D. had handed 解析 : 该题考查句子时态 句意 : 温迪提交了他的申请表了吗? 我不太确定 她告诉我她想在检查一遍, 很快就交 结合语境可知下文描述的是站在过去角度看将来发生的动作, 故用一般将来时态 选 B 答案 :B 5. I know this plan is far from

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2013 年江苏省无锡市中考真题英语 第 I 卷 ( 客观题共 50 分 ) 一 选择填空 ( 本大题共 14 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 14 分 ) 在 A B C D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1. Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature normally stays zero. A. up B. down C. above D. below 解析 : 该题考查介词辨析 up 在 之上, 向上 ;down 沿着往下 ;above 超过, 在 之上 ;below 在 下方 句意 : 由于气温通常停留在零度以上, 这儿在冬天冰并不常见 在表示在 之上这一含义时,above 表示 在 的上方, 但是不是垂直的正上方, 而是斜上方的意思, 并且和这个物体没有接触面, 是离开物体的 above 还可以表示 多于 高于 超过 等意思 ;up 表示的是方向, 是动态的 沿着, 到 上面, 有方向性的含义, 结合语境可知选 C 答案 :C 2. --Look at the bird over there! It s so beautiful! --Wow! It s a rare crane. It appears in this area. A. always B. usually C. seldom D. often 解析 : 该题考查副词辨析 always 一直, 总是 ;usually 通常 ;seldom 很少, 不常 ;often 经常 句意 : 看那边的那只鸟 是那么漂亮 喔, 是一种罕见的鹤 它很少出现在这个地区 结合语境可知选 C 答案 :C 3. Fishing with Dad was so for little Sam that he almost fell asleep. A. excited B. exciting C. bored D. boring 解析 : 该题考查形容词辨析 excited 兴奋的, 指人 ;exciting 令人兴奋的, 指物 ;bored 无聊的, 指人 ;boring 无聊的, 令人厌烦的, 指物 句意 : 对于小萨姆来说和父亲一起钓鱼是如此无聊, 以至于他几乎睡着了 结合语境可知本句指的是钓鱼这件事很无聊, 选 D 答案 :D 4. --Has Wendy handed in her application form? --Not sure. She told me that she wanted to check again and A. will hand B. would hand C. has handed it in soon.

D. had handed 解析 : 该题考查句子时态 句意 : 温迪提交了他的申请表了吗? 我不太确定 她告诉我她想在检查一遍, 很快就交 结合语境可知下文描述的是站在过去角度看将来发生的动作, 故用一般将来时态 选 B 答案 :B 5. I know this plan is far from perfect, but I just can t think of one. A. a better B. the better C. a best D. the best 解析 : 该题考查比较级的特殊用法 句意 : 我知道这个计划远不是那么完美, 但是我就是再想不出来一个更好的了 结合语境可知下文表示同前文 this plan 的对比, 故用形容词的比较级做定语, 选 A 答案 :A 6. --What do you think of his new design? --It s of even practical value than the old one. He s just a bookworm! A. greater B. great C. less D. little 解析 : 该题考查词义辨析 greater 更棒的 ;great 伟大的, 极好的 ;less 更小的, 更少的 ;little 小的, 很少的 句意 : 你认为他的新设计怎么样? 它比那个旧的甚至更没有实际价值 他只是一个书呆子 结合语境可知选 C 答案 :C 7. There was a fire in the hotel around midnight last Friday. Luckily, it was soon. A. turned on B. turned off C. put on D. put out 解析 : 该题考查短语辨析 turned on 打开, 发动 ;turned off 关闭, 关掉 ;put on 穿上, 上演 ; put out 熄灭, 伸出 句意 : 上周五大约午夜的时候, 这个宾馆发生了一起火灾 幸运的是, 很快的被扑灭了 结合语境可知选 D 答案 :D 8. --How long does it take to get to the airport? --Forty minutes. But it s foggy today. I m not sure set off earlier. A. whether B. when C. how D. why the highway will closes soon. Let s

