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SĪLA SAMĀDHI PAÑÑĀ = PATH TO ULTIMATE HAPPINESS Daily Contemplation Pali-Thai-English-Chinese Chanting Book 2 Nirodharam Bhikkhuni Arama Suddhajit Bhikkhuni Arama

Compiler: Suddhajit Bhikkhuni Arama (Niro 2) อารามภ กษ ณ ส ทธจ ตต Contact address: 88/1 Moo 9, Tambol Luang Nua, Amphur Doi Saked, Chiangmai, Thailand, 50220. 88/1 หม 9 ต.ลวงเหน อ อ.ดอยสะเก ด จ.เช ยงใหม 50220. Tel: (66)081-903-4393, (66)081-205-5416. nirotharam@gmail.com Version: Daily Contemplation - Chanting Book (2), Version 1. Year: 2014. First printing: 1000 copies. For free distribution 免费赠阅

SĪLA SAMĀDHI PAÑÑĀ = PATH TO ULTIMATE HAPPINESS Daily Contemplation Pali-Thai-English-Chinese Chanting Book 2 Nirodharam Bhikkhuni Arama Suddhajit Bhikkhuni Arama

The Noble Search and Attainment 聖求 Buddha: Then, bhikkhus, 1. being myself subject to birth, having understood the danger in what is subject to birth, seeking the unborn supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, I attained the unborn supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna; 2. being myself subject to ageing, having understood the danger in what is subject to ageing, seeking the unageing supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, I attained the unageing supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna; 3. being myself subject to sickness, having understood the danger in what is subject to sickness, seeking the unailing supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, I attained the unailing supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna; 4. being myself subject to death, having understood the danger in what is subject to death, seeking the deathless supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, I attained the deathless supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna; 5. being myself subject to sorrow, having understood the danger in what is subject to sorrow, seeking the sorrowless supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, I attained the sorrowless supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna; 6. being myself subject to defilement, having understood the danger in what is subject to defilement, seeking the undefiled supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna, I attained the undefiled supreme security from bondage, Nibbāna. The knowledge and vision arose in me: My deliverance is unshakeable; this is my last birth; now there is no renewal of being. 世尊 : 诸比丘! 如是予于自生法而知生法之患, 以求无生无上安稳涅槃 以得无生无上安稳涅槃, 于自老法而知老法之患, 以求无老无上安稳涅槃, 以得无老无上安稳涅槃 于自病法而知病法之患, 以求无病无上安稳涅槃, 以得无病无上安稳涅槃 于自死法而知死法之患, 以求无死无上安稳涅槃, 以得无死无上安稳涅槃 于自愁法而知愁法之患, 以求无愁无上安稳涅槃, 以得无愁无上安稳涅槃 于自杂秽法而知杂秽法之患, 以求无杂秽无上安稳涅槃, 以得无杂秽无上安稳涅槃 而且于予知见生, 予之解脱不可动也, 此为最后之生, 今不再来此受生也 Pāsarāsi Sutta 聖求經 (MN 26) English translation by Bhikkhu Bodhi, http://suttacentral.net/en/mn26; Chinese translation by 菩提僧團 https://sites.google.com/site/palishengdian/pali/da/mn/mn26

A Word on Daily Contemplation - Chanting Book 2 This book of chanting in multiple languages (Pali, Thai, English and Chinese) is a second piece of work of compilation in progress. It serves to guide the user through the chanting, reflection and contemplation at Nirodharam Bhikkhuni Arama and Suddhajit Bhikkhuni Arama (Nirodharam 2). For the present, this second book includes verses of homage and blessings not covered in Chanting Book 1, verses and discourses for reflection, contemplation and practice, summaries of Abhidhamma, verses on formal offering and anumodana. In the preparation and compilation of materials for this book, various existing translations of Theravada chanting books in various languages (Pali, English and Chinese) were consulted. We are grateful to those who made available their translations. These made our work on compiling this book of chanting in multiple languages (Pali, English and Chinese) easier. Many, including the bhikkhunis and sikkhamanas in our monasteries, have contributed to the compilation of this chanting book. We are thankful to Mr Oliver Hargreave, Ms Sarah McClean and Mr Denis Gray who very kindly proofread some of the materials and made suggestions for improvement. We are responsible for whatever remaining errors that are found in the book and any unintentional omissions. We may have missed citing and crediting the source of some materials, please accept our apologies and inform us (nirotharam@gmail.com). Similarly if you detect any errors or have any suggestions for improvement, please inform us so that they can be corrected and improvements made in future editions. The printing of this book is made possible by donations from many friends in Dhamma and their contribution is and will be much appreciated, particularly by the users (see list of donors at the end of this book). The Teachings of the Buddha answer our questions on life, however many and diverse may these questions be, and lead and guide us straightforwardly on the RIGHT PATH to the RIGHT DESTINATION the ultimate answer to the ultimate question everyone asks on life. May your daily practice of the morning and evening chanting set you right for the day and ease you through the night. May insight arise in you as you chant, recall, reflect and contemplate on the virtues and qualities of the Triple Gem, and the Teachings of the Buddha. i

Contents Page (this book) i Page (Thai Books) I. HOMAGE AND BLESSINGS Bot Suat Phra Phutthakhun 1 B67 Ra-luek Thueng Phra Phutthakhun 1 B67 Bot Suat Phra Thammakhun 2 B67 Ra-luek Thueng Phra Thammakhun 2 B67 Bot Suat Phra Sangkhakhun 2 B68 Ra-luek Thueng Phra Sangkhakhun 3 B68 Ra-luek Thueng Khun Bida Manda 3 B69 Ra-luek Thueng Khun Khruba Ajan 4 B70 VISĀKHA PŪJĀ 5 VISĀKHA AṬṬHAMĪ 8 ĀSĀḶHA PŪJĀ 11 MĀGHA PŪJĀ 13 BUDDHAMAṄGALAGĀTHĀ {Namasakan Phra Arahant 16 B71 Paetthit} Verses of Blessings of the Buddha JINAPAÑJARA GĀTHĀ (Chinabanchon) The Victor's Cage 胜者之阵 17 B71 AGGASĀVIKĀ BHIKKHUNĪ The Great Nun Disciples 大愛道等十三經 24 B85 KHATHA NAMASSAKAN PHRA PHUTTHASIHING 27 B70 TIṀSA PĀRAMĪ Thirty Perfections 三十波罗蜜 28 B76 ATTHANGA DISANI (Khatha Phothibat) 八方 ( 十方 ) 护卫偈 33 B77 UDDISSANĀDHIṬṬHĀNA GĀTHĀ Verses of Dedication of Merit and Aspiration 迴向功德 II. REFLECTION AND CONTEMPLATION ARIYA DHANA GĀTHĀ Verse on Noble Wealth 有偈 40 B43 ABHIṆHA-PACCAVEKKHAṆA-PĀTHAṂ (Jaroen Aphinnaha-pajjavekkhana doi sang khep) Five Subjects for Reflection 五项主题应常省察 BHADDEKARATTA GĀTHĀ Verses on a Single Night 一夜贤者偈 KHEMĀKHEMA SARAṆAGAMANA PARIDĪPIKA GĀTHĀ Verses on True and Excellent Refuge 最上皈依偈 OVĀDA-PĀṬIMOKKHA GĀTHĀ Three Exhortations of the Buddha 教诫巴帝摩卡偈 35 41 B52 43 B46 44 B42 46 B45 PATHAMABUDDHABHĀSITA GĀTHĀ 48 B25 i Thai chanting book of brown cover (page number preceded by B) or white cover (page number preceded by W) or Dining Hall Booklet (Db) ii

Page Contents (this book) (BUDDHAUDĀNAGĀTHĀ) The First Words of Buddha 佛陀的最初之言偈 PACCHIMABUDDHOVĀDA PĀṬHA The Final Words of Buddha 佛陀的最后之言诵 SAṄKHĀRAPACCAVEKKHAṆA (Bot-Phijarana-Sangkhan) Contemplation of the Nature of Life 生死省思偈 TILAKKHAṆADI GĀTHĀ Verses on The Three Characteristics 三相等偈 BHĀRA SUTTA Phara Sut The Burden 重擔 SĀRIPUTTA SUTTA To Sāriputta 舍利弗經 59 DHAMMAGĀRAVĀDI GĀTHĀ Verses of Reverence for Dhamma 崇敬佛法偈 i Page (Thai Books) 49 B46 50 B53 53 B43 55 B48 63 B44 KODHA SUTTA Anger 忿 65 B55 TISSA SUTTA 低沙 66 B55 DHANAÑJĀNĪ SUTTA 陀然阇仁 66 B55 KODHANA SUTTA Kodhana Sutta: The Wretchedness of Anger 瞋恚 67 B55 KAKACŪPAMA SUTTA (Kan Tham Jai Kieo Kap Kham Phut Khong Khon) Simile of the Saw 鋸喻經 69 B56 ANTARĀMALA SUTTA (Sa-daeng Thoat Haeng Lopha Thosa Moha) Lobha, Dosa and Moha 心垢 71 B53 PARĀBHAVA SUTTA Downfall 敗亡經 73 B73 PAÑÑĀ SUTTA Wisdom 慧得八緣 79 W116 PACALĀYAMĀNA SUTTA (Phuttha ubai kae nguang) Getting Rid of Drowsiness 瞌睡而坐 82 B58 METTĀNISAṂSA SUTTA (Wa Duai Prayot Khong Kan Jaroen Metta) Eleven Benefits of Metta 慈心解脫 85 B59 DVATTIṂSĀKĀRAPĀṬHA (KĀYAGATĀ-SATI-BHĀVANĀ-PĀṬHAṂ) 87 B53 Contemplation of Thirty-two Body Parts 三十二身分 CATTARISAKARAANUPASSANA The Forty Perceptions 四十种思惟法 (Forty 四十 TO ) 90 B82 VIPASSANĀNAYA Vipassananai Inductive Insight 方法觀 94 W141 III. DISCOURSES GIRIMĀNANDA SUTTA (ĀBĀDHA SUTTA) 具寿耆利摩难 100 W101 (MAGGA) VIBHAṄGASUTTA ANALAYSIS OF THE PATH 分别 109 B35 VIBHAṄGA SUTTA (PAṬICCASAMUPPĀDA) 115 W52 iii

