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基 督 教 培 英 中 心 園 地 培 英 中 心 動 向 地 址 :# Cambie Road, Richmond, B.C. 電 話 : 傳 真 : 電 郵 網 址 :

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2004 5,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,9 12,,,,,,,,,,,,, : 4, 1958, (), 1987,417 (),7, 32

关 于 瓶 装 水, 你 不 得 不 知 的 8 件 事 情 关 于 瓶 装 水, 你 不 得 不 知 的 8 件 事 情 1 水 质 : 瓶 装 的, 不 一 定 就 是 更 好 的 2 生 产 : 监 管 缺 位, 消 费 者 暴 露 于 风 险 之 中 人 们 往 往 假 定 瓶 装 水 是




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Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool 學生暨家長手冊目錄 校史簡介 CHOOL HIORY... 課程及教學編制 CURRICULU AND INRUCION EHOD OVERVIE... 註冊須知 REGIRAION OVERVIE... 學生暨家長守則... CHOOL REGULAION AND POLICIE... 0-0 年度行事曆 CHOOL CALENDAR... 0-0 年度活動摘要 CALENDAR O EVEN... 教師及教室分配 EACHER AND CLAROO AIGNEN... 0-0 年度行政人員名單 A DIRECORY... 0-0 年度家長會名單 PVA DIRECORY... 緊急疏散計劃 / 學校地圖 EVACUAION PLAN / CAPU AP...

ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool 0-0 CALENDAR JULY 0 0 0 Jan New Year s Day Jan OC inter Recess nd Jan irst day of the emester Jan 春節 Chinese New Year Day July Independence Day July CCC eachers conference 0 JANUARY 0 0 0 AUGU 0 EBRUARY 0 0 EPEBER 0 0 0 Aug OC aculty eetings Aug 0 irst Day of OC eb 元宵節 Lantern s estival eb CNYP 千橡春晚 0 0 0 0 0 ar OC & eet 运动会 0 0 0 APRIL 0 Apr OC pring Recess Apr OC pring Recess Oct Halloween 0 0 0 0 0 AY 0 Nov 0 Election Day Nov anksgiving Day Nov anksgiving weekend ay other s Day ay emorial eekend, no class DECEBER 0 NOVEBER 0 ARCH 0 ep 0 Labor weekend, no chool ep 0 Labor Day ep 中秋節 oon estival OCOBER 0 JUNE 0 Dec Christmas Eve Dec OC inter Recess June Last Day of OC June ather s Day 0 0

ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA 校史簡介 ousand Oaks Chinese chool (OC) was founded in. In the very beginning there were only eight students, taught by r. ao-de ang. e school started in a classroom rented from averly Adult chool. In, the number of students increased drastically and the old campus became too small to accommodate the students. e campus was then moved to Redwood Intermediate chool. In January, OC moved again to ousand Oaks High chool, where it has been the campus ever since. In addition to basic curriculum on Chinese language, OC also offers a variety of cultural programs and activities to the students. In recent years, we strive not only to improve the curriculum and administration, but also to communicate with the mainstream society, to gain support from local school districts and the local community, and to participate enthusiastically in various cultural activities. ithin the community, our activities include introducing Chinese culture to the local community, and inviting school districts and community members to visit the school. ithin the school, our emphases have been to strengthen programs offered to the students, enhance the quality of curriculum, and rally all Chinese-Americans to contribute to the Chinese language education. 千橡中文學校成立於 年 創設之初只有 位學生 由王懋德老師一人擔任教學 租賃 averly Adult chool 校舍一間開始 至 年學生人數驟增 校舍不敷使用 轉而租借紅木中 學 (Redwood Intermediate chool) 校舍 由於學生人數不斷的增加 年一月千橡中文學校遷 移到千橡高中 (ousand Oaks High chool) 一直延用至今 除了教授基本語文課程外 本校並 提供各種選修課程及文化活動 近年來不但繼續努力於校務行政及教學課程之改進 更致力於 主流社會之聯繫 爭取學區及此間社區對中文學校的支持 積極參與文化活動 對外介紹中國 文化 邀請學區及地方人士到校參觀 對內則以加強各式活動 改善課程水準 集結華人的力 量 共同為華語教育而努力 本校歷任校長為 施常昭 張大健 張筱蘋 楊曉容 000 00 黃家蘭 00 00 曹織玲 00 00 郭玉梅 00 00 段治邦 0 0 李文成 0 0 黃桂林 0 迄今 王暉 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 蔡陛 張世祿 武國英 潘黛美 蔡友文 萬培娟 周洪 李瓊 尚虹 謝麗容

ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA 課程及教學編制 語文班 語文課程開設繁體字班及簡體字班 普通班每週提供兩小時語文課程 由學前班起 視學生之年齡 人數及程度 分班 教學 每班設教師一名 如班級學生人數超過 0 人或因教學需要 可增設助教一名 詳細申請辦法請參考 教師申請助教的新規定 文化班 为一年级及以上学生每週提供一小時的文化教育課程 使學生能接觸不同的傳統中 華文化 課程包括 美術 美勞 摺紙 書法 唱遊 珠藝 棋藝 功夫 乒乓球 籃球等 聽說寫讀之訓練 採用圖片 輔助教具 視聽方式 以達到語文學習之最大的成效 教材 課文採用. 康軒啟蒙拼音教材 幼稚班. 美洲華語編訂的美洲華語課本 一年級 ~ 九年級. 聽說讀寫教材 十年級. 南加州中文學校聯合會編印之補充教材. 教師自行選擇 輔助材料包括各類書籍 卡片及視聽材料 教師依教學課程 擬定家庭作業及語文 練習 採用僑委會之華語作業 有關其他教材之申請補助細則 請洽辦公室教務人 員 考 核 除學前班外 每學期舉行期中 期末測驗及不定期的小考(由教師自行決定) 並頒發 成績單作為家長之參考 插班生或跳級生則需通過入學測驗以決定編納年級 學前班學生不接受跳級 獎 勵 本校提供獎品及獎狀給品學兼優的學生 每學期由教師評訂各班的獎勵方式並在全 學年結束由學校提供獎金給全勤及優秀學生 其他獎項如下,詳細申請辦法請向學校查詢:. 康谷華協獎學金. 南加州中文學校聯合會優秀學生獎學金. Amgen 熱心家長獎學金. 社區熱心中文人士獎學金 學生點名記錄 每堂課必須點名 並註明遲到 早退 請假或缺課 如遇學生缺席 家長又未事先通知者 請老師主動打電話關心 並詢問家長用何方式將作 業交給學生 連續缺課三週以上 老師須打電話查詢 並通知校方

ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA 註冊須知 Registration Information 0-0) 千橡中文學校歡迎在 0 年 月以前出生 (滿四歲) 未滿十 八歲的學生來報名 如有需要 可經由學力測驗來決定合適 的就讀年級 OC accepts PreK- students who are interested in learning Chinese and were born before eptember 0. e student may be asked to take a placement test given by the school to determine the appropriate grade level. 每個學生$. 不 退 費. $ per student. Non refundable. 家長會會費 PVA 每位學生$, 每個家庭不超 過$0. 開學後不退費 $ per student, $0 maximum per family. Nonrefundable after school starts 康谷華協會費 CCCA 每個家庭$0. 開學後不退費 $0 per family. Nonrefundable after school starts 全年學費 Annual uition.每位學生$0.0/0 及以前註冊每位學生 減免$0.同一家庭第三個學生減免 $0.暑假期間 (0/0-0/) 暫 停註册. $0 per student. $0 discount per student if registered on and before 0/0/0. $0 discount for the third student from the same family.. No registration during summer from 0/0-0//0. 書費/材料費 extbook/aterial ee.學前班 $0 (材料費).幼稚園至九年級 $0.十年級 另繳 開學後不退費. Pre-K: $0 (aterial ee).. Kindergarten th grades: $0.. th grade: BD by teacher. Nonrefundable after school starts 學費退費標準 uition Refund Policy 0/ 及以前 0% 0/~/ % /~/ 0% /~/ % / 及 以 後 不 得 退 費 By 0/ 0% 0/~/ % /~/ 0% /~/ % No refund on and after / 晚註冊學費標準 Late Enrollment uition 晚註冊學費部分 按以下比例 收費 /0 / % / 以 後 不 接 受 新 生 註 冊 * uition is prorated as follows for students who enroll after school starts: /0~/ % No registration on and after / * 其他 Others 註冊時 必須填妥訴訟放棄 (aiver) 否則不予入學 aiver document is required as part of the condition of the registration. 入學標準 Admission Policy 註冊費 Registration ee *只接受轉學生 (需證明) 學費以全年學費的 0%計算 Only accept transferred student with proof, tuition is 0% of the annual tuition.

ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA 學生暨家長守則. 上課時間為每週週六上午 : 至 : 請準時上課 並恪遵上下課作息時間. 根據千橡高中的規定, 在沒有老師或值班家長(教室媽媽)在場的情況下, 任何學生不得 進入教室或單獨留在教室內. 學校校舍乃租借場地 請勿動用教室內任何設備(尤其是電腦裝置) 書籍掛圖及老師之用具 等以保持本校清譽並維持主客間良好的關係 若必須移動教室的桌椅 務必在下課以前恢復 原狀.原有黑板上所留字跡 請勿擦拭. 任何人若損害了教室內物件或校園設備 應負責賠償. 上課時 應該肅靜專心聽講 學生未經老師許可 不得離開教室 因故缺席 遲到或早退 家長應及早通知任課老師 認真按時做老師指定的家庭作業.. 禁止攜帶危險玩具 武器及毒品來學校 違者開除 法辦 偷竊行為亦同等處理 嚴禁在教室內飲食 請勿將食物丟置教室內的垃圾桶內 上課時不可嚼口香糖亦禁止戴帽子 及太陽眼鏡 如在校園內吃東西 請把吃剩的食物及果皮等丟進教室外的垃圾桶內 務必儘 全責保持教室內外之清潔 上課時間任何學生或家長如有冒犯或不守秩序者 老師有權送該生到辦公室接受輔導或靜坐 並給予警告 亦不可於上課時間在課室外大聲喧嘩 擾亂上課情緒 學生之間如果發生行為沖突事件 學校有權處理 若持續違犯 校方有權勒令退學 以維護 其他同學安全 若有學生違反校規兩次 給予警告 第三次則通知家長面談 此後 即勒令退學 學費不予 退還 如有家長違規, 等同辦理 為了安全起見 請家長勿於上午九時前讓孩子單獨留校 並於十二時三十分以前把孩子接走 千橡中文學校對於非上課時間內學生的安全不負任何法律上的責任 如必要, 學校將酌情 護送逾時無人接送的學生至最近距離警局 根據千橡高中的規定, 中文學校學生及家長僅可以在中文學校租賃的範圍內活動 (此範圍包 括 排教室與 I 排教室以南的空地) 千橡高中操場 在 G 和 H 排教室西面 未經學校的準許不可擅自進入 家長定期閱視學校網站及校方發送之電郵, 對於千橡高中各項活動與考場秩序的要求, 務必 儘全責配合 緊急時學校將根據學生家長提供的緊急聯絡資料與家長聯絡 家長有責提供正確緊急聯絡資 料 鑑於以往有學生代表學校參加校外比賽 學校繳交報名費後 學生臨時又不參加 為避免不 必要的浪費 學生家長須事先繳交參加校外比賽的報名費 待比賽結束學生確實出席後再退 還所繳交之報名費 請值班家長確實填寫 教室家長職責核對表 並於當日下課時繳回辦公室..........

Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool chool Regulations and Policies. chool hours are : A to : P every aturday. Be punctual, attend regularly, and follow the school schedule.. As per ousand Oaks High chool policy, no student is permitted inside a classroom without a teacher present. erefore, all OC students are not allowed to remain inside their classrooms unless the teacher is present.. Do not touch or remove any items from classrooms including books, computers (keyboard and mouse), charts, and supplies. It is important to keep good reputation for the school and maintaining smooth relationship with the host school. If the furniture needs to be move around for teaching purposes, they have to be restored before the end of the class. Do not erase any content left on the chalkboards.. If a student damages school property, the student s parent(s) will be financially responsible for the damages.. tudents should respect and follow the classroom rules set by each teacher. Parents should inform school or teachers regarding tardiness, absence or early dismissal from school due to illness or personal reason. All assignments should be completed accordingly and satisfactorily.. No drugs, alcohol, firearms, knives or smoking allowed on campus. Offenses to this rule are subject to expulsion and legal actions. tealing from the classroom and offices can leads to the same consequence.. No food or drinks are allowed in the classrooms except water. Do not chew gums; do not wear sunglasses or hats in class. o keep the classroom and its surrounds clean, leftover foods or snacks should be discarded in the trash can outside the classroom.. tudents and parents in the classroom are expected to obey class regulations and respect the teacher s authority. eachers are authorized to send students exhibiting disruptive behavior to the administrative office for corrective counseling. A warning of the misconduct will be issued. hen class in is session, please keep the voice down and do not linger or talk outside the classroom.. In the case when physical fighting among students happens on campus, the chool Principal would be in the position to moderate and resolve the issues. Repeat offenders could be suspended or expelled from school to keep classroom safety. Disciplinary actions: Verbal warning and counseling are given to students with first two violations again school regulations. ird violation will results in a meeting with the parent(s). e fourth violation will lead to student expulsion from school without tuition refund. e policy applies to violations committed by parents.. Children from regular classes should not be left alone on the campus before A and should be picked up no later than :0P. OC assumes no legal responsibility for the safety of students outside the regular school hours. If necessary, the school would shuttle the students to the closest police station.. Chinese school students and parents are only allowed to stay within the boundary of our classrooms, which is south of the Building and I Building. o avoid interfering with the various activities or exams taking place around the ousand Oaks High chool campus on aturday mornings, please avoid congregating and lingering on other areas of the campus in particular the tables and chairs in front of the cafeteria.. tudents must not play in ousand Oaks High chool s athletic field (to the west of, G, and H Buildings) without prior permission from the administrative office.. Parents should visit the school website frequently and check email regularly. It is very important for all students, parents, as well as the staff and faculty to comply with the rules and requirements of activities hosted in ousand Oaks High chool.. In case of emergency, parents will be notified according to the information provided on the registration card. Parents should provide accurate and specific information.. or participating in outside contests where the students represent the school, parents are responsible for the registration fees in advance. e school will reimburse the expenses upon the students completion of the contests.. Parents who volunteer for classroom duties should be mindful of checking through the responsibility checklist and return the form the office at the end of the classes.

ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing: P.O. Box, ousand Oaks, CA 0-0 年度行事曆 chool Calendar 秋季學期 ALL EEER 春季學期 PRING EEER 0/0/0* 開學日 st day of chool 0//0 0//0 0//0 0//0 /0/0 /0/0 //0 //0 //0 /0/0 //0 //0 /0/0 //0 //0 0//0 0//0 0//0 0//0* 0//0 0/0/0 0//0 * 0//0, 0//0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 * 上課時間: 第一節 : :A (普通班) 第三節 :A :P 0//0, 0/0/0 新春晚會 CNYP 0//0 千橡運動會 OC & eet 0/0/0 0//0 0//0 結業典禮 Last day of school 第二節 :A :A * 本日第三節課停課 (No rd period) 0/0/0 //0 //0 //0 0/0/0 0/0/0 0//0 0//0 休課日 Days chool not in ession 勞動節 Labor Day eekend 感恩節 anksgiving eekend 聖誕節 Christmas Eve 新年 New Year s Eve (OC inter Recess) OC inter Recess 春假 OC pring Recess 春假 OC pring Recess 國殤紀念日 emorial eekend

千橡中文學校 Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA ailing: P.O.Bax, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool 0-0 Calendar of Events 0 /0 () / oon estival //PVA /0 / /0 Chinese Culture Day treet air CCCA/OC/PVA /0 (,, / ) / (st-th Grade)(-th Grade) / / / CCCA / CCCA 0 / / / / / CCCA (/ ) CCCA/OC/PVA / (/ ) /PVA / / / / //PVA BD A / / / / / / CCCA / / / CCCA CCCA / eachers Appreciation Lunch PVA/ / OC /PVA / CCCA / /0 / CCCA emorial eekend Camping CCCA / () PVA BD / /

千橡中文學校 Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA ailing: P.O.Bax, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool 教師及教室分配 EACHER & CLAROO AIGNEN CLA ROO NAE CLA ROO NAE Pre-K A H- Pre-K B I- K-A I- K-B I- K-C G- K-D G- -A G- -B G- -C G- -D G- -A H- -B G- -C G- -D G- Olivia u ina Chen u Joyce Chang Hua Cao aggie a Liying Liu aggie Lin Jian Xu Helena Chang Dian ang Kate Liu Rong ang Joyce ang ing Ye -A J- -B H- -C H- -A - -B H- -C G- -A J- -B H- -C I- -A - -B I- -C I- -B I- -C I- Vivian Ku Lin Zhu Quinn en ei Vivian Jan Jian Ping Zhang ang Lu elody sai Paige Jiang Huimin Long Huei-Pin Chen Ying Xu Volary Li aggie a ei eng -A G- Irene u I- Emily ei Chuan Yu -B G- ingfei Duan I- Ellen Huixing Jin -C G- hen ang

千橡中文學校 Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA ailing: P.O.Bax, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool 教師及教室分配 EACHER & CLAROO AIGNEN CLA ROO NAE CLA ROO NAE () Drawing (I) ketch Chess G- H- ophie Chang cott i - Jack Cashman H- tan Liao Er-Hu & Chinese olk usic Chinese Dance (I) Interpretive and Communication Idiom ith un G- G- G- G- Isabella Xu Phoebe Li Jie eng Liying Liu Calligraphy I- Origami I- Huimin Long Esther Lee (Beginning Ballet ) Chinese Culture and History H- G Jenny Cheng Amanda Yao ing Ye eaving Craft G- H- Aiqi Huang en ei Chinese AP Preparation or th and th Grades Only) I- I- Emily ei Chuan Yu Ellen Huixing Jin Ping-Pong Chinese Kung u ennis Chinese Chess Hall Hua Yu Eric Kong Paul ang Chinese Conversation A II Preparation utoring G- G- - Rong ang ingfei Duan tudent A

千橡中文學校 Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA ailing: P.O.Bax, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool 0 0 taff Directory itle Name E- ail Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Academics Director Academics Director Academics Director Academics Director Budgeting Director Budgeting Director I Director Registration Director / Communication Director Communication Director / Communication Director / Recreation Director Recreation Director Campus ecurity Director Purchasing Director Heather ang cott Chiu anlin Yeh Qiuliang Luo Janet seng Yan u Lindsay Cao ina Yu Bing Xu Jasmine Li Chiaming Hsu Renee Hu Daisy Zhang Yingchun u Kelly ien Xiaoling Lin Eric u John Yang Qing Zhang

千橡中文學校 Location: oorpark Road, ousand Oaks, CA ailing: P.O.Bax, ousand Oaks, CA ousand Oaks Chinese chool 0-0 PVA Directory itle Name (phone #) Assignment Zhihua Zhang ecurity/program Haijun a nack/program Naren howdrug Library eam Lead/Program ue hu Library/Accountant Li Zhang Library Jun Qian Copy/ecurity eam Lead Changsu Jiang Copy enxin Ke Copy Joe Huang ecurity Jinghui Zhan ecurity Victor Yin ecurity Lin Liu nack eam Lead ina Chulak nack Yun Lan nack/reasure Lisa Lee nack Jiuli ong nack Haining ang nack Katie Xu nack ingfei Yin nack :

學校地圖 Campus ap & Emegency Evacuation 緊急疏散路線圖 All students and teachers must leave classroom upon emergency alarm. Everyone meets at basketball court eacher must count and confirm arrival of all students in his/her class. Return filled and confirmed ire Drill forms to ire Drill coordinator who has been assigned to your class. ait for announcement and follow the guidance of ire Drill coordinator back to classroom. Campus ap ousand Oaks High chool OC Administrative Office OC Basketball Court Evacuation Assemble Area Parking Lot Ave. De Las lores

學生手冊閱讀後聲明書 Parent Acknowledgment ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: ousand Oaks High chool oorpark Road ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing Address: P.O. Box ousand Oaks, CA tudent s Name:, Class (Last Name) (irst Name) I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the ousand Oaks Chinese chool tudent Handbook. I have read the handbook with my child and understood the goals, rules and emergency procedure of the school. Parent s Name:, Phone #: (Last Name) (irst Name) Parent s ignature: Date: I wish to be informed of latest news via email: e above is the parent s copy. Please cut off the bottom copy, read and sign it, and turn in to your teacher. 請家長與學生閱讀後簽字, 並將下聯剪下, 交給班級老師 ousand Oaks Chinese chool Location: ousand Oaks High chool oorpark Road ousand Oaks, CA 0 ailing Address: P.O. Box ousand Oaks, CA tudent s Name:, Class (Last Name) (irst Name) I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the ousand Oaks Chinese chool tudent Handbook. I have read the handbook with my child and understood the goals, rules and emergency procedure of the school. Parent s Name:, Phone #: (Last Name) (irst Name) Parent s ignature: Date : I wish to be informed of latest news via email: