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Construction of Chinese pediatric standard database A Dissertation Submitted for the Master s Degree Candidate:linan Adviser:Prof. Han Xinmin Nanjing

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贵 州 红 星 发 展 股 份 有 限 公 司 2015 年 年 度 股 东 大 会 会 议 议 程 一 现 场 会 议 议 程 时 间 :2016 年 4 月 29 日 ( 星 期 五 )14:00 地 点 : 山 东 省 青 岛 市 市 北 区 济 阳 路 8 号 青 岛 红 星 化 工 集 团


92.9% 12 (67.9%) (66.7%) (63.5%) (AL) AL i

Abstract Low back pain is a very common occupational safety and health problem. In this research, investigation of the job and musculoskeletal problems for camera journalist was performed. Questionnaire survey, personnel interview, and biomechanical analysis were conducted for cameramen. Results of questionnaire survey indicated that 92.9% of the journalists reported that they experienced musculoskeletal symptoms in the past 12 months. Shoulder, low back, and upper back were the three most common body regions with reported symptoms. The percentages were 67.9%, 66.7%, 63.5%, respectively. The postures when film taking were classified as three categories (standing, sitting, and kneeling) and ten postures. The percentage of time spend in shooting was relative short as compared with other activities. Unnatural posture was normal. No evidence of high compressive force on low back was found in biomechanical analysis except in standing, carrying camera by one side posture. The compressive force on L5/S1 exceeds 3400N, which implies risk on low back injury. KeywordsCamera Journalist, Physical Workload, Biomechanics ii

(IOSH89-H331) 2001 6 iii

... I ABSTRACT...II... III...IV... VII...IX...1 1.1...2 1.2...3 1.3...5...6 2.1...6 2.2...7 2.2.1...7 2.2.2...9 2.3...10 2.3.1... 11 2.3.2...13 2.4...14 2.4.1...15 2.4.2...15 2.4.3...15 2.4.4...16 2.4.5...16 iv

v 2.5...16 2.5.1...17 2.5.2...18 2.5.3...18 2.5.4...19...20 3.1...20 3.2...22 3.3...24...31 4.1...31 4.1.1...32 4.1.2...33 4.1.3...34 4.1.4...36 4.1.5...37 4.1.6...38 4.1.7...39 4.1.8...40 4.1.9...40 4.2...41 4.3...45 4.3.1...45 4.3.2...47 4.3.3...48 4.3.4...49

4.4...51 4.5...57 4.5.1...57 4.5.2...63...70 5.1...70 5.2...72 5.3...74...76...83 vi

3.1...23 4.1...31 4.2...39 4.3...40 4.4...40 4.5...42 4.6...43 4.7...45 4.8...50 4.9...52 4.10...58 4.11...58 4.12...59 4.13...59 4.14...60 4.15...61 4.16...62 4.17...62 4.18...64 4.19...64 4.20...65 4.21...65 4.22...66 4.23...67 vii

4.24...68 4.25...68 viii

1.1...5 2.1...12 3.1...21 3.2...24 3.3...26 3.4...26 3.5...27 3.6 CHAFFIN...28 3.7...30 4.1...33 4.2...34 4.3...36 4.4...37 4.5...38 4.6...51 4.7...53 4.8...54 4.9...54 4.10...55 4.11...55 4.12...56 4.13...56 4.14...57 ix

(musculoskeletal injuries risk) (cumulative trauma disorders CTD) (repetitive trauma disorders RTD)16 (ergonomic risk factors) 2245 13 (manual materials handling, MMH) (lifting) 1

1.1 38 43 (low back pain) (thoracic outlet syndrome) (tennis elbow) (carpal tunnel syndrome) (tendonitis) (tension neck syndrome) 45 (lifting) (lowering) (pushing) (pulling) (carrying) 23 24 Klein et al. 33 19-25.5% Loesser36 2

5 48.9% () 6 15 (segments)14 (joints) (optimal numerical analysis) L5/S1 (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH) (lifting equation)39 (Action Limit AL) (Maximum Permissible Limit MPL) 1.2 ( ) 8 14 ( ) 3