Contents iv Page (this book) i Page (Thai Books) Analysis of Dependent Origination 分別 ( 缘起 ) PACCAYA SUTTA Conditions 緣 118 W59 DHAMMANIYAMA SUTTA (UPPĀDĀSUTTA) 122 W82 The Discourse on the Orderliness of Dhamma 如來出世 GOTAMI SUTTA (SAṄKHITTA ) Gotami Sutta - To Gotami 略說法要 124 Db DUTIYADASABALA SUTTA (Thasa Phala Sut Thi Song) Ten Powers (2) 十力经 ( 第二 ) 127 W55 PARIÑÑEYYA SUTTA To Be Fully Understood 所偏知 134 W119 SAMĀDHI SUTTA Concentration 定 ( 三昧 ) 136 W112 SOTĀPANNA SUTTA STREAM-ENTERER 预流 141 W134 ARAHANTA SUTTA Arahant 阿罗汉 142 W135 ASSĀDA SUTTA Gratification (1) 味 ( 一 ) 143 TATIYA ASSĀDA SUTTA Gratification (3) 味 ( 三 ) 145 PAṬHAMĀBHINANDA SUTTA Delight (1) 隨喜諸苦之一 146 W124 DUTIYĀBHINANDA SUTTA Delight (2) 隨喜諸苦之二 148 W125 ABHINANDANA SUTTA DELIGHT 欢喜 149 W123 ABHIÑÑĀ SUTTA Thorough Knowing 通慧四法 150 W120 ĀNANDA SUTTA 阿難 152 W138 NIRODHADHAMMA SUTTA Subject to Cessation 滅法 154 W140 ATĪTĀNĀGATA SUTTA (1, 2, 3.) Past, Present & Future (1,2,3.) 过去未来现在 155 W137 NANDIKKHAYA SUTTA Destruction of Delight 喜尽 156 B50 ADANTA-AGUTTA SUTTA (PAṬHAMA SAṂGAYHA) Untamed, Unguarded 不调御 - 不护经 ( 所摄取 ) 159 B47 PAṬHAMA NATUMHĀKA SUTTA (AYATANA) Not Yours (1)(Ayatana) 非汝等有之一 163 W129 NATUMHĀKA SUTTA (KHANDHA) Not Yours (Khandhas) 非汝应法 165 W128 CHANDARĀGA SUTTA Desire and Lust 欲貪 167 W130 MĀRA SUTTA 魔罗 168 W92 SATTA SUTTA A Being 眾生 170 W91 BHAVANETTI SUTTA The Conduit to Existence 渴望再生 171 PAṬHAMADUKKHUPPĀDA SUTTA Arising of Suffering (1) 生 起诸苦之一 172 W127 DUTIYADUKKHUPPĀDA SUTTA Arising of Suffering (2) 生起诸苦之二 173 W127 PAṬHAMA AKKHANTI SUTTA Impatience (1) 不忍五失之一 174 B57

Contents v Page (this book) i Page (Thai Books) SĀRIPUTTA SUTTA 舍利弗 175 W115 SATTAṬṬHĀNA SUTTA Seven Cases 七处 179 W48 IV. ABHIDHAMMA DHAMMASAṄGHIṆĪ Enumeration of Phenomena 189 VIBHAṄGA The Book of Treatises 190 DHĀTUKATHĀ Discussion with Reference to Elements 191 PUGGALAPAÑÑATTI Description of Individuals 191 KATHĀVATTHU Points of Controversy 193 YAMAKA The Book of Pairs 194 PAṬṬHĀNA The Book of Conditional Origination 二十四缘 MĀTIKĀPAṂSUKŪLA 195 Passage on the Matrix of the Dhammasaṅgani 法集论母诵 VIPASSANĀBHŪMI PĀṬHA 200 Passages on the Stages of Insight 观之地诵 PAṬICCASAMUPPĀDA Dependent Origination 缘起法 202 PAṂSUGŪLAGĀTHĀ Reflecting on Saṅkhārā 尘堆偈 205 V. FORMAL OFFERINGS 供养文 SAṄGHADĀNA (GENERAL) Offering of Food and Requisites (General) 一般供养僧团之文 MATAKA SANGHADĀNA GĀTHĀ Offering of Food and Requisites (Dedicated to Deceased) 僧伽食用供养文 ( 回向于死者 SAṄGHADĀNA APALOKANA Sharing Saṅghadāna 分发礼物给僧团 208 Offering of Forest Cloth 209 Offering of Rains Bathing Cloth 210 KAṬHINADĀNA GĀTHĀ Offering of Kaṭhina Cloth 210 Offering of Candles 211 Offering of Lodgings 211 VI. ANUMODANĀ ANUMODANĀVIDHĪ "Yathā vārivahā pūrā..." 祝福之語 212 ADĀSIME ADI GĀTHĀ "Adāsi me akāsi me..." 他为我付出偈 213 AGGAPASĀDASUTTAGĀTHĀ 殊胜偈 214 BHOJANADĀNĀNUMODANĀGĀTHĀ "Āyudo balado dhīro..." 供养食物感恩偈 215 "ĀYUṂ VAṆṆAṂ YASAṂ KITTIṂ..." 216 "BHUTTĀ BHOGĀ BHAṬĀ BHACCĀ..." 217 DĀNAÑCA PEYYAVAJJAÑCA... 218 194 206 207

Contents Page (this book) KĀLADĀNASUTTAGĀTHĀ "Kāle dadanti sapaññā..." 适时供养感恩偈 219 RATANATTAYĀNUBHĀVĀDI GĀTHĀ "Ratanattayānubhāvena..." 三宝威力等偈 220 CULLA MAÑGALACAKKAVĀḶA "Sabbabuddhānubhāvena..." 小千世界吉祥偈 220 "SO ATTHALADDHO SUKHITO..." 223 DEVATĀDISSADAKKHIŅĀNUMODANĀGĀTHĀ "Yasmi.m padese kappeti..." 与天神分享福德偈 223 PAÑCĀMARE AYAGĀTHĀ Buddha s Victory Over Maras 224 REFERENCES AND ONLINE RESOURCES 226 ANUMODANA Rejoicing With Donors รายนามผ ร วมบ ญ 227 i Page (Thai Books) vi

1 I. HOMAGE AND BLESSINGS Bot Suat Phra Putthakhun ITIPI SO BHAGAVĀ ARAHAṂ SAMMĀ-SAMBUDDHO, VIJJĀ-CARAṆA-SAMPANNO SUGATO LOKAVIDŪ, ANUTTARO PURISA-DHAMMA-SĀRATHI SATTHĀ DEVA- MANUSSĀNAṂ BUDDHO BHAGAVĀTI. Ra-luek Thueng Phra Phutthakhun LEADER 领诵者 : Ong dai phra samphut ALL 全体 : Suwisut tha sandan tat mun kalet man bo mi mon mi mong mua noeng nai phra thai than ko boek ban khue dok bua ra khi bo phan-phua suwakhon tha kamjon ong dai prakop duai phra karuna dang sakhon prot mu prachakon mala o kha kandan chi thang banthao thuk lae chi suk kasemsan chi thang phra na-rue-phan an phon sok wiyok phai phrom ben-ja-phi-tha-jak- su jarat wimon sai hen het thi klái klai ko jen jop prajak jing kamjat nam-jai yap sandan bap haeng chai ying sat lok dai phueng phing mala bap bam-phen bun kha kho pra-not nom sira klao bang-khom khun sam-phut tha karun ya phap nan ni ran don (Krap/Bow Down and recite) Krap ra-luek thueng khun an prasoet khong phra Phutthajao

2 Bot Suat Phra Thammakhun [SVĀKKHĀTO] BHAGAVATĀ DHAMMO SANDIṬṬHIKO AKĀLIKO EHIPASSIKO OPANAYIKO PACCATTAṂ VEDITABBO VIÑÑŪHĪTI. Ra-luek Thueng Phra Thammakhun LEADER 领诵者 : Thamma khue khu-na-kon ALL 全体 : Suan chop sathon dut duang prathip chat-cha-wan haeng ong phra sassadajan song sat sandan sawang krajang jai mon Tham dai nap doi mak phon pen paet phueng yon lae kao kap thang na-rue-phan somya lok u-don phissadan an luek olan phisut phiset suksai ik Tham ton thang khan lai nam khanan khan khai patibat pariyat pen song khue thang damnoen dut ja khlong hai luang lu pong yang lok udon doi trong kha kho own on uttamong nop Tham jamnong duai jit lae kai waja (Krap/Bow Down and recite) Krap ra-luek thueng khun an prasoet khong phra Tham Bot Suat Phra Sangkhakhun [SUPAṬIPANNO] BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA-SAṄGHOUJU- PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA-SAṄGHO ÑĀYA- PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA-SAṄGHO SĀMĪCI- PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA-SAṄGHO YADIDAṂ CATTĀRI PURISA-YUGĀNI AṬṬHA PURISA-PUGGALĀ: ESA BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA-SAṄGHO ĀHUNEYYO PĀHUNEYYO DAKKHIṆEYYO AÑJALI-KARAṆĪYO ANUTTARAṂ PUÑÑAKKHETTAṂ LOKASSĀTI.

