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The Applied Design of the Printed and Dyed Decorative Fabrics to the Care Space for Senior Citizens CHANG, Hui-yu Abstract Nowadays, there are more and more senior citizens in Taiwan, and there are more and more citizens deciding to spend their declining years in Care Homes. Consequently, to choose a good care home will be one of great life plans for many citizens. Therefore, in addition to medical treatment and health care, the life quality and the living environment of the care home will the be key factors for many citizens to choose care homes. This study focuses on the printed and dyed fabrics, combining the designing skills wilh dyeing directly and pigment hand printing on the fabrics made of 100cotton for senior citizens care space to promote the development of decorative fabrics. The designing idea mainly focuses on the patterns of flowers, grasses and vines representing satisfactory and longevity, using some gentle and placid interior decorative colors, such as strong brown, light tan and yellowish white, to bring comforts to senior citizens life space and to find out the potential development of the printed and dyed decorative fabrics for senior citizens care space. Key words: printed and dyed decorative fabrics, designs for senior citizens care space, direct printing and dyeing and patterns of flowers, grasses and vines. A8-1

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産 [ ] 爲 [4] [5-7] 2-2 A8-3

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3-1 [ A8-5

A8-6 C:34 M:91 Y:100 K:49 C:33 M:75 Y:89 K:34 C:28 M:51 Y:100 K:9 C:12 M:34 Y:81 K:1 C:5 M:9 Y:50 C:2 M:1 Y:19 C:1 M:17 Y:44 C:29 M:66 Y:20 K:1 C:79 M:41 Y:9 K:1 C:0 M:29 Y:14 C:24 M:0 Y:92 C:13 M:1 Y:87 C:4 M:32 Y:54 C:24 M:56 Y:64 K:5 C:35 M:58 Y:65 K:15 C:40 M:63 Y:100 K:37 C:24 M:72 Y:83 K:12 C:26 M:57 Y:58 K:6 C:31 M:42 Y:100 K:7 C:39 M:44 Y:67 K:11 C:42 M:49 Y:100 K:22


[14] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1% 1~3% 3~8% 5% 10~20% 20~25% 1:30 1:20 1:15 90 30~40 A8-8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.2 20 18 0.7 1 1 0.4 5 3 A8-9


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A8-13 C:34 M:91 Y:100 K:49 C:4 M:32 Y:54 C:26 M:57 Y:58 K:6 C:5 M:9 Y:50 C:31 M:42 Y:100 K:7 C:13 M:1 Y:87 C:79 M:41 Y:9 K:1 C:24 M:0 Y:92 C:2 M:1 Y:19 C:28 M:51 Y:100 K:9 C:39 M:44 Y:67 K:11 C:29 M:66 Y:20 K:1


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http://database.cpst.net.cn/popul/lifes/ home/artic/10604104543.htm 2004/09/05 http://www.fenghome.net/sheji/sheji010.htm 2004/08/09 1988 20-26 1971 43 2002 4655 2001 153 2002 2-413-143953 18. http:// www.northeast.com.cn/hljcb/sc/200309290029.ht ml 2004/04/08 http://news.xinhuanet.com/new scenter/2004-10/22/content_2127565.htm 2004/10/22 google http://www.ztv.ne.jp/us3minvf/botan.htm [2004/12/20] ( ) http://www13.ocn.ne.jp/~toshitk/hana/niwa/botan.html [2004/12/19] ( ) 咲 http://www.mtlab.c e.shibaura-it.ac.jp/~matsuo/botan02.html [2004/12/19] ( ) http://nt1.bpps.hlc.edu.tw/plants/pages/allplant -%20twin7.htm [2004/12/19] A8-16