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3. 1855,, ( ),, ( ), ( ), 2000 8 1958,,,,,,,,,,, 1936, 11 :,,,,,,,,, 1980,,, 1934 (,, ) 6,, ( ) 2, (1800 ) 9 1128 700, ;,,,,,,, (1673, ) (1758 ) (1935 ), 1855,,, (1872 ) 12,,,,, : :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 :,,,, 136, 1855,,, (1670 ) 3 :,, 2006 1, 11-14 16 ; 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; 5 ; 8 ; 3 ; 1 ; 1 ; 13 ; 4 :,, 1985, 25

,,, (1891 ) 4, (1935 ),,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,, 1930-1950,, ;, 1920,,,,,, 1855, 1, ( ), 1995, 75 The Distribution, Development and Quantitative Fluctuation of the Pagrosomus major in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea since the Qing Dynasty Li Yushang 1 Che Qun 2 Chen Liang 3 (1. De partment of History, S hanghai J iao Tong Universit y, S hanghai,200240 ; 2. Center f or Historical Geog rap hy, Fudan Universit y, S hanghai, 200433 ; 3. Dep rtment f or History of Science and Philosophy of S cience, S hanghai J iao Tong Universit y, S hanghai, 200240) Abstract : The Pagrosomus major which lives in t he Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea has been always considered as one kind of rare fish for it s special p hysical sign and meat quality. Since t he Qing Dynas2 ty, t he quantity of Pagrosomus major was exceptional abundant. Alt hough t he Pagrosomus major ever changed t heir migratory routes, t he ot her migratory routes were almost consistent wit h t he aquatic ex2 pert s research except one route which t he fishes swim to t he bayou of t he Yellow River to spawn. The reason why t here was abundant Pagrosomus major in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in Qing Dynasty was that t he fishermen used appropriate catching met hod. Moreover, t he more important reason was t hat t he abundant resources of Pagrosomus major in Haizhou Bay had never been explored since t he Ming Dynasty. As one kind of demersal fishes, t he quantity of Pagrosomus major was always stable. However, some fatal changes of nat ure environment which occurred in Qing dynasty made the fishing season and distribution area of t he Pagrosomus major also changed in t he Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Key words : pagrosomus major ; distribution ; develop ment ; quantitative fluct uation 137