National Parks 41

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( ) ( ) TAIWAN NATURAL SCIENCE Vol.32(1) 85



National Parks 41

P.40 41 The endangered Formosan black bear is the largest carnivore on the island of Taiwan. P.42 V Also known as the moon bear, the V-shaped mark on the chest is the Formosan black bear s trademark. P.42 The panda is an endangered species of mainland China. Ursus thibetanus formosanus 8 50 200 120 190 V moon bear 30 threaten endangered 3 15 8 42

P.42?? Are you looking at me? Aren t I cuter than a panda? 1996 P.43 Acorns provide an important source of proteins and fats for the bears during the fall and winter seasons. P.43 Illegal hunting is the main threat for the bear s survival. National Parks 43

P.44 Participation in the field research of the American black bear paved the way for the bear research in Taiwan.. P.44 Dr. Dave Garshelis Teamwork is essential for a successful research. Dr. Dave Garshelis (right) is Hwang Mei- Hsiu s (left) friend and mentor. P.45 Given the rugged terrain of Taiwan s mountainous areas, field researchers had to lug heavy backpacks for long distances and spend enormous time in the wild. Dr. Dave Garshelis 30 SCI Science Citation Index 44

National Parks 45

P.46 Mei-Hsiu Hwang, known as Mother of the black bears, is explaining the ins and outs of using the radio-tracking devices to track down animals. P.47 A bear cub, less than a month old, still has its eyes closed. 20 30 3 4 46

P.47 The Formosan black bear has a low fertility rate. Females generally breed every other year, bearing only one or two cubs every litter. P.47 Pristine forests with limited human disturbances provide abundant food and shelter for Formosan black bears. National Parks 47

P.48 Bear paws, each with five toes, are indispensable survival tools of the bear; yet they are one of the driven forces for bear kills. P.48 The black bear has a dog-like muzzle, hence its common name dog-bear. P.49 Radio-racking the widely roaming bears over a large, mountanous area on foot is no easy feat. Flagship species Umbrella species 48

Discovery Channel Conclusion P.49 The researcher (Mei-Hsiu Hwang, right) and the national park ranger (Yuan-Yuan Lin, left) take part in spreading the message. There may not be pandas in Taiwan, but certainly the Formosan black bears and other myriads of animals in our natural environment deserve our attention and care. National Parks 49