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HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY FINANCE OFFICE MEMO Appendix I Payment Procedures and Forms for Part-Time Employment of Non-local Students with effect from 1 September 2008 Start of Employment 1. The user department is required to ensure that the non-local student has already obtained a valid No Objection Letter issued by the Immigration Department containing the No Objection to Work clause and completes the following forms before he/she starts to work. 1.1 Student/Temporary Helper Recruitment Form (Appendix I-A) 1.2 MPF Enrollment Form (Appendix I-B) (Provided by Invesco) 2. After verification of personal details by the user department, these forms should be submitted to the Finance Office at the end of the first month of employment together with Monthly Payroll Summary for Student/ Temporary Helper Employment ( Payroll Summary in Appendix I-D). 3. The Finance Office would keep all Non-local student record for at least 12 months. However, if there is a break in service of 2 months, the non-local student will have to complete a new Recruitment Form and a new MPF Enrollment Form even if he/she is working for the same department. Daily and Monthly Procedures 4. A linked Excel file with the Time Record Sheet (Appendix I-C) and Non-Local Student Employment Summary (Appendix I-D) would be provided by the Finance Office to the user department for recording the daily working hours of the non-local students. A user guideline for completing this appendices can also be found in Appendix I-E. This Excel file together with the user guidelines could be downloaded from the Finance Office website ( 5. The Finance Office does not require these Time Record Sheets to be submitted. However, the user department is responsible to keep a daily log of hours worked under the new Immigration Rules and therefore, it is advisable to ensure correct inputs in these Time Record Sheets. The user department has to retain these forms together with a copy of the Payroll Summary in file for five years for spot checking by the Immigration Department. 6. The users are also responsible to verify that the data in the Time Record Sheets (Appendix I-C) are correctly transcribed to the Payroll Summary (Appendix I-D). 7. On the day following the cut-off date of each month (i.e. 15 th of the month), the user department is required to submit the Payroll Summary (Appendix I-D), duly authorized by the Budget Controlling Officer, to the Payroll and Staff Disbursements Section of the Finance Office. Please note that there will NOT be

any Budget Clearance procedures. The user department has to ensure that there is sufficient funding to process payment. 8. The helper would be paid at the standard rate or other fees as agreed for a maximum number of not more than 20 hours per week. 9. The Finance Office would charge the funding account provided by the user department at 105% of the agreed fees on the total number of hours as shown in the Payroll Summary. The 5% of agreed fees on top of the actual payment would be used as the University s MPF Contribution. 10. The payment will be made once a month at month-end together with the Unit-Pay Payroll. Important Notes: A. Due to the nature of student/temporary helpers, the University has decided that if any helper does not claim for any payroll payment in 2 consecutive months payroll cycle, then the employer/employee relationship formerly existed, will deem to have been terminated. The counting of the 60 days period for MPF enrollment will start afresh when he/she next works for any department/office. Therefore, the departments/offices are highly recommended to file the Payroll Summary (Appendix I-D) for all their helpers every month. B. The effective date of the above procedures is 1 st September 2008.

Appendix I-A HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY STUDENT/TEMPORARY HELPER RECRUITMENT FORM Personal Particulars of Applicant: Department Applied for: Name: HKID No.: Date of Birth: Sex: Address: Student ID: (if applicable) E-mail address: Contact Tel. No: Previous Experience as Temporary Helper in the University Yes/No Date(s) if Yes Bank Name: Bank A/c No.: Branch Name: I agree to the following Terms and Conditions: 1. I declare that the information provided by me on this Form are accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that incomplete/incorrect Personal Particulars would cause delay in my salary payment. 2. Payment will be made monthly at month end to my bank account provided above. 3. I hereby authorize the Finance Office to access my updated personal information from the Academic Registry if necessary. 4. I understand that under the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Ordinance, if my employment is more than 60 days, I have to enroll in the MPF Scheme. The University has to contribute 5% of my relevant income to the MPF Scheme starting from the 1 st date of employment. I am also required to contribute 5% of my relevant income to the MPF Scheme starting from the 31 st day of employment if my monthly salary is more than $5,000. I hereby authorize that such contribution to be deducted from my monthly payment. 5. If I have not worked and claimed for any payroll payment in 2 consecutive months payroll cycle for any department/faculty/offices, then the employer/employee relationship formerly existed, will deem to have been terminated and there will not be any employer s or employee s contribution. Thereafter, the 60 days period will start afresh when I next work for any department/office. Applicant's Signature Date : Please affix your HKID card copy here Note : You are advised to keep a copy of this Form for your future reference

