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Lean Production Best Practices The aim of this two-day workshop is to assist production managers and plant managers to develop a lean approach to production management in a manufacturing enterprise. This workshop will share you the best practice in lean production and help you understand the true lean philosophy and tools to take away that work and are tried-and-true ways to improve your production process through true case study. Shanghai, China 19 & 20 December 2013 Your International Facilitator: Will Li, Senior Management Consultant 17 years working experience in manufacturing industry. Solid working experience on operation management, position including quality, production and supply chain. Solid operation management consulting experience and the clients cover automobile, electronic and machinery, etc. His talks and workshops have been very well received and the sharing of his practical experience and advice has been valuable to many corporations for many years. Have many years of public speaking and training experience. His Methodological Competence include: Lean operation strategy Lean production system Shopfloor management Pull /Kanban system VSM /SMED Lean logistics Inventory analysis and optimization Lean Warehouse Lean leadership Lean administration process Profound Skills in Consulting, Coaching and Training What the Seminar Will Help You Achieve: Lean production evolution: the history of automobile industry and Toyota production system Lean principles: 14 basic principles of lean production to help you understand the lean philosophy Seven waste: help you understand the seven wastes clearly through shop floor management and administration management 5S management: how to create and implement 5S management effectively Problem solving: help you know the process of fortune 500 companies problem solving process, such as A3 report process Standardization: why standardization and how to write standard work sheet One piece flow: it is the key methodology to increase lead time and improve quality and efficiency Value stream mapping: How to draw a current value stream mapping and find out improvement opportunities. TPM basics: introduce you the basic knowledge of TPM like seven pillars, OEE etc. Lean Logistics: understanding on the 4 principles of Lean Logistics, Standardized methods of internal logistic and function of Kanban and concept of Supermarket Lean leadership: introduce you how to implement lean in your plant as a leader. Martin Linking professional training Pre-Course Questionnaire In order to tailor this course precisely to your needs, the course leaders would value information on your knowledge, experience and requirements.

Training Programme Day One Thursday 19 th December 2013 Topics Covered: Through an immersive, simulated case study, you gain practical experience of lean production from tools, process to principles. AM Session One - History of production systems/ Basic of Lean Enterprise: The success story of Toyota to become Best in Class The process optimization based on the pioneer Henry Ford The Toyota Production System House The 14 principles to achieve Lean Enterprise Principle 1. Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals. Principle 2. Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface. Principle 3. Use pulls systems to avoid overproduction. Principle 4. Level out the workload (heijunka). (Work like the tortoise, not the hare.) Principle 5. Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time. Principle 6. Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment. Principle 7. Use visual control so no problems are hidden. Principle 8. Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes. Principle 9. Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others. Principle 10. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company s philosophy. Principle 11. Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve. Principle 12. Personally go to the scene to observe in order to thoroughly understand the situation (Genchi Genbutsu) Principle 13. Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly (nemawashi). Principle 14. Become a learning organization through relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen). Session Two Simulation: Simulation workshop How to stabilize a production How can be results transferred to your company PM Session Three - 7 types of waste / 5S-Methode: How non-value added work can be reduced The 7 types of waste and typical examples The 5S-if applied in a right way the fundament for Lean Production 7 wastes and 5S in office environment The Continuous improvement method as a key to eliminate waste Session Four - Standardization as a key: Takt time concept How to achieve sustainable results by using standards How to ensure stable processes by using standard-working-sheets The typical misunderstandings about standards in a production system Session Five - Principles of Flow Production: One-Piece-Flow How to minimize Lead-Time and waste and improve the transparency of production processes Continuous flow and one piece flow Benefit of one piece flow Function of traditional planning systems Classification of planning methods regarding Push and Pull The way to a synchronized flow production Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

Training Programme Day Two Friday 20 th December 2013 AM Session Six - Principles of Flow Production: Value Stream Design The history of Value Stream Design What is the difference between Value Stream Analysis and Value Stream Design The benefits of using Value Stream Design Method The process of a structured recording of a Value Stream Customer takt as a production pace maker Case study PM Session Seven Problem solving The relationship between continuous improvement and problem solving 5 why method 7 basic quality tools A3 report Session Eight - Lean Logistics (Line Back method): Positive effects on assembly due to new approach of logistic processes The 4 principles of Lean Logistics Standardized methods of internal logistic Function of Kanban and concept of Supermarket Concept of waterspider Session nine: lean leadership Case study Lean transformation roadmap Go and See Approach of waste walk Spaghetti diagram to identify waste due to walking and transportation Multi Moment Analysis-make value add work visiblesafety stock Kaizen process What is Kaizen Kaizen process Key success factors to Kaizen activity Closing Remark and End of Conference Day two About Martin Linking Martin Linking Business Consulting plans to produce more than 80 trainings and conferences and works with senior executives from the majority of the world's top 1000 companies to improve their business strategy and match their learning and training needs in one year. And we continue to grow. We also invite the leading business practitioners, industry decision makers and innovators to share insights, best business practice, and new technology at our forums. We are dedicated to give attendees cutting edge information they can use immediately. We constantly research and listen to all industry sectors to ensure that the business intelligence we provide is timely and cutting-edge. In-House Training Solutions: If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email to discuss further possibilities. Course Format: Trainer will use practical examples and case studies to reinforce and expand the scope to cover applicable concepts in this training. Who should attend? Anyone who is currently involved directly or indirectly in the company operation management and lean production management will be benefited to this training. People in the following categories will find this workshop particularly useful: Operation manager Plant manager Lean manager Lean engineer Logistics manager Production manager Processing manager Processing engineer General manager Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