1820 (1) (2) (3) 4

1.3 1.1( ) 1.1 5

2.1 1995 2 (flexion) (rotation) (pectoralis minor) (disc herniation) (intervertebral disc) (ulnar deviation) (carpal tunnel) 6

(lateral epicindylitis) (radial deviation) (pronation) (extension) (grasp) (tailor s bunion) 2.2 2.2.1 16 7

(Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire NMQ )2935 (Nordic Council of Ministries) NMQ ( ) NMQ NMQ NMQ 8

(reliability) 77 100 (validity) 80 100 35 2.2.2 OWAS (Ovako working posture analyzing system) 32 Ovako 1973 OWAS 84 4 3 7 5 3 1260 37 (action categories AC) AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 9

AC3 (physical demand analysis worksheet) ( 3.1) Koyl & Hanson34 (baseline risk identification of ergonomic factors BRIEF )2 Humantech BRIEF 1 3 4 2 BRIEF 2.3 10

2.3.1 (spine) 33 (vertebrae)23 (cervical vertebrae) (thoracic vertebrae) (lumbar vertebrae) (sacral vertebrae) (coccygeal vertebrae)16 9 (C1-C9) 12 (T1-T12) 5 (L1-L5) 1 (S1) C3T9L5S1 (intervertebral foramina) (fibro cartilaginous soft tissue) ( 2.1)33 11

2.1 41 191 2 3 1 ( ) 12

2.3.2 23 23 (heart rate HR) (volume of oxygen VO 2 ) (electromyography EMG) 16 13

(maximum acceptable weight of load MAWL) 23 3.4 2 28 (L5/S1) (2-dimension) (3-dimension) (static model) (dynamic model) 19 200 31 2.4 (sagittal plane) (lifting frequency) (lifting method) (lifting height) (vertical distance) (horizontal distance) (box size) (gender difference) 2728 14

2.4.1 1 10 1 5 3 1 28 2.4.2 (stoop lifting) (squat lifting) (free-style lifting) 27 (back lifting) (leg lifting) (MAWL) 1627 2.4.3 15

(floor to knuckle F-K) (floor to shoulder F-S) (knuckle to shoulder K-S) (knee to shoulder) 28 41 2.4.4 L5/S1 28 2.4.5 2728 2.5 (NIOSH) 16

1981 39 1991 40 (recommend weight limit RWL) (lifting index LI) 44 2.5.1 99% 75% 39 (L5/S1) 3400 15 AL = 392 H 7.5 ( ) 1 0.001V 75 0.7 + 1 D Fmax AL ( ) H (cm) V (cm) D (cm) F (/) F max (/) F 17

2.5.2 25% 1% 39 L5/S1 6400 MPL = 3 AL MPL AL 2.5.3 (NIOSH)1991 40 99 75 L5/S1 3400 2.2-4.7Kcal/min RWL = LC HM VM DM AM FM CM RWL LC 23Kg HM VM 18

DM AM FM CM 2.5.4 (NIOSH) 45 LI<1 LI>1 LI = RWL LI RWL 19

3.1 (NMQ ) 2935 NMQ ( ) (/) ( /) ( 3.1)16 20

3.1 250 ( ) TVBS 21

3.2 (anthropometric data) V8 Koyl & Hanson34 ( 3.1) 22

3.1 : : : : : 1 0.5-2.2 23 2 2.3-4.5 24 : 3 4.6-11.4 25 4 11.5-22.7 26 5 22.8-45.5 27 6 45.6 28 7 0.5-2.2 29 8 2.3-4.5 : 30 9 4.6-11.4 31 10 11.5-22.7 32 11 22.8-45.5 33 12 45.6 34 13 35 14 36 15 37 16 38 17 39 18 40 19 41 20 21 22 23

3.3 () 6 IOSH V.1.0 10 25 (3.2)17 (EMG) Matlab 3.2 24

( 3.3) (rigid body system) 15 (segments)14 (joints) ( 3.4) 6 (1) 15 14 (2) (L5/S1) (3) (4) (5) 25

