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Content A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Notes to Purchasers of First-hand Residential Properties Information on the Development Information on Vendor and Others Involved in the Development Relationship Between Parties Involved in the Development Information on Design of the Development Information on Property Management Location Plan of the Development Aerial Photograph of the Development Outline Zoning Plan Relating to the Development Layout Plan of the Development Floor Plans of Residential Properties in the Development Area of Residential Properties in the Development Floor Plan of Parking Spaces in the Development Summary of Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase Summary of Deed of Mutual Covenant Summary of Land Grant Information on Public Facilities and Public Open Space Warning to Purchasers Cross-Section Plans of Building in the Development Elevation Plans Information on Common Facilities in the Development Inspection of Plans and Deed of Mutual Covenant Fittings, Finishes and Appliances Appliances Schedule for Residential Units Mechanical & Electrical Provisions Plans Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units Service Agreements Government Rent Miscellaneous Payments by Purchaser Defect Liability Warranty Period Maintenance of Slopes Modification Website Address Information in Application for Concession on Gross Floor Area of Building

A Notes to Purchasers of First-hand Residential Properties





B Information on the Development

C Information on Vendor and Others Involved in the Development

Vendor : Bushell Limited Holding Company of The Vendor : Lai Sun Development Company Limited Authorized Person : Jennifer Lee, Ming Yen of P&T Architects and Engineers Ltd. Building Contractor : Hien Lee Engineering Co., Limited. Solicitors for Vendor : Lo & Lo Authorized Institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development : Chong Hing Bank Limited (Note: the loan has been repaid in full) Other Person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development : Lai Sun Development Company Limited Bushell Limited ( : ) C1

D Relationship Between Parties Involved in the Development

(a) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an Authorised Person for the Development; Not Applicable (b) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of such an Authorised Person; Not Applicable (c) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of such an Authorised Person; Not Applicable (d) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorised Person; Not Applicable (e) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorised Person; Not Applicable (f) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorised Person; Not Applicable (g) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development; Not Applicable (h) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development; Not Applicable (i) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors; Not Applicable (j) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a private company, and an Authorised Person for the Development, or an associate of such an Authorised Person, holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; Not Applicable (k) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a listed company, and such an Authorised Person, or such an associate, holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; Not Applicable (l) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and such an Authorised Person, or such an associate, is an employee, director or secretary of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor; Not Applicable (m) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and such an Authorised Person, or such an associate, is an employee of that Vendor or contractor; Not Applicable (n) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a private company, and a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; Not Applicable D1

(o) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a listed company, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; Not Applicable (p) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee, director or secretary of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor; Not Applicable (q) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee of that Vendor or contractor; Not Applicable (r) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and the corporation of which an Authorised Person for the Development is a director or employee in his or her professional capacity is an associate corporation of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor; Not Applicable (s) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and that contractor is an associate corporation of that Vendor or of a holding company of that Vendor. Not Applicable D2

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 10% (k) (l) (m) (n) 10% (o) 1% (p) (q) D

(r) (s) D4

E Information on Design of the Development

There will be no non-structural prefabricated external walls forming part of enclosing walls. There will be curtain walls forming part of the enclosing walls. The thickness of the curtain walls forming part of the enclosing walls of each building : 200mm : 200mm TOTAL AREA OF THE CURTAIN WALLS OF EACH RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Block A B Floor 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 4 5 6 Total Area (sq. m.) 1.862 1.862 1.862 1.862 6.08 2.18 1.0 1.0 2.60 E1

F Information on Property Management

The person to be appointed as the manager of the Development under the latest draft Deed of Mutual Covenant : Kolot Property Services Limited F1

