1 关联词不能省略 2 从句用陈述语序 从句的名词后接同位语 fact, idea, word,promise, saying,problem, news 常见引导词 that, whether, where, how, etc. The facts that he succeeded in the

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高考英语语法 30 天精讲精练 从句 从句的基本构成形式 一 ( 引导从句的 ) 关联词 + 陈述句 常见的关联词 : 1 引导多种从句的常见关联词: what, when, where, who, which, why, how, that, as, since, whether, which, whatever, whenever, if, etc. 2 引导一种从句( 常为状语从句 ) 的常见关联词 : until, till, after, before, than, so long as, as far as, as soon as, the moment, every time, each time, as if, now that, even if(thought), by the time, in order that, as as, once, in case, immediately, how long, etc. 二 主语从句主语从句三要素 : 1 关联词不能省略 2 谓语动词用单数 3 从句用陈述语序 常见引导词 what, when, where,which, who, that,whether, how,whatever, whoever Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen. I don t think that whatever happens is right. Is what you told me really true? NOTICE: What we need most are books. 三 表语从句 1 关联词不能省略 2 从句用陈述语序 常见引导词 what, when, where,why, whether, how,that, because, which, What surprised me most was that he spoke English so well. The question is how what you ve said can be put into practice. The reason (why ) he didn t come is that he was ill. It (This, That) is because iron contains more carbon than steel. 四 同位语从句 第 1 页

1 关联词不能省略 2 从句用陈述语序 从句的名词后接同位语 fact, idea, word,promise, saying,problem, news 常见引导词 that, whether, where, how, etc. The facts that he succeeded in the experiment pleased us. An idea came to her that she might do that in another way. Scientists have argued over the problem whether there is life on other planets. 五 宾语从句 1. 从句用陈述语序 Parents generally buy whichever books their children want. Free movie tickets will be given to whoever comes first. I realized that what I said was not exactly what I meant to say. I once read that The beauty of life is its changes and that The art of life lies in a constant readjustment( 适应 )to our surroundings. Sleep-teaching will only hammer into( 强硬灌输 )your head what you have studied already while you are awake. 2. it 可做形式宾语代替饱雨从句 We all thought it a pity that he didn t come. 六 名词性从句的综合问题 1 whether if If 只能引导宾语从句, 不能引导主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 The question is whether it is worth doing 2 which,what 不能引导同位语从句 3 whatever, whichever, whoever 可以引导名词性从句, 一切, 任何, 无论 Whoever telephones, tell them I m out. Whatever problem you have, you can always come to me for help. Whichever day you come, we ll be pleased to se you. 七 What-clause 1 what = something that /which( 即含 内容 ) 2 可以引导主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句 3 在从句中担当主语 宾语 表语 定语 Show me what you have written. 第 2 页

He is not what he was a few years ago. FIU has opened (that ) what it says is the first computer art in the US. What matters most is good health. What money I have has been given to you. 4. 引导插入语 He is handsome, and what is more, very rich, was most important to her, she told me, was her family. A. It B. This C. What D. As (08 山东 )C 此题考查主语从句连词的选择 此题的关键在于看出 she told me 是插入语, 从结构上不影响整个句子的表达 根据题意 她告诉我, 对她来说最重要的是她的家庭 可知, 第二个 was 是整个句子的谓语动词 所选词须是连词用来引导主语从句 故可排除 A,B as 不能引导主语从句, 也可排除 what 引导名词性从句在从句中做主语 八 状语从句 状语从句 引导从句的连词 备 注 时间 after, as, before, once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while, as long as, as soon as, hardly(scarcely) when, No sooner than, the time (moment, instant, minute, day ) hardly, no sooner 在句首, 引导的从句要部分倒装. since 引导的从句注意看启动词是否是瞬间动词还是延续性动词. when 引导的从句注意其特殊用法. 一些名词也可以引导时间状语从句. 地点 where, wherever 后者表示强调. 方式 as, as if, as though, as 引导的方式状语从句多在句首. 原因 because, since, as, now (that) 语气一个比一个弱.for 可以引导原因状语从句, 但它只能位于句末. 结果 so that, such (a) that, so that 中的 so 在句首, 主句要部分倒 so that, that 装. 目的 so that, in order that, that, so, so that 使用最普遍. 条件 if, unless, in case, as long as, 注意分清 if 从句中是否该用虚拟语气. 让步 though, although, even if, even though, as, in spite of the fact, while, no matter wh-, as 引导的让步状语从句要倒装. 常见引导词 : 时间 when, while, as, as soon as, whenever, after, before, until, till, once, since, by the time, the moment 地点 where, wherever, anywhere 原因 because, as, since, now that 第 3 页