3.3 Z X Y 3.4 26

( 3.5) 3.5 Chaffin26 ( 3.6)21 NIOSH (AL) (MPL) 27

10 (1) AL (2) AL MPL (3) MPL 3.6 Chaffin 28

IOSH1.0 ( 3.7) ( ) (L5/S1) (AL) (MPL) ( 3400 ) ( 3400 6400 ) ( 6400 ) 29

3.7 ( )( X ) ( X ± S ( X ± 2 S ) 12 L5/S1 (compressive force) NIOSH (AL) 3400 30

Excel 4.1 211 84.4 / 55 156 62.4 173.2 71.9 32.1 4.8 6.4 156 4.1 4.1 (N=156) ( ) 173.2 5.5 191 160 31 ( ) 71.9 10.0 105 45 60 () 32.1 5.0 43 23 20 () 4.8 4.3 18.8 0.08 18.72 () 6.4 4.4 20 0.08 19.92 31

156 145 (92.9%) 11 (7.1%) 4.1.1 156 67.9% 66.7% 63.5% 57.7% 28.2% 24.4% 19.2% 17.9% / 14.1% 4.1 32

57.7 63.5 66.7 14.1 67.9 24.4 28.2 3.8 49.0 47.2 2.6 42.1 55.3 2.3 59.1 38.6 13.3 19.2 23.3 63.4 7.2 17.9 32.1 60.7 4.1 4.1.2 ( 4.2) 71.9% 3 / 93 92 90 87 49 35 13.1% 22 33

13 11 7 8.2% 9 7 6 (2.4%) (2.1%) (1.5%) (0.7%) 4.2 4.1.3 ( 4.3) 51.7% 60 58 34

53 26 21.4% 29 25 19 17 11 13.5% 18 15 13 11 6.7% 10 9 8 7 3 5.8% 12 8 6 3 0.9% 2 1 35

4.3 4.1.4 ( 4.4) (47.7%) (44.6%) (6.2%) 1.5% 36

4.4 4.1.5 ( 4.5) (30.3%) (20.1%) (16.3%) (9.4%) (8.3%) (7.3%) (6.5%) 1.5% (0.25%) 22.3% 77.7% 37

4.5 4.1.6 156 147 9 ( 4.2) 10 (6.8%) 1 (11.1%) 49 (33.3%) 47 (32.0%) 4 (2.7%) 5 (55.6%) 1 (11.1%) 19 (13.0%) 16 (10.9%) 1 38

39 (0.7%) 2 (22.2%) 4.2 147 49 (33.3%) 47 (32.0%) 4 (2.7%) 19 (13.0%) 16 (10.9%) 1 (0.7%) 9 1 (11.1%) 5 (55.6%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (22.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 4.1.7 4.3 90% 1%

4.3 52.7 41.2 5.4 0.7 57.6 39.4 3.0 0.0 53.4 43.7 1.9 1.0 4.1.8 4.4 10%18.2% 16.4% 10%18.2% 16.4% 10%18.2% 16.4% 4.4 77.9 1.7 4.9 10.5 2.2 1.1 1.7 71.9 0.0 5.8 18.2 1.7 0.8 1.7 69.4 0.8 6.7 16.4 4.5 0.8 1.5 4.1.9 3 18 (4 7 ) 25 7 (reliability)81% 40

77 100 35 4.2 4 3 ( 4.5) 5 ( 4.5) 41

4.5 ( ) 57.7 34.4 31.23 33.96 67.9 38.5 51.48 40.75 63.5 21.3 19.01 12.27 66.7 36.1 38.39 48.92 24.4 16.4 22.47 14.67 28.2 36.9 30.86 31.75 14.1 11.5 27.53 10.16 19.2 12.3 23.58 9.99 17.9 24.6 48.52 9.95 345 15 ( 4.6) 20 42

4.6 57.7 35.00 38.46 40.38 67.9 42.14 42.60 45.19 63.5 27.14 25.44 27.88 66.7 44.29 36.69 37.50 24.4 17.14 19.53 16.35 28.2 25.71 31.95 18.27 14.1 22.86 18.34 17.31 19.2 13.57 15.95 12.50 17.9 42.14 21.30 11.54 15 15 ( 4.7) 43