G Location Plan of the Development

Tai Hang Road The map reproduced with permission of the Director of Lands. The Government of Hong Kong SAR Licence No. 101/201. 101/201 A bus depot Judicial facilities A railway depot (including a court and a magistracy) A ventilation shaft for the Mass Transit Railway A refuse collection point A library A hospital A museum A market (including a wet market and a A barrack wholesale market) A cargo working area A police station A petrol filling station A public carpark (including a lorry park) A LPG filling station A public convenience An oil depot A public transport terminal An aviation fuel depot (including a rail station) A marine fuel depot A public utility installation Sewage treatment works and facilities A religious institution A power plant (including a church, a temple and a Tsz Tong) (including electricity sub-stations) A school (including a kindergarten) A pylon Social welfare facilities (including an elderly A helicopter landing pad centre and a home for the mentally disabled) A clinic Sports facilities (including a sports ground A fire station and a swimming pool) An ambulance depot A public park The above Location Plan is prepared by the Vendor with reference to Survey Sheet No.11-SE-16A dated 18th August 2016; 11-SE-16C dated 7 th July 2016; 11-SW-20B dated 18 th August 2016 and 11-SW-20D dated 21st July 2016 with adjustments where necessary. 2016 8 1811-SE-16A2016 7 7 11-SE-16C2016 8 18 11-SW-20B2016 7 2111-SW-20D Not es: 1. T he Ven d o r a l so a d vises p u r c h aser s to c o ndu c t o n-sit e v isi t f o r a b ett e r u n der s t anding of the Developmen t site, i t s surrou n d i ng e n v i ron ment and t he p u blic f acil iti es n earby. 2. The p lan may s h ow more t h an the area requ ired u n d er t he Resident ial P r operties (First-hand S a l es) Ordi nance due to the techn ical r eason t h a t t h e bo und ary o f t h e Dev elo pment is i r r egu lar. 1. 2. G1

H Aerial Photograph of the Development

Adopted from part of aerial photo taken by the Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department at a flying height of 6,000 feet, photo no. CS62515, dated 01/01/2016. 2016 01 016,000 CS62515 Boundary line of Development N ote s : 1. T h e abo v e aer ial p h oto i s available f o r free in s pectio n during n ormal office h o u r s at the s ale s o ffice. 2. T h e aer ial p h o t o may s h o w mor e t h a n t h e a r e a r equir e d u n der t h e R e s i d ential P roper tie s ( F i r s t -hand S ale s ) O r din a n c e d u e t o t h e tech nical r e a s o n that the b o u n d a r y o f the D evelop ment i s i rre g ular. 1. 2. H1

I Outline Zoning Plan Relating to the Development

Part of approved Wong Nai Chung (HPA 7) Outline Zoning Plan no. S/H7/1, gazetted on 16/08/2016. 摘錄自 16/08/2016 憲報公佈之黃泥涌 港島規劃區第7區 分區計劃大綱圖核准圖 編號為S/H7/1

Part of approved Jardine s Lookout & Wong Nai Chung Gap (HPA1) Outline Zoning Plan no. S/H1/12, gazettd on 18/10/2007. 18/10/2007 1S/H1/12 GB OU PFS G/IC R(C)4 O Metre 0500 Boundary line of Development Notation Zones Communications Miscellaneous C R(B) R(C) Commercial Residential (Group B) Residential (Group C) O OU GB Open Space Other Specified Uses Green Belt Major Road and Junction P F S Boundary of Planning Scheme Petrol Filling Station G/IC Government, Institution or Community CP Country Park Notes : 1. The last updated version of Outline Zoning Plan and the attached schedule at the date of printing of the sales brochure is available for free inspection during normal office hours at the sales office.. The Vendor also advises purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 4. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 1. 2.. 4. I2

Part of approved The Peak Area (HPA 14) Outline Zoning Plan no. S/H14/12, gazetted on 2/04/2016 摘錄自2/04/2016憲報公佈之山頂區 港島規劃區第14區 分區計劃大綱圖核准圖 編號為S/H14/12

J Layout Plan of the Development


K Floor Plans of Residential Properties in the Development

Block A A

1/F Floor Plan 1 K1

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 5. The air-conditioner outdoor units are located at the garden of the unit. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. 5. K2

2/F Floor Plan 2 K

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K4

/F Floor Plan A <<>> Block A /F have been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance after completion of the Development. The approximate location of the alterations are indicated in the floor plan and are set out below:- Original wall relocated and replaced with walls of different dimensions. K5

