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EUROPE 11Days 8Nights BALKANS South Eastern Europe the Adriatic Odyssey Albania / Montenegro / Croatia / Bosnia Herzegovina / Slovenia VALIDITY: APR 2017 ONWARDS 2017 起出发! HIGHLIGHTS Krujë Castle & Skanderbeg Museum Kotor Bay Excursion Dubrovnik walled city & Rector Palace Plitvice National Park Extended Tour Lake Bled & Vintgar Gorge Postojna Cave www.appleholiday.com 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED Krujë Castle & Skanderbeg Museum Boat ride to Gospe od Škrpjela Dubrovnik walled city & Rector Palace Cable car to Srd Mountain look-out Dubrovnik cruise tour Koskin-Mehmed Pasha's Mosque, Mostar Diocletian Palace Kamerlengo Castle Plitvice National Park Postajna Caves Ljubljana Funicular & Castle Vintgar Gorge Bled Castle Pletna ride, Lake Bled HOTELS ACCOMMODATION Premium international class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 1N Budva - Hotel Avala or sml 2N Dubrovnik - Radisson Blu or sml 1N Split - Radisson Blu or sml 1N Plitvice NP - Hotel Jezero or sml 1N Zagreb - Double Tree by Hilton or sml 2N Ljubljana - Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel or sml *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. DAY 01 Check in at KLIA DAY 02 Arrive Tirana - 38km - Krujë - 161km - Budva ( / Western lunch / Hotel dinner) Tirana city tour ( Albania ) Upon arrival, explore the capital of Albania. View the last remaining mosque from the Ottoman Empire, Et'hem Bey Mosque and its Clock Tower. Stroll to Skanderbeg Square in the city center, view the Art Gallery, Tirana City Hall and Statue of Skanderbeg. Krujë Castle ( Albania ) Proceed to Krujë town where Krujë Castle is located on the slopes of Sari - Salltiku Mountain. Walk through the old bazaar before entering the medieval Krujë Castle and Skanderbeg Museum, which served as an observation and signaling post during times of war with the Ottoman Empire. resting on a promontory jutting out into the Adriatic Sea. Walk on the high city walls surrounding the fort-like town and enjoy the panoramic vistas of the surroundings. At ground level, stroll through this vibrant city and lookout for landmarks such as the Onofrio Fountain, the Old Pharmacy and Sponza Palace. Tour includes entrance into the Rector's Palace. Ride in a cable car up to the Srd Mountain look-out for a fantastic panaromic view of the Adriatic coast with the walled city right below you. Lastly, hop on a boat to cruise round the wall city and absorb the cool Adriatic sea breeze. DAY 03 Budva - 23km - Kotor -93km - Dubrovnik (Hotel breakfast / Western lunch / Western dinner) Kotor and Kotor Bay tour ( Montenegro ) Visit beautiful Kotor town, stroll the Weapon Square and admire the city bulwarks. Enjoy marvelous views of Europe's southernmost fjord as we drive along Kotor Bay to Dubrovnik. Stop at Perast to board a boat to the Church of our Lady of the Rock (Gospe od Skrpjela ). DAY 04 Dubrovnik (Hotel