentrate on the battle), and the postwar period in which Okinawa was transformed under U.S. military occupation into the so-called Keystone of the Pacific. There is also an exhibit specifically for children to teach them about the importance of human life and to try and cultivate within them a desire for peace in the future. Ashibinaa Outlet Mall: Okinawa's first ever outlet mall with 70 world brands gathered in one location, offering goods at 30 to 80% of their regular price. Naminoue-gu Shrine: It sits atop a high bluff, overlooking Naminoue Beach and the ocean. Originally a sacred space of the native Ryukyuan religion, due to its location and natural beauty, it was dedicated to nirai kanai, the mythical source of all life, and to the sea. At some point it came to be known as Hana gusuku and Nanminsan, and later was incorporated into the Japanese system of Shinto shrines. Naha Habour Diner: This restuarant is a life-size rendition of a banyan tree nestled amid its branches and serves Asian cuisines. 5 Okinawa Taipei Morning check in to airport for your flight to Taipei. Upon arrival, meet the friendly Taipei guide and proceed to lunch. After lunch visit Taipei 101 (viewing deck ticket not included), then stopover at WEIGE local product shop and LINGZHI TEA shop. Thereafter, visit Shilin Night Market. 6 Taipei Free Day 7 Taipei Singapore After breakfast, depart for your flight back to Singapore, with wonderful memories of Okinawa and Taipei!

5 天东方夏威夷 - 日本冲绳漫游记 送两晚台北风情游 ** 机场税小费全包 - 仅此一团 ** *01SEP2011* 天数 早餐 午餐 晚餐 酒店住宿或同級 1 旬彩自助餐 Pacific Hotel or similar class 2 酒店內汤豆腐料理 BBQ 自助餐 Pacific Hotel or similar class ( 无限畅食畅饮 ) 3 酒店內日式料理海鲜 + 黑猪肉火锅 Rizzan Sea Park hotel or similar class ( 吃到饱 ) 4 酒店內 琉球料理 自理 Rizzan Sea Park hotel or similar class 5 酒店內 台式料理 ( 台北 ) 自理 New Continental Hotel or similar class 6 酒店內 自理 自理 New Continental Hotel or similar class 7 酒店內 自理 航班 : 中华航空 China Airlines 01Sep CI 752 Singapore / Taipei 1025 / 1500 01Sep CI 122 Taipei / Naha 1625 / 1840 05Sep CI 121 Naha / Taipei 1155 / 1230 07Sep CI 751 Taipei / Singapore 1605 / 2045 冲绳堪称是日本的夏威夷, 它位于日本最南端的琉球群岛, 是日本列岛唯一一处四季都能沐浴灿烂阳光的旅游胜地. 琉球群岛共由 60 多个岛屿组成, 主岛就是冲绳岛. 这里一年四季温暖如春, 年平均气温在 22.7, 即使是北半球的冬天, 这里也丝毫感觉不到寒冷.