3 Ra-luek Thueng Phra Sangkhakhun LEADER 领诵者 : Song dai sawok sassada ALL 全体 : Rap pa-ti-bat ma tae ong som-det pha-kha-wan hen jaeng jatusat set ban- lu thang thi an ra-ngap lae dap thuk phai doi sa-det phra phu trat trai panya phong sai sa-at lae prat mua mong hoen hang thang kha suek pong bo mi lam phong duai kai lae waja jai pen nuea nabun an phai san dae lokai lae koet phibun phun phon som ya ao rot thot-sa-phon mi khun a-non a-nek ja nap luea tra kha kho nop mu phra saraphok song khuna nu khun pra-dut ja ramphan duai det bun kha a-phi-wan phra trai rat an udom di rek ni-rat-sai jong chuai khajat phoi phai an ta-rai dai dai jong dap lae klap sueam sun (Krap/Bow Down and recite) Krap ra-luek thueng khun an prasoet khong mu khanasawok khong phra Phutthajao Ra-luek Thueng Khun Bida Manda LEADER 领诵者 : Imina Sakkarena ALL 全体 : Kha kho krap sakkara bucha an khun phra bi-don man-da phu kha kho nom ra-luek khun than mi metta ka-run upakara khun to but thida dai hai kamnoet luk koet ma thang kan sueksa lae op rom thueng maen lambak sut khuen khom thuk rathom sak phiang dai than mai khoei ja wanwai to sing dai thi dai liang ma phra khun than lon fa

4 ying kwa thara lae phaendin luk kho bucha pen a-jin trap jon sin duang chiwa kho puang thep thai chuay rak-sa phra bi-don man-da khong kha thoen Ra-luek Thueng Khun Khruba Ajan LEADER 领诵者 : Imina Sakkarena ALL 全体 : Kha kho nom kha-ra-wa bucha an khun phra upachaya phu hai kan sueksa lae oprom roem ton jak wai pra-thom hai withaya khom samue ma phoem phun sati lae pan-ya ik vicha sinlatham prajam jai than chi thang sawang sotsai thang ra-biap vi-nai prajam ton sit thi di tong man fuek fon hai pra-phuet ton ta-lot pai jong sangwon samruam ao wai thang kai jai hai man khong tang jit wai hai thiang trong phuea janlong nai phra khun kho phon bun prot jong kuea nun ajan phu mi phra khun thuk than thoen

5 VISĀKHA PŪJĀ 1 Homage on Vesak Day LEADER: HANDA MAYAṂ BUDDHASSA BHAGAVATO PUBBA- BHĀGA-NAMAKĀRAṂ KAROMA SE: Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One: ALL: [NAMO TASSA] BHAGAVATO ARAHATO SAMMĀ- SAMBUDDHASSA. (3X) Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Selfawakened One. YAM-AMHA KHO MAYAṂ, BHAGAVANTAṂ SARAṆAM GATĀ, YO NO BHAGAVĀ SATTHĀ, YASSA CA MAYAṂ BHAGAVATO DHAMMAṂ ROCEMA: The Blessed One to whom we have gone for refuge, who is our Teacher, and in whose Dhamma we delight: AHOSI KHO SO BHAGAVĀ, MAJJHIMESU JANAPADESU ARIYAKESU MANUSSESU UPPANNO, KHATTIYO JĀTIYĀ, GOTAMO GOTTENA; Was born in the Middle Country, the Ariyaka race, the noble warrior class, and the Gotama lineage. SAKYA-PUTTO SAKYA-KULĀ PABBAJITO, SADEVAKE LOKE SAMĀRAKE SABRAHMAKE, SASSAMAṆA- BRĀHMAṆIYA PAJĀYA SADEVA-MANUSSĀYA, ANUTTARAṂ SAMMĀ-SAMBODHIṂ ABHISAMBUDDHO. A member of the Sakyan clan, he left his Sakyan family, went forth into the homeless life, and attained Right Self-Awakening unsurpassed in the cosmos with its Devas, Maras, and Brahmas, its generations with their contemplatives and brahmans, their rulers and common people. NISSAṂSAYAṂ KHO SO BHAGAVĀ, ARAHAṂ SAMMĀ- SAMBUDDHO, VIJJĀ-CARAṆA-SAMPANNO SUGATO 1 English translation by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, in A Chanting Guide, Dhammayut Order of U.S.A.

6 LOKA-VIDŪ, ANUTTARO PURISA-DAMMA-SĀRATHI SATTHĀ DEVA-MANUSSĀNAṂ BUDDHO BHAGAVĀ. There is no doubt that the Blessed One is worthy and rightly selfawakened, consummate in knowledge and conduct, one who has gone the good way, a knower of the cosmos, unexcelled as a trainer for those who can be taught, the teacher for human and divine beings; awakened and blessed. SVĀKKHĀTO KHO PANA, TENA BHAGAVATĀ DHAMMO, SANDIṬṬHIKO AKĀLIKO EHI-PASSIKO, OPANAYIKO PACCATTAṂ VEDITABBO VIÑÑŪHI. And that the Dhamma is well-taught by the Blessed One, to be seen here and now, timeless, inviting all to come and see, pertinent, to be realized by the wise for themselves. SUPAṬIPANNO KHO PANASSA, BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, UJU-PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, ÑĀYA-PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, SĀMĪCI-PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, YADIDAṂ CATTĀRI PURISA-YUGĀNI AṬṬHA PURISA-PUGGALĀ. And that the Community of the Blessed One's disciples the four pairs, the eight types of Noble Ones have practiced well, have practiced straightforwardly, have practiced methodically, have practiced masterfully. AYAṂ KHO PANA PAṬIMĀ, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ UDDISSA KATĀ PATIṬṬHĀPITĀ, YĀVADEVA DASSANENA, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ ANUSSARITVĀ, PASĀDA- SAṂVEGA-PAṬILĀBHĀYA. This image dedicated to the Blessed One has been fashioned and placed here so that, in seeing it, we will remember him and gain a sense of inspiration and chastened dispassion. [AYAṂ KHO PANA THŪPO, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ UDDISSA KATO PATIṬṬHĀPITO, YĀVADEVA DASSANENA, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ ANUSSARITVĀ, PASĀDA- SAṂVEGA-PAṬILĀBHĀYA.

7 This stupa dedicated to the Blessed One has been fashioned and placed here so that, in seeing it, we will remember him and gain a sense of inspiration and chastened dispassion.] MAYAṂ KHO ETARAHI, IMAṂ VISĀKHA-PUṆṆAMĪ- KĀLAṂ, TASSA BHAGAVATO JĀTI-SAMBODHI-NIBBĀNA- KĀLA-SAMMATAṂ PATVĀ, IMAṂ ṬHĀNAṂ SAMPATTĀ. Now, on this full moon day of Visakha recognized as the date of the Blessed One's birth, Awakening, and total liberation we have gathered together in this place. IME DAṆḌA-DĪPA-DHŪPĀDI-SAKKĀRE GAHETVĀ, ATTANO KĀYAṂ SAKKĀR'ŪPADHĀNAṂ KARITVĀ, We take these offerings candles, incense, and so forth and make our bodies a vessel for them. TASSA BHAGAVATO YATHĀ-BHUCCE GUṆE ANUSSARANTĀ, IMAṂ PAṬIMĀ-GHARAṂ [THŪPAṂ] TIKKHATTUṂ PADAKKHIṆAṂ KARISSĀMA, YATHĀ- GAHITEHI SAKKĀREHI PŪJAṂ KURUMĀNĀ. Reflecting on the Blessed One's virtues as they actually are, we will circumambulate this image-shelter [stupa] three times, paying homage to him with the offerings we hold. SĀDHU NO BHANTE BHAGAVĀ, SUCIRA-PARINIBBUTOPI, ÑĀTABBEHI GUṆEHI ATĪT'ĀRAMMAṆATĀYA PAÑÑĀYAMĀNO, Although the Blessed One long ago attained total liberation, he is still discernible through our remembrance of his perceivable virtues. IME AMHEHI GAHITE SAKKĀRE PAṬIGGAṆHĀTU, AMHĀKAṂ DĪGHA-RATTAṂ HITĀYA SUKHĀYA. May he accept the offerings we hold, for the sake of our long-term welfare and happiness.