解析 : 该题考查疑问词辨析 whether 是否 ;when 什么时候 ;how 如何, 怎样 ;why 为什么 句意 : 到达机场要花费多长时间? 四十分钟 但是今天有雾 我不确定告诉是否不久就要关闭 让我们早点出发吧! 结合语境可知选 A 答案 :A 9. Don t throw away the waste paper. It needs so that it can be reused. A. to destroy B. destroying C. to collect D. collecting 解析 : 该题考查非谓语动词的用法 句意 : 不要扔掉废纸 它需要被收集起来以便于回收利用 动名词做宾语表示抽象动作,need 后面接动名词用主动语态表示被动含义, 故选 D 答案 :D 10. --I believe this is the best movie of the year. --Well,. Anyway, the ending is OK. A. that s a good idea B. that may not be a good idea C. I m not sure if you re right D. I think you re right 解析 : 该题考查情景交际 that s a good idea 那是个好主意 ;that may not be a good idea 这可能不是一个好主意 ;I m not sure if you re right 我不能确定你是否正确 ;I think you re right 我想你是对的 句意 : 我相信这是今年最好的电影. 根据下文, 不管怎样, 结尾不错 结合语境可知选 C 答案 :C 11. We arrived at the station too early and had to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere 解析 : 该题考查不定代词辨析 anywhere 任何地方 ;somewhere 某个地方 ; everywhere 到处, 每个地方 ;nowhere 无处, 任何地方都不 ; 句意 : 我们到达车站太早, 没有地方可去, 因此我们坐在那儿聊天 结合语境可知选 D 答案 :D 12. --I think I ve got a bad cold, Doctor, Shall I take some medicine? --No need. Your body itself is able to the virus. Just drink more water and rest. A. catch B. fight C. lose D. hide 解析 : 该题考查动词辨析 catch 赶上, 抓住 ;fight 打架, 与 斗争 ;lose 失败, 受损失 ;

hide 隐藏, 隐瞒 句意 : 我认为我得了严重感冒, 医生 我要吃些药吗? 没必要 你的 身体本身能够抵抗这些病毒 只要多喝些水, 休息休息就行 结合语境可知选 B 答案 :B 13. It s really you to drive so fast on such a rainy day. Slow down! A. crazy for B. crazy of C. wise for D. wise of 解析 : 该题考查短语辨析 be crazy for 渴望, 对 疯狂 ;be crazy of 是疯狂的 ;be wise for 无此搭配 ; be wise of 是明智的 句意 : 在这样一个雨天开的这么快, 你真疯了 开慢点! 结合语境可知选 B 答案 :B 14. --How are you going, buddy? --. A little busy, though. A. Not too bad B. Can t be worse C. On my own D. By train 解析 : 该题考查情景交际 Not too bad 还不错, 不太坏 ;Can t be worse 糟糕透了 ;On my own 靠自己 ;By train 乘火车 句意 : 你打算怎么做, 哥们? 根据下文, 尽管有点忙 可知选 C 答案 :C 二 完形填空 ( 本大题共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分 ) My parents have always loved everything about India, so a year ago we went on holiday there. It s a wonderful 15 with beautiful scenes and interesting people. However, I didn t enjoy Indian 16 very much. On the second day we planned to see an old palace. At the 17 they said. If you go by train, it ll take you only two hours to get there. However, the hot 18 took over four hours. I was very 19 when we got there, so we had some rice and vegetables with bread in a small restaurant. We were 20 to find it was quite nice. I wasn t full up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs. I said to my dad, I ve been eating rice all week. Can I have some meatballs please? Well, they looked delicious so I ate the first one very 21. I was just putting the second one in my mouth when I felt myself 22 my mouth was on fire! I started to cough( 咳嗽 ) and there were tears ( 泪水 )in my eyes. I couldn t 23 how spicy( 辛辣的 ) it was! I drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughing at me. You couldn t make me eat another Indian meatball for all the 24 in the world! 15. A. town B. city C. country D. restaurant

解析 : 联系前一句对印度的描述, 可知此处指的是一个极好的国家, 故选 C, 国家 答案 :C 16. A. food B. scenes C. people D. costumes 解析 : 联系下文第四段描述, 可知此处指的是我不太喜欢印度的食物 故选 A 答案 :A 17. A. palace B. hotel C. airport D. entrance 解析 : 词义辨析 A. 宫殿 ;B. 宾馆 ;C. 机场 ;D. 入口 联系前一句描述, 可知他们此时应该是在宾馆 故选 B 答案 :B 18. A. sail B. walk C. drive D. ride 解析 : 词义辨析 做名词讲时,A. 帆, 航行 ;B. 散步 ;C. 驾车, 驱动 ;D. 乘坐, 乘车 联系前一句描述, 可知此处指的是我乘车用了四个小时 故选 D 答案 :D 19. A. hungry B. curious C. cheerful D. nervous 解析 : 联系后一句描述, 可知此处指的是我们到那儿时, 我非常饿了 故选 A, 饥饿的 答案 :A 20. A. shocked B. surprised C. bored D. tired 解析 : 形容词辨析 A. 震惊的, 震撼的 ;B. 感到惊奇的, 出人意料的 ;C. 无聊的, 烦人的 ; D. 疲倦的, 厌烦的 结合语境可知此处指的是, 我们惊讶地发现这饭相当不错 故选 B 答案 :B 21. A. quietly B. easily C. quickly