第一天新加坡 / 台北 / 那霸 ( 冲绳 ) 集合在新加坡国际机场乘搭豪华客机, 飞往冲绳縣首府 那霸. 抵步后, 送往酒店休息 第二天体验王国 MURASAKI MURA/ GALA 海盐馆 / EXPO 海洋博公园 / 遥望珊瑚七色海 / 菠萝热带植物园 海盐工厂, 从中了解从海水提验到盐的过程, 并品尝盐冰棋淋. 国营冲绳纪念公园是在 1975 年举办冲绳国际海洋博览会的会址上建设的占地 70 万平方米的公园, 南北长 3 公里 宽阔的园内可使用电动巴士 (1 日周游券 200 日圆 ) 代步 美丽海水族馆 热带梦幻中心 海豚剧场 等游览景点充实 体验王国, 重现华丽的琉球时代风貎的体验主题园区 在重现琉球王国时代的城楼及城下町的园区内,32 间相连的工房, 除了可以观摩外, 还可以亲身体验玻璃工艺 红型染 蜻蜓珠制作 陶艺 黑糖制作等, 共准备了 101 种体验项目 清楚地说明, 亲切地指导, 即使完全外行的人也能简单地体验工艺制作 透过体验也能够学得传统文化之乐 此外, 园内的琉球式房宇建筑 谢名亭 热带植物园里可以搭迷你观览车, 参观海洋贝壳馆和果实酿酒厂 第三天万座毛悬涯 / 首里城 / 北谷町美国村 /OUTLET MALL / 国际通名人街 万座毛是代表冲绳的名胜景观之一 突出在东中国海的万座毛, 因海浪长年侵蚀, 石灰岩的悬涯峭壁形成了远看犹如象鼻般的独特造型 高 20 米的悬涯上的宽阔地带天然矮草丛生, 是日本的国定自然公园 18 世纪的琉球国王尚继面对万座毛之美景曾咏叹 : 万人座之毛( 野原 ), 万座毛由此而得名 周围的野生植物群, 还被指定冲绳县的天然纪念物 首里城位于俯瞰那霸市的海拔 120 米的高坡上, 是琉球王国的象征 14 世纪末创建的首里城, 是琉球历代国王的居住地, 同时, 也是琉球王国的政治的中心 冲绳最大的木造建筑是国王的首里城正殿, 而北殿用来接待来自中国的册封使臣, 南殿用来接待萨摩的艺人 正殿的内部对外公开, 北殿 南殿是展览室, 可以了解王朝当时的日常生活和各种仪式等 首里城二战被毁,1992 年复元 2000 年 12 月登记为世界文化遗产 美国村是一处综合文化商业设施, 美国村的醒目标志是直径 50 米的大观览车, 美国村内拥有以 3D 映像为主体的娱乐设施,8 个屏幕的电影馆 购物中心 保龄球场 美国餐厅 录音室 娱乐中心 进口杂货店等, 另备有运动的复合设施 还有一座高 22 层的宾馆也预定于 2004 年落成开始营业 国际通大道位于那霸市中心, 是冲绳观光的出发点也是那霸的中心繁华街 国际通大道充满朝气 自古便做为冲绳的中心而繁荣, 第二次世界大战受到毁灭性打击, 而战后又以惊人的速度得到复兴和发展, 因此人称 奇迹大街 在全长 1.6 公里的大道两侧, 百货店 餐厅 出售美军军品的杂货店 土特产店 时装店鳞次栉比, 终日游人不断, 热闹非常 第四天平和公园 / 文化王国村 - 玉泉洞钟乳石 / 那霸市新都心购物中心 / 波之上神宫 / 孔子庙 / 冲绳奇观 - 树屋 / 摩文仁丘陵一带是冲绳战最大的激战区, 为纪念冲绳归还在此修建了平和祈念国定公园 在辽阔的绿地内, 以 1 府 30 县 10 团体的名义修建的慰灵塔. 碑, 其它还有平和基石 冲绳县立平和祈念资料馆 平和祈念堂 国立冲绳阵亡者墓苑等 每年 6 月 23 日的慰灵日, 在这里举行 冲绳全体战亡者追掉式, 以求恒久的和平 观摩琉球首里城的城下町 王国村, 见习琉球工艺 民艺 手艺各种传统的艺能场 传统老式的制陶瓷场 玻璃工厂 制酒场 制黑糖工厂 王朝时代的织布染布工厂 古代的琉球木屋 朝贡船 热带果树园及观赏 琉球传统大鼓队, 民俗丰年祭舞蹈表演 在钟乳洞 玉泉洞 则可感受神秘的气氛 波之上神宫, 此为传统日式古神社的建筑, 神社中供奉着国土守护神, 是当地最著名的神社 孔子庙参观, 因琉球早期受中国传统文化影响, 故其也传承儒家信仰, 融合于当地文化中. 当地的地标之一, 又被称为 树屋 的 Banyan Town, 此实为一间餐厅, 由于其建筑设计特殊故列为冲绳建筑奇景之一

第五天那霸 ( 冲绳 ) / 台北 101 购物中心 ( 观景台自费 )/ 维格饼家 / 灵芝茶艺馆 / 士林夜市 乘搭豪华客机, 飞往台北. 抵步后, 安排享用午餐 101 购物中心, 在世界上最高的大楼享受宽广 舒适的购物乐趣 ( 观景台自费 ) 裙楼 1-4 楼的购物中心设有多家名牌服饰精品旗舰店, 还有藏书丰富的国际综合书店, 是国际时尚购物指标 士林夜市, 是台北夜市中最具规模的一个, 商品价廉物美 货品齐全 人潮络绎不绝 可品尝各种美味小吃 : 豪大炸鸡排 大饼包小饼 士林大香肠 雪花冰等 维格饼家, 台湾著名饼家 黄梨酥, 绿豆酥 都是旅游台湾必带的手信 灵芝茶艺馆, 品尝台湾高山特产 灵芝茶 第六天台北 自由活动 * 全天自由活动, 团员们可以自行安排自己喜欢的节目, 逛街或参加一些自费行程 第七天台北 新加坡 下午乘搭豪华客机, 飞往新加坡回返家门 Tour Fare ADULT TWIN SHARE SGD$1888 ADULT SINGLE SGD$2188 CHILD WITH BED SGD$1778 CHILD NO BED SGD$1558 * Above mention fare included taxes $270 (subject to change) Tipping for local guide & driver (Okinawa / Taipei)