8 VISĀKHA AṬṬHAMĪ 2 LEADER: HANDA MAYAṂ BUDDHASSA BHAGAVATO PUBBA- BHĀGA-NAMAKĀRAṂ KAROMA SE: Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One: ALL: [NAMO TASSA] BHAGAVATO ARAHATO SAMMĀ- SAMBUDDHASSA. (3X) Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Selfawakened One. YAM-AMHA KHO MAYAṂ, BHAGAVANTAṂ SARAṆAM GATĀ, YO NO BHAGAVĀ SATTHĀ, YASSA CA MAYAṂ BHAGAVATO DHAMMAṂ ROCEMA: The Blessed One to whom we have gone for refuge, who is our Teacher, and in whose Dhamma we delight: AHOSI KHO SO BHAGAVĀ, MAJJHIMESU JANAPADESU ARIYAKESU MANUSSESU UPPANNO, KHATTIYO JĀTIYĀ, GOTAMO GOTTENA; Was born in the Middle Country, the Ariyaka race, the noble warrior class and the Gotama lineage. SAKYA-PUTTO SAKYA-KULĀ PABBAJITO, SADEVAKE LOKE SAMĀRAKE SABRAHMAKE, SASSAMAṆA- BRĀHMAṆIYA PAJĀYA SADEVA-MANUSSĀYA, ANUTTARAṂ SAMMĀ-SAMBODHIṂ ABHISAMBUDDHO. A member of the Sakyan clan, he left his Sakyan family, went forth into the homeless life and attained Right Self-Awakening unsurpassed in the cosmos with its Devas, Maras and Brahmas, its generations with their contemplatives and brahmans, their rulers and common people. NISSAṂSAYAṂ KHO SO BHAGAVĀ, ARAHAṂ SAMMĀ- SAMBUDDHO, VIJJĀ-CARAṆA-SAMPANNO SUGATO 2 English translation by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, in A Chanting Guide, Dhammayut Order of U.S.A.

9 LOKA-VIDŪ, ANUTTARO PURISA-DAMMA-SĀRATHI SATTHĀ DEVA-MANUSSĀNAṂ BUDDHO BHAGAVĀ. There is no doubt that the Blessed One is worthy and Rightly Self- Awakened, consummate in knowledge and conduct, one who has gone the good way, a knower of the cosmos, unexcelled as a trainer for those who can be taught, the teacher for human and divine beings; awakened and blessed. SVĀKKHĀTO KHO PANA, TENA BHAGAVATĀ DHAMMO, SANDIṬṬHIKO AKĀLIKO EHI-PASSIKO, OPANAYIKO PACCATTAṂ VEDITABBO VIÑÑŪHI. And that the Dhamma is well-taught by the Blessed One, to be seen here and now, timeless, inviting all to come and see, pertinent, to be realized by the wise for themselves. SUPAṬIPANNO KHO PANASSA, BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, UJU-PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, ÑĀYA-PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, SĀMĪCI-PAṬIPANNO BHAGAVATO SĀVAKA- SAṄGHO, YADIDAṂ CATTĀRI PURISA-YUGĀNI AṬṬHA PURISA-PUGGALĀ. And that the Community of the Blessed One's disciples the four pairs, the eight types of Noble Ones have practiced well, have practiced straightforwardly, have practiced methodically, have practiced masterfully. AYAṂ KHO PANA PAṬIMĀ, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ UDDISSA KATĀ PATIṬṬHĀPITĀ, YĀVADEVA DASSANENA, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ ANUSSARITVĀ, PASĀDA- SAṂVEGA-PAṬILĀBHĀYA. This image dedicated to the Blessed One has been fashioned and placed here so that, in seeing it, we will remember him and gain a sense of inspiration and chastened dispassion. [AYAṂ KHO PANA THŪPO, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ UDDISSA KATO ATIṬṬHĀPITO, YĀVADEVA DASSANENA, TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ ANUSSARITVĀ, PASĀDA- SAṂVEGA-PAṬILĀBHĀYA.

10 This stupa dedicated to the Blessed One has been fashioned and placed here so that, in seeing it, we will remember him and gain a sense of inspiration and chastened dispassion.] MAYAṂ KHO ETARAHI, IMAṂ VISĀKHA-PUṆṆAMITO PARAṂ AṬṬHAMĪ-KĀLAṂ, TASSA BHAGAVATO SARĪRAJJHĀPANA-KĀLA-SAMMATAṂ PATVĀ, IMAṂ ṬHĀNAṂ SAMPATTĀ. Now, on this eighth day after the full moon day of Visakha recognized as the date of the Blessed One's cremation we have gathered together in this place. IME DAṆḌA-DĪPA-DHŪPĀDI-SAKKĀRE GAHETVĀ, ATTANO KĀYAṂ SAKKĀR'ŪPADHĀNAṂ KARITVĀ, We take these offerings candles, incense, and so forth and make our bodies a vessel for them. TASSA BHAGAVATO YATHĀ-BHUCCE GUṆE ANUSSARANTĀ, IMAṂ PAṬIMĀ-GHARAṂ [THŪPAṂ] TIKKHATTUṂ PADAKKHIṆAṂ KARISSĀMA, YATHĀ- GAHITEHI SAKKĀREHI PŪJAṂ KURUMĀNĀ. Reflecting on the Blessed One's virtues as they actually are, we will circumambulate this image-shelter [stupa] three times, paying homage to him with the offerings we hold. SĀDHU NO BHANTE BHAGAVĀ, SUCIRA-PARINIBBUTOPI, ÑĀTABBEHI GUṆEHI ATĪT'ĀRAMMAṆATĀYA PAÑÑĀYAMĀNO, Although the Blessed One long ago attained total liberation, he is still discernible through our remembrance of his perceivable virtues. IME AMHEHI GAHITE SAKKĀRE PAṬIGGAṆHĀTU, AMHĀKAṂ DĪGHA-RATTAṂ HITĀYA SUKHĀYA. May he accept the offerings we hold, for the sake of our long-term welfare and happiness.

11 ĀSĀḶHA PŪJĀ 3 LEADER: HANDA MAYAṂ BUDDHASSA BHAGAVATO PUBBA- BHĀGA-NAMAKĀRAṂ KAROMA SE: Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One: ALL: [NAMO TASSA] BHAGAVATO ARAHATO SAMMĀ- SAMBUDDHASSA. (3X) Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Selfawakened One. YAM-AMHA KHO MAYAṂ, BHAGAVANTAṂ SARAṆAM GATĀ, YO NO BHAGAVĀ SATTHĀ, YASSA CA MAYAṂ BHAGAVATO DHAMMAṂ ROCEMA: The Blessed One to whom we have gone for refuge, who is our Teacher, and in whose Dhamma we delight, AHOSI KHO SO BHAGAVĀ, ARAHAṂ SAMMĀ- SAMBUDDHO, SATTESU KĀRUÑÑAṂ PAṬICCA, KARUṆĀYAKO HITESĪ, ANUKAMPAṂ UPĀDĀYA, ĀSĀḶHA-PUṆṆAMIYAṂ, BĀRĀṆASIYAṂ ISIPATANE MIGADĀYE, PAÑCA-VAGGIYĀNAṂ BHIKKŪNAṂ, ANUTTARAṂ DHAMMA-CAKKAṂ PAṬHAMAṂ PAVATTETVĀ, CATTĀRI ARIYA-SACCĀNI PAKĀSESI. Is a Worthy One, Rightly Self-awakened. Through his compassion and sympathy for living beings, compassionately desiring their welfare, he first set the unexcelled Wheel of Dhamma in motion on the full moon night of the month of Asalha, in the Deer Refuge at the Meeting Place of the Seers near Varanasi, and proclaimed the Four Noble Truths to the Group of Five Monks. TASMIÑCA KHO SAMAYE, PAÑCA-VAGGIYĀNAṂ BHIKKHŪNAṂ PĀMUKHO, ĀYASMĀ AÑÑA-KOṆḌAÑÑO, BHAGAVANTAṂ DHAMMAṂ SUTVĀ, VIRAJAṂ 3 English translation by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, in A Chanting Guide, Dhammayut Order of U.S.A.

12 VĪTAMALAṂ DHAMMA-CAKKHUṂ PAṬILABHITVĀ, "YAṄKIÑCI SAMUDAYA-DHAMMAṂ SABBAN-TAṂ NIRODHA-DHAMMANTI." At that time, the leader of the Group of Five Monks Venerable Añña-Kondañña having listened to the Blessed One's teaching, gained the vision of Dhamma that, "Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation." BHAGAVANTAṂ UPASAMPADAṂ YĀCITVĀ, BHAGAVATOYEVA SANTIKE, EHI-BHIKKHU- UPASAMPADAṂ PAṬILABHITVĀ, BHAGAVATO DHAMMA- VINAYE ARIYA-SĀVAKA-SAṄGHO, LOKE PAṬHAMAṂ UPPANNO AHOSI. Having asked for ordination, he gained the Come-Bhikkhu ordination in the Blessed One's very presence, and so became the world's first noble disciple in the Blessed One's doctrine and discipline. TASMIÑCĀPI KHO SAMAYE, SAṄGHA-RATANAṂ LOKE PAṬHAMAṂ UPPANNAṂ AHOSI. BUDDHA-RATANAṂ DHAMMA-RATANAṂ SAṄGHA-RATANAṂ, TIRATANAṂ SAMPUṆṆAṂ AHOSI. And at that time the Gem of the Sangha first appeared in the world, making the Triple Gem the Gem of the Buddha, the Gem of the Dhamma, and the Gem of the Sangha complete. MAYAṂ KHO ETARAHI, IMAṂ ĀSĀḶHA-PUṆṆAMĪ- KĀLAṂ, TASSA BHAGAVATO DHAMMA- CAKKAPPAVATTANA-KĀLA-SAMMATAÑCA, ARIYA- SĀVAKA-SAṄGHA-UPPATTI-KĀLA-SAMMATAÑCA, RATANATTAYA-SAMPURAṆA-KĀLA-SAMMATAÑCA PATVĀ, IMAṂ ṬHĀNAṂ SAMPATTĀ, Now, on this full moon day of Asalha recognized as the date of the Blessed One's setting the Wheel of Dhamma in motion, the date of the arising of the Community of the Noble Disciples, and of the completion of the Triple Gem we have gathered together in this place.