D. gently 解析 : 联系前半句描述, 可知我快速地吃完了第一个 故选 C, 快速地 答案 :C 22. A. burning B. watering C. crying D. smiling 解析 : 联系下文描述, 可知此处指的是我发现自己像着火一样, 故选 A, 燃烧的 答案 :A 23. A. feel B. believe C. think D. know 解析 : 动词辨析 A. 感觉, 摸索 ;B. 相信 ;C. 思考, 认为 ;D. 知道 结合语境可知此处指的是我感觉不出有多么辣来 故选 A 答案 :A 24. A. diet B. luck C. time D. money 解析 : 联系前文描述, 可知世界上所有的食物 故选 A, 饮食, 食物 答案 :A 三. 阅读理解 ( 本大题共 13 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 26 分 ) A My Year Abroad This month in Travelers Corner there are three teenagers experiences in year-abroad programmes. Mariko Okada Tokyo My year abroad in the United States was a fantastic experience. I m not a shy person, and I was very comfortable speaking to everyone. So I got lots of speaking practice. I also learned lots of interesting things about American culture. When I got home, my friends all said that I had improved so much! I hope to go back again in the future. Carla Fonseca Rio de Janeiro I spent last year studying English in London. I m from a small town, and London is a very big city. Sometimes I felt it was too big. There were so many people to talk to, but I always felt bad about my English. I missed my family, and I really missed my two cats. My roommate was always using our telephone, so I hardly had the chance for a nice long talk with my parents. I think it was a good experience for me, but I m glad to be home! Alvin Chen Hong Kong Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but it was also lots of hard work! I

had English classes six hours a day, five days a week with lots of homework. I also kept a diary of my experience. I like to write, and I wrote two or three pages in my diary every day. On Saturdays, my homestay family took me to lots of interesting places and showed me so many wonderful things about the culture. I m really glad I went! 25. All the three teenagers went abroad. A. to study English B. to visit friends C. to have a holiday D. to find a job 解析 : 根据 Mariko Okada Tokyo So I got lots of speaking practice. Carla Fonseca Rio de Janeiro I spent last year studying English in London. Alvin Chen Hong Kong I had English classes six hours a day, five days a week 描述, 可知这三个人都是去国外学英语 故选 A 答案 :A 26. Who didn t really enjoy the stay in a foreign country very much? A. Mariko. B. Carla. C. Alvin. D. None of them. 解析 : 根据 Carla Fonseca Rio de Janeiro I missed my family, and I really missed my two cats. 描述, 可知卡拉不太喜欢呆在外国 故选 B 答案 :B 27. Traveler s Corner is most probably. A. a sports club newsletter B. a science documentary C. a travel magazine D. a news website 解析 : 联系下文 three teenagers experiences in year-abroad programmes. 描述, 可知这是一本关于旅行的杂志 故选 C 答案 :C B The Teens newspaper has a little test for young students each week. Here below is Frank s completed test this week. Weekly Test Scores and their meanings: 1. I prefer to spend my spare time 4-6: Your family is very important to you. (a) with my family You enjoy being with friends but your family (b) with my friends comes first. You are kind and always think (c) on my own. more of others. 2 [f] have a problem, I would rather 7-9: You have lots of friends and like to have (a) Talk to my parents than to my friends. fun. You are close to your family but your (b) talk to my friends than to my family. friends are quite important to you, too. You (c) solve it on my own. are easy-going and generous. 3. I prefer to study 10-12: You probably have one or two close

