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Sleep Study A sleep study checks for sleeping problems. It is a 6 to 8 hour recording of your brain activity, heart rate, leg movements, oxygen levels and breathing while you sleep. The test is scheduled in the evening and you stay overnight. Common Sleep Disorders A hard time sleeping Sleep apnea where you stop breathing at times during sleep Snoring Daytime sleepiness Awaking with screaming, confusion or panic If your study shows that you have a sleep disorder, you may be scheduled to come back for a second night to find the best treatment for you. The Day of Your Study Wash your hair and be sure it is dry before you come for your study. Do not use any oils, sprays, gels, mousse or lotions on your clean hair. Do not take any naps. Avoid caeine and caeine-free cola, coee or tea. Take all of your medicines on your usual schedule unless otherwise told by your doctor. Bring any medicines with you that you need to take during your time in the sleep lab. 1

睡眠测试 睡眠测试检查睡眠问题 这是在您睡觉时对脑活动 心率 腿部动作, 氧水平和呼吸作一次 6-8 小时的记录 测试定于晚间进行, 您需留宿一夜 常见睡眠病 很难入睡 睡眠呼吸暂停, 即睡眠中停止呼吸 打鼾 白天困乏 带着惊叫 迷惑或恐慌醒来 如果测试显示您有睡眠病, 您可能要安排在晚上再回来一次, 以找到最好的治疗方法 测试当天 请清洗头发并一定在测试前使其干爽 不要在干净的头发上使用任何油液 喷雾定型剂 凝胶剂 慕斯或乳液 不要小睡 免饮咖啡因和不含咖啡因的可乐 咖啡或茶 如常服用您的全部药物, 另有医嘱则除外 在做睡眠实验室测试时请带上任何您需服用的药物 Sleep Study. Simplified Chinese. 1

Eat your normal diet. If you need a snack at bedtime or when you wake in the morning, bring the snacks with you. You may also want to bring: Something comfortable to sleep in Toiletry items A change of clothing Anything else you feel you need for an overnight stay, such as a book, magazines or music During Your Study You will sleep in a room that has monitoring equipment. The sta will watch you from another room and be able to talk to you through a speaker. Small patches called electrodes are placed on your scalp, chest and legs. Other equipment may include: A pulse oximeter clipped to your finger to check your oxygen levels An elastic band placed around your chest and stomach to check your breathing An airflow sensor taped under your nose to check air movement Try to sleep like you do at home. You will have little or no discomfort during the sleep study. 2

吃正常饮食 如果您在就寝时或早晨醒来时需食小吃, 请带上小吃 您也可带上 : 可睡得舒服一点的物品 梳洗用品 换洗衣服 任何其他您觉得过夜会需要的东西, 如一本书 杂志或音乐 测试时 您将在一个有监测设备的房间中睡觉 医疗人员将从另一个房间注视您, 并可通过扬声器和您说话 称为电极的小垫片会置于您的头皮 胸部和腿部 其他设备可能包括 : 血氧饱合度测试仪将夹住您的手指以测试您的氧气水平 一条橡皮带将围在您的胸部和腹部以测试您的呼吸 一个气流感应器将粘在您的鼻下以测试气息流动 请试着象在家里一样睡觉 您在睡眠测试时只会有一点点或根本没有什么不舒服 Sleep Study. Simplified Chinese. 2

After Your Study The equipment will be removed and the electrodes will be taken o your skin. There may be some paste left in your hair. Wash and comb your hair with a fine tooth comb to remove it. Results of your study will be sent to your family doctor. Your doctor will share the results with you. Talk to the sta if you have any questions or concerns. 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3

测试之后 设备将被移除, 电极会从您的皮肤上取下 您的头发里可能会留下一些粘物 请清洗并用精齿梳将它梳除 测试结果将送交您的家庭医生 您的医生将告知您结果 若有任何疑问或担心, 请告知医疗人员 2005 2/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Sleep Study. Simplified Chinese. 3