breakfast / - / Western dinner) Dubrovnik city tour ( Croatia ) Spend the day at "The Pearl of the Aegean" Dubrovnik old city, beautifully Cable car up to Srd Mountain DAY 05 Dubrovnik - 131km - Mostar - 168km - Split (Hotel breakfast / Western lunch / Chinese dinner) Mostar city tour ( Bosnia ) Enjoy a walking tour of the historical town of Mostar, explore the old cobbled stone Ottoman Quarter, with traditional Turkish dwellings, shops and cafes. Take photos at the icon of Mostar, the Stari Most (Old Bridge)

which arches over the swirling Neretva River. Visit the Koskin - Mehmed Pasha's Mosque, admire its fascinating interior. DAY 06 Split - 28km - Trogir - 229km - Plitvice National Park (Hotel breakfast / Western lunch / Western dinner) Split city tour ( Croatia ) Tour of this UNESCO World Heritage Site centers on the 4th century Diocletian Palace, a well preserved fortress and a living part of the Old Town. Sights of the Palace include the Golden & Silver Gates, Jupiter's Temple and the Cathedral. Stroll the neat port area which is a favorite docking port for cruise ships. Trogir orientation tour Stop by the UNESCO World Heritage - listed town of Trogir, set within medieval walls on a tiny island and linked by bridges to the mainland. Enjoy lovely vista of the Trogir old town from the walls of the Kamerlengo castle and fortress. DAY 07 Plitvice National Park - 187km - Zagreb (Hotel breakfast / Western lunch /Chinese dinner) Plitvice National Park tour ( Croatia ) Today, brace for the highlight of this mesmerizing journey, a visit to this National Park often referred to in Asia as "Jiuzhaigou" of Europe. Enjoy marvelous walks in this UNESCO World Heritage site with 16 terraced lakes, inter-connected by waterfalls, gorges, rivers and forest. With the aid of electric boat, you will be mesmerized at some of the favorite spots like Velike Kaskade, Veliki Slaps & Veliki Prstavac. (Our extended tour feature both the Lower and Upper Falls.) DAY 08 Zagreb 144km - Ljubljana (Hotel breakfast / Western lunch / Western dinner) Zagreb city tour ( Croatia ) Start the tour from Kaptol Square with the imposing Zagreb Cathedral. A short walk after will lead you to the main square, Ban Jelačić Square. Tour continues with a short funicular ride to the Upper Town (Gornji Grad) where you can climb the Lotseak Tower and enjoy an aerial view of Zagreb city centre. The highlight of Gornji Grad is undoubtedly the St Mark's Church, with its checkered roof design. Descend Gornji Grad, passing the Stone Gate and spend time in Dolac market and Ilica shopping street. DAY 09 Ljubljana - 53km - Postojna - 53km - Ljubljana (Hotel breakfast / Western lunch / Chinese dinner) Postojna Caves ( Slovenia ) Explore this wonderful cave on board an electric cave train; admiring the natural sculptures in the cave. The train will take you through 2 kilometres to the Great Mountain, where you will alight and continue the tour on foot. See the colorful