Student/Temporary Helper Recruitment Form 1. From time to time, it is necessary for you to provide the Finance Office with Personal Data in order to receive services from the Finance Office concerning your salary and other personal benefits entitlement. 2. The Personal Data collected on this Form is used for the purpose of: (a) carrying out payment of salary and benefits claimed; (b) reporting personal particulars to the Mandatory Provident Fund Authority, Inland Revenue Department and Immigration Department. 3. Your personal data would be disclosed to one or more of the following parties: (a) The Mandatory Provident Fund Authority (b) The Inland Revenue Department (c) The Immigration Department (d) The Insurer for Employees Compensation Insurance (e) Specific party(ies) as requested by you 4. You have the rights to check, correct, or gain access to your personal data filed with the Finance Office. The University has the right to charge a certain fee for the processing of every data access request. All requests for access/correction of personal data held by the Finance Office should be addressed to: The Director of Finance Finance Office Hong Kong Baptist University

Appendix I-B INVESCO STRATEGIC MPF SCHEME 景順強積金策略計劃 MEMBERSHIP ENROLMENT FORM 計劃成員登記表格 (FOR HKBU STUDENT HELPER ONLY) 只供學生幫工填寫 Note 注意 : Please use blue or black ball pen and complete this Form in BLOCK LETTERS. 請以藍色或黑色原子筆及正楷填寫此表格 All amendments should be signed. 如有任何刪改, 必須在旁加簽 The Chinese translation of this Form is for reference only. If there are any inconsistencies between the English version and the Chinese translation, the English version will be used for interpretation. 本申請表之中文譯本祗供參考之用, 如有爭議, 應以英文原義為準 Should you have any question when completing this Form, please contact INVESCall Member Hotline at (852) 2842-7878. 如閣下於填表格時有任何疑問, 請致電景順積金熱線 (852) 2842-7878 查詢 SECTION A 甲部 (to be completed by Employee 請由僱員填寫 ) Part I Personal Information 個人資料 Name of Employer 僱主名稱 (English 英文 ) HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Name of Employee 僱員姓名 (Must be identical to HKID Card/ Passport 必須與香港身份證 L 護照相同 Mr. 先生 Ms. 女士 Mrs. 太太 Prof. 教授 Dr. 醫生 / 博士 English 英文 Chinese 中文 ) Surname 姓 First Name 名 HKID Card/Passport* No. 香港身份証 / 護照 * 號碼 Date of Birth 出生日期 Sex 性別 ( ) (To facilitate the enrolment process, please provide a photocopy of your HKID / Passport. 為方便處理登記手續, 請附上閣下的香港身份證 L 護照副本 ) DD 日 MM 月 YYYY 年 Male 男 Female 女 Home Phone Number 住宅電話號碼 Office Phone Number 辦公室電話號碼 Mobile Phone Number 手提電話號碼 Fax Number 傳真號碼 E-mail Address 電郵地址 Residential Address 地址 Flat /Rm. 室 Floor 樓 Block 座 Building / Estate Name 大廈 / 屋苑名稱 Number & Name of Street 街號及名稱 District 地區 H.K. 香港 / Kln. 九龍 / N.T. 新界 * Dept 部門 Dept Contact Person 部門聯絡人 (Tel/Ext No. ) Student ID 學生編號 (if applicable 如適用 ) Previous Experience as Temporary Helper in the University ( 曾否為大學幫工 ) # To facilitate the enrollment process, please provide a photocopy of your HKID Card/Passport. According to Section 91(2) of the MPF (General) Regulation, a member is required to provide residential address to the Trustee. 為方便處理閣下的成員登記, 請附上閣下的身份證 / 護照副本 根據強積金 ( 一般 ) 規例 91(2) 條, 成員須向信託人提供住址資料 PLEASE ALSO COMPLETE PAGES 2 TO 4 Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited 銀聯信托有限公司 1 MPF_Enroll_Student_Helper.doc (10.2007)