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K6

/F AS IS Floor Plan K7

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K8

4/F Floor Plan 4 K

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K10

Duplex 5/F-6/F & Roof 56 5/F Floor Plan 5 4th Floor Part Plan 4 K11

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K12

Duplex 5/F-6/F & Roof 56 6/F Floor Plan 6 K1

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K14

Duplex 5/F-6/F & Roof 56 Roof Floor Plan Part Plan For Flat Roof Above Internal Staircase K15

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K16

Block B B

Duplex 1/F-2/F 12 1/F Floor Plan 1 K17

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 5. The air-conditioner outdoor units are located at the garden of the unit. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. 5. K18

2/F Floor Plan 2 K1

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT = OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K20

/F Floor Plan K21

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT=OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K22

4/F Floor Plan 4 K2

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT=OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K24

Duplex 5/F-6/F & Roof 56 5/F Floor Plan 5 K25

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT=OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K26

Duplex 5/F-6/F & Roof 56 6/F Floor Plan 6 K27

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT=OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K28

Duplex 5/F-6/F & Roof 56 Roof Floor Plan Part Plan For Flat Roof Above Internal Staircase K2

LEGEND BAL. = BALCONY BED RM. 1 = BED ROOM 1 BED RM. 2 = BED ROOM 2 BED RM. = BED ROOM BED RM. 4 = BED ROOM 4 M. BED RM. = MASTER BEDROOM M. BATH = MASTER BATHROOM FAMILY RM.= FAMILY ROOM STUDY = STUDY ROOM MAID S RM. = MAID S ROOM BATH 1 = BATHROOM 1 BATH 2 = BATHROOM 2 BATH = BATHROOM BATH 4 = BATHROOM 4 POWD. = POWDER ROOM LAV. = LAVATORY KIT. = KITCHEN LIV./DIN. = LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM STORE = STOREROOM CAB. = CABINET FOYER GARDEN 1 2 4 1 2 4 LIFT LIFT LOBBY LIFT PIT LIFT SHAFT FLAT ROOF SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT ABOVE STAIRHOOD ELECT. / TEL = ELECTRICAL/TELEPHONE DUCT ELECT. DUCT = ELECTRICAL DUCT H.R = HOSE REEL P.D. = PIPE DUCT V.D. = VENT DUCT VOID R.S. & M.R. RM. = REFUSE STORAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY ROOM U.P. = UTILITY PLATFORM A/C PLATFORM = AIR-CONDITIONING PLATFORM OUTDOOR A/C UNIT=OUTDOOR AIR-CONDITIONER UNIT LOCATION OF SPLIT TYPE AIR-CONDITIONER OUTDOOR UNIT VENTS OPENABLE FOR STAIR- & STAIR-4 ACCESS COVER FOR P.D. BELOW Floor Plans Related : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads in some residential units for enclosing the air-conditioning system and/or M&E services. 2. Some louvers (if any) that are hidden in false ceilings may not be indicated on the floor plans.. There may be pipes, architectural features and/or M&E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any) and flat roofs (if any). Please refer to the relevant Building Plans for their locations. 1. 2.. Notes : 1. Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor):1/f to 6/F are.15m, stairhood is 2.7m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm.. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. But insofar as the Development is concerned there is no reducing thickness of the structural walls at upper floors. 4. The dimensions in the floor plans are all structural dimensions in millimetre. 1..152.7 2. 150. 4. K0

L Area of Residential Properties in the Development

M Floor Plan of Parking Spaces in the Development

G/F Car Park Plan Number and Area of Carparking Spaces Category of Carparking Space Total No. Dimension (WxL) (m.) Area per Each Space (sq. m.) Residential Parking 12 2.5 x 5 12.5 Accessible (Disabled) Parking 1.5 x 5 17.5 Motorcycle Parking 1 1 x 2.4 2.4 M1

N Summary of Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase

1. Preliminary deposit which is equal to 5% of the purchase price shall be paid upon signing of the Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase ( Preliminary Agreement ). 2. The preliminary deposit paid by the Purchaser on the signing of the Preliminary Agreement shall be held by the Vendor s solicitors as stakeholders.. If the Purchaser fails to execute the Agreement for Sale and Purchase within 5 working days after the date on which the Purchaser enters into the Preliminary Agreement - (a) The Preliminary Agreement is terminated; (b) The preliminary deposit is forfeited; and (c) The Vendor does not have any further claim against the Purchaser for the failure. 1. 5% 2..5 (a) (b) (c) N1

