(Globalization) (European Union ) (Universal Value) (Good Governance ) (Treaty of Rome) 131 2

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1978 1949 / / 1

(Globalization) (European Union ) (Universal Value) (Good Governance ) 1989 1957 (Treaty of Rome) 131 2

(overseas countries and territories) 1 (Association) 2 3 1963 1969 (Yaoundé Conventions) 1970 1975 (Lomé Conventions I) (the African, Caribbean, and Pacific states, ACP) (Asia and Latin America, ALA) 4 1957 1993 (Treaty on European Union) 5 6 7 55 (Development Policy) 8 9 (Revised Lomé IV) 10 5 1 2 Article 131, Part IV, Treaty of Rome. 3 Development: Introduction, see <http://www.europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/r12000.htm>. 4 1975 (Lomé I) (Lomé II) (Lomé III) (Lomé IV) (Revised Lomé IV) (Cotonou Agreement) 5 177 181 6 Smith, Karen E., European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World, (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003), P.126. 7 Development: Introduction, see <http://www.europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/r12000.htm>. 8 Ibid. 9 34 1 2004 3 34 10 See <http://europa.eu.int/comm/development/body/cotonou/lome_history_en.htm>. 3

11 (European Initiative for Developing and Human Rights, EIDHR) EIDHR 1994-2000 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 EDIHR EDIHR EDIHR EDIHR EDIHR EDIHR ( ) (%) 13409800 32.63 14957914 21.67 19302420 27.97 12105546 21.27 15382190 18.19 18251211 19.75 12 25178636 47.47 23547764 34.11 24968911 36.18 17278119 30.35 47640694 56.35 42558602 46.05 13 5273950 9.94 14799768 21.44 10603258 15.36 7591180 13.34 9144798 10.82 3436017 3.72 14 4293100 8.09 15722386 22.78 14145761 20.49 19946328 35.04 12373273 14.64 28161893 30.48 15 53,046,903 69,027,832 69,020,350 56,921,173 84,540,955 92,407,723 597 770 798 809 835 894 Karen E. Smith, European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World, (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003), pp.209-212. 16 17 (essential elements) 1992 2001 5 120 11 European Commission, Democratisation, the Rule of Law, Respect for Human Rights and Good Governance: The Challenges of the Partnership between the European Union and the ACP States, COM (98) 146, 12 March 1998, pp.7-8. 12 13 14 15 16 European Commission, The European Union and the World, (Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001), P.32. 17 European Commission, European Union s Role in Promoting Human Rights and Democratisation in Third Countries, Com (2001) 252 final, Brussels, 8 May 2001, 8. 4

(Part III) (TITLE IV) 18 (TITLE V, CHAPTER IV) 19 1957 20 1978 1992 ACP 1998 3 25 (Building a 21 Comprehensive Partnership with China) 1. 2. 3. WTO 4. 5. 2003 9 10 (A Maturing Partnership - Shared Interests and Challenges in EU-China 22 Relations) 18 Article III 268-291. 19 Article III 316-321. 20 EU-ACP 2004 29-32 21 European Commission, Building a Comprehensive Partnership with China, COM (1998) 181 final, Brussels, March 25, 1998. 22 European Commission, A Maturing Partnership - Shared Interests and Challenges in EU-China Relations, COM (2003) 533 final, Brussels, Sep. 10, 2003. 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1978 2001 2004 (Exports of Goods and Services) 23 GDP 2004 13.9% (20.2%) 24 FDI 2001 25 26 WTO 27 (Peter Mandelson) 2005 2 28 WTO 23 5.9 10.4 9.5 5.7 IMF, World Economic Outlook 2005-Globalization and External Imbalances, (Apr. 2005), P.193. 24 2003 12.6 13.9 2003 21.1% 2004 20.0 IMF, World Economic Outlook 2004-The Global Demographic Transition, (Sep. 2004), P.191, and IMF, World Economic Outlook 2005-Globalization and External Imbalances, op. cit., P.193. 25 UNCTAD, World Investment Report 2001, Promoting Linkages, United Nations. 26 Franco Algieri, EU Economic Relations with China: An Institutionalist Perspective, The China Quarterly, No.169, (March 2002), P.76. 27 The EU-China Trade Project is helping China to meet its WTO commitments, EU-China News, see <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/newsletters/200504/003_en.htm>. 28 Trade Commissioner Mandelson calls for closer partnership, progress on IPR, WTO, EU-China News, see <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/newsletters/200504/001_en.htm>. 6

