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91108 911080 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 Chinese, 2013 91108 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on familiar matters 2.00 pm Monday 2 December 2013 Credits: Five Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on familiar matters. Demonstrate clear understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on familiar matters. Demonstrate thorough understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on familiar matters. Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. Listen to THREE passages. You will hear EACH passage THREE times: The first time, you will hear the passage as a whole. The second and third times, you will hear the passage in sections, with a pause after each. As you listen, you may make notes in the LISTENING NOTES boxes provided. Before each passage begins, you will have 30 seconds per question to preview the questions. At the end of each passage, you will have a few minutes to review your answers. You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet. Answer each question in your choice of English, te reo Māori, and / or Chinese. If you need more room for any answer, use the extra space provided at the back of this booklet. Check that this booklet has pages 2 11 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. TOTAL New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

2 You are advised to spend one hour answering the questions in this booklet. FIRST PASSAGE: 过七夕节 David is Lanlan s boyfriend studying in the university. They are having a phone conversation about Chinese Valentine s Day. Question One is based on this passage. You now have 30 seconds to read the question. Glossed Vocabulary 农历 nónglì lunar calendar 七夕节 qīxījié Chinese Valentine's Day 喂 weí hello QUESTION ONE 请描写中国七夕节的传统或习俗 Describe the traditions or customs of Chinese Valentine s Day. LISTENING NOTES

3 你会怎么描写大卫和兰兰的个性? 提供对话中的证据 How would you describe the personality of both David and Lanlan? Provide evidence from the conversation. 大卫 : David: 兰兰 : Lanlan: 你觉得大卫和兰兰会有什么事情发生? 从对话中找出理由 What do you think would happen between David and Lanlan? Provide justifications from the passage.

4 SECOND PASSAGE: 去中国旅游 Xiaohua is planning to visit China over the holiday. Listen to the phone conversation between her and the travel agent about travel bookings. Question Two is based on this passage. You now have 30 seconds to read the question. Glossed Vocabulary 旅行社 lǚxíngshè travel agent 苏州 sūzhōu Suzhou city 香港 xiānggǎng Hong Kong 杭州 hángzhōu Hangzhou city 建议 jiànyì suggest 风景 fēngjǐng landscape LISTENING NOTES

5 QUESTION TWO 在下面的表格中, 用打勾表示小花要去的地方, 用打叉表示她不去的地方 然后说明他可以在这些地方做些什么活动 In the table below, indicate with a tick or a cross which of the places Xiaohua is going to visit, and which she is not going to visit. Explain what activities she could do in these places. 城市 Cities Beijing 去 / 不去 Going ( ) Not going ( ) 可以做的活动 Activities to do Hangzhou Hong Kong Shanghai Suzhou 解释为什么天气和时间, 是小花决定去这些地方的两个主要的原因 从对话中找出证据说明你的理由 Explain why weather and time are the two main reasons for Xiaohua to decide where to visit in China. Select relevant information from the listening passages to justify your reasons. 天气 Weather: 时间 Time:

6 THIRD PASSAGE: 留学生 Daxin and Xiaohong are candidates for the chairperson of the Chinese committee in a high school. Listen to their speeches on Chinese international students. Question Three and Question Four are based on this passage. You now have one minute to read the questions. Glossed Vocabulary 留学生 liúxuéshēng international students 问题 wèntí problems, issues QUESTION THREE 比较大新和小红对以下几个关于留学生问题的看法 Compare Daxin s and Xiaohong s opinions on the following issues for Chinese international students. 课外和休闲活动 Extra-curricular and leisure activities 学术课程 Academic programmes 工作机会 Work opportunities


8 QUESTION FOUR 有一个中国留学生要到大新和小红的学校学习 根据他们的演讲, 你认为这个留学生会享受在大新和小红的学校学习吗? 为什么? An international student is moving to New Zealand and will be studying at Daxin and Xiaohong s school. Based on Daxin and Xiaohong s speeches, do you think the international student will enjoy studying at Daxin and Xiaohong s school? Why? 根据这两个演讲, 你会给这个留学生什么建议, 帮助他或她融入学校生活? 从演讲中找出你的理由 Based on the two speeches, what advice could you give the international student to help him or her get involved in school life? Select evidence from the speeches to justify your reasons.


10 QUESTION NUMBER Extra space if required. Write the question number(s) if applicable.

11 QUESTION NUMBER Extra space if required. Write the question number(s) if applicable.