13 IME DAṆḌA-DĪPA-DHŪPĀDI-SAKKĀRE GAHETVĀ, ATTANO KĀYAṂ SAKKĀR'ŪPADHĀNAṂ KARITVĀ, We take these offerings candles, incense, and so forth and make our bodies a vessel for them. TASSA BHAGAVATO YATHĀ-BHUCCE GUṆE ANUSSARANTĀ, IMAṂ PAṬIMĀ-GHARAṂ [THŪPAṂ] TIKKHATTUṂ PADAKKHIṆAṂ KARISSĀMA, YATHĀ- GAHITEHI SAKKĀREHI PŪJAṂ KURUMĀNĀ. Reflecting on the Blessed One's virtues as they actually are, we will circumambulate this image shelter [stupa] three times, paying homage to him with the offerings we hold. SĀDHU NO BHANTE BHAGAVĀ, SUCIRA-PARINIBBUTOPI, ÑĀTABBEHI GUṆEHI ATĪT'ĀRAMMAṆATĀYA PAÑÑĀYAMĀNO, Although the Blessed One long ago attained total liberation, he is still discernible through our remembrance of his perceivable virtues. IME AMHEHI GAHITE SAKKĀRE, PAṬIGGAṆHĀTU, AMHĀKAṂ DĪGHA-RATTAṂ HITĀYA SUKHĀYA. May he accept the offerings we hold, for the sake of our long-term welfare and happiness. MĀGHA PŪJĀ 4 LEADER: HANDA MAYAṂ BUDDHASSA BHAGAVATO PUBBA- BHĀGA-NAMAKĀRAṂ KAROMA SE: Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One: ALL: [NAMO TASSA] BHAGAVATO ARAHATO SAMMĀ- SAMBUDDHASSA. (3X) Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Selfawakened One. 4 English translation by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, in A Chanting Guide, Dhammayut Order of U.S.A.

14 AJJĀYAṂ MĀGHA-PUṆṆAMĪ SAMPATTĀ, MĀGHA- NAKKHATTENA PUṆṆA-CANDO YUTTO, YATTHA TATHĀGATO ARAHAṂ SAMMĀ-SAMBUDDHO, CĀTURAṄGIKE SĀVAKA-SANNIPĀTE, OVĀDA- PĀṬIMOKKHAṂ UDDISI. Today is the full moon day in the month of Magha, the date on which the Tathagata the Worthy One, Rightly Self- awakened held the four-factored meeting of his disciples and gave the Patimokkha Exhortation. TADĀ HI AḌḌHA-TERASĀNI BHIKKHU-SATĀNI, SABBESAṂYEVA KHĪṆĀSAVĀNAṂ, SABBE TE EHI- BHIKKHUKĀ, SABBEPI TE ANĀMANTITĀVA, BHAGAVATO SANTIKAṂ ĀGATĀ, VEḶUVANE KALANDAKA-NIVĀPE, MĀGHA-PUṆṆAMIYAṂ VAḌḌHAMĀNA- KACCHĀYĀYA. At that time, 1,250 monks all entirely free of defilements, all recipients of the Come-Bhikkhu ordination, all unnotified of the meeting came to the Blessed One's presence in the Squirrels' Feeding Ground in the Bamboo Forest on the afternoon of the full moon day in Magha. TASMIÑCA SANNIPĀTE, BHAGAVĀ VISUDDH'UTTAM'UPOSATHAṂ AKĀSI, OVĀDA- PĀṬIMOKKHAṂ UDDISI. In that meeting, the Blessed One led an utterly pure full moon observance and gave the Patimokkha Exhortation. AYAṂ AMHĀKAṂ BHAGAVATO, EKOYEVA SĀVAKA- SANNIPĀTO AHOSI, CĀTURAṄGIKO, AḌḌHA-TERASĀNI BHIKKHU-SATĀNI, SABBESAṂ YEVA KHĪṆĀSAVĀNAṂ. This was the only time our Blessed One held a four-factored meeting with his disciples, 1,250 monks, all entirely free of defilement. MAYANDĀNI, IMAṂ MĀGHA-PUṆṆAMĪ-NAKKHATTA- SAMAYAṂ, TAKKĀLASADISAṂ SAMPATTĀ, SUCIRA- PARINIBBUTAMPI TAṂ BHAGAVANTAṂ SAMANUSSARAMĀNA, IMASMIṂ TASSA BHAGAVATO SAKKHI-BHŪTE CETIYE,

15 Now, on this same date the full moon day in Magha remembering the Blessed One, even though he long ago gained total liberation, we have come to this memorial to him. IME DAṆḌA-DĪPA-DHŪPĀDI-SAKKĀRE GAHETVĀ, ATTANO KĀYAṂ SAKKĀR'ŪPADHĀNAṂ KARITVĀ, We take these offerings candles, incense, and so forth and make our bodies a vessel for them. TASSA BHAGAVATO YATHĀ-BHUCCE GUṆE ANUSSARANTĀ, IMAṂ PAṬIMĀ-GHARAṂ [THŪPAṂ] TIKKHATTUṂ PADAKKHIṆAṂ KARISSĀMA, YATHĀ- GAHITEHI SAKKĀREHI PŪJAṂ KURUMĀNĀ. Reflecting on the Blessed One's virtues as they actually are, we will circumambulate this image shelter [stupa] three times, paying homage to him with the offerings we hold. SĀDHU NO BHANTE BHAGAVĀ, SASĀVAKA-SAṄGHO, SUCIRA-PARINIBBUTOPI, GUṆEHI DHARAMĀNO, Although the Blessed One, together with that Community of his Noble Disciples, long ago attained total liberation, they are remembered through their virtues. IME AMHEHI GAHITE SAKKĀRE PAṬIGGAṆHĀTU, AMHĀKAṂ DĪGHA-RATTAṂ HITĀYA SUKHĀYA. May he accept the offerings we hold, for the sake of our long- term welfare and happiness. Moha samban dhano loko, bhabbarūpova dissati; Upadhibandhano bālo, tamasā parivārito; Sassatoriva khāyati, passato natthi kiñcanan The world, in bondage to delusion, is looked on as being beautiful, the fool, in bondage to cleaving, is surrounded by darkness. It seems like it is eternal, but there is nothing to hold to for the one who sees. 世人愚癡缚, 以见可能相, 愚人本质缚, 为黑闇所复 彼如见永恒, 所见无何物. Udena Sutta, 5 Udāna 7.10 5 English translation by Bhikkhu Anandajoti, http://suttacentral.net/en/ud7.10; Chinese translation by 菩提僧團 https://sites.google.com/site/palishengdian/pali/da/kn/ud/ud7

16 BUDDHAMAṄGALAGĀTHĀ 6 Namasakan Phra Arahant Paetthit Verses of Blessings of the Buddha LEADER 领诵者 : HANDA MAYAṀ SARABHANYENA BUDDHAMAṄGALAGĀTHĀYO BHANĀMA SE All 全体 : SAMBUDDHO DIPADAṂ SEṬṬHO NISINNO C EVA MAJJHIME Of the two-legged beings, the Buddha is most excellent: he sits in the middle, KOṆḌAÑÑO PUBBA-BHĀGE CA ĀGAṆEYYE CA KASSAPO Kondañña sits before me (east), Kassapa is in the southeast, SĀRIPUTTO CA DAKKHIṆE HARATIYE UPĀLI CA Sariputta is in the south, Upali is in the southwest, PACCHIME PI CA ĀNANDO BĀYABBE CA GAVAMPATI Ananda is in the west, Gavampati is in the northwest, MOGGALLĀNO CA UTTARE ĪSĀNE PI CA RĀHULO: Mogallana is in the north, Rahula is in the northeast. VANDITĀ TE CA AMHEHI SAKKĀREHI CA PŪJITĀ. IME KHO MAṄGALĀ BUDDHĀ SABBE IDHA PATIṬṬHITĀ All these arahants stand here, being blessings of the Buddha. They are venerated by me, and worshipped with worthy things. ETESAṂ ĀNUBHĀVENA SABBA-SOTTHĪ BHAVANTU NO. By the power of all these efforts, may all happiness be yours. ICC EVAM ACCANTA-NAMASSANEYYAṂ Having saluted those who are worthy of veneration NAMASSAMĀNO RATANA-TTAYAṂ YAṂ And saluting the Triple Gem PUÑÑĀBHISANDAṂ VIPULAṂ ALATTHAṂ May abundant meritorious fruits be received. 6 English translation from Evening Chanting of Wat Prayong, http://www.meditationthailand.com/py-eveningchant.html