29 2003 1998 1980 1990 1995 2003 30 1994 31 29 European Commission, Annual Report 2001 from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament On the EC Development Policy and the Implementation of the External Assistance, COM (2002) 490final, Brussels, Sep. 12, 2002, P.177. 30 (1) A Long Term Policy for China-Europe Relations, COM(1995) 279 final, Brussels, May 1995; (2) Building a Comprehensive Partnership with China, COM (1998) 181 final, Brussels., March 1998; (3) Report on the Implementation of the Communication "Building a Comprehensive Partnership with China" COM (1998)181, COM (2000) 552 final, Brussels, Sep. 2000; (4) EU Strategy towards China: Implementation of the 1998 Communication and Future Steps for A More Effective EU Policy, COM (2001) 265 final, Brussels, May 2001; (5) China: European Commission Approves Country Strategy Paper 2002-2006, IP/02/349, Brussels, March 2002; (6) A Maturing Partnership - Shared Interests and Challenges in EU-China Relations, COM(2003) 533 final, Brussels, Sep. 2003. 31 EU-China Political Dialogue, see 7

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1996 1 1997 32 1998 33 1978 (EU-China Joint Committee) 1979 1991 1993 4 9 (ASEM) <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/en/political/political_dialogue.htm>. 32 European Commission, EU-China: Commission Adopts New Strategy for a Maturing Partnership, IP/03/1231, Brussels, Sep. 10, 2003. 33 Ibid. 8

34 1980 35 1998 2001 2002 2006 36 2.5 (ECHO) B7-3 B7-7 (EIDHR) B7-6000 B7-6212 1981 1995 37 38 34 European Communication, An introduction to the Asia-Europe meeting (ASEM), op. cit., 3-8. 35 1983 1984 1985 Mag Waltraut Urban, Important Steps in the Relations EU-CHINA, see <http://www2.big.or.jp/~yabuki/doc7/urban.htm>. 36 China: European Commission Approves Country Strategy Paper 2002-2006, IP/02/349, Brussels, March 2002. 37 1996 1996 459-460 38 <http://www.ceco.org.cn>. 9

8,000,000 1,600,000 2003-2006 ( ) 10,950,000 10,800,000 2001-2006 15,100,000 380,000 2001-2005 15,000,000 2,000,000 2001-2005 2000 31,200,000 - STD/AIDS 402,875-97,500/ - 1985 (ESCP) 10,328,100 744,000 2004-2008 15,000,000 5,600,00 2004-2009 8,500,000 8,787,000 2002-2005 8,500,000 2,500,000 2003-2005 7,600,000 16,200,000 2001-2005 20,000,000 2004-2009 12,566,000 5,459,825 1998-2006 - 10,668,000 4,057,000 2001-2006 840,000 0 2004-2006 5,700,000 1,600,000 2003-2007 (EMPC) 13,000,000 5,900,000 2001-2005 16,500,000 5,600,000 2003-2008 20,000,000 22,900,000 2003-2008 31,500,000-2002-2007 ( ) 40,000,000-2001-2007 41,000,000-2003-2007 26,200,000-1998-2005 ( IT&C) 35,000,000-1999-2005 12,000,000-1999-2004 NGO 1,066,922 - - 1,178,372 - - 1,333,333 - - 1,069,734 - - 705,926 - - 10

