入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/ 小麥 Of wheat 小麥之糠 麩皮及殘 Bran, sharps and residues of wheat 小麥之糠 麩皮及殘渣 Bran, sharps and resid

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入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 23 第 23 章食品工業產製過程之殘 及廢品 ; 調製動物 飼料 Chapter 23 residues and waste form the food industries; prepared animal fodder 2301 不適於人類食用之肉 雜碎 魚 甲殼類 軟體動物或 其他水產無脊椎動物粉 粗粉及團粒 ; 油 Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves 2301.10 肉或雜碎之粉 粗粉及團粒 ; 油 Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves 2301.10.00 肉或雜碎之粉 粗粉及團粒 ; 油 Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves 2301.10.00 10 8 肉或雜碎之粉 粗粉及團粒 Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal 2301.10.00 20 6 油渣 Greaves 2301.20 魚 甲殼類 軟體動物或其他水產無脊椎動物之粉 粗 粉及團粒 Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates 2301.20.10 魚 粉 Fish meal 2301.20.10 00 6 魚渣粉 Fish meal 2301.20.90 其他魚 甲殼類 軟體動物或其他水產無脊椎動物之粉 粗粉及團粒 Other flours, meals, and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates 2301.20.90 00 9 其他魚 甲殼類 軟體動物或其他水產無脊椎動物之粉 粗粉及團粒 Other flours, meals, and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates 2302 穀類或豆類植物經輾製與篩分後所剩餘之糠 麩皮及殘, 不論是否呈團粒狀 Bran, sharps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of cereals or of leguminous plants 2302.10 玉蜀黍 ( 玉米 ) Of maize (corn) 2302.10.00 玉蜀黍之糠 麩皮及殘 Bran, sharps and residues of maize (corn) 2302.10.00 00 9 玉蜀黍之糠 麩皮及殘渣 Bran, sharps and residues of maize (corn) 入規定 MP1 第 1 頁

入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 2302.30 小麥 Of wheat 2302.30.00 小麥之糠 麩皮及殘 Bran, sharps and residues of wheat 2302.30.00 00 5 小麥之糠 麩皮及殘渣 Bran, sharps and residues of wheat 2302.40 其他穀類 Of other cereals 2302.40.10 稻米之糠 麩皮及殘 Bran, sharps and residues of rice 2302.40.10 00 1 稻米之糠 麩皮及殘渣 Bran, sharps and residues of rice 2302.40.90 其他穀類之糠 麩皮及殘 Bran, sharps and residues of other cereals 2302.40.90 00 4 其他穀類之糠 麩皮及殘渣 Bran, sharps and residues of other cereals 2302.50 豆莢植物 Of leguminous plants 2302.50.10 豆莢植物之糠 麩皮 Bran, sharps of leguminous plants 2302.50.10 00 8 豆莢植物之糠 麩皮 Bran, sharps of leguminous plants 2302.50.20 豆莢植物之殘 Residues of leguminous plants 2302.50.20 00 6 豆莢植物之殘渣 Residues of leguminous plants 2303 澱粉製品之殘 及類似殘 甜菜 甘蔗 及製糖之 其他殘 釀造或蒸餾之糟粕, 不論是否呈團粒狀 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues, beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture, brewing or distilling dregs and waste, whether or not in the form of pellets 2303.10 澱粉製品之殘 及類似殘 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues 2303.10.00 澱粉製品之殘 及類似殘 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues 2303.10.00 00 8 澱粉製品之殘渣及類似殘渣 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues 2303.20 甜菜 甘蔗 及製糖之其他殘 Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture 2303.20.10 甘蔗 Bagasse 2303.20.10 00 4 甘蔗渣 Bagasse 2303.20.20 甜菜 Beet-pulp 第 2 頁 入規定 F01