Appendix I-B Part IA Bank Information 銀行資料 Bank Name 銀行名稱 Bank Account No 戶口號碼 Branch Name 分行名稱 Name of Bank A/C Holder 銀行戶口姓名 Please affix your HKID card copy here 請貼上香港身份證副本 Please affix your bank book/statement copy showing your Bank A/C No. 請貼上有銀行戶口編號的銀行存摺或月結單副本 Part IB Terms and Conditions of Employment 聘用條款 1. Payment will be made monthly at month end to bank account provided above. 薪金將於每月底發放到上述本人的銀行戶口 2. I hereby authorize the Finance Office to access my updated personal information from the Academic Registry if necessary. 如有需要, 本人授權財務處向教務處索取本人最新的個人資料 3. If I have not worked for any department/office for a continuous period of 60 days, then the employer/employee relationship formerly existed, will be deemed to have been terminated and there will not be any employer s or employee s contribution. Therefore, the 60 days period will start afresh when I next work for any department/ office of the University. 若本人在大學連續停止工作 60 天或以上, 將自動設定為終止本人與大學的僱員 / 僱主關係 當本人再為大學工作時, 一切強積金條款將從新計算 4. I have read and agreed to comply with the Terms & Conditions of Employment. 本人已瞭解並同意遵守聘用條款 X X Signature of Employee 僱員簽署 Date 日期 (DD/MM/YYYY 日 / 月 / 年 ) (This signature will also act as a specimen signature for future correspondence. 日後有關本計劃之簽署, 將以此簽署式樣為準 ) Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited 銀聯信托有限公司 2 MPF_Enroll_Student_Helper.doc (10.2007)

Appendix I-B Part II Investment Mandate 投資詳情 If you do not specify the Investment Allocation for the Mandatory Portion or the Voluntary Portion (if applicable), the Trustee will invest the unspecified portion in accordance with any correctly specified mandate of the other portion. If both portions are not specified or are incorrectly specified, or if you do not submit this Form, the Trustee will invest 100% of the Mandatory Portion, the Voluntary Portion (if applicable) and transfer-in asset (if applicable) in a default fund specified by your Employer. If your Employer does not select a default fund, the contributions will be invested in the Capital Stable Fund. 如果閣下沒有提供強制性供款部份或自願性供款部份 ( 如適用 ) 的投資分配指示, 信託人會把未指定的供款部份, 按照已正確填寫的另一供款部份的投資指示作出投資 如果閣下沒有填寫或沒有清楚填寫兩個供款部份, 又或沒有遞交此表格, 信託人將會把強制性供款部份, 自願性供款部份 ( 如適用 ) 及轉入資產 ( 如適用 ) 全數投資於僱主指定的預設基金內 如僱主沒有設定預設基金, 信託人則會把有關供款投資於資本穩定基金 Contributions shall be invested in the following manner 供款按下列比例投資 : Name of Constituent Funds 基金名稱 Hong Kong & China Equity Fund 中港股票基金 Asian Equity Fund 亞洲股票基金 Growth Fund 增長基金 Balanced Fund 均衡基金 Capital Stable Fund 資本穩定基金 Global Bond Fund 環球債券基金 Guaranteed Fund 回報保證基金 Capital Preservation Fund 保本基金 Investment Allocation (Complete in multiples of 5%) Mandatory Portion 強制性供款部份 投資分配 ( 請以 5% 或其倍數填寫 ) Voluntary Portion (if applicable) 自願性供款部份 ( 如適用 ) Total 合共 (%) 100% 100% Note 注意 : 1. The Investment Mandate specified will apply to transfer-in assets (if applicable) and/or contributions made by you and your employer. 上述的投資詳情將適用於 轉入資產 ( 如適用 ) 及閣下和僱主所作出的供款 2. If the completed enrollment form is received after the regular contributions and/or the transfer-in asset (if any) are received and invested in a default fund, the investment mandate specified on this enrollment form will only apply to future contributions and/or transfer-in asset (if any) made to the Scheme. 若信託人在收到定期供款及 / 或轉入資產 ( 如適用 ) 並把其全數投資於指定的預設基金後始收到此計劃成員登記表格, 表格所提供的投資分配指示將只適用於日後作出的供款及 / 或轉入資產 ( 如適用 ) 3. Investment returns of the Guaranteed Fund are guaranteed in the manner and in the circumstances described in the Prospectus. Investment returns of the other Constituent Funds are not guaranteed and are subject to market fluctuations and to the risks inherent in all investments accordingly. The price of Units of any Constituent Fund and the income from them may go down as well as up. 回報保證基金之投資回報乃按章程所述之形式及情況而獲得保證 其他成份基金之回報並無保證, 亦可能受到市場波動及投資風險所影響 任何成份基金之單位價格及其收入可升亦可跌 4. If neither you nor your Employer has elected to make any voluntary contributions but you have specified an Investment Allocation for the Voluntary Portion in the above table, the Investment Allocation you specified will still be applied to the subsequent Voluntary Contributions made in future unless you provide the Trustee with a new Investment Allocation at the time such subsequent Voluntary Contributions are made. 若閣下或僱主不作出任何自願性供款, 而閣下在上表為自願性供款部份提供投資分配指示, 此投資分配將適用於閣下或僱主於日後作出的自願性供款, 直至閣下為該自願性供款重新提供投資分配指示予信託人 5. Please approach the Finance Office, HKBU for arrangements of making voluntary contributions. 若需安排自願供款, 請與浸會大學財務處接觸 Part III Declarations 聲明 1.. I confirm that the information provided in this Form is accurate and authorize the Trustee to confirm this form any source the Trustee may choose. 本人確定在此表格上填寫的資料均屬正確無訛並授權信託人用任何渠道確實資料的真確 2. I understand that the Trustee may not be able to process this application if I fail to provide any information requested in this Form. 本人明白倘若本人未能提供本表格所需的資料, 信託人將可能無法處理有關申請 3. I have read and agree to comply with the governing rules of the Plan. 本人已瞭解並同意遵守本計劃之計劃條款 4. I undertake to notify the Trustee as soon as possible of any changes to the information contained in this Form. 本人承諾如本表格所載資料有任何更改, 將盡早通知信託人 Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited 銀聯信托有限公司 3 MPF_Enroll_Student_Helper.doc (10.2007)