4.7 91.7 57.14 80.00 66.67 (36.8) (14.29) (23.08) (21.43) 93.9 54.24 70.83 61.70 (52.4) (11.86) (19.44) (17.02) 97.0 57.89 60.47 65.52 (57.6) (14.42) (16.28) (10.34) 97.1 53.23 51.61 58.97 (53.4) (12.90) (16.13) (7.69) 89.1 54.17 75.76 58.82 (41.8) (33.33) (24.24) (23.53) 94.2 69.44 68.52 68.42 (45.8) (30.56) (27.78) (5.26) 88.2 50.00 48.39 61.11 (44.1) (18.75) (9.68) (22.22) 80.9 52.63 48.15 69.23 (40.4) (15.79) (14.81) (30.77) 79.5 74.58 52.78 50.00 (38.5) (47.46) (25.00) (33.33) 15 4.3 4.3.1 W 33 6 45

6 ( ) 11 ( ) 9 14 ( ) 10 46

4.3.2 C 31 5 6 ( ) 10 ( ) 12 9 47

6 8 4.3.3 B 39 15 10 ( ) 12 ( ) 12 10 48

4.3.4 P 37 12 12 ( ) 18 ( ) 49

8 4.8 4.8 W C P () 33 31 39 37 () 6 5 15 12 50

4.4 V8 149.8(±37.1) 4.6 4.6 (± ) 4.9 2.5(±1.39) 10.5(±2.88) 9.1(±3.38) 14.8(±5.59) 49.5(±19.21) 23.1(±9.96) 7.9(±11.09) 52.5(±24.41) 4.3(±1.87) 51

0.5(±0.47) 2.1(±0.87) 3.4(±2.30) 0.6(±0.74) 65.5(±34.29) 4.9 : : : : : 1 0.5-2.2 7.9 23 2 2.3-4.5 : 59.3 24 3 4.6-11.4 52.5 25 1.5 4 11.5-22.7 4.3 26 5 22.8-45.5 0.5 27 6 45.6 28 7 0.5-2.2 29 : 8 2.3-4.5 30 9 4.6-11.4 31 10.5 10 11.5-22.7 32 11 22.8-45.5 33 12 45.6 34 9.1 13 2.1 35 14.8 14 3.4 36 49.5 15 0.6 37 23.1 16 38 17 39 18 40 19 65.5 41 20 21 22 52

( 4.7) 4.7 1820 Ayoub & Mital23 53

適當 經由動作分析將攝影記者的拍攝作業分為三大類共十種姿 勢 第一大類為立姿拍攝(參考圖 4.8) 包括將攝影機高舉過頭的 立姿上手拍 以頭部頂著攝影機的立姿頭頂拍 以右肩扛攝影機 的立姿肩拍 以雙手抱住攝影機的立姿抱拍 彎腰以手提攝影機 的立姿提拍 第二大類為坐姿拍攝(參考圖 4.9) 包括坐姿肩拍 坐姿抱拍 坐姿提拍 第三大類為蹲跪姿拍攝(參考圖 4.9) 包括 跪姿肩拍 跪姿提拍 實際現場之各種攝影姿勢如圖 4.10 至圖 4.14 圖 4.8 圖 4.9 立姿拍攝作業圖 坐姿與跪姿拍攝作業圖 54