条件 if, as / so long as, unless, on condition (that) 方式 as, in the way (that), as if 让步 though, although, as, even if, no matter when / how / where 比较 than, as as 目的, 结果 so that, in order that 1. when; while; as; whenever when 从句 ( 点动作, 瞬间动作 ) 主句 ( 段动作, 延续动作 ) I ll speak to him when he arrives. When (While, As) he stayed there, he began to study German. while 从句 主句 While (When) we were in Paris, we saw him twice. The doorbell rang while (when) we were watching TV. as 从句 ( 多表示主从句动作同时进行 ) 主句 She sang as she did her homework. As his brother was going out, it began to rain. whenever( 无论何时 ) Whenever you (may) call( 看她 ), you ll find her sitting by the window. when 表示并列 (just at that time), 用在句子中部 I am going out (I am about to go out) when the phone rings. 两个短动作同时发生用 as, 或 just as, 有时也用 when, 长动作同时发生用 while I thought of it just as you opened your mouth. He stood quietly while the guards searched his clothes. while 可表示对比转折 She is in red while her sister is in yellow. while 还可表示 趁... 时 We should go and look at the monkeys while they are still there. while 表示 尽管, 虽然 ( 多放在句首 ) While they are my neighbours, I don t know the well. while 表示 只要 第 4 页

While there is life ther is hope. as 表示两种发展或变化的情况, 随着... As it grew, it became loder. when 引导的从句, 用一般时态表示未来的事情 Come to me when you like. 2. till (until); not till(until) 1). 肯定主句谓语动词是延续动词, 表达动作或状态持续 到 为止 ( 即 : 主句动作或状态到 until 或 till 表达的时间结束 ) 从句 until / till 主句 ---- ( 结束 ) We ll stay here till it stops raining. 2). 否定 主句谓语动词是短暂动词, 表达动作或状态 直到 才开始 ( 即 : 主句动作或状 态到 until 或 till 表达的时间才开始做 从句 until / till 主句 ( 开始 ) - He didn t leave the office until his boss came. 倒装 : Not until he saw his mother did the little boy smile. 强调 : It was not until he say his mother that the boy smiled. 3.by the time, next time,every time, each time, the day, the week,etc. Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. The day he returned, his father was already dead. they arrived, we had already left. By the time they arrive, we will have already left. 4.as soon as, the moment, on doing, no sooner than, hardly when As soon as I saw him I knew there was no hope The moment (that) I saw him I knew there was no hope. On seeing him I knew there was no hope. 第 5 页

No sooner had I seen him than I knew there was no hope. 5. where, wherever A driver should slow down where there are schools. 对比 : He will work in the factory where we need hm most. ( 定从 ) He will work where we need him most. ( 状从 ) ( 定语从句前必有被修饰的地点名词, 而状语从句前没有 ) Wherever he happens to be, Clint can make himself at home. 6. because, for, as, since because 表示产生某种结果的直接的必然的原因 ; for 用来补充说明理由, 不放在句首, 倒果为因 because the sun has risen. The day breaks for the birds are singsing. Because it rained last night,the ground is wet this morning. It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning. since 原因是人们已知的, 以既知事实说明理由 既然 就 Since you can t answer the question,we d better ask someone else. as 原因 理由比较明显, 语气比较弱, 由于 As I am ill, I won't go. 介词表示因果 : We had an accident because of his carelessness. We had an accident due to his carelessness. ( 由于 归于 ) Owing to his carelessness we had an accident. ( 由于 ) Thanks to John s kind help, we finished early. 7. so that,so as to do ; in order that, in order to do ( 目的 ) We climbed high (so) that we might get a better view. We climbed high so as to get a better view. I spoke slowly in order that the audience could understand me. I spoke slowly in order for the audience to understand me. get a better view, we climbed. A. In order B.In order to C.So as D.So as to 8. so that, such that, such that ( 结果 ) The house is so expensive This is such an expensive house This is so expensive a house that I can t afford to buy it. So expensive is the house 第 6 页