入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 2303.20.20 00 2 甜菜渣 Beet-pulp 2303.20.30 製糖之其他殘 Other waste of sugar manufacture 2303.20.30 00 0 製糖之其他殘渣 Other waste of sugar manufacture 2303.30 釀造或蒸餾之糟粕 Brewing or distilling dregs and waste 2303.30.00 釀造或蒸餾之糟粕 Brewing or distilling dregs and waste 2303.30.00 00 4 釀造或蒸餾之糟粕 Brewing or distilling dregs and waste 2304 提煉黃豆油所產之油 餅及其他固體殘, 無論是否磨 碎或呈團粒狀 the extraction of soya bean oil 2304.00 提煉黃豆油所產之油 餅及其他固體殘, 無論是否磨 碎或呈團粒狀 the extraction of soya bean oil 2304.00.10 豆 餅 ( 大豆餅 ) Soybean cake 2304.00.10 10 5 飼料用豆渣餅 ( 大豆餅 ) Soybean cake, for feed use 2304.00.10 90 8 其他豆渣餅 ( 大豆餅 ) Other soybean cake 2304.00.90 提煉黃豆油所產之其他固體殘, 無論是否磨碎或呈團 粒狀 Other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil 2304.00.90 10 8 飼料用提煉黃豆油所產之其他固體殘渣, 無論是否磨碎 或呈團粒狀 Other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soyabean oil, for feed use 2304.00.90 90 1 其他提煉黃豆油所產之其他固體殘渣, 無論是否磨碎或 呈團粒狀 Other,other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soyabean oil 2305 提煉花生油所產之油 餅及其他固體殘 物, 無論是否 磨碎或呈團粒狀 the extraction of ground-nut oil 2305.00 提煉花生油所產之油 餅及其他固體殘 物, 無論是否 磨碎或呈團粒狀 the extraction of ground-nut oil 入規定 F01 F01 第 3 頁

入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 2305.00.10 花生餅, 不論是否帶殼 Ground-nut cake, with or without shells 2305.00.10 00 6 花生餅 ( 不論是否帶殼 ) Ground-nut cake, with or without shells 2305.00.90 提煉花生油所產之其他固體殘 物, 無論是否磨碎或呈團粒狀 Other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of ground-nut oil 2305.00.90 00 9 提煉花生油所產之其他固體殘渣物, 無論是否磨碎或呈團粒狀 Other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of ground-nut oil 2306 提煉植物油脂所產之油 餅及其他固體殘 物, 無論是 否磨碎或呈團粒狀 ( 第 2304 或 2305 節者除外 ) the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading 23.04 or 23.05 2306.10 棉子 Of cotton seeds 2306.10.00 棉子油 餅及固體殘 物 Oil-cake and solid residues of cotton seeds 2306.10.00 00 5 棉子油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Oil-cake and solid residues of cotton seeds 2306.20 亞麻仁 Of linseed 2306.20.00 亞麻仁 ( 亞麻子 ) 油 餅及固體殘 物 Oil-cake and solid residues of linseed 2306.20.00 00 3 亞麻仁 ( 亞麻子 ) 油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Oil-cake and solid residues of linseed 2306.30 向日葵種子 Of sunflower seeds 2306.30.00 向日葵子油 餅及固體殘 物 Oil-cake and solid residues of sunflower seeds 2306.30.00 00 1 向日葵子油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Oil-cake and solid residues of sunflower seeds - 油菜子 : - Of rape or colza seeds: 2306.41 低芥子酸之油菜子 Of low erucic acid rape or colza seeds 2306.41.00 低芥子酸之油菜子油 餅及固體殘 物 Oil-cake and solid residues of low erucic acid rape or colza seeds 2306.41.00 00 8 低芥子酸之油菜子油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Oil-cake and solid residues of low euricic acid rape or colza seeds 2306.49 其他 Other 2306.49.00 其他油菜子油 餅及固體殘 物 Other oil-cake and solid residues of rape or colza seeds 第 4 頁 入規定 825 A02

入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 2306.49.00 00 0 其他油菜子油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Other oil-cake and solid residues of rape or colza seeds 2306.50 椰子及乾椰子肉 Of coconut or copra 2306.50.00 椰子及乾椰子肉油 餅及固體殘 物 Oil-cake and solid residues of coconut or copra 2306.50.00 00 6 椰子及乾椰子肉油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Oil-cake and solid residues of coconut or copra 2306.60 棕櫚類核果及子仁 Of palm nuts or kernels 2306.60.00 棕櫚類核果及子仁油 餅及固體殘 物 Oil-cake and solid residues of palm nuts or kernels 2306.60.00 00 4 棕櫚類核果及子仁油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Oil-cake and solid residues of palm nuts or kernels 2306.90 其他 Other 2306.90.10 茶籽餅 Tea seed cake 2306.90.10 00 6 茶籽餅 Tea seed cake 2306.90.90 其他提煉植物油脂所產之油 餅及固體殘 物 Other oil-cake and other solid residues 2306.90.90 10 7 玉蜀黍 ( 玉米 ) 胚芽油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Oil-cake and solid residues of maize (corn) germ 2306.90.90 90 0 其他提煉植物油脂所產之油渣餅及固體殘渣物 Other oil-cake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils 2307 酒糟 酒石 Wine lees; argol 2307.00 酒糟 酒石 Wine lees; argol 2307.00.10 酒糟 Wine lees 2307.00.10 00 4 酒糟 Wine lees 2307.00.20 酒石 Argol 2307.00.20 00 2 酒石 Argol 2308 作為動物飼料用之未列名植物材料與廢料 殘 及副產 品, 無論是否呈團粒狀 Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included 入規定 MP1 第 5 頁