4.10 4.11 55

4.12 4.13 56

4.14 4.5 173.2 71.9 12 4.5.1 6 4.10 4.14 57

AL 4.10 162.2cm51.9kg X Y Z 13.9 198.0 26.7 984.4-161.2 97.2 110.5 30.9 957.8-157.1 330.7 345.7 11.5 977.8-623.1 492.1 528.7-3.3 985.2-965.5 1545.0 407.2-46.1 956.4-1991.6 259.9 306.0 15.2 979.1-513.2 361.2 773.4-17.2 980.6-1078.3 525.5 1230.0-49.9 974.2-1695.2 242.1 263.0 18.4 969.4-452.8 594.0 676.1-14.7 990.9-1213.3 4.11 167.7cm61.9kg X Y Z 14.8 202.4 21.6 922.5-101.6 116.0 131.9 29.1 1000.0-132.3 352.0 367.5 9.7 977.3-601.1 525.9 566.0-6.3 987.4-971.4 1545.0 783.4-135.8 996.6-2493.0 273.4 326.3 13.7 978.5-481.9 386.4 821.3-20.78 979.8-1086.1 573.1 1330.2-57.2 973.7-1777.4 261.5 284.9 16.7 970.1-429.0 642.3 731.3-19.1 990.9-1251.3 58

4.12 173.2cm71.9kg X Y Z 14.8 203.9 24.5 953.7-37.5 129.5 150.0 33.8 958.1-98.6 373.3 389.3 7.9 976.9-579.1 559.7 603.4-9.3 989.9-977.3 1545.0 1159.6-225.5 991.6-2994.3 286.8 346.6 12.1 978.0-450.7 411.6 869.2-24.3 979.1-1093.9 620.8 1430.5-64.6 973.6-1859.6 280.8 306.8 14.8 979.4-405.1 690.6 786.5-23.5 991.1-1289.3 4.13 178.7cm81.9kg X Y Z 16.8 211.1 25.6 955.4 17.5 149.6 170.9 32.9 955.4-72.5 378.9 401.9 4.8 999.9-532.0 569.8 626.6 15.7 990.6-944.8 1548.8 1365.5-195.9 1003.8-3331.3 288.3 359.2 12.3 967.1-399.2 418.6 900.9-25.2 980.3-1065.1 640.3 1504.4-49.5 973.8-1883.4 288.3 321.4 17.3 965.7-361.8 709.3 823.5-26.5 992.1-1278.8 59

4.14 184.2cm91.9kg X Y Z 17.7 215.4 25.3 955.7 77.1 172.5 196.1 24.0 961.2-57.7 416.0 433.0 4.3 976.2-53.2 627.3 678.2-15.6 996.0-989.0 1556.3 1460.5-56.4 1011.3-3360.8 313.8 387.2 9.0 977.2-388.1 462.0 964.9-31.7 974.9-1109.4 875.2 1520.0-46.5 993.7-2166.9 319.6 350.5 11.3 978.4-357.5 787.2 896.9-32.4 991.8-1365.3 ( 4.15) Z ( ) Z 60

61 4.15 15.6 (±1.6) 206.2 (±7.0) 24.8 (±1.9) 954.3 (±21.9) -41.1 (±94.2) 133.0 (±29.2) 151.9 (±33.3) 30.1 (±3.9) 966.5 (±18.8) -103.6 (±41.2) 370.2 (±31.9) 387.5 (±33.3) 11.6 (±7.8) 981.6 (±10.2) -560.3 (±320) 555.0 (±50.7) 600.6 (±57.2) -3.7 (±11.8) 989.8 (±4.1) -969.6 (±16.4) 1548.0 (±4.9) 1035.2 (±436) -131.9 (±80.6) 991.9 (±21.2) -2834.2 (±587) ( 4.16) Z

62 4.16 284.4 (±20.1) 345.0 (±31.1) 12.5 (±2.3) 976.0 (±5.0) -446.6 (±53.3) 408.0 (±37.7) 865.9 (±73.5) -23.4 (±5.4) 978.9 (±2.3) -1086.6 (±16.6) 647.0 (±135.1) 1403.0 (±122.4) -53.5 (±7.4) 977.8 (±8.9) -1876.5 (±178.4) ( 4.17) Z Z 4.17 278.5 (±29.2) 305.3 (±33.6) 15.7 (±2.8) 972.6 (±6.0) -401.3 (±41.6) 684.7 (±72.7) 782.9 (±84.7) 23.2 (±6.8) 991.3 (±0.6) -1279.6 (±56.2)