Such an expensive house is this 沪江网校 hjclass.com 比较 so as to do sth: 以便, 表示目的 ; so/such as to do sth: 如此 以致于, 表示结果 ; Go in quietly so as not to wake the baby. He was so foolish as to believe her. He was such a fool as to believe her. 9.though,although,as, 1) 句首常用 although, 而 though 较为普遍 2)though, as 可以倒装 Young as(though) he is,he is knowledgeable. Try as(though) he might,he couldn t get out. 3)though: 可用在句尾, 表示 然而 It was hard work; I enjoyed it, though. 4) 介词表示让步 (in spite of, despite) In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop. 5) although /though 不和 but 连用, 但可用 yet/still 10. than 等 表示倍数 longer than A is three times as long as than B. the length of no more than You are no taller than he. = You are not tall and he is not tall, either. 11.if so, if not, if only 1)if so 用来代替完整的句子 Have you got a free evening next week? If so,let s have dinner. 2)if not 用来代替完整的句子 Is anybody feeling cold? If not, let s open the window. 3)if only 后常用过去时或过去完成时, 可以表达强烈的愿望或遗憾 If only I knew what you wanted! If only you hadn t told him what I said,everything would have been all right. 12.as soon as, as(so) far as, as long as, as well as 各有两种情况 as soon as 1 Finish it as soon as you can (possible). 2 The students were quiet as soon as the teacher came in as (so) far as 第 7 页

1 You d better walk as far as the foot of the hill. ( 远至 ) 2 As far as I know, he is a good doctor. ( 就 而言 ) as (so) long as 1 You can stay as long as you like. ( 长达 ) 2 So long as you need me, I ll stay. ( 只要 ) as well as 1 She cooks as well as her mother (does). ( 一样好 ) 2 She sings as well we he plays. ( 不但弹得好而且唱得好 ) She sings as well as playing the piano. ( 重点在前面 ) 13. 状语从句的其它几个问题 : 1) 省略 : 主从句主语一致时 ; 从句主谓语是 it is(was) 时 ; 常用词 :when, while, if, until, after, until, although, than, etc. 基本结构 : 从属连词 +adj. /n. / -ing/ -ed When a student in the university,he read a lot. Though tired, he wouldn t stop working. Since coming to Paris,I have made many new friends. If not necessary, you d better leave tomorrow. 2)in case 万一... 的话, 在... 的情况下 ; 以防, 免得 In case anything important happens, please call me up. Take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting. 3) no matter what (who, when, where...) 引导状语从句, 可相当于 whatever, whoever, whenever, 但前者不能引导名词性从句 No matter what happened,he would not say a word. She was going to be a singer no matter what difficulties she met. No matter what you do don t touch the switch. I ve decided to leave tomorrow, no matter what. Talk to me about whatever is troubling you. Whatever she says goes. I ll just say whatever comes into my head. After all, whatever her faults ( are, 省略 ), she s Tommy s mother. Use the simple whenever (it s) possible. While she did most of the cooking, her daughter was of some help, however small. 九 定语从句 1. 总论定语从句在句中使用频率非常高, 它分为限制性或非限制性两种 限制性定语从句上用来修饰人物事物, 它与所修饰的名词或名词词组不可分割, 非限制性定语从句是用来对修饰的人或物作补充说明 定语从句的关键是 :1 引导定语从句的关联词 ;2 被定语从句所修饰的先行词 第 8 页