spears of stalactites and stalagmites as well as the Proteus, commonly known as the human fish, inside a state-of-the-art aquarium. Ljubljana city tour ( Slovenia ) Tour of the Slovenian capital covers a walk through the Old town by the Ljubljanica River, see the Dragon Bridge and admire the beautiful pink colored Town Hall at the Preseren Square, the focal point of the city. Lastly, take a funicular up to the Ljubljana Castle for a panaromic view of the city. DAY 10 Ljubljana - 65km - Vintgar Gorge - 5km - Bled - 36km - Ljubljana / Depart for Home (Hotel breakfast / Western lunch / - ) Vintgar Gorge tour ( Slovenia ) A delightful new discovery recently included in the program. Be mesmerized by this beautiful gorge as you walk along the rustic wooden pathways along Radovna River that cling to the sides of the gorge. At the end of the path, the sublime waterfall awaits you! Lake Bled tour ( Slovenia ) Start this most unforgettable voyage by visiting one of the most beautiful jewel of Slovenia; Lake Bled. Entrance into Bled Castle, the oldest castle in Slovenia perched on a steep cliff overlooking the entire vista of Lake Bled below. Lunch is served in the Castle as well! Enjoy a pleasant gondola (called "pletna" here), ride on the sparkling lake to an island church in the middle. Stroll the lake side s promenades at your leisure on this very romantic lake setting. Transfer to airport in the evening for flight home. DAY 11 Arrival home Arrival in KLIA, tour completes. Vintgar Gorge

克鲁亚城堡和博物馆斯坎德培 船程到圣母岩 杜布罗夫尼克城墙 & 宫殿 缆车到 Srđ 山瞭望台 杜布罗夫尼克船游 Koskin - 穆罕默德帕夏清真寺, 莫斯塔尔 Kamerlengo 古城堡 戴克里先宫 普里特维采国家公园 波斯托伊納洞 卢布尔雅那观光火车 & 城堡 文特加峡谷 布莱德城堡 乘搭 Pletna 传统划船游览布莱德湖 高级旅游酒店 ( 国际四星级 ), 大部分都有提供免费 WiFi 服务, 否则至少在酒店大堂也可无限上网 1 晚布德瓦 阿文拉度假酒店或同级 2 晚杜布罗夫尼克 - 丽笙酒店或同级 1 晚斯普利特 - 丽笙酒店或同级 1 晚普里特维采国家公园 - 兹洛酒店或同级 1 晚萨格勒布 - 希尔顿逸林或同级 2 晚卢布尔雅那 - 丽笙广场酒店或同级 * 所有酒店供应每日热早餐 第 1 天从吉隆坡出发 第 2 天抵达地拉那 - 126 公里 - 克鲁亚 - 161 公里 - 布德瓦 ( ) 抵达后立刻开启阿尔巴尼亚首都之旅 观望奥斯曼帝国仅剩的博弈贝清真寺和钟楼 继续游览位于市中心的斯坎德培广场, 艺术画廊, 地拉那市政府跟斯坎德培雕像 继续前往克鲁亚镇, 这里有位于 Sari - Saltik 山的克鲁亚城堡 穿梭于旧市集并进入参观中世纪建筑风格的克鲁亚城堡和斯坎德培博物馆, 它是奥斯曼帝国战争期间用于观察和发信号的用途 第 4 天杜布罗夫尼克 ( ) 今天, 让您完全沉醉在被誉为 亚得里亚海上的耀眼明珠 的杜布罗夫尼克古城, 享受它明媚的景色 沿着高高环绕着有如堡垒一样的城墙而上, 细心欣赏着迷人都市的全景 回到古城, 继续漫步游览这个充满活力的城市, 寻找其著名的标志性建筑物, 如 : 奥兰多喷泉, 钟楼, 史邦扎宫殿和进入 Rector 宫参观 继续乘坐缆车来到 Srd 山的瞭望台, 从山上居高临下俯瞰整个城墙环绕的城市全景, 蔚蓝的亚得里得亚海配上橘红屋顶, 红与蓝被 演绎到极致 ( 缆车服务将视天气而定 ) 最后以乘搭船的方式观赏杜布罗夫尼克以结束完美的一天 第 3 天布德瓦 23 公里 - 科托尔 93 公里 - 杜布罗夫尼克 ( ) 漫步在科尔托古城, 途径兵器广场, 欣赏围绕着古城的堡垒 继续沿着美丽的科尔托湾, 尽情享受位于欧洲最南端峡湾的壮丽美景 在返回杜布罗夫尼克沿途中, 停留在佩拉斯特, 乘船前往峡湾里的一座水上教堂 圣母岩教堂 此处所见蔚为壮观景色, 肯定让您叹为观止 第 5 天杜布罗夫尼克 - 131 公里 - 莫斯塔尔 - 168 公里 - 斯普利特 ( ) 享受犹如进入时光隧道的莫斯塔尔都市徒步之旅, 亲身感受历史古迹的美妙 探索奥斯曼区域, 传统土耳其住宅, 商店和咖啡馆林立 接下来, 您将来到莫斯塔尔镇著名地标 雄伟堂皇横跨内雷特瓦河的莫斯塔尔古桥 ( 旧桥 ), 您可绝对不能错过在这独特景点拍照留念 参观默罕默德帕夏清真寺, 欣赏它里面的壁画 第 6 天斯普利特 - 28 公里 - 特罗吉尔 - 229 公里 - 普利特维采湖群国家公园 圣母岩教堂 ( ) 今天, 这一趟联合国教科文组织世界遗产之旅, 将把焦点定在 4 世纪的戴克里先宫, 一座保存完好的古迹城堡和旧城区 宫殿的辉煌景点包括黄银们和朱庇特神殿 在海滨大道上, 盖着咖啡厅与露天座