Appendix I-B 5. I hereby authorize the University to deduct from my relevant income, commencing from the complete payroll cycle immediately following the first 30-day contribution holiday, a sum equivalent to the mandatory employee s contribution as required under the MPF Schemes Ordinance. The sum so deducted will be paid to the Trustees of the MPF Scheme as my mandatory contribution. 本人現授權大學由首 30 天後的完整糧期開始, 從本人的有關入息中扣除一筆相等於強積金條例規定僱員需作出的強制性供款額, 並撥給強積金計劃的信託人作為本人在強積金計劃所作的供款 6. I hereby agree to indemnify the Trustee against any actions, proceedings, claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses which may be brought against the Trustee or suffered or incurred by the Trustee arising either directly out of or in connection with the Trustee accepting facsimile instructions and acting thereon, whether or not the same are confirmed by me in writing. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the Trustee has the right to determine which Forms or other documents of instructions may or may not be accepted by facsimile. 本人同意並授權信託人接受傳真指示及根據該等指示處理有關事宜, 而不須本人之確認 信託人無須因此而直接或間接負上任何責任, 賠償, 損失或費用 信託人有權決定接受何種傳真表格或指示 7. I agree that: 本人同意 : (i) Information supplied on the Form and otherwise in connection with my participation in the Plan may be held by the Trustee and will be used for the purposes of processing and administering my participation in the Plan, and may also be used for the purpose of carrying out my instructions or responding to any enquiry purporting to be given by me or on my behalf, dealing with any other matters relating to my participation in the Plan (including the mailing of reports or notices and including but not limited to use by the employer (or a related company of the employer) for the purpose of calculating such employer s long service or severance payment accrued liability at any time), forming part of the records of the recipient as to the business carried on by it, observing any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements of any relevant jurisdiction (including any disclosure or notification requirements to which any recipient of the data is subject) and to provide a marketing database for product and market research or to provide information for the dispatch of information on other products or services to me from the Sponsor or any connected person of the Sponsor 1. All such information may be retained after I have ceased to participate in the Plan. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance 2, I have the right to obtain a copy of information held about myself and for which I may be charged a fee. 信託人可保留本表格所載資料及其他有關申請參予本計劃的資料, 以作為處理及管理本人申請參加此退休計劃之用 ; 同時亦可用作執行本人的指示或答覆本人的查詢 ; 或其他有關參與本計劃之事項 ( 包括郵寄報告或通告, 包括但不限於僱主 ( 或其有關聯公司 ) 之用, 以便在任何時間計算長期服務金及遣散費 ); 此等資料將構成收款人業務之部份記錄 ; 以遵行任何有關適用司法管轄區的法律 政府或監管規定 ( 包括任何所屬收款人的資料披露及通知的規定 ); 及提供營辦人或其有關連人仕用作推廣產品及市場研究 或向本人發放其他產品或服務資料 1 在人本停止參與本計劃後, 信託人仍可保留上述所有資料 根據個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例, 本人有權在支付費用的情況下, 索取一份有關本人個人資料的副本 1 If you do not wish your information to be made available for the dispatch of information on other products or services to you from the Sponsor or any connected person of the Sponsor, please the box. 如閣下不欲將資料提供給營辦人或其有關連人士, 以用作向閣下發放其他產品或服務資料, 請在方格內加上 號 2 You are entitled under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to be informed by INVESCO whether it holds Personal Data about and to request access to and/or correction of any such Personal Data Any such request may be made to Data Protection Officer, c/o Head of Compliance, INVESCO Hong Kong Ltd, 32/F, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen s Road East, Hong Kong. 按個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例, 閣下有權要求景順提供是否持有閣下的個人資料, 或要求接觸和 L 或更改任何個人資料 此類要求, 可向個人資料保管主任書面查詢 請郵寄香港皇后大道東一號太古廣場三座三十二樓, 景順投資管理有限公司監察部主管收 (ii) The Trustee may disclose and transfer such information to the auditors of the Plan and the Sponsor, including any of their employees, officers, directors and agents and/or to the ultimate holding company of the Sponsor and the Trustee and/or their subsidiaries and/or affiliates or to any third party employed to provide administrative, computer or other services or facilities to any person to whom data is provided or may be transferred as aforesaid and/or to any regulatory authority entitled thereto by law or regulation (whether statutory or not) and/or to the employer or to a related company of the employer in connection with my participation in the Plan, which persons may be persons outside Hong Kong. 信託人可披露或轉交有關參與本計劃的資料予本計劃的核數師和營辦人, 及其僱員 主任 董事及代理人 ; 及 / 或營辦人及信託人的最終控股公司 ; 及 / 或附屬公司及 / 或聯營機構 ; 或其僱用之第三者以提供行政 電腦或其他服務或設備 ; 及 / 或受法律或監管規定授權之任何監管機構 ( 無論是否法定機構 ) 及 / 或僱主或其有關聯公司, 而此等人仕可以是非居港人仕 8. If applicable, I acknowledge and agree that my full benefit entitlement under the ORSO registered scheme or other MPF scheme of which I was formerly a member ( Former Scheme ) is being transferred to the INVESCO Strategic MPF Scheme as an initial contribution balance and is in full satisfaction of my entitlement under the Former Scheme, irrespective of the terms of the Former Scheme. 如適用, 不論前註冊職業退休計劃 ( 前計劃 ) 之條文, 本人認知及同意轉移本人於前計劃或其他強積金計劃中之所有利益至景順強積金策略計劃作為初期供款並滿意前計劃中所得的利益 9. I understand that the Trustee will not be liable for any delay in processing my enrollment, any discrepancy between my intended investment allocation as set out under Part III above and the allocation actually used for my contributions, or in the absence of gross negligence, fraud or bad faith for any other loss, cost or liability whatsoever related to my membership in the Scheme. 本人明白信託人將不會負責有關處理本人參加計劃之延誤 真正的投資分配與本部第三部不同 在沒有重大過失 欺詐或惡信的情況下引致本人負上任何其他損失 費用或責任 X X Signature of Employee 僱員簽署 Date 日期 (DD/MM/YYYY 日 / 月 / 年 ) This signature will also act as a specimen signature for future correspondence. 日後有關本計劃之簽署, 將以此簽署式樣為準 Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited 銀聯信托有限公司 4 MPF_Enroll_Student_Helper.doc (10.2007)