(a) at home with my family around. (b) with my friends. (c) on my own. 4. For my birthday I would prefer to (a) be with my family (b)have a party with lots of friends. (c) go out with just my best friend. friends, but you d rather relax with a good book than go to a party. You are confident and like to do things for yourself. You can e-mail us at weeklytest@teens.com and tell us whether your result has described a REAL you. You get 1 point for each(a), 2 for each(b), and 3 for each(c) Go and find out what your score means on the right! 28. How many points did Frank get in the week s test? A.8 B.9 C.10 D. 11 解析 : 根据 You get 1 point for each(c), 2 for each(b), and 3 for each(c) 描述, 结合上文他的答案, 计算可知弗兰克得了九分. 故选 B 答案 :B 29. From Frank s result, we may know that. A. he has many close friends and enjoys having fun with them B. his family comes first although he loves being with friends C. both his family and his friends are of great importance to him D. he is a confident young student with only a few close friends 解析 : 根据 7-9: You have lots of friends and like to have fun. You are close to your family but your friends are quite important to you, too. 描述, 可知选 C 答案 :C 30. By taking this test a student is supposed to find out. A. how to solve teenage problems B. how to make good friends C. what his lifestyle is like D. what kind of person he is 解析 : 根据 Scores and their meanings: 这部分内容描述, 可知这些分数代表的是一个人的性格, 故选 D, 他是哪种人 答案 :D C Aunt Polly had told Tom to paint the whole fence( 栅栏 ) in front of the house. He thought of the other boys out for the day enjoying themselves and he felt very unhappy. Then he had an idea! He picked up the brush and started painting slowly and carefully. Soon, his friend Ben Rogers appeared, eating an apple. Tom pretended ( 假装 ) not to see him. Tom! Ben said. Why are you working? Oh, it s you, Ben, Tom said, I didn t notice you.

I m going for a swim, Ben said, but you don t want to come. You want to work, don t you? It s much nicer! Ben laughed loudly. Tom looked seriously at Ben and said. What is work? What do you call work? Isn t that work? Ben asked. Well, no. Does a boy get the opportunity t o paint a fence every day? You ve never painted a fence, have you? Auntie says I have to do it with great care! Please, Tom. Let me do a little, said Ben. No, Ben. If you do, you ll do it wrong. You can t paint very well. If it was the back fence wouldn t mind, but it isn t. I won t do it wrong. I ll be really careful. I ll give you my apple. Tom gave him the brush and paint with a sad face, but in his heart he was glad, His trick had worked. After Ben got tired and left, other boys came along and Tom said the same things to them. Soon, the whole fence was painted white, but not by Tom. He felt very clever because he had discovered something important about the way people are. People only want what they can t have or want to do what they shouldn t do. 31. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word opportunity on this passage? A. Reward. B. Interest. C. Ability. D. Chance. 解析 : 联系上下文描述, 可知此处指的是每天刷围墙的机会, 故选 D, 机会. 答案 :D 32. Why did Tom pretend not to see Ben? A. Because he wanted Ben to believe that he was enjoying the work. B. Because he would like to try his best to attract Ben s attention. C. Because he did not want Ben to see the fact that he had to work. D. Because he was afraid that Ben might laugh at him if the saw him. 解析 : 联系下文 Tom gave him the brush and paint with a sad face, but in his heart he was glad, His trick had worked. 描述, 可知他这样做主要是为了让本认为他对这项工作很感兴趣, 故选 A 答案 :A 33. What can we infer ( 推断 ) from the story? A. Aunt Polly gave Tom a lot of pocket money for what he had done. B. Ben and the other boys might feel unhappy when they found out the troth. C. Tom believed that he had discovered how to deal with different people. D. Everyone thought Tom clever when they realized what had happened. 解析 : 根据最后一段 He felt very clever because he had discovered something important about the way people are. 描述, 可知选 C, 汤姆相信他知道了如何与不同的人打交道 答案 :C D Everything that humans hear is in the form of waves( 波 ). Just as the eye sees light wares in the form of colors, the ear and the eye Curs these different waves into signals that the brain( 大脑 )