17 TASSĀNUBHĀVENA HATANTARĀYO. By their power, all dangers are diverted. JINAPAÑJARA GĀTHĀ 7 (Chinabanchon) The Victor's Cage 胜者之阵 ( 金那般川 ) JAYĀSANĀGATĀ BUDDHĀ JETVĀ MĀRAṂ SAVĀHANAṂ 加亞桑朗卡打菩達集打哇嗎朗沙哇漢朗 CATU-SACCĀSABHAṂ RASAṂ YE PIVIṄSU NARĀSABHĀ 假都沙加沙巴拉桑也比威蘇那拉沙巴 Phra Phutthajao thank lai phu ong-art, prathap nuea art haeng chai chana, song chana man lae kong thap, song duem nam ammarit khue ariyasaj si. The Buddhas, noble men who drank the nectar of the Four Noble Truths, having come to the victory seat, having defeated Māra together with his mount:(those Buddhas, noble ones, who emerged victorious over Mara and his army, they savored the immortal nectar of the Four Noble Truths.) 中譯 1: 諸佛端坐勝寶座, 征服魔羅與魔軍, 是常飲四諦法露之人中聖者. 中譯 2: 諸佛端坐勝寶座. 降服諸魔與魔軍. 恆常宣講四聖諦. 賜與眾生解脫之甘露. TAṆHAṄKARĀDAYO BUDDHĀ AṬṬHA-VĪSATI NĀYAKĀ 但漢卡落打唷菩達阿達威沙地那亞卡 SABBE PATIṬṬHITĀ MAYHAṂ MATTHAKE TE MUNISSARĀ 沙背巴地底達麦漢嗎打奇地目尼沙拉 Kho Phra Phutthajao mi phra Tanhangkon pen ton, phu chi nam lok, phu pen jom muni yisippaet phra ong thang mot, jong ma pradissathan na kramom khong khaphajao 7 English translations consulted: Traditional Pali Chants of Wat Luang Phor Sodh Dhammakāyārām, and Evening Chanting of Wat Prayong Gittivanaram (http://www.meditationthailand.com/py-eveningchant.html); Chinese translation (original translator unknown) taken from that posted at http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8b85698001017sh8.html

18 These Buddhas 28 leaders, sovereign sages beginning with Taṇhaṅkara are all established on the crown of my head. (May those 28 Buddhas, beginning with Tanhankara, all sovereign sages, be established upon my head and lead me just as they led the world) 中譯 1: 以丹韓伽拉佛為首的二十八佛, 乃引領世間的導師, 一一立於我前頂. 中譯 2: 賢劫二十八佛. 乃為善逝世間解. 恆常安住立於我頭頂 SĪSE PATIṬṬHITO MAYHAṂ BUDDHO DHAMMO DVILOCANE 席谁八底替搭麦行菩陀達摩他威隆咂内 SAṄGHO PATIṬṬHITO MAYHAṂ URE SABBA-GUṆĀKARO 桑空八底替搭麦行烏利沙巴古那卡落 Kho Phra Phutthajao jong ma sathit thi srisa, phra Tham jong ma sathit thi duangta thang song, phra Song phu pen bo koet haeng khwam di thang puang, jong ma sathit thi ok khong khaphajao The Buddha is established in my head, the Dhamma in my two eyes, the Saṅgha the mine of all virtues is established in my chest.(may the Buddha and the Dhamma be enshrined on my head, and shine in my eyes. Let me cherish the Sangha the mother lode of all virtues with my heart.) 中譯 1: 諸佛住於我頭, 法住於我雙眸, 而僧伽 - 諸功德之源, 住於我胸膛. 中譯 2: 諸佛安住於我頭. 諸法安住於我眼. 聖者僧伽 - 一切功德之源 - 安住於我胸口. HADAYE ME ANURUDDHO SĀRĪPUTTO CA DAKKHIṆE 哈他耶昧阿努噜陀沙利普陀加打奇尼 KOṆḌAÑÑO PIṬṬHI-BHĀGASMIṂ 購但落比地巴卡沙明 MOGGALLĀNO CA VĀMAKE 莫卡拉落加哇瑪奇妈给 Kho phra Anurut jong ma sathit thi jai, phra Saribut jong ma sathit thi khaen khwa, phra Konthanya jong ma sathit thi lang, phra Mokkhanlana jong ma sathit thi khaen sai Anuruddha is in my heart and Sārīputta on my right. Koṇḍañña is behind me and Moggallāna on my left. (Let Anuruddha dwell in my

19 heart, Sariputta on my right, Kondañña guard my back and Moggallana on my left.) 中譯 1: 阿那律陀在我心臟, 舍利弗在我的右方, 喬陳如在我的後方, 目犍連在我的左方. 中譯 2: 阿耨樓馱安住於我心臟. 舍利弗在我右方. 憍陳如在我後方. 目犍連在我左方. DAKKHIṆE SAVANE MAYHAṂ ĀSUṂ ĀNANDA-RĀHULĀ 他科一内仨哇内麦行阿蘇阿難打拉府拉 KASSAPO CA MAHĀNĀMO UBHĀSUṂ VĀMA-SOTAKE 卡沙多加瑪哈那莫五啪雄哇妈雄搭给 Phra Anon lae phra Rahun jong ma sathit thi hu khwa, phra Kassapa lae phra Mahanama jong ma sathit thi hu sai Ānanda and Rāhula are in my right ear, Kassapa and Mahānāma are both in my left ear. (Likewise, may Ananda and Rahula be at my right ear, Kassapa and Mahanama at the left ear.) 中譯 1: 阿難陀與羅睺羅在右耳方, 迦葉與摩訶男在左耳方, 中譯 2: 阿難與羅睺羅安在右耳. 迦葉與摩訶男安在左耳. KESATO PIṬṬHI-BHĀGASMIṂ SURIYOVA PABHAṄKARO 给仨多比替趴卡仨明苏哩哟瓦八乓卡諾 NISINNO SIRI-SAMPANNO SOBHITO MUNI-PUṄGAVO 西諾西利桑班諾蘇比多目尼普卡窩 Kho phra Sophita phu rung rueang dang duang athit, ngam duai siri, pen muni phu prasoet, jong ma sathit na thai-thoi Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in consummate glory, shining like the sun all over the hair at the back of my head. (May Sobhita, the noble sage, sitting in consummate glory, blaze like the sun all over the hair on my back.) 中譯 1: 於我頭後方的是蘇毘多, 他頭髮放光如日照, 具足光輝, 乃至上賢聖者. 中譯 2: 離婆多尊者安住於我後腦. 上述尊者均是放射出如日光暉的至上賢者. KUMĀRA-KASSAPO THERO MAHESĪ CITTA-VĀDAKO 咕妈拉卡沙皮地落妈嘿习几打哇打購 SO MAYHAṂ VADANE NICCAṂ PATIṬṬHĀSI GUṆĀKARO 唆麦行哇他内妮牂巴地打西古那卡落 Kho phra Kumankassapa therajao phu sawaeng ha khun an

20 prasoet, phu mi waja phairo, pen bo koet haeng khwam di, jong ma pradissathan thi pak khong khaphajao pen nit. Elder Kumārakassapa great sage, brilliant speaker, a mine of virtue is constantly in my mouth.(let the Elder Kumara Kassapa, the prince of brilliant speakers, a gold mine of virtue, always guard my mouth.) 中譯 1: 善說心法的古摩洛迦葉長老, 乃此功德之源, 他常於我口中. 中譯 2: 善說法要功德之源的優樓頻羅迦葉尊者安住於我口中. PUṆṆO AṄGULIMĀLO CA UPĀLĪ NANDA-SĪVALĪ 逋温农肮枯哩妈隆咂烏巴地那打西哇利 THERĀ PAÑCA IME JĀTĀ NALĀṬE TILAKĀ MAMA 地拉班加衣美加打那拉他的拉卡嗎嗎 Kho phra Punna, phra Ongkhuliman, phra Ubali, phra Nantha, lae phra Siwali, thera thang ha ong ni jong ma pradissathan pen dilok thi na phak khong khaphajao. These five elders Puṇṇa, Aṅgulimāla, Upālī, Nanda, and Sīvalī have arisen as auspicious marks at the middle of my forehead. (May these five elders - Punna, Angulimala, Upali, Nanda and Sivali dwell like an auspicious tilaka mark in the middle of my forehead). 中譯 1: 般諾, 盎哥魔羅, 優波離, 難陀, 希瓦利這五位長老, 化為吉祥之印從我額頭中央現起. 中譯 2: 般若. 央掘摩羅. 優波離. 難陀. 希瓦利五位尊者化為吉祥印. 安住於我額頭. SESĀSĪTI MAHĀTHERĀ VIJITĀ JINA-SĀVAKĀ 谁啥习底妈哈忒拉威集打集那沙哇卡 ETESĪTI MAHĀTHERĀ JITAVANTO JINORASĀ 耶嘚习底妈哈忒拉集打彎多集諾拉沙 JALANTĀ SĪLA-TEJENA AṄGAMAṄGESU SAṆṬHITĀ 加蘭打西拉地集那肮喀茫科耶苏三替搭 Kho phra mahathera paet sip ong thi luea, phu chana kiles, pen sawok khong phra chinajao, phu rung rueang duai det haeng sin, jong ma pradissathan thi awai-ywa noi yai The rest of the 80 great elders victorious, disciples of the Victor, sons of the Victor, shining with the majesty of moral virtue are established in the various parts of my body. (May the rest of the 80