关联词的三要素 :1 引导功能 ( 引导定语从句, 连接主从句 );2 替代功能 ( 代表所修饰 的先行词 );3 成分功能 ( 在从句中担当一定成分 ) 2. 关系代词 : that which who whom whose as 1 关系代词引导定语从句并在从句中作主语, 此时, 从句谓语动词在人称和数上要和先行词一致 He does t like the book which (that) is very thick. (He doesn t like he book. It is very thick.) 2 关系代词引导定语从句并在从句中作宾语, 此时, 从句中要注意不要重复宾语, 而且 which, that, who, whom 还可以省略. The letter (which, that) I received was from Miss Li. (The letter was from Miss Li. I received it.) He is the man (who,whom) we met in the hotel. (He is the man. We met him in the hotel.) 3 关系代词 whose 引导定语从句并在从句中作定语,whose 可指人也可指物. I haven t met Mr Li,whose son is my teacher now. (I haven t met Mr Li. His son is my teacher now.) The computer whose CPU doesn t wok has to be repaired. (The computer has to be repaired. Its CPU doesn t work.) 3. 关系副词 when where why 它们引导定语从句并在从句中作状语 when = in / on / at + which ( 时间 ) where = in / on / at + which ( 地点 ) why = for which ( 原因 ) 比较 : This is the day that I ll never forget. This is the day when (on which) we met (him). (This is the day. We met on that day.) We ll go to the factory that you visited. We ll go to the factory where (in which) he works. (We ll go to the factory. He works there.) We don t know the reason why (that) he fell ill. 4.which, that 的区别 1 that 可指人或物,which 只能指物 I'll never forget the persons and the school that I saw. 2 先行词被序数词 形容词最高级修饰时, 用 that This is the longest pencil (that) I have ever seen. 3 先行词是 all, little, -thing, 或者被 all, no, every,little,only 等修饰时, 用 that That s all (that) I want to say. 4 which 可以引导非限制定语从句, 而 that 不可以 第 9 页

The book is red, which surprises me, 5 that 前不加介词 This is the house in which he lives. (that he lives in) 5. 带介词的定语从句 1 介词通常放在 which, whom 之前 Is this the factory in which you work? NOTICE: ⑴ 含介词的短语动词, 介词不提前 That s the boy you are looking for. ⑵ 非限制性定语从句中, 介词一般提前 The man, about whom we had heard, was here yesterday. 2 n. (pron.) + of which / whom The persons, most of whom were students, enjoyed the play. There are pyramids in Egypt, the largest of which (of which the largest) is the Great Pyramid. 3 复杂介词 + which / whom( 通常倒装 ) They stayed in a big hotel, in front of which was a garden. He came to a house, on the door of which was a plate. 6. as 作关系代词 1 可以引导定语从句, 并在从句中作主语 宾语和表语, 从句既可以放在句首也可以放在句子后部 正如, 象 ( 一样的 ) He was strongly against the plan as could be expected. As everybody can see, he has done what he should do. 2 such ( ) as, the same ( ) as I have the same trouble as you (have). My hometown is no longer the same as it was. Such views as he has mentioned should be discussed. 3 比较练习 :so as ; so that; such ( ) as; such( ) that ⑴Here is so big a stone (such a big stone) no one can lift. ( no one can lift it. ⑵The instrument is not I saw on the exhibition. ⑶The weather was I couldn t go out. ⑷She isn t such a careless student you think she is. (KEY: ⑴as (that) ⑵such as ⑶such that ⑷as ) 7. 其它 1 插入语 : He ran from the station which I thought was impossible. ( which, I thought, was ) 2 并列主从句, 两个或多个定语从句由 and, but, or 连接, 共同修饰一个词 I m talking about friends who care deeply about each other, who support each other, and who make life worth living. 第 10 页

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