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266 20 1 48 49 48 66 92 49 43

267 50 51 52 50 29 51 66 52 63

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269 57 58 59 57 11 5 6 2 58 2 620 59 361-362 2000.5 2

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275 Implication of Ji Yun s Contention against Song Methodology Textual Evidence from the Siku tiyao and Yuewei caotang biji Li-chu Chang Abstract Dai Zhen was the pioneer of Qing literary criticism who opposed Song methodology and led the empirical rationalism movement. Yu Yingshi thinks highly of the influence that Ji Yun had on Dai Zhen s thinking, which also stemmed from Cheng-Zhu philosophy and displayed anti- Song methodology sentiments. While official chief editor of the Siku quanshu and the author of the Siku tiyao, Ji Yun advocated Cheng- Zhu philosophy to be the Qing official doctrine and gained anti-song methodology support. This marks the release of the long-term constraints of the Cheng-Zhu philosophy on people s thinking. Through the textual investigation of Ji Yao s Siku tiyao and Yuewei caotang biji, this paper explores the interesting fact that his rationalism was never the target of criticism. This article begins with the crucial points accounting for this contention. For starters, the mention of arguments among scholars as well as clique clashes is attributed to Ji Yun s historical observations of the Song dynasty. Ji Yun was also dissatisfied with the empty rhetoric and impractical remarks of ra- * Li-chu Chang is an associate professor in the Department of Chinese at National Changhua University of Education.

276 20 1 tionalism, including its methodological style and nature. In addition, his personal academic views were biased toward the Han and against the Song methodology, preferring the practical to the impractical. Ji Yun s ideology explicitly agreed with the Qing s policy prohibiting mass assembly. Moreover, he also tacitly approved of the intent to control people s thinking with the indoctrination of Cheng-Zhu morals, while opposing the metaphysics contained within their thought. Therefore, Ji Yun s open and clandestine attacks of Song methodology through his Siku tiyao and Yuewei caotang biji naturally escaped blame from Qing officials, as he still advocated Cheng-Zhu s philosophy as an instrument to maintain law and order. Keywords: Dai Zhen, Ji Yun, Siku tiyao, Yuewei caotang biji, pro-han anti-song methodology