can make sense of. The ears and brain have an Amazing amities to recognize( 识别 ) particular sounds. For example, a mother often can tell when her baby is crying even if there are other crying babies in the same room. This is because the sound of her baby s cry has special meaning to her and the brain has recorded is importance. The ability to recognize sounds improves with experiences. As the brain receives information about sounds from day to day, it stores the information in its memory. When the brain hears new sounds, it gives meaning to them based on the information already in the memory. This is why certain words or songs can make a person happy. Often it is not the words or songs themselves that cause this feeling. The sounds are connected to happy memories for that person. After hearing process controlled by the brain is to decide where a sound is coming from. One ear is usually closer to the source( 来源 ) of a sound than the other ear is. Sound waves are stronger when they reach the ear that is closer. They also reach the closer ear first. The brain recognizes these differences and uses them to decide the location of the source of the sound. 34. Which of the following shows the normal hearing process of a mother hearing her baby crying? a. The ears receive the sound waves. b. The mother recognizes her baby s cry. c. The ears turn the sound waves into signals. d. The baby s cry ravels in the form of sound waves e. The brain connects the signals to the information in me memory. A. d-a-c-b-e B. d-a-c-e-b C. a-d-c-b-e D. a-d-c-e-b 解析 : 根据短文一三段描述, 可知母亲只听到婴儿的哭声, 首先要满足声音以声波的形式传播, 然后耳朵接收到这种声波, 然后耳朵把这些声波转换成信号, 大脑把这些信号同记忆中的信息联系起来, 最后母亲辨别出婴儿的哭声 故选 B 答案 :B 35. Certain words or songs can change tarpon s moods mainly because of his. A. lifestyle B. personality C. experiences D. hobbies 解析 : 根据第三段 This is why certain words or songs can make a person happy. Often it is not the words or songs themselves that cause this feeling. The sounds are connected to happy memories for that person. 描述, 可知与人们的经验有关 故选 C 答案 :C 36. According to the last paragraph, It will be the most difficult for a person who has lost the hearing in one ear to tell. A. where the source of a sound is B. how loud a sound is C. when a sound starts to appear D. what makes a sound

解析 : 根据最后一段描述, 可知两只耳朵通过距离声源的远近来辨别声音发出的方向, 所以当一只耳朵失去听力之后, 他无法辨别声音发出的方向 故选 A 答案 :A 37. What is the best title for this passage? A. Human Brain s Amazing Facts B. Human Hearing Characteristics C. How to improve Hearing D. How Do Humans Hear 解析 : 这篇短文中作者主要分析了耳朵是如何听到声音的科学道理, 故选 D 答案 :D 第 II 卷 ( 主观题共 40 分 ) 四. 词汇运用 ( 本大题共 8 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 8 分 ) (A) 根据句意和汉语注释, 写出单词的正确形式 1. Linda is such a ( 耐心的 ) person that the never gets angry easily. 解析 : 句意 : 琳达是一个如此有耐心的人, 以至于她从来没有生过气 结合语境及汉语提示, 可知填形容词 patient, 耐心的, 作定语 答案 :patient 2. These Fruits are not grown here. They are ( 进口 ) from Thailand. 解析 : 句意 : 这些水果不是这里出产的, 他们是从泰国进口的 结合语境可知下文主语是动作对象, 故用被动语态 根据汉语提示, 可知填过去分词 imported 答案 :imported 3. What a ( 杂乱 ) you re made! You d better clear it up before Mum gets home. 解析 : 句意 : 你造成了多么大的混乱啊! 你最好在妈妈回来之前把它清理干净 结合语境及汉语提示, 可知填单数名词 mess 答案 :mess 4.The climbers tried their best and reached the top of the mountain ( 成功地 ) at last. 解析 : 句意 : 这些登上这尽了最大努力, 最后成功地到达了山顶 结合语境及汉语提示, 可知填副词 successfully, 作状语 答案 :successfully (B) 根据句意, 写出括号内所给单词的适当形式 5. We felt strange about his ( silent) at the party as he used to be very outgoing. 解析 : 句意 : 由于他过去很活跃, 我们对于他在聚会上的沉默感到很奇怪 结合语境及所给单词, 可知填名词 silence, 沉默, 作介词宾语 答案 :silence 6. Will it be possible to get me another ticket? he asked (hopeful). 解析 : 句意 : 有可能再给我一张票吗? 他满怀希望的问 结合语境及所给单词, 可知填副词 hopefully, 有希望地, 作状语 答案 :hopefully 7. Rub this oil into your skin and your headache will soon (appear)! Have a try! 解析 : 句意 : 把这种油擦到你的皮肤上, 你的头痛很快就会消失, 试试吧 结合前文助动词 will 及所给单词, 可知填原形动词 disappear, 消失 答案 :disappear