3,200,000 960,000 1994-2001 3,100,000 2,250,000 1994-2001 / 30,000,000 30,000,000 1996-2001 9,750,000 1997-2001 615,000 123,000 1998-2001 4,710,000 1998-2001 3,600,000 1998-2004 3,337,000 2,852,000 1996-2002 11,645,000-1998-2003 980,000 0 2000/10-2003/3 460,635 90,176 2001/3-2003/8 UNDP143,400 838,344-1998-2002 37,000,000 11,500,000 1999-2005 13,200,000 2000-2005 5,600,000 1996/5-2004/12 - - - <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/en/co-operation/project_fiches.htm>. 1985 1994 / 2002 39 35 975 1032 2004-2008 ESCP 206 39 <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/en/co-operation/general_information.htm>. 11

8240 ESCP 40 7.2% NGO 2002 2006 2002 2006 41 1. 50% WTO 2. 30% 3. 20% 42 40 2.5 41 European Commission, China: European Commission Approves Country Strategy Paper 2002-2006, IP/02/349, Brussels, March 1, 2002, 4-5 and 25. And EU-China Cooperation, see < http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/en/co-operation/general_information.htm>. 42 <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/cn/co-operation/qianhai%20potato.doc>. 12

ESCP WTO 1998 2004 WTO WTO (2004-2009) (EUTCP) 43 WTO 44 45 WTO 43 WTO 44 <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/cn/co-operation/wto2.doc>. 45 The EU-China Trade Project is helping China to meet its WTO commitments, EU-China News, see <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/newsletters/200504/003_en.htm>. 13

46 2003 47 (GSP) 30% 48 2004 5 2000-2004 2000 2000 (CEIBS) 46 EU-China Human Rights Dialogue, see <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/en/political/human_rights.htm>. 47 The EU s China Policy, see <http://europa.eu.int/comm/external_relations/china/intro/index.htm>. 48 Bilateral Trade and Investment Relations, see <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/en/eu_china_wto/trade_relations.htm>. 14

49 EIDHR 2000 5 12 2000 50 (Social Sectors) 2001 700 (Airworthiness) 14 (Institutional capacity building) (Private Sector Development) CEIBS 2001 IT&C 2001 23 1500 (Global Environment Facility) (NFPP) (ASIA-EcoBest) 49 50 European Commission, Annual Report On the Implementation of the European Commission s External Assistance Situation at 01.01.2001, (Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001), pp.107-121. 15

WTO (DFID) (EIB) 51 2002 13 2002-2006 (Country Strategy Papers, CSPs) 2000 WTO (ECHO) 2002 450 ECHO 3.2 52 2002 2001 53 2002 2003 51 European Commission, Annual Report 2001 from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament On the EC Development Policy and the Implementation of the External Assistance, COM (2002) 490final, Brussels, Sep. 12, 2002, pp.159-181. 52 2002 7325 51.8 911 53 European Commission, Annual Report 2003 from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament On the EC Development Policy and the Implementation of the External Assistance in 2002, COM (2003) 527final, Brussels, Sep. 3, 2003, pp.199-223. 16

2003 2003 CSPs (A Mid-Term Review, MTR) CSP 2005-2006 (National Indicative Programmes 2005-2006) WTO WTO 54 SARS 2004 2004 6 1500 54 European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document Annex to the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Annual Report 2004 on EC Development Policy and External Assistance- COM (2004) 536 final, SEC (2004) 1027, Brussels, July. 29, 2004, pp.111-120. 17

5500 UNDP 1999 80 55 1989 (crisis in governance) (Bob Jessop) (buzzword) 56 1995 (Our Global Neighborhood) 57 1. 2. 3. 55 European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document Annex to the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Annual Report 2005 on EC Development Policy and External Assistance- COM (2005) 292 final, SEC (2005) 892, Brussels, July. 15, 2005, pp.68-77. 56 Jessop, Bob, The Rise of Governance and the Risks of Failure: the Case of Economic Development, International Social Science Journal, Vol 50, Iss. 155 (1998), P.29. 57 Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), 2. 18