精益生产最佳实践 这次为期两天的培训的目的是协助生产管理人员和工厂管理人员在制造型企业的生产管理中采用精益的方法 这次培训将和您分享精益生产中的最佳实践, 通过案例分析帮助您理解真正的精益理念和许多能拿走即用的工具和久经考验的能改善您的生产过程的方法 中国上海 2013 年 12 月 19-20 日 您的国际培训师 : Will Li, 高级管理顾问 17 年制造行业的工作经验 坚实的生产运营管理的工作经验, 从事过的职位包括质量管理 生产 物流 坚实的生产运营管理咨询经验, 客户行业包括汽车 电子和机械等 他的讲座及培训都非常受欢迎, 他分享的实际经验和建议多年来对许多公司都有很高的价值 具有多年的公开演讲和培训经验 精通以下理论和方法 : 精益运营战略 精益生产系统 现场管理 看板和 " 拉式 " 生产系统 价值流图 (VSM) / 快速换型 (SMED) 精益物流 库存分析和优化 精益仓库 精益领导力 精益管理流程 咨询 教导和培训的深厚技巧 这次培训将在以下方面给您帮助 : 精益生产的发展 : 汽车行业和丰田生产系统的历史 精益原则 :14 条精益生产的基本原则以帮助您理解精益理念 七种浪费 : 通过现场管理和行政管理来帮助您清楚了解七种浪费 5S 管理 : 如何建立和实施有效的 5S 管理 解决问题 : 帮助您了解世界 500 强企业解决问题的流程, 如 A3 报告的流程 标准化 : 标准化的原因以及如何编写标准作业表 单件流 : 这是增加提前期和提高质量及效益的关键方法 价值流映射 : 如何绘制当前价值流图, 找出改进的机会 TPM 基础 : 给您介绍 TPM 的基础知识, 如七大支柱 OEE 等 精益物流 : 理解精益物流的 4 项原则, 内部物流的标准化方法, 看板的功能和超市的概念 精益领导力 : 介绍如何在您的工厂作为一个领导者实现精益 马汀令可专业培训 课程预问卷为了确保这一课程正是适应了您的需求, 培训师将通过它来评估您的知识, 经验和需要

培训第一天 2013 年 12 月 19 日星期四 主题涵盖 : 通过身临其境, 模拟案例研究, 您将获得企业实施精益生产的实践经验和最佳案例 上午模块一 生产系统的历史 / 精益企业的基本概念 : 丰田的成功故事, 成为同类最佳 亨利福特先行的流程优化 丰田屋 的概念 实现精益企业的 14 条原则 原则 1. 立足于长远哲学的管理决策, 即使以短期财务目标为代价 原则 2. 创建一个持续的过程流动, 使问题浮出 水面 原则 3. 使用 拉 系统, 以避免生产过剩 原则 4. 平衡工作量 ( 平准化 ) ( 工作像乌龟 般稳定, 不似野免般不稳定 ) 原则 5. 建立一个停下来解决问题的文化, 要在第一时间获得质量 原则 6. 标准化的工作和流程是持续改进和员工授权的基础 原则 7. 使用可视化控制, 这样没有问题是隐藏 的 原则 8. 只使用可靠, 经过彻底测试的对员工和流程有益的技术 原则 9. 培养彻底了解工作, 奉行公司哲学并教给他人的领导人 原则 10. 开发跟随你的公司哲学的优秀人才和团队 原则 11. 尊重你众多的合作伙伴和供应商, 通过挑战他们来帮助他们改善 原则 12. 亲自到现场观察以彻底了解情况 ( 现地现物 ) 原则 13. 做决策的过程要慢, 要通过协商, 充分考虑每个方面 ; 决定的实施要迅速 (nemawashi- 根回 ) 原则 14. 通过不断反思成为学习型组织 (hansei- 反思 ) 和持续改进 (kaizen- 改善 ) 模块二 模拟游戏 : 车间仿真 如何稳定生产 如何将成果转移到你的公司 下午模块三 7 种类型的浪费 / 5S 方法 : 如何减少非增值工作 识别七种浪费 正确实施 5S 是精益生产的基础 办公环境下的 5S 和七种浪费 持续改善是消灭七种浪费的关键 案例分析 模块四 标准化是一个关键 : 节拍时间 如何通过使用标准以实现可持续的成果 如何使用标准工作表确保稳定的流程对在生产系统中对标准的典型误解 模块五 流生产原则之单件流 : 如何减少交付周期和浪费, 提高生产过程的透明度 连续流和单件流 单件流的益处 把计划方法分类为 推 和 拉 同步流动生产的方式 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