4.5.2 IOSH 1.0 10 4.18 4.22 (AL) (MPL) 63

4.18 162.2cm51.9kg (L5/S1) (L5/S1) AL MPL ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1106 241 48.53 96.31 851 241 79.42 158.77 945 241 65.08 129.94 1541 253 37.44 78.49 2468 285 21.54 52.26 966 222 67.31 140.98 1564 226 39.96 92.63 2374 234 21.93 56.09 1371 180 48.16 106.91 2216 182 25.72 66.36 4.19 167.7cm61.9kg (L5/S1) (L5/S1) AL MPL ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1203 272 45.98 92.37 948 272 75.14 152.40 1043 272 61.55 124.61 1715 287 34.38 74.21 2800 323 17.95 47.72 1068 252 63.61 135.32 1739 256 36.66 87.81 2620 265 19.37 52.46 1531 203 44.45 101.58 2471 207 22.51 61.93 64

4.20 173.2cm71.9kg (L5/S1) (L5/S1) AL MPL ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1302 304 43.54 88.63 1047 304 71.02 146.29 1144 304 58.15 119.52 1895 320 31.41 70.10 3147 361 14.43 43.32 1172 282 60.05 129.89 1918 286 33.47 83.17 2872 296 16.88 48.96 1696 227 40.86 96.44 2733 232 19.39 57.65 4.21 178.7cm81.9kg (L5/S1) (L5/S1) AL MPL ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1402 336 41.20 85.06 1149 336 67.05 140.43 1247 336 54.89 114.65 2081 354 28.54 66.14 *3509 *399 *10.98 *39.03 1279 311 56.62 124.68 2101 316 30.37 78.70 3128 327 14.46 45.57 1865 251 37.37 91.49 3001 256 16.33 53.50 * 65

4.22 183.2cm91.9kg (L5/S1) (L5/S1) AL MPL ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1505 368 38.96 81.65 1254 368 63.20 134.79 1353 368 51.74 109.98 2273 388 25.74 62.32 *3886 *436 *7.59 *34.85 1388 340 53.31 119.68 2289 346 27.35 74.38 3390 358 12.09 41.30 2039 275 33.97 86.71 3274 280 13.34 49.47 * IOSH (4.23) 14.5 66

67 4.23 (L5/S1) ( ) (L5/S1) ( ) AL( ) MPL( ) 1303.6 (±157.6) 304.2 (±50.3) 43.6 (±3.8) 88.8 (±5.8) 1049.8 (±159.2) 304.2 (±50.3) 71.2 (±6.4) 146.5 (±9.5) 1146.4 (±161.3) 304.2 (±50.3) 58.3 (±5.3) 119.7 (±7.9) 1901.0 (±289.40) 320.4 (±53.3) 31.50 (±4.6) 70.3 (±6.4) 3162.0 (±560.7) 360.8 (±59.8) 14.5 (±5.5) 43.4 (±6.9) IOSH ( 4.24) 16.9

68 4.24 (L5/S1) ( ) (L5/S1) ( ) AL( ) MPL( ) 1174.6 (±166.8) 281.4 (±46.6) 60.2 (±5.5) 130.1 (±8.4) 1933.0 (±278.8) 286.0 (±47.4) 33.6 (±5.0) 83.3 (±7.2) 2876.8 (±401.6) 296.0 (±49.0) 16.9 (±3.9) 48.9 (±5.8) IOSH ( 4.25) 19.5 4.25 (L5/S1) ( ) (L5/S1) ( ) AL( ) MPL( ) 1700.4 (±264.1) 227.2 (±37.6) 41.0 (±5.6) 96.6 (±8.0) 2739.0 (±418.4) 231.4 (±38.7) 19.5 (±4.9) 57.8 (±6.7)

2D 3D 30 45 Ayoub & Mital23 (jerking)( ) 69

5.1 32.1 6.4 92.9 (67.9%) (66.7%) (63.5%) (57.7%) 72% 72% 70

NIOSH AL 19 200 31 AL 71

5.2 2 1. 2. 90 3. 4. 1. 72

2. (1) (2) 1. 2. 3. 19 1191. 73

2. 3. 4. 5.3 1. 2. 74

3. 75

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