58 4. (Gerry Stoker) 59 (James Rosenau) 60 (Good Governance) (UNDP) 1996 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 61 58 Marie-Claude Smouts, The Proper Use of Governance in International Relations, International Social Science Journal, Vol 50, Iss. 155 (1998), P.84. 40 4 2001 7-8 3 59 Stoker, Gerry, Governance as Theory: Five Propositions, International Social Science Journal, Vol 50, Iss. 155 (1998), pp.19-26. 60 Rosenau, James N., Governance, Order, and Change in World Politics, in Rosenau, James N., and Czempiel, Ernst-Otto, eds., Governance without Government: Order and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: Vambridge University Press, 1992), pp.1-29. 61 See <http://www.dse.de/zg/gg/html/english/4_indepthpaper_1.htm#1> 19

62 (Development Policy) 2001 7 (European Governance) 63 1949 Jon Pierre B. Guy Peters Jon Pierre B. Guy Peters 64 (scenarios) 65 62 2001 9 43 63 European Commission, European Governance, COM (2001) 428 final, Brussels, July 25, 2001. 64 65 Pierre, Jon, and Peters, B. Guy, Governance, Politics and the State, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000), P.94. 20

Jon Pierre B. Guy Peters 66 Jon Pierre B. Guy Peters 67 2004 5 HIV /AIDS / 68 66 Ibid., pp.94-95. 67 Ibid., pp.162-167. 68 <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/cn/co-operation/hrmpp.doc> 21

EUTCP (the Beijing-based EUTCP Co-Director) (Philip Bartley) (It's demand-led) 69 2004 9 15 70 71 2002-2006 2.5 50% 30% 20% 72 69 The EU-China Trade Project is helping China to meet its WTO commitments, EU-China News, see <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/newsletters/200504/003_en.htm>. 70 <http://bbs.people.com.cn/bbs/readfile?whichfile=688588&typeid=17> 71 The EU-China Trade Project is helping China to meet its WTO commitments, EU-China News, see <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/newsletters/200504/003_en.htm>. 72 European Commission, China: European Commission Approves Country Strategy Paper 2002-2006, IP/02/349, Brussels, March 1, 2002, 4-5 and 25. And EU-China Cooperation, see < http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/en/co-operation/general_information.htm>. 22

WTO 2004 1. ( ) 2. 3. 4. 2005 1. 2. 3. 2005 73 ACP (Abraham H. Maslow) (Hierarchy of Needs theory) 1970 1950 1978 2000 1978 1998 73 <http://www.delchn.cec.eu.int/cn/co-operation/village%20governance.doc>. 23

1978=100 1978=100 1957 235.4 222.0 73.0 70.9 1964 227.0 220.7 1965 107.2 95.1 1977 260.0 117.1 85.9 1978 343.4 100.0 316.0 311.6 133.6 100.0 116.1 1979 160.7 134.5 1980 477.6 127.0 439.0 191.3 139.0 162.2 1981 458.0 456.8 223.4 167.3 190.8 1997 5,160.3 311.9 4,185.6 2,090.1 437.4 1,617.2 1998 5,425.1 329.9 2,162.0 456.8 1,590.3 1999 22 Pierre Peters (powerful centre of governance) 74 (Rule of law) 75 74 Pierre, Jon, and Peters, B. Guy, op. cit., pp.94-98. 75 (Rule by Law) 24

Pierre Peters 76 1995 Pierre Peters Pierre Peters 77 1950-1970 Pierre Peters 76 Pierre, Jon, and Peters, B. Guy, op. cit., pp.98-111. 77 Ibid, pp.167-173. 25

(Freedom House) 1998 (Civil Liberties) (Political Rights) Freedom House 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1. 1 7 2. Freedom House 1995 (Realism) (National Interest) 1998 2003 26

(Idealism) 1998 2003 1995 27