入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 2308.00 作為動物飼料用之其他未列名植物材料與廢料 殘 及 副產品, 無論是否呈團粒狀 Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and byproducts, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included 2308.00.00 作為動物飼料用之其他未列名植物材料與廢料 殘 及 副產品, 無論是否呈團粒狀 Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and byproducts, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included 2308.00.00 00 5 作為動物飼料用之其他未列名植物材料與廢料 殘渣及副產品, 無論是否呈團粒狀 Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included 2309 調製動物飼料 Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding 2309.10 供零售用之貓狗食品 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale 2309.10.00 供零售用之貓狗食品 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale 2309.10.00 00 2 供零售用之貓狗食品 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale 2309.90 其他 Other 2309.90.10 魚溶漿 Fish soluble 2309.90.10 00 3 魚溶漿 Fish soluble 2309.90.21 飼料用乳粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5% 及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8% 及以上, 苜蓿草粉含量在 3% 及以上 ), 含脂重量 不超過 1.5% 者 Milk powder for feeding animals ( containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal ), of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5% 2309.90.21 00 0 飼料用乳粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5 %及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8 %及以上, 苜蓿草粉含量在 3 %及以上), 含脂重量 不超過 1.5 %者 Milk powder for feeding animals (containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal), of a fat content by weight not exceeding 1.5% 入規定 MP1 第 6 頁

入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 2309.90.22 飼料用乳粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5% 及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8% 及以上, 苜蓿草粉含量在 3% 及以上 ), 含脂重量超過 1.5%, 未加糖或未含甜味料者 Milk powder for feeding animals ( containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal ), of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1.5%, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter 2309.90.22 00 9 飼料用乳粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5 %及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8 %及以上, 苜蓿草粉含量在 3 %及以上), 含脂重量超過 1.5 %, 未加糖或未含甜味料者 Milk powder for feeding animals (containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal), of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1.5%, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter 2309.90.23 飼料用乳粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5% 及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8% 及以上, 苜蓿草粉含量在 3% 及以上 ), 含脂重量 超過 1.5%, 加糖或含其他甜味料者 Milk powder for feeding animals ( containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal ), of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1.5%, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter 2309.90.23 00 8 飼料用乳粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5 %及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8 %及以上, 苜蓿草粉含量在 3 %及以上), 含脂重量 超過 1.5 %, 加糖或含其他甜味料者 Milk powder for feeding animals (containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal), of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1.5%, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter 2309.90.30 飼料用乳清粉及改質乳清粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5% 及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8% 及以上或苜蓿草粉含量在 3% 及以 上者 ) Whey powder and modified whey powder for feeding animals (containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal) 2309.90.30 00 9 飼料用乳清粉及改質乳清粉 ( 魚粉含量在 5 %及以上, 菜籽粕含量在 8 %及以上或苜蓿草粉含量在 3 %及以 上者 ) Whey and modified whey powder for feeding animals (containing 5% or more of fish meal, containing 8% or more of rape seed meal or containing 3% or more of alfalfa meal) 2309.90.90 其他調製動物飼料 Other preparation for animal feeding 入規定 第 7 頁

入貨品分類表資料更新日期 : 106/01/05 2309.90.90 10 4 調製單味飼料 Preserved feeds ingredient 2309.90.90 21 1 犢牛人工乳 Calf milk replacer 2309.90.90 22 0 仔豬人工乳 Piglet milk replacer 2309.90.90 29 3 其他家畜飼料 Other stock feedstuff 2309.90.90 30 0 家禽飼料 Poultry feedstuff 2309.90.90 40 8 魚飼料 Fish feedstuff 2309.90.90 50 5 含維生素 胺基酸或礦物質之調製品 ( 但不含動物性產品 ), 供動物飼料用 Preparations, containing vitamins, amino acids or minerals (but not containing animal components), for animal feed use 2309.90.90 60 3 含藥物飼料添加物 Medicated feed additives 2309.90.90 90 7 其他調製動物飼料 Other preparation for feeding 入規定 406 MP1 525 第 8 頁