CITIES! 城市! SLEEP! 住宿! Athens, Mykonos, Santorini, Crete 雅典, 麦克诺斯岛, 圣托里尼, 克里特岛 4 & 5 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard: 旅游住宿

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CITIES! 城市! SLEEP! 住宿! Athens, Mykonos, Santorini, Crete 雅典, 麦克诺斯岛, 圣托里尼, 克里特岛 4 & 5 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard: 旅游住宿 4 & 5 星级以类似为标准 Athens (2N-Metropolitan 5*) 雅典 (2 晚 - 大都市 5*) Mykonos (1N-Pelican Bay 4*) 麦克诺斯岛 (1 晚 - 普拉提斯 4*) Santorini (2N- Santorini Palace 4*) 圣托里尼 (2 晚 - 圣托里尼皇宫 4*) Crete (2N-Galaxy 5*) 克里特岛 (2 晚 - 银河 5*) EAT! Tzatziki 青瓜酸乳酪 道地美食! Taramosalata 鱼子鸡蛋沙拉 Soutzoukakia 士麦那肉丸子 Greek Coffee & Donut 希腊咖啡和甜甜圈 DRINK! Local meals include 1 drink (choices: Coffee or Tea) 饮料! 道地餐饮将包含一杯饮料 ( 选择 : 咖啡或茶 )

01 Kuala Lumpur Doha/Dubai Athens (Greek dinner) Depart to Athens, the capital and largest city in Greece. Sightseeing tour of Athens to pass-by the Constitution Square (Syntagma), to see the House of Parliament, the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier and the National Library. 吉隆坡 多哈 / 迪拜 雅典, 希腊 ( 希腊式晚餐 ) 从吉隆坡出发飞往雅典, 希腊最大的城市 雅典市区游 : 参观宪法广场, 国会大厦, 无名英雄纪念碑, 国家图书馆 02 Athens (10km) Piraeus Port (3:30hrs) Mykonos (Full breakfast/greek lunch & dinner) Board on a ferry, which will take us to the Cycladic Island of Mykonos, the playground of the rich and famous. Walk around the town of Mykonos, surrounded with its array of quaint blue and white shops and boutiques. See the famous 5 windmills, from where you also have a beautiful view on Little Venice ; with winding narrow streets lined with colourful decorated shops. After dinner, is time for you to experience the uninhibited nightlife of the vibrant island! 雅典 (10 公里 ) 比雷埃夫斯 (3 小时 30 分 ) 麦克诺斯岛 ( 早餐 / 希腊式午餐 & 晚餐 ) 驱车到比雷埃夫斯港口乘搭渡轮到麦克诺斯岛是希腊爱琴海上的一个小岛, 是基克拉泽斯群岛之一 走进麦克诺斯镇, 周围都是其古朴的蓝色和白色建筑房屋及连成一排的古老风车, 有着 小威尼斯 的美丽景色, 蜿蜒狭窄的街道两旁展示了丰富多彩的装饰店 晚饭后, 可在这充满活力的岛屿体验不羁的夜生活! 03 Mykonos (2:40hrs) Santorini (Full breakfast/chinese dinner) Morning, free for your own activity, you may sit back & relax or enjoy a cocktail in a waterfront restaurant or just take a swim at the dazzling beaches surrounding the island. Board on a ferry ride to the beautiful island of Santorini where we spend the next two days. We are met at the port and transferred to our hotel. After dinner, make yourself available to explore the most dynamic nightlife, which has made the island one of Europe s tourist spots. 麦克诺斯岛 (2 小时 40 分 ) 圣托里尼 ( 早餐 / 中式晚餐 ) 早餐后, 享受美丽的阳光与海滩, 自由活动时间至到中午 午餐自备 下午, 将乘坐渡轮出发到美丽的圣托里尼岛的最南端 抵达后, 将送往酒店休息 夜晚漫游和享受当地的夜生活气息

04 Santorini (Full breakfast/greek lunch & dinner) Sightseeing tour of Santorini Island with a drive to the famous black-sanded beach of Kamari, which unique colour was created by the eruption of the volcano in the ancient time. En-route stop for Santo Wine tasting in a typical Santorini family vineyard. Pyrgos: the highest point in Santorini for panoramic view. This hillside village was declared a protected settlement in 1995. Fira: the capital, cultural and commercial center of the Santorini. A walk through the narrow streets of Fira is a typical representation of the most common characteristics of the Cycladic Islands, the small shops packed one next to the other, the pebbled streets, the traditional houses with the small blue and sun-burned verandas and of course the amazing view which distinguishes Santorini from every other island. You may take a cable car down to the old port and ride on a donkey for the return journey (own expenses & subject to time permits) Oia: It is literally hanging on the edge of the cliff on the Caldera, well-known for its beautiful views overlooking the Caldera, the Aegean Sea, stunning sunsets, cute villages and great shopping spots. After dinner, you may walk to the western edge to enjoy its famous sunset. 圣托里尼 ( 早餐 / 希腊式午餐 & 晚餐 ) 今天驱车前往圣托里尼岛的卡馬利, 由火山爆發所遺留, 在阳光照射下, 色澤黝黑光亮, 因此也称做 黑沙灘 中途会停在典型的圣托里尼家庭式葡萄园品尝道地著名的葡萄酒 游览皮尔戈斯, 是处于圣托里尼的最高峰, 可欣赏令人叹为观止的美景 费拉 : 是圣托里尼首都, 也是这里的主要文化和商业中心 步行在狭窄的街道上, 一路上可看到一些小商店, 鹅卵石街道, 传统的房屋有着蓝色的房顶和充满着阳光普照的阳台, 此处可观赏到其他岛屿风景让人叹为观止 您可乘坐缆车下到旧港口, 再乘坐驴返回 ( 自费及视时间允许 ) 伊亚 : 沿着破火山口的悬崖边缘, 以风景如画而闻名 俯瞰着破火山, 爱琴海, 日落, 美丽的村庄和绝佳的购物场所 晚餐后, 您可以步行到其着名的西部边缘观赏日落

05 Santorini (1:30hrs) Crete (Full breakfast/greek dinner ) After breakfast, free at leisure till your time for a transfer to the next destination. Board on a ferry ride to the largest island in Greece, to spend the next two days. 圣托里尼 (1 小时 30 分 ) 克里特岛 ( 早餐 / 希腊式晚餐 ) 早餐后, 自由活动时间至到中午 下午乘坐渡轮出发到希腊最大的岛屿 - 克里特岛 06 Crete (Full breakfast/greek lunch & dinner ) Heraklion Old Town: Sightseeing tour to see the Medieval Venetian Fortress, the harbour gate, the old harbour, the Lion Square, the Morosini Fountain and the 25 th August Street. Knossos: a 3000 year old palace of the Minoan era with thrilling legends, such as the myth of the Labyrinth, the Minotaur, and the story of Daidalos and Icaros. Arolithos Traditional Cretan Village (include entrance): A traditional village that would reflect many aspect of Cretan tradition, such as art and crafts, cuisine and local customs. While wandering around, you ll see the traditional houses, blacksmith s, weaver s, village church and café s. And you will also have a chance to learn and make your own Greek Coffee and Loukoumades (doughnuts). Don t forget to bring home the collection of postal cards depicting landscapes of Arolithos, which is unique in Greece.

克里特岛 ( 早餐 / 希腊式午餐 & 晚餐 ) 伊拉克利翁老城区 : 游览中世纪的威尼斯城, 海门, 旧港口, 狮子广场, 莫罗西尼喷泉和 8 月 25 日街 克诺索斯 : 一个具有 3000 年历史文化位于米诺斯时代的宫殿, 这里充满着惊心动魄的传说, 如迷宫的牛头怪, 和 Daidalos 和 Icaros 的故事的神话 AROLITHOS 风俗村 ( 含门票 ): 一个反映着克里特岛的手工艺, 美食和风土人情的传统村庄, 在这里你会看到许多传统民居, 铁匠, 织工, 乡村教堂和咖啡馆 您还有机会学习如何制作道地希腊咖啡和甜甜圈 07 Crete (50mins) Athens (Full breakfast/greek lunch/typical Greek dinner with Local Performance) Domestic flight back to Athens. Acropolis: the world famous site and start the walking tour to see the Theater of Herod Atticus, the Propylaea, the Nike Athena Temple and the Parthenon. Acropolis Museum (include entrance) is an archaeological museum which hosts all collection of artifacts in the archaeological excavation that lies at its foundations. The museum s exhibition program is enriched with the extensive finds from the ancient Athenian city, and the excavation is visible through a series of well positioned large glass openings. The Plaka: the oldest section of Athens. Enjoy dinner with Greek local performance. If time permits, you may stroll along the street and lines with local cafés, souvenir shops, jewelry stores and many more! 克里特岛 (50 分钟 ) 雅典 ( 早餐 / 希腊式午餐 / 希腊式晚餐与民俗表演 ) 乘车前往机场转搭内陆航班飞回雅典 雅典卫城 : 参观雅典黄金时代的建筑杰作 : 包括普拉波理亚 阿西娜胜利女神神庙 厄瑞克提斯和巴特农等 雅典卫城博物馆 ( 含门票 ), 记载着从希腊青铜时代到罗马和拜占庭希腊时期所有被埋在地底下的文物 布拉卡 : 典型的雅典老区, 晚餐于当地的小酒馆与希腊民俗舞蹈和表演 如果时间允许, 你可以漫步在这纵横交错的街巷里 集中了数不清的的商铺, 餐厅和酒吧, 街道两侧的商店里, 尽是让人眼花缭乱的手工艺品, 具有希腊特色的橄榄油制品, 仿古陶罐, 印花盘子, 希腊神话中各神的小雕像, 都很让人爱不释手

08 Athens Doha/Dubai Kuala Lumpur (Full breakfast) Time to bid farewell to these exciting destinations and bring home wonderful memories of Greece! 雅典 多哈 / 迪拜 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 ) 早餐后, 送往机场乘搭飞机飞返吉隆坡 把希腊美好的回忆带回家! 09 Arrive Kuala Lumpur 抵达吉隆坡