参观被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产城市 -- 特罗吉尔 它位于一个小岛上, 由桥梁连接着大陆 进入 Kamerlengo 古碉堡, 登上爬上古城墙得以欣赏这海港城市的美景 第 7 天普里特维采湖群国家公园 - 187 公里 - 萨格勒布 ( ) 今天, 我们将经历此趟旅程的焦点之一 -- 普利特维采湖群国家公园 这个被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产的普利特维采湖群国家公园, 在亚洲并拥有 欧洲九寨沟 的美誉 园里共有 16 个梯田湖泊, 由瀑布 峡谷 河流和森林相互连接 在这美丽超凡的国家公园漫步, 及乘上园内的电动船, 让您拥有足够的时间尽情享受这奇妙旅程 ( 我们的重点是包括了下湖区石灰石峡谷的 Kaskade Velike 大瀑布以及上湖区瀑布群 ) 第 8 天萨格勒布 - 61 公里 - 库姆罗韦茨 - 132 公里 - 卢比安纳 ( ) 特罗吉尔 从卡普托广场及气势非凡的萨格勒布大教堂处开始今天的游览 步行不远, 即抵达热闹市集 -- 耶拉齊洽市广场 接着乘搭短途缆车来到上城区 ( 果涅 格拉德 ), 参观羅特爾許查克塔并享受从塔处眺望萨格勒布市中心美景 不容置疑地果涅 格拉德最引人注目的亮点便是圣马可教堂, 一所设有黑白格子建筑顶部 萨格勒布盾形徽章标志及中世纪克罗地亚王国风格的建筑物 从果涅 格拉德往下步行, 路经石门再漫步到热闹的多克拉市集和繁华的卡奇切瓦街, 街道两旁林立着不少的咖啡馆 酒吧和商店供您休憩逛乐 第 9 天卢比安纳 - 53 公里 - 波斯托伊纳 - 53 公里 - 卢比安纳 ( ) 乘坐电动列车探索奇妙的洞穴, 欣赏在山洞里的自然雕像 电动列车将带您到 2 公里外的洞穴, 继续徒步游览, 观赏多姿多彩的钟乳石和石笋 也在国家最先进的水族馆 里观赏俗称人类鱼的洞螈 徒步游览斯洛文尼亚的首都, 沿着卢比安纳 河畔穿越旧城区, 观赏飞龙大桥, 并在沙 伦广场欣赏于这个城市焦点之一的美丽粉红市政厅 从这里, 再等上充满乐趣的缆车 到达卢比安纳城堡, 俯瞰都市全景 第 10 天卢比安纳 - 65 公里 - 文特加峡谷 - 51 公里 - 布莱德 - 36 公里 - 卢比安纳 ( ) 我们将向您推介一个新发现与妩媚的景点 -- 文特加峡谷 通过建于岩石中的道路 游廊和桥梁, 沿着哈多纳河来到路径的尽头是斯洛文尼亚最高的瀑布 --Šum 瀑布 您将被这风景如画的峡谷迷住! 进入参观斯洛文尼亚最古老的城堡 布莱德城堡, 怡然的屹立在一个陡峭的悬崖上, 从山上俯瞰整个布莱德湖泊明媚的全景及享用午餐 之后, 下山和登上一艘独特的传统划船 Pletna, 享受一趟愉快的船游, 在波光粼粼的湖面悠然地飘行, 来到湖中央的小岛教堂 再闲暇漫步在湖两岸的湖滨长廊, 这简直是人生一大享受 接着傍晚送往机场, 乘搭班机飞返家园 第 11 天抵达家园 带着美好又难忘的回忆抵达家园 普利特维采湖群国家公园

Vintgar SLOVENIA Gorge Ljubljana Bled Zagreb ITALY Plitvice Trogir HUNGARY CROATIA BOSNIA SERBIA HERZEGOVINA Split Mostar MONTENEGRO Dubrovnik Kotor Budva ALBANIA Krujë Tirana ALBANIA R Postojna Cave KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Bilingual commentaries with high emphasis on English Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western, Chinese and meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. 以英语为主的双语评述 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程, 并让您有足够的空闲时间进行您所喜爱的活动 美味丰富的特别美食料理组合, 包括西餐, 中餐和您自选的美食佳肴, 让您尽情沉醉在享受餐饮的乐趣 MEAL PLAN Croation Seafood Platter Traditional Bosnian Kebab Bled Castle lunch overlooking Lake Bled Number of Meals : Lunch - 8 ; Dinner - 8 克罗地亚海鲜特盘 传统波斯尼亚烤肉 布莱德城堡午餐 餐饮数量 : 午餐 - 8 ; 晚餐 - 8 Pletna boat ride with Bled Castle view Terms & Conditions / 备注 : 1. Flight details, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary above subject to change according to different departure dates without prior notice. Any changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basis. 4. To ensure the benefit of consumers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. 1. 行程表所列载的航班资料, 交通, 行程, 酒店住宿及膳食安排, 将能因应不同出发日期而有所变动, 恕可能不及时通知 然而如报名有所更动的话, 本公司将另作个别通知 2. 行程, 膳食及住宿的先后次序, 最终以当地地接待社 ( 地接 ) 安排为准 3. 任何三人房都以折叠式加床为标准 4. 为确保消费者权益, 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节 For Agent use: Tour Code / 团号 : EBKTIA11-S Printed Date 15 November 2016 以上行程供参考, 最后行程确定是以最终航班确认及当地旅游社之最终确定为准, 但以上夜宿, 餐食及观光景点将会尽量保持不变, 我们建议您在出发前购买 安心旅游保险 中文行程以英文版本为准 The above itinerary is subject to change ; i) Subject to the final confirmation and the local tour operator final discretion. Hovewer, the night stay, number of meals and sightseeing places will remain unchanged.