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Home Landlord Home Landlord Insurance Always Listening Always Understanding

It is not surprising that you want to be a landlord given current low interest rate environment. On one hand you can secure your asset, and on the other hand you can earn steady rental income. Nevertheless, are you aware of the additional risks of being a landlord? Such as the loss of or damage to the household contents that you leave to your tenant, or the rental loss and the of unforeseen incident, or the liability as landlord towards third party bodily injury or death arising out of improper property maintenance. To protect these landlords against these additional risks, Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited provides PRUchoice Home Landlord Insurance. Coverage at a Glance Section 1 We will cover accidental loss of or damage to your household contents when they are temporarily removed from your leased premises elsewhere in Hong Kong for the purpose of professional cleaning, repair or HK$50,000 per year. We will cover cost of removal of debris following accidental damage to the leased premises, subject to a Loyalty Bonus An additional cover of HK$50,000 for the will be granted automatically upon each renewal at no additional cost, regardless of # Item means an article, a pair or set of articles. Section 2 Household Contents Maximum Limits (HK$) Loss of Rent Maximum Limits (HK$) "All Risks" cover is provided for your household contents at the leased premises including furniture, household goods and appliances. Protection will be on a New for Old basis to cover the cost of repair or replacement of accidental loss or damage. $400,000/year $50,000/item # premises being uninhabitable after an accident, or the death of tenant arising from murder or suicide #. $60,000/year ($20,000/month; of 3 months) Extensions We will cover accidental loss of or damage to your household contents at the leased premises during the period of interior decoration or renovation, given that the total contract value is under HK$250,000 and the period involved is less than 60 consecutive days. Extension incurred for rental recovery or repossession of the premises from the tenant, and the outstanding rent not ruling. # result of jumping, hanging, cutting and charcoal burning, and such has to be proven by the HKSAR government.

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