培训第二天 2013 年 12 月 20 星期五 上午模块六 流生产原则之价值流设计 : 价值流设计的历史 价值流设计和分析的区别 价值流设计方法的益处 使用价值流图的流程 客户节拍时间驱动生产 案例分析 下午 模块七 问题解决 : 持续改善和问题解决的关系 5 个为什么方法 7 基本质量工具 A3 报告 模块八 精益物流 : 精益物流对装配的积极影响 精益物流的四项原则 看板 看板概念 看板计算 实施看板的六原则 超市拉动 超市概念 超市拉动流程 水蜘蛛 模块九 精益领导力 : 案例研究 精益转型路线图 现场观察 走动查找浪费的方法 用面条图以确定由于行走和运输造成的浪费 现场改善流程 什么是现场改善 改善活动流程 改善活动的关键成功因素 关于马汀令可 马汀令可商务咨询计划每年组织超过 80 场的培训和会议, 与全球 1000 强公司的高层经理一起提高他们的商务战略, 满足他们的学习和培训需求 并且我们在不断成长 我们邀请领先企业的管理者 决策者和创新者在我们的活动中分享他们的思想观念 最佳商业实践和新技术 我们致力于为我们的客户提供即刻可用的前沿信息 我们不断地研究和聆听所有行业的声音来保证我们提供商业信息是 及时和前沿的 内训方案 : 如果公司有很多人有类似的培训需要, 那么您不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案 培训将在贵公司现场举行 并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行 请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能 : 电话 :+86 28 8532 7678 电邮 培训形式 : 培训师将会用实际的例子和案例研究来加强和扩展本次培 训中涉及的概念 谁应参加? 直接或间接地在公司涉及到精益生产和运营管理的人员都会从这次培训中受益匪浅 下列人员尤其会觉得这次培训特别有用 : 运营经理 工厂经理 精益经理 精益工程师 物流经理 生产经理 工艺经理 工艺工程师 计划工程师 总经理 结束语, 培训结束 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

Lean Production Best Practices SH20131219-1-Sales Contract-Please Complete in Capital Letters and Black Ink Sales Contract Please complete this form immediately and fax back to Athena Xie Fax No: +86 28 8532 6768 Fee Per Delegate Two Day Training Fee RMB 8850 per person All the registered delegates are entitled for a set of documentation free of charge. DOCUMENTATION RMB 1500 If you are unable to attend the conference/training but wish to receive copies of the conference/training documentation, please complete the sales contract, tick this box and return the contract with payment details. Full Payment is required within 5 working days Register Now Contact: Athena Xie Tel: +86 28 8532 7678 Fax:+86 28 8532 6768 Email: Business Opportunities An exhibition space is available at the conference. Sponsorship opportunities covering lunch, evening receptions and advertising in documentation packs are also available. Please contact Ms. Whitney Shen at +86 28 8532 7678. Payment Method Our payment terms are 5 working days on receipt of invoice and full payments can be made by bank transfer. 4402928009022523952 Authorization (Signatory must be authorized to sign on behalf of contracting organization.) This booking is invalid without a signature. Terms & Conditions: 1. Fees are inclusive of program materials and refreshments. 2. Payment Terms - Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment is required within five (5) working days upon the issuance of invoice. Payment must be received prior to the conference/ training date. A receipt will be issued on payment. Due to limited conference/training seats, we advise early registration to avoid disappointment. We reserve the right to refuse admission if payment is not received on time. 3. Client s Cancellation/substitution - Provided the total fee has been paid, client s cancellation must be received in writing by MAIL or FAX four (4) weeks prior to the event in order to obtain an 85% credit to attend for any future Martin Linking Events. Under such circumstances, Martin Linking will retain the other 15% service fee to cover expenses for prior cost that has already been incurred upon the acceptance of registration.all bookings carry a 50% cancellation liability immediately after a signed sales contract has been received by Martin Linking. 4. If, for any unexpected circumstances or reasons that Martin Linking decides to postpone this event, the client hereby indemnifies and holds Martin Linking harmless from any cost incurred in by the client. The event fee will not be refunded, but can be credited to future Martin Linking s events. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the content without notice. 5. Copyright etc. - All Intellectual Property rights in all materials produced or distributed BY Martin Linking in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication,publication or distribution is strictly prohibited. 6. Important note: In the event that Martin Linking permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, (Including, but not limited to any force majeure occurrence) and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date nor is merged with another event, the client shall receive a refund for the amount that the Client has paid to such permanently cancelled event. Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited