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75 cl Bottle 37,5 cl Bottle 2008 Graacher Domprobst Kabinett; Dry 2012 Wehlener Klosterberg Kabinett; Dry 2003 Bernkasteler Lay Spätlese; Dry 2003 Niedermenniger Herrenberg Sweet 2007 Wehlener Klosterberg Auslese**; Sweet 2007 Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Auslese**; Dry 2005 Haus Klosterberg 2005 Bernkasteler Lay 2003 Bernkasteler Lay 2005 Wehlener Klosterberg 2005 Niedermenniger Herrenberg 2003 Wehlener Sonnenuhr 2003 Graacher Domprobst Auslese**; Off Dry

Graacher Domprobst This is one of the top sites of Graach, relatively small and facing south-west. Here we own some very steep plots of vineyard with a fine, stony slate soil that is not too dry, and indeed is close to perfection. Full-bodied, slatey wines with great character in the dry range, but also extract-rich late harvest and botrytis grapes with a wonderful acid aftertaste. Wehlener Klosterberg This is at the heart of our vineyards, and stretches up the steep slopes around the winery buildings. It is located in a side valley directly opposite Zeltingen, and faces almost due south. Light to medium-heavy stony soils of decomposed slate with a high proportion of iron to produce mineralflavoured and long-lived wines with delicate, elegant fruit. Apart from Riesling, our elegant Pinot Blanc (Weißburgunder) grapes are also grown here. Wehlener Sonnenuhr This world-famous top vineyard site borders on the Zeltinger Sonnenuhr but is much more extensive, and thus more variable in quality. The soil is also very stony, but in sections somewhat deeper. It would be splitting hairs to compare the wines of the two Sonnenuhr sites, as both are of exceptionally high quality. Whereas the Wehlen wines are always impressive for their juicy fruit, their unique balance and interplay of nuances, and their slightly piquant acidity, the Zeltingen wines often have an even more impressive ripeness, and an even more incomparable filigree delicacy. Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Covering less than 20 hectares this top Middle Mosel site has mainly very old, ungrafted vines (often more than 80 years old) with fine but also very stony soils of mostly quite light blue Devon slate. The oldest and best plots are often located on small terraces with very little soil, producing very low yields (10-20 hl/ha) of exceptional quality. This site produces our greatest dry and off-dry wines as well as many of our top botrytis wines. All wines grown on the Sonnenuhr have an incomparably elegant ripeness relative to the vintage. Bernkasteler Lay Another small top-class terroir in Bernkastel, whose reputation is overshadowed somewhat by the better-known Doktor site. Here we own very good quality plots in the heart of the site with extremely old vines. The slate here is decomposed and fine, regularly producing excellent quality, very ripe harvests with extremely elegant and filigree fruit.

The WineAdvocate Robert Parker 2011 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese*** - 100P. 2013 Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese*** - 100P. 2013 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese*** - 100P. 2013 Ürziger Würzgarten Riesling Auslese*** - 100P. 45 wines of vintage 2011 more than 90P. First and only German vineyard Receiving three times 100 RP points In a year Falstaff Winemaker of the year 2014 Gault Millau 4 (red) of 5 grapes winner: 2013 Zeltinger Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese*** (white capsule) Vinum Tasting of Pinot Noir: place 1 and 2 Tasting of Pinot Blanc: place 1 Tasting of matured Mosel Riesling Ausleses: place 1 Eichelmann 5 of 5 stars Best sweet wine collection 2006 & 2012

Markus Molitor 是莫泽河雷司令的 super star, 当地酒庄的庄主们, 谈到 Markus Molitor 最常用的有俩句话 :Markus Molitor is the king of Riesling. MM 是雷司令之王 Who else can make Robert Parker 100 points? 除了他, 谁又能得到帕克 100 的满分打分呢? 而刚刚到来的 2015, 注定又是 Markus Molitor 备受尊敬, 收获荣誉的一年, 因为他们刚刚收获了 2013 年三款精选雷司令 (Auslese) 帕克打分满分的传奇 是的, 你没看错, 是 3 款同时满分 C&M 是 Markus Molitor 唯一授权的中国市场的官方合作伙伴, 是唯一享有 Markus Molitor 每年固定葡萄酒配额的唯一机构 我们将尽最大努力为您服务, 您有任何关于购买, 收藏, 代理 Markus Molitor 的垂询请致电 0049(0)6987208451,0049(0)15125078087. C&M 恭候您的垂询