O Summary of Deed of Mutual Covenant

SUMMARY OF DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT 1. Common Parts of the Development Common Areas and Facilities means collectively the Common Areas and the Common Facilities. Common Areas means collectively the Estate Common Areas and the Residential Common Areas, each of which Common Areas shall include those appropriate and relevant common parts specified in Schedule 1 to the Building Management Ordinance. Estate Common Areas means those parts of the Estate intended for the common use and benefit of the Estate as a whole and not just any particular Unit and which are subject to the provisions of this Deed to be used by each Owner and Occupier in common with all other Owners and Occupiers of the Estate which said parts include but not limited to (a) the foundations, columns, beams and other structural supports and elements, (b) those parts of the Slopes and Retaining Walls which fall within the Lot, (c) office accommodation, if any, for watchmen and caretakers provided in accordance with Special Condition No.()(a) of the Government Grant, (d) quarters, if any, for watchmen and caretakers provided in accordance with Special Condition No.(10)(a) of the Government Grant, and (e) office, if any, for the use of the Owners' Incorporation or the Owners' Committee provided in accordance with Special Condition No.(11)(a) of the Government Grant. Residential Common Areas means those parts of the Residential Development intended for the common use and benefit of the Residential Development as a whole and not just any particular Residential Unit and which are subject to the provisions of this Deed to be used by each Owner and Occupier of the Residential Units in common with all other Owners and Occupiers of the Residential Units and shall include (a) areas for the installation or use of aerial broadcast distribution or telecommunications network facilities, and (b) the external walls of the Blocks (but excluding the railings and glass balustrades of the balconies, utility platforms and roofs of the Residential Units which said railings and glass balustrades of the balconies, utility platforms or roofs shall belong to and form part of the relevant Residential Unit). Common Facilities means collectively the Estate Common Facilities and the Residential Common Facilities. Estate Common Facilities means all those facilities intended for the common use and benefit of the Estate as a whole and not just any particular part thereof which are subject to the provisions of this Deed to be used by each Owner and Occupier in common with all other Owners and Occupiers of the Estate and includes but not limited to sewers, drains, storm water drains, water courses, cables, pipes, wires, ducts, flushing mains, fresh water mains, plant and machinery and other like installations, facilities or services. Residential Common Facilities means all those facilities intended for the common use and benefit of the Residential Development as a whole and not just any particular Residential Unit which are subject to the provisions of this Deed to be used by each Owner and Occupier of the Residential Units in common with all other Owners and Occupiers of the Residential Units and includes but not limited to the lifts, wires, cables, ducts, pipes, drains, the sports and recreational facilities in the Recreational Areas and Facilities and all mechanical and electrical installations and equipment exclusively for the Residential Development. 2. The number of undivided shares assigned to each residential property in the development Block A B Unit 1/F 2/F /F 4/F 5/F & 6/F (duplex) 1/F & 2/F (duplex) /F 4/F 5/F & 6/F (duplex) Undivided Share 50/570 45/570 45/570 44/570 120/570 7/570 28/570 28/570 76/570. The term of years for which the manager of the development is appointed The Manager is to be appointed for an initial term of two years from the date of the Deed of Mutual Covenant and to be continued thereafter until termination of the Manager s appointment in accordance with the provisions thereof. 4. The basis on which the management expenses are shared among the owners of the residential properties in the development The Owner of each Residential Unit shall contribute towards the management expenses (including the Manager s remuneration) of the development by paying in advance on the first day of each calendar month 1/12th of the due proportion of the annual expenditure in accordance with the Residential Management Budget which due proportion shall be the same proportion as the number of Management Units allocated to his Residential Unit bears to the total number of Management Units allocated to all the Residential Units in the development. 5. The basis on which the management fee deposit is fixed The management fee deposit is equivalent to three months management contribution payable by the Owner in respect of his Unit based on the first annual Management Budget. 6. The area (if any) in the development retained by the vendor for its own use Not applicable. O1