21 great elders victorious ones who have defeated all the defilements and prospered through their observance of morality dwell within me in the various parts of my body.) 中譯 1: 還有那其他的 80 位大長老, 他們是勝者, 是勝利的佛陀之弟子, 戒德之光芒在綻放, 立於我身體的每個部位. 中譯 2: 其餘八十位長老尊者. 聖者. 勝利佛陀的弟子. 安住於我全身. 綻放出戒德的光輝. RATANAṂ PURATO ĀSI DAKKHIṆE METTA-SUTTAKAṂ 拉打朗普拉多阿西他科一内昧搭苏搭刚 DHAJAGGAṂ PACCHATO ĀSI VĀME AṄGULIMĀLAKAṂ 他嚓康把嚓多阿喜哇昧肮枯哩妈拉刚 Kho an choen phra rattana parit jong ma phi thak bueang na, phra metta parit jong ma phi thak bueang khwa, phra thachakkha parit jong ma phi thak bueang lang, phra angkhuliman parit jong ma phi thak bueang sai, The Ratana Sutta is in front, the Metta Sutta to the right. The Dhajagga Sutta is behind, the Aṅgulimāla Paritta to the left. KHANDHA-MORA-PARITTAÑCA ĀṬĀNĀṬIYA-SUTTAKAṂ 刊他摸拉八哩单咂阿搭那氐丫苏搭刚 ĀKĀSE CHADANAṂ ĀSI SESĀ PĀKĀRA-SAṆṬHITĀ 阿嘎谁嚓他囔阿喜谁啥八嘎拉三替搭 Kho an choen phra khanthaparit, phra moraparit, lae phra atanatiyaparit pen kro kan klang akat, phra parit uen uen pen prakan doi rop. The Khandha and Mora Parittas and the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta are a roof in space. The remaining suttas are established as a rampart.(let the Khandha and Mora Parittas and Āṭānāṭiya Sutta form a canopy to protect my head and shelter me just as these surrounding walls do.) 中譯 1: 寶經 在我前方, 慈經 在我右方, 幢頂經 在我後方, 盎哥羅魔護衛偈 在我左方. 藴護偈, 孔雀護衛偈 與 阿達那提亞經 在虛空覆蓋著, 而其他的經偈則於我四周立成圍牆. 中譯 2: 寶經在我前. 慈經在我右. 幢頂經在我後. 央掘摩羅護衛偈在左. 蘊謢偈. 孔雀護衛偈. 阿達那提亞經形成寶蓋. 於我頭頂虛空覆蓋著. 其餘佛經偈語於我周圍如城牆一般圍繞.

22 JINĀNĀVARA-SAṂYUTTĀ SATTAP-PĀKĀRA-LAṄKATĀ 气那那那哇拉桑唷搭沙打巴卡拉拉卡打 VĀTA-PITTĀDI-SAÑJĀTĀ BĀHIRAJJHATTUPADDAVĀ 哇搭比搭替三嚓搭啪嘿拉嚓堵把他哇 ASESĀ VINAYAṂ YANTU ANANTA-JINA-TEJASĀ 阿谁啥威那央然堵阿囡打气那嘚嚓啥 VASATO ME SAKICCENA SADĀ SAMBUDDHA-PAÑJARE 哇沙多米沙奇集那沙打桑菩達班加勒 Muea khaphajao tham kit khong ton yu nai kro kaew khong phra sammasamphutthajao an song phutthanuphap, waet lom duai prakan haeng phra tham pen nueang nit laew, kho hai ubat (sing tham rai) thang phai nai lae phai nok thi koet jak lom lae nam pen ton, jong thueng khwam phinat duai det haeng phra chinajao an mai mi thi sin sut. Bound by the Victor's authority and strength, seven ramparts arrayed against them, may all misfortunes within and without caused by such things as wind or bile be destroyed without trace through the unending Victor's majesty. (May all the suttas be established and fortified as though a seven-walled fortress to protect me from all external and internal perils, including natural causes of poor health. May this protection be so great as to completely eradicate all dangers.) 中譯 1: 與各個至上之勝力結合, 由七堵法牆圍繞 願風界與膽汁等所帶來的疾病, 以及裡裡外外所有的不幸, 憑著那無窮境的勝力, 皆消滅無餘. 中譯 2: 結合所有至聖之力. 於我身週形成七層水晶結界保護. 由此聖力. 消除由風與水帶來的疾病. 一切內外的障礙不幸. 通通淨除轉化而成吉祥. 無可轉化者. 則盡除無餘. JINA-PAÑJARA-MAJJHAMHI VIHARANTAṂ MAHĪTALE 气那般嚓拉妈嚓嘿威哈兰当妈嘿搭勒 SADĀ PĀLENTU MAṂ SABBE TE MAHĀ-PURISĀSABHĀ 啥他八勒堵茫沙比嘚妈哈逋哩沙沙巴 Kho phra maha burut phu ong art thuk phra ong lao nan, jong aphiban khaphajao, phu sathit yu nai tham klang phra

23 chinabanchon, dam noen chiwit yu bon phuen din thuk muea thoen. As I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Selfawakened One, living on earth in the middle of the cage of the Victors, I am always guarded by all of those great noble men. (Let all remaining ills be banished by the power of my observing the moral discipline of the Victorious One whose virtues are innumerable. May all those Buddhas who are arrayed about The Conqueror protect and guard me.) 中譯 1: 於任何事, 我皆常住於正覺之陣. 於勝者之陣的正中, 住於這大地上, 願這些所有偉大卓越的勝者恆常護佑我. 中譯 2: 恆常一切時. 一切地. 我皆安住於此正覺之陣. 祈願所有偉大的勝者. 正覺者護祐於我. ICCEVAMANTO SUGUTTO SURAKKHO 衣機哇慢多蘇古多蘇拉購 JINĀNUBHĀVENA JITUPADDAVO 今那怒巴威那機杜巴打窩 DHAMMĀNUBHAVENA JITĀRISAṄGHO 他妈努啪威那集打利桑購 SAṄGHĀNUBHĀVENA JITANTARĀYO 桑喀努啪威那气单搭拉哟 SADDHAMMĀNUBHĀVA-PĀLITO CARĀMI JINA- PAÑJARETI. 沙黨嗎怒巴哇巴利多加拉迷集那班加利地 Khaphajao dai rap kan khum khrong yang di duai prakan cha ni, kho hai khaphajao chana ubat duai anuphap haeng phra Chinajao, chana khasuek duai anuphap haeng phra Tham, chana antarai thang lai duai anuphap haeng mu Khanasawok khong Phra Phutthajao, anuphap haeng phra sattham jong khum khrong khaphajao yu nai phra Chinabanchon. Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected. Through the power of the Victor, misfortunes are vanquished. Through the power of the Dhamma, the enemy horde is vanquished. Through the power of the Saṅgha, dangers are vanquished. Guarded by the power of the True Dhamma, I go about in the Victor's Cage. (Thus I am superbly well sheltered, well protected. Through the power of the Victor misfortunes are vanquished. Through the power of the Dhamma the

24 enemy horde is vanquished. Through the power of the Sangha dangers are vanquished. Guarded, protected and guided by the true Dhamma, may I prosper by following the Path of the Victor.) 中譯 1: 如是, 我完完全全地被善護衛. 憑著佛陀勝利之威力, 消除所有困擾, 憑著法的威力, 克服所有敵人所帶來的阻礙, 憑著僧伽的威力, 越過所有危難. 在正法的護佑下, 願我常行於勝者之陣中. 中譯 2: 由此. 我被完全的妥善護衛. 由諸佛之力. 消除所有困擾. 由佛法之力. 降服所有敵人與敵人的阻礙. 由僧伽之力超越所有危難. 由正法真理的引領. 願我常行於勝者之陣中. AGGASĀVIKĀ BHIKKHUNĪ 8 The Great Nun Disciples 大愛道等十三經 RATTAÑÑŪNAṀ BHIKKHUNĪNAṀ, GOTAMĪ JINAMĀTUCHĀ. ṬHAPITĀ AGGAṬṬHĀNAMHI SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Gotamī, the Buddha's step-mother, amongst those nuns of long standing, is placed in the first position, (through that) may we always be safe! MAHĀ PAÑÑĀNAM-AGGAṬṬHĀ KHEMĀTHERĪ TI PĀKAṬĀ, SĀVIKĀ BUDDHASEṬṬHASSA SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! The first amongst those of great wisdom is the renowned elder Khemā, disciple of the excellent Buddha, may we always be safe! THERĪ UPPALAVAṆṆĀ CA IDDHIMANTĪNAM-UTTAMĀ SĀVIKĀ BUDDHASEṬṬHASSA SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! The elder Uppalavaṇṇā is supreme amongst those with power, disciple of the excellent Buddha, may we always be safe! 8 Pali and English translation of Aggasāvikā Bhikkhunī by Bhikkhu Anandajoti, http://www.ancient-buddhist-texts.net/texts-and-translations/short-pieces/aggasavika- Bhikkhuni.htm.