8. It s said that Chinese parents are (strict) with their children than American parents. 解析 : 句意 : 据说, 中国父母比美国父母对他们的孩子更严厉 结合语境及所给单词, 可知填形容词的比较级 stricter, 更严厉的, 作表语 答案 :stricter 五 动词填空 : 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 ( 本大题共 8 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 8 分 ) 1. Many people like to add some sugar while (drink) black tea. 解析 : 句意 : 当喝红茶的时候, 许多人喜欢加一些糖 现在分词作伴随状语表示正在进行的伴随性动作, 和句子主语是主谓关系 结合语境及所给单词, 可知填现在分词 drinking, 喝, 作伴随状语 答案 :drinking 2. Mo Yan, a Chinese writer (honor) with the Nobel Prize last year. 解析 : 句意 : 莫言, 一个中国作家, 去年被授予了诺贝尔奖 结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作, 故用一般过去时态 主语是动作对象, 用被动语态 根据所给单词, 可知填 was honored 被给予荣誉 答案 :was honored 3. --Will you come and pick me up tomorrow morning? --Yes, I (promise). 解析 : 你明天上午回来接我吗? 是的, 我已经保证过了 结合语境可知下文许诺的动作可以在过去, 用现在完成时态 也可以是当下许诺, 用一般现在时态 故填 have promised 或者 promise 答案 :have promised 4. If you need our her programme list, I ll be happy (send) you one. Please leave your e-mail address here. 解析 : 句意 : 如果你需要他的节目单, 我会很高心送给你一份 请在这儿留下你的电话号码 动词不定式做补足语表示具体的将要进行的动作 结合语境及所给单词, 可知填动词不定式 to send, 送给 答案 :to send 5. --Why did the policeman stop your car? --I (make) a call at that moment. What a bad day! 解析 : 句意 : 警察为什么拦住你的车了? 因为那时我正在打电话 真倒霉 结合语境可知下文描述的是过去某时正在进行的动作, 故用过去进行时态 根据所给单词, 可知填 was making, 正在进行 答案 :was making 6. The 2014 Youth Olympic Games (hold) in Nanjing from August 16th to 28th. 解析 : 句意 : 从八月十六日到二十八日,2014 届青年奥运会将在南京举行 结合语境可知本句描述的是将要发生的动作, 故用一般将来时态 主语是动作对象, 故用被动语态 根据所给单词, 可知填 will be held 答案 :will be held 7. I didn t realize I (leave) the key at home until I got to my car. So I had to go back. 解析 : 句意 ; 直到我走到了车前时, 我才意识到我把钥匙丢在家里了 因此我不得不回去一趟 结合语境可知前文宾语从句中描述的是过去某时已经完成的动作, 故用过去完成时态 根据所给单词, 可知填 had left, 留下, 离开

答案 :had left 8. --The newspaper says all the museums will be open to public soon. Do you know that? --Yes. But the local government (not confirm) it yet. Let s just wait and see. 解析 : 句意 : 报纸说, 所有的博物馆很快就要全部对公众开放, 你知道吗? 是的, 但是当地政府还没有确认 让我们等等看吧 结合语境可知下文描述的是持续到现在的动作, 故用现在完成时态 主语 the local government 表示单数含义, 故填 hasn t confirm, 没有确认 答案 :hasn t confirm 六 短文填空 : 先通读下面的短文, 然后根据短文内容和所给首字母, 在空格内填入一个适当的单词 使短文完整 ( 本大题共 10 空, 每空 0.5 分, 共 5 分 ) On Thanksgiving Day. About 88 percent of Americans eat turkey. But one l (1) turkey not only survives but also becomes famous! Every year, turkey farmers p (2) a turkey to the U.S. president. However the president does not e (3) this turkey. But gives in a pardon. The turkey is s (4) to Florida for a Thanksgiving parade. Then it lives on a farm for the r (5) of its life. Turkeys come from North America and have been part of American culture for c (6). Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey, i (7) of the bald eagle, to be America s icon. Turkeys living on farms are large birds that cannot fly. But w (8) turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at a s (9) up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour. Turkeys don t have ears. They h (10) with a snood( 肉垂 ) above their beaks. But their hearing is five times better than human s. 解析 : 1. 联系下文描述, 可知此处指的是一只幸运的火鸡不但活了下来还出名了 根据首字母可知填形容词 lucky 幸运的, 做定语 2. 联系下文描述, 可知此处指的是每年养火鸡的农民都要选一只送给总统 结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性动作, 故用一般现在时态 主语 turkey farmers 是复数, 故谓语动词用原形 根据首字母可知填原形动词 pick, 挑选, 拾取 3. 联系上下文, 可知此处指的是美国总统并不吃这只火鸡 根据前文助动词 does 及首字母可知填原形动词 eat, 吃 4. 联系下文, 可知这只火鸡被送到了佛罗里达 结合语境可知本句主语是动作对象, 故用被动语态 根据首字母可知填过去分词 sent, 送 5. 结合语境可知此处指的是它就在一个农场度过了余生 根据首字母可知填形容词 rest, 剩余部分 6. 结合语境及常识, 可知此处指的是火鸡成为美国文化的一部分已经有几个世纪了 根据首字母可知填复数名词 centuries, 世纪 7. 联系下文, 可知此处指的是, 美国总统富兰克林甚至想用火鸡代替秃鹰作为美国的象征 根据首字母可知太难副词 instead, 代替 ; 8. 联系上下文, 可知此处指的是野生火鸡非常快 根据首字母可知填形容词 wild, 野生的, 做定语 9. 联系下文 88 kilometers per hour 描述, 可知此处指的是它们的速度 根据首字母可知填单数名词 speed, 速度 10. 联系一句描述, 可知此处指的是他们用嘴上面的一个肉瘤来听 结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性动作, 故用一般现在时态 主语 they 表示复数含义, 故谓语动词用原形 根据

