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0 The Poems of Prefectural Officials in the Middle and the Late Tang Dynasty and Cangzhou Officials Ge Xiaoyin Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureHong Kong Baptist UniversityHong KongChina Abstract The poems of prefectural officialswhich originated from Xie Lingyun and Xie Tiao in the Southern Dynastieswere visibly increasing in number after the Dali Period - in the Tang Dynasty. Its principal poets were some prefectural officials who called themselves Cangzhou officials. Both the transfer of their official positions from the capital to the provincial areasand the change of the literati 's opinion of officialdom increased the number of literati who acted as prefectural or county magistrates. The system of exiling demoted officials to remote prefectures or countiestogether with their leisurely lifestyle and their feeling of being abandoned as a result of easy work and lonelinessbrought about the common conception regarding the remote prefectures or counties as Cangzhou. Meanwhilemost of the prefectural residences in the Tang Dynasty were architecturally arranged with artificial hillspondstowers and pavilionsand formed a complementary relationship with the natural landscape in a prefectureproviding a realistic environment in which the literati could enjoy the delight as if they were in Cangzhou after their business time. As the poems of prefectural officials focused on the reinforcement of the characteristics of the quietness in a prefectural residencethe poets intentionally expressed their alienation from the officialdom and created a quiet and comfortable world of their own. Under such circumstancesthey made some changes in their poem writing while inheriting the traditional style of Xie Lingyun and Xie Tiaoand finally formed a new poetic style which assumed a different aesthetic vision from the Bieye Poems which described the view of the villas in the early glorious age of the Tang Dynasty. Key words poems of prefectural officials Cangzhou officials authoring environment aesthetic visiontypes of poetry