Appendix I-B SECTION B 乙部 (to be completed by Employer. 請由僱主填寫 ) Employee Information 僱員資料 Company Code 僱主編號 Department Code 部門編號 H K B U Staff Number 僱員編號 Grade 1 1 職級 Date of Employment 受僱日期 (DD/MM/YYYY 日 / 月 / 年 ) Date Joined Plan 2 參加計劃日期 2 (DD/MM/YYYY 日 / 月 / 年 ) Vesting Start Date for Voluntary Contribution 自願性供款利益起計日 (Complete only if different from Date of Employment and Date Joined Plan. 如與受僱日期及參與計劃日期不同, 才須填寫 ) 1 2 Complete only if there are different voluntary contribution rates for different grades of staff. 如僱主為不同職級員工設有不同自願性供款率, 才須填寫此項 Complete only if the employer makes voluntary contribution to the Scheme and the employer elects in its Participation Agreement to use Date Joined Plan as the date for purposes of calculating vesting scale and/or to determine the appropriate contribution rate for voluntary contributions. 如僱主對計劃作出自願性供款, 並且在參與協議選擇以僱 參加計劃日期 作為利益起計日期, 才須填寫此項 For and on behalf of The Employer Authorised Signatory 授權簽署 Date 日期 (DD/MM/YYYY 日 / 月 / 年 ) Name 姓名 BCT use only Document Received Inputted By: Checked By: Remarks: 銀聯信託專用 : Date: Date Inputted: Date Checked: Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited 銀聯信托有限公司 5 MPF_Enroll_Student_Helper.doc (10.2007)

HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Time Record Sheet for Non-Local Student Employment Appendix I-C Department: Education HKID No.: R12345(6) Non Local Student Name: Chan Tai Man HKBU Student ID: 0800001 Amount to Claim: Time Worked Total Total Signed by Certified by Day Date From To No. of Hrs Hours/week Student Supervisor SUN MON 01/09/2008 09:00 AM 05:00 PM 7.00 TUE 02/09/2008 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 2.00 WED 03/09/2008 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 2.00 THU 04/09/2008 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 2.00 FRI 05/09/2008 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 2.00 SAT 06/09/2008 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 2.00 17.00 SUN 07/09/2008 MON 08/09/2008 03:00 PM 07:00 PM 4.00 TUE 09/09/2008 03:00 PM 07:00 PM 4.00 WED 10/09/2008 03:00 PM 07:00 PM 4.00 THU 11/09/2008 03:00 PM 07:00 PM 4.00 FRI 12/09/2008 03:00 PM 07:00 PM 4.00 SAT 13/09/2008 20.00 SUN 14/09/2008 MON 15/09/2008 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 2.00 TUE 16/09/2008 04:00 PM 07:00 PM 3.00 WED 17/09/2008 03:00 PM 07:00 PM 4.00 THU 18/09/2008 03:00 PM 07:00 PM 4.00 FRI 19/09/2008 SAT 20/09/2008 09:00 AM 05:00 PM 7.00 20.00 SUN 21/09/2008 MON 22/09/2008 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 2.00 TUE 23/09/2008 WED 24/09/2008 THU 25/09/2008 FRI 26/09/2008 SAT 27/09/2008 09:00 AM 05:00 PM 7.00 9.00 Total Hrs. 66.00 Rate/Hour HK$ 40.00 Total Amount 2,640.00 Prepared Checked Approved By: By: By: Budget Controller FO\PSYS\Appendix I-C & I-D_Time Record Sheet and Monthly Hours Confirmation List.xls\timesh1 2008/8/29

HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Non-Local Student Employment Summary Monthly Hours Confirmation List For (insert Month) Appendix I-D Department: Education Contact Person: Contact Tel No.: No. of hours/week (not exceeding 20 hours/week) Starts on SUN 01/09 07/09 14/09 21/09 Non-Local Student NOL Checked Ends on SAT 06/09 13/09 20/09 27/09 Total Rate/hour Total Amt Declaration (Signature) No. HKID STD ID Name ( ) Note 1 Funding Account Insert week other than the weeks specified Hours (HK$) (HK$) Notes 2 & 5 1 R12345(6) 0800001 Chan Tai Man 01-15-004-091-080 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 2 R778883(6) 663330 Lee Ho Ma 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 3 R12345(6) 0800001 Chan Tai Man 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 4 R12345(6) 0800001 Chan Tai Man 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 5 R12345(6) 0800001 Chan Tai Man 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 6 R12345(6) 0800001 Chan Tai Man 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 7 R12345(6) 0800001 Chan Tai Man 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 8 R456789(6) 663330 Cheung Mei Lai 17.00 20.00 20.00 9.00 66.00 $40.00 $2,640.00 Notes to Budget Controllers: Total Payment for the month 21,120.00 (A) 1 It is your responsibility to ensure that the above non-local student(s) has(ve) obtained valid "Application for Extension of Stay" Add: 5% MPF Contribution 1,056.00 (B)=(A) x 5% with No Objection to Work ("NOL") clause issued by the Immigration Department before you engage him/her for any service. Total charged to the Department 22,176.00 (A) + (B) 2 The total hours claimed for each non-local student/week should not exceed 20 hours per week (from Sunday to Saturday). 3 The budget controller who signs this Form has to make sure that there is adequate budget for the above payment. 4 Employment & MPF Ordinances are applicable for these non-local students. Therefore, please submit MPF enrolment Form for these students together with this claim form. Notes to Non Local Students: 5 According to Immigration Ordinance Cap.115, you should not take up part-time on-campus employment for more than 20 hours/week. A breach of the rule will render you liable to prosecution and removal from Hong Kong. Therefore, you are required to declare by signing in the box that you have not worked for more than 20 hours for any particular week, except for the months of June to August. Prepared By: Checked By: Endorsed By: Date: Budget Controller FO\PSDS\Appendix I-C & I-D_Time Record Sheet and Monthly Hours Confirmation List.xls\Summary 2008/8/29

HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY Appendix I-E User Guidelines for Claiming Wages for Part-Time Employment of Non-local Students (Only Applicable to Non-Local Students) 1. Users (Non-local students and user department/office) must complete the Monthly Hours Confirmation List ( Summary Sheet ) and Time Record Sheet in order to get payment of wages. 2. The Forms are provided in a Linked Excel File downloadable from the Finance Office s website : 2.1 User should open the Blank timesheet file [Blank timesheet.xls], which should be kept as your master file. 2.2 The file contains one blank sheet called Monthly Hours Confirmation List ( Summary ) and 8 blank sheets called Time Record Sheets for 8 non-local students. 2.3 Save the file under another file name for each payroll cycle [e.g. Non-local student092008a.xls as the first file for September 2008]. 2.4 The cells in Yellow on the various sheets require your input. The cells in Blue either have formulas or linked cells. The cells in Purple are for non-local students to sign their declarations. 2.5 Choose one Time Record Sheet for each non-local student. Please input start date. The earliest start date is 1/9/2008 which is Monday. The total hours is counted on weekly basis from Sunday to Saturday. Page 1

2.6 Input the total hours of work for each day. For example, a non-local student works from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on 1/9/2008. The total hours of the day if excluding one hour for lunch is 7 hours. 2.7 Repeat Step 2.6 everyday until the end of the reporting payroll cycle. 2.8 Input the hourly rate at the bottom of the time record sheet. 2.9 You should then print out the Time Record Sheet and obtained proper authorized signatories. Please keep the hardcopy of this Time Record sheet for spot check by the Immigration Department. Page 2

2.10 The details of the Time Record sheet will be automatically posted to the Summary. At the end of each payroll cycle reporting in the middle of the month, please also complete the areas in Yellow in the Summary Sheet. Such as the Department and Funding Account. 2.11 You should check the valid Application for Extension of Stay with No Objection to Work ( NOL ) clause before you appoint a non-local student. Please insert if you have performed checking. Page 3

2.12 Each non-local student should not work for more than 20 hours per week (from Sunday to Saturday). 2.13 Please ask the non-local student to sign the declarations for compliance of Immigration Ordinance Cap 115. 2.14 Employment & MPF Ordinances are applicable for these non-local students. Therefore, please submit MPF Enrolment Form obtainable from the Finance Office s website at for these students together with the Summary Sheet. 2.15 The Summary Sheet should be signed by the budget controller and submit together with the MPF Enrolment Form to the Finance Office. 2.16 Payment will be delayed or suspended if Steps 2.11-2.14 is incomplete. Please note that no payment will be made for excess time over the maximum allowable 20 hours per week (from Sunday to Saturday). 2.17 This worksheet is not protected. You could change the formula or input the worksheet manually to suit your needs. Since there are very strict rules governing the total number of hours per week, you are advised to follow our instructions on completion of the summary. Prepared by: Finance Office/PSDS, Non-local student timesheet explanation.doc, Aug. 29, 08 Page 4