首字母可知填原形动词 hear, 听见 答案 :1. lucky 2. pick 3. eat 4. sent 5. rest 6. centuries 7. instead 8. wild 10. hear 9. speed 七 完成句子 : 按所给的汉语, 用英语完成下列句子 ( 本大题共 6 小题, 每小题 1.5 分, 共 9 分 ) 1. 汤米气喘吁吁地赶到了, 他乘错了车 Tommy he had taken the wrong bus. 解析 : 考查短语 out of breath 喘不过气来, 结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作, 故用一般过去时态 答案 :arrived out of breath 2. 电视机已经开了几个小时了 请把它关掉, 好吗? The TV set. Would you please turn it off? 解析 : 考查现在完成时态, 注意瞬间动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用 答案 :has been on for several hours 3. 当那位歌手被问及婚姻问题时, 她拒绝回应 When the singer was asked about her marriage, she to it. 解析 : 考查不定式做宾语 Refuse 后面常接不定式做宾语, 表示拒绝做某事 结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作, 故谓语动词用过去式 答案 :refused to reply 4. 时间所乘无几, 恐怕我们得尽快作出决定了 There s little time left. I m afraid we have to. 解析 : 考查短语 make a decision 做决定,as soon as possible 尽快 答案 :make a decision as soon as possible 5. 他的新作在上周的书展上并未得到任何关注 his new book at the book show last week. 解析 : 考查短语 pay attention to 注意, 重视 结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作, 故用被动语态 联系下文, 可知本句需用被动语态, 故填 No attention was paid to 答案 :No attention was paid to 6. 这项调查是要了解青少年目前承受着多少压力 The survey is make to find out at present. 解析 : 考查宾语从句 注意宾语从句中一般用陈述语序 Pressure 为不可数名词, 前面疑问词用 how much 结合语境可知宾语从句中描述的是现在正在进行的动作, 故用现在进行时态 答案 :how much pressure teenagers are suffering 八 书面表达 ( 本大题共 10 分 ) 假设学校戏剧俱乐部正在举办 奥斯卡影片欣赏月 活动, 上周播放的影片是 少年派 请据此写一篇 80 词左右的英文观后感 内容提示如下 : 1. 影片由李安 (Ang Lee) 执导, 他因此片获最佳导演奖 2. 影片讲述了一个名叫派 (Pi) 的年轻人的故事, 他独自乘小船出行 ; 3. 他要应付恶劣的天气, 还要找到足够的食物, 最终安全返回 4. 观后感想 注意 :

1. 观后感须包括所给的内容要点, 要求语句通顺 意思连贯 2. 第 4 要点的内容须用 2-3 句话展开合理想象, 作适当发挥 3. 观后感的开头已在答题卡上给出, 不计入总词数 答案 : Our school Drama Club is holding a film activity. We saw Life of Pi last week. It is directed by Ang Lee. And he gets the Best Director Award for it. The film is about the story of a young man called Pi. He takes a boat trip alone. He not only has to deal with difficult weather conditions but also needs to find enough food for himself. And at last he comes back home safely. Many people think Life of Pi is one of the year s best films. It tells us we should brave enough to face any problem and find ways to solve them. We are heroes of ourselves.