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When speaking of Italian wines, most people would immediately think of the famous wines of Tuscany or Piedmont, but there are regions in the country j

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Time Traveling with Sicily

When speaking of Italian wines, most people would immediately think of the famous wines of Tuscany or Piedmont, but there are regions in the country just as great as those two. In the south of Italy on the very boot of the country lies Sicily, where the ancient vineyards of region have great history and quality. Tuscany Piedmont Historical records show that Sicilian viticulture and wine-making go as far back as the year 1500, when the Phoenicians first began planting grapes on the island, and later the Greeks and Romans brought more planting techniques such as using raisins to make Moscato. Sicily has a colourful history and culture, developing a unique flavour for its wines from the integration of a variety of techniques and grapes. Like many old cultures, Sicily also has its own traditional spirits like Marsala. In the 17th century, Marsala became popular like Port and Sherry due to the need to maintain wine over long-distance sea travel. It is a wine bulked up with grape spirit, and was the first alcoholic beverage to make a name for Sicily. Sicilian wines are largely defined by their unique island varietals like the red grapes Nero d Avola and Nerello Mascalese, and the white grapes Grillo and Insolia. Nero d Avola is one of the indigenous grapes commonly used in the local blends, and is sometimes blended with international varieties such as Syrah. However it is also increasingly made with 100% Nero d Avola, as winemakers seek to promote more of a Sicilian identity on their bottles. Sicily today has 23 DOCs and 1 DOCG, and there are such famous terroirs like the volcanic soil in Mt. Etna. For example Etna Rosso focuses on 95% Nerello Mascalese and 5% Nerello Mantellato, while the island s only DOCG area, Cerasuolo di Vittoria, excels in Nero d Avola and Frappato. 1500 Moscato MarsalaMarsala Marsala Marsala 20 Nero d Avola Nerello Mascalese Grillo Insolia Nero d Avola Nero d AvolaSyrah 23 DOC DOCG Mt. Etna Etna Rosso 95% Nerello Mascalese 5% Nerello Mantellato DOCG Cerasuolo di Vittoria Nero d Avola Frappato In this issue s panel tasting, we bring to you 38 Sicilian wines which reveal the intricacies of this island wine region, as our trusted sommeliers taste them one by one. 38

100 point system / 100 points awarded year of tasting best potential year to taste 96-100 Perfect or nearly perfect wine without any flaws, reaching the highest standards in every aspect, and leaving the drinker wanting more. 88 2012 2020A D drink now A suitable to drink now, but will improve with time K allow more maturing time before enjoying 90-95 85-89 80-84 70-79 60-69 50-59 Outstanding wine in every aspect, precise and alluring Outstanding wine with character, reflects terroir Good quality wine with character, reflects terroir, but not outstanding. Simple and straightforward wine, but with minimal character. Dull or flat wine without character Faulty or unacceptable wine

From Left: Billy Yeung, Ian Symonds, Mabel Lai, Chris Lai, JC Viens, Zachary Yu, Tersina Shieh, Wallace Lo, Hood Hon, Akihiko Nosaka Akihiko Nosaka Billy Yeung Chris Lai

90 2013 2015A Ian Symonds