25 VINAYADHĀRĪNAM-AGGĀ PAṬĀCĀRĀ-TI VISSUTĀ ṬHAPITĀ AGGAṬṬHĀNAMHI SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Amongst those who uphold Discipline, first is the famous Paṭācārā, who is placed in first position, (through that) may we always be safe! DHAMMAKATHIKĀNAṀ PAVARĀ DHAMMADINNĀ-TI NĀMIKĀ ṬHAPITĀ AGGAṬṬHĀNAMHI SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Amongst those who speak on Dhamma, the noble one called Dhammadinnā is placed in the first position, (through that) may we always be safe! JHĀYIKĀNAṀ BHIKKHUNĪNAM NANDĀ THERĪ TI NĀMA SĀ, AGGAṬṬHĀNĀTHITĀ ĀHU SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Amongst those who attain absorption, the Elder called Nandā Is said to hold first position, (through that) may we always be safe! ĀRADDHAVIRIYĀNAṀ AGGĀ SOṆĀ THERĪ TI NĀMIKĀ, ṬHAPITĀ TATTHA ṬHĀNAMHI SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Amongst those who stir up energy, the elder called Soṇā is first, (she) is placed in that position, (through that) may we always be safe! DIBBACAKKHUKĀNAM-AGGĀ SAKULĀ ITI VISSUTĀ VISUDDHANAYANĀ SĀ PI SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Amongst those with Divine-Eyes, the famous Sakulā is the first, she who has purified her eyes, (through that) may we always be safe! KUṆḌALAKESĪ BHIKKHUNĪ KHIPPĀBHIÑÑĀNAM- UTTAMĀ ṬHAPITĀ YEVA ṬHĀNAMHI SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! The Nun Kuṇḍalakesī is supreme 'mongst those with quick knowledge, (she is) placed in first position, (through that) may we always be safe! THERĪ BHADDĀ KAPILĀNĪ PUBBAJĀTĪNAM-ANUSSARĪ TĀSAṀ YEVA BHIKKHUNĪNAṀ SADĀ (/AGGA 9 ) SOTTHIṀ 9 In Thai version, AGGA instead of SADĀ

26 KAROTU NO! The elder Bhaddā Kapilā, amongst those who recall past lives, (is the first) amongst (all) those Nuns, (through that) may we always be safe! THERĪ TU BHADDĀ KACCĀNĀ MAHĀBHIÑÑĀNAM- UTTAMĀ. JINENA SUKHADUKKHAṀ SĀ SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! The elder Bhaddā Kaccānā is supreme amongst those with deep knowledge. Through conquering pleasure and pain, (through that) may we always be safe! LŪKHACĪVARADHĀRĪNAṀ AGGĀ KISĀ PI GOTAMĪ, ṬHAPITĀ AGGAṬṬHĀNAMHI SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Amongst those who wear rough robes the first is (called) Kisā Gotamī, (she) is placed in first position, (through that) may we always be safe! SIṄGĀLAMĀTĀ BHIKKHUNĪ SADDHĀDHIMUTTĀNAM- UTTAMĀ KAROTU NO MAHĀSANTIṀ ĀROGYAÑ-CA SUKHAṀ SADĀ! The Nun Sigāla's Mother is supreme amongst the faith-released, (through that) may we have great peace, good health and happiness forever! AÑÑĀ BHIKKHUNIYO SABBĀ NĀNĀGUṆADHARĀ BAHŪ PĀLENTU NO SABBABHAYĀ SOKAROGĀDISAMBHAVĀ. Of the other nuns they all had many and quite diverse virtues. They protect us from all fears, grief and disease that has arisen, SOTAPANNĀDAYO SEKKHĀ SADDHĀPAÑÑĀSĪLĀDIKĀ BHĀGASO KILESADAHANĀ SADĀ SOTTHIṀ KAROTU NO! Those in training, having faith, wisdom, virtue and so forth, beginning with stream-enterers, have burned a portion of their defilements, (through that) may we always be safe! 大愛道等十三經 (AN 1.235-247) 诸比丘! 我声闻中 [ 第一 ] 比丘尼, 出家久者, 是摩诃波阇波提瞿昙弥. 大慧者, 是谶摩. 具神通者, 优婆拉瓦那是 [ 莲华色 ]. 持律者, 是波咤左啰. 说法者, 是曼摩提那. 静虑者, 是难陀. 发勤精进者, 是索那. 具天眼者, 是奢拘梨. 疾速神通者, 是跋陀军

27 陀罗拘夷国. 随念宿住者, 是跋陀迦比罗. 得大神通者, 是巴达卡恰那. 持麤衣者, 是翅舍憍答弥. 信解者, 是私伽罗母. KHATHA NAMASSAKAN PHRA PHUTTHASIHING LEADER 领诵者 : HANDA MAYAṀ BUDDHASIHINGGAPASANGSA- GĀTHĀYO BUDDHASIHINGGO NAMA BHANĀMA SE ALL 全体 : ITI PAVARASIHINGO UTTAMAYASO PI TEICHO YATTHA KATTHA CITTOSO SAKKARO UPADO SAKALA BUDDHA SASANANG JOTAYANTO VADIPO SURANAREHI MAHITO DHARAMANOVA BUDDHOTI Buddha sihingkha ubatma na daendai prasoet tha kroek krai dut kai phra sassada pen thi khaorop nom manut phrom thang theva priap chen chavala sassana thi yuen yong muean nueng phra samphut suvisut phra chon khong daen dai phra dam rong phra sat khong ko jam run duai det sitthisak tha phithak anukun phrasat bo mi sun phra phoem phun mahittha kha kho khao rop nom waji khom khuen bucha phitak tha raksa phrasat ma talot kan puang kha ja prakat putthasat hai phai san kho phra aphiban chinaman niran thoen

28 TIṀSA PĀRAMĪ 10 Thirty Perfections 三十波罗蜜 LEADER 领诵者 : HANDA MAYAṂ DASA PĀRAMĪ KĀRAṂ KAROMASE. Let us now chant the ten perfections (of the Buddha). ALL 全体 : DĀNA PĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO DĀNA UPAPĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 搭呐八啦米三般譨搭呐五八八啦米三般譨 DĀNA PARAMATTHA PĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 搭呐八啦吗塌八啦米三般譨 METTĀ MAITRĪ KARUṆĀ MUDITĀ UPEKKHĀ PĀRAMĪ 梅搭吗一提嘎汝拿木底打五北卡八啦米 SAMPANNO ITI PI SO BHAGAVĀ. 三般譨一提比索八嘎哇 Complete in the perfection of giving, the higher perfection of giving, the ultimate perfection of giving, complete in the perfection of loving kindness, friendliness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, so indeed is the Blessed One. 彼世尊具足布施波罗蜜, 具足完美之布施波罗蜜, 具足真实究竟的布施波罗蜜, 具足慈心, 友情, 悲心, 喜心, 舍心波罗蜜 SĪLA PĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO SĪLA UPAPĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 息拉八啦米三般譨息拉五八八啦米三般譨 SĪLA PARAMATTHAPĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 息拉八啦吗塌八啦米三般譨 METTĀ MAITRĪ KARUṆĀ MUDITĀ UPEKKHĀ PĀRAMĪ 梅搭吗一提嘎汝拿木底打五北卡八啦米 SAMPANNO ITI PI SO BHAGAVĀ. 三般譨一提比索八嘎哇 Complete in the perfection of virtue, the higher perfection of virtue, 10 English translation adapted from Buddhist Chants, Wat Pacharoenrat; Chinese translation posted by Yilefanxing at http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7c94cd4401018au5.html

29 the ultimate perfection of virtue, complete in the perfection of loving kindness, friendliness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, so indeed is the Blessed One. 彼世尊具足持戒波罗蜜, 具足完美之持戒波罗蜜, 具足真实究竟的持戒波罗蜜, 具足慈心, 友情, 悲心, 喜心, 舍心波罗蜜. NEKKHAMMA PĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 内康玛八啦米三般譨 NEKKHAMMA UPAPĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 内康玛五八八啦米三般譨 NEKKHAMMA PARAMATTHA PĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 内康玛八啦吗塌八啦米三般譨 METTĀ MAITRĪ KARUṆĀ MUDITĀ UPEKKHĀ PĀRAMĪ 梅搭吗一提嘎汝拿木底打五北卡八啦米 SAMPANNO ITI PI SO BHAGAVĀ. 三般譨一提比索八嘎哇 Complete in the perfection of renunciation, the higher perfection of renunciation, the ultimate perfection of renunciation, complete in the perfection of loving kindness, friendliness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, so indeed is the Blessed One. 彼世尊具足出离波罗蜜, 具足完美之出离波罗蜜, 具足真实究竟的出离波罗蜜, 具足慈心, 友情, 悲心, 喜心, 舍心波罗蜜. PAÑÑĀ PĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO PAÑÑĀ UPAPĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 般亚八啦米三般譨般亚五八八啦米三般譨 PAÑÑĀ PARAMATTHA PĀRAMĪ SAMPANNO 般亚八啦吗塌八啦米三般譨 METTĀ MAITRĪ KARUṆĀMUDITĀ UPEKKHĀ PĀRAMĪ 梅搭吗一提嘎汝拿木底打五北卡八啦米 SAMPANNO ITI PI SO BHAGAVĀ. 三般譨一提比索八嘎哇 Complete in the perfection of wisdom, the higher perfection of wisdom, the ultimate perfection of wisdom, complete in the perfection of loving kindness, friendliness, compassion, sympathetic