Mr Utku Tansel, Strategy Analyst - Licensing, Euromonitor International Utku Tansel leads Licensing at Euromonitor International. Following his Law De

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Last Update: 24 Nov 2016 Hong Kong Toys Industry Conference 香港玩具業會議 2017 Grasp the Chance: What s New in the Market and Our Industry? 洞悉先機 : 市場及行業最新發展 Programme Date 日期 : 10 / 01 / 2017 (Tuesday 星期二 ) Time 時間 : 2:15pm 5pm Venue 地點 : Room N101B, HKCEC 香港會議展覽中心會議室 N101B Language 語言 : English (Simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua will be provided) 英語 ( 附設普通話即時傳譯服務 ) Remarks 備註 : Free admission 免費入場 Time 時間 1:45pm 2:15pm 2:30pm 2:40pm Registration 登記 Outline 大綱 Welcoming Remarks 致歡迎辭 Conference Chairman 研討會主席 : Mr Lawrence Chan, Chairman, HKTDC Toys Advisory Committee 香港貿易發展局玩具業諮詢委員會主席陳永麟先生 Souvenir Presentation & Group Photo with speakers 致送紀念品及拍攝團體照 2:40pm 3:10pm 3:10pm 3:30pm 3:30pm 3:50pm 3:50pm 4:20pm Key Global and Regional Trends Shaping Toys 玩具業環球及地區性重要發展趨勢 Mr Utku Tansel, Strategy Analyst - Licensing, Euromonitor International The Essential Requirements on International Toy Safety 各國玩具安全法規 Dr Nelson Chan, Vice President, Product Assurance Asia Pacific, Intertek 天祥公證行風險分析及管理部亞太區副總裁陳紹昌博士 Enhancing Ethical Manufacturing in the Toy Industry 提升玩具業道德生產模式 Ms Carmel Giblin, President & CEO, ICTI CARE Foundation ICTI 關愛 基金總裁兼首席執行官 Carmel Giblin 女士 Roundtable Discussion: Chinese Market Opportunity 圓桌討論 : 中國市場機遇 Speakers 講者 : 1. Mr Kenny Cao, Senior Vice President, Alpha Group 奧飛娛樂有限公司高級副總裁曹永強先生 2. Mr Louis Li, Deputy General Manager, JD Worldwide 京東全球購副總經理李迪恒先生 3. Mr Keith Yung, Director, Toys, Electrical and Children s Products The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd 香港標準及檢定中心玩具 電氣及兒童產品營運總監容啟文先生 4:20pm 4:50pm Moderator: Mr John Tong, Chairman of Hong Kong Toys Council 主持人 : 香港玩具協會主席湯誠正先生 Panel Discussion / Questions & Answers Section 問答環節 Panalists: All speakers above Moderator: Mr John Tong, Chairman, Hong Kong Toys Council 主持人 : 香港玩具協會主席湯誠正先生 Remarks 備註 : Free Admission. Seats are granted on a first-come-first-served basis. 免費入場 座位有限, 先到先得 Trade only and persons under 18 will not be admitted. 只接待 18 歲或以上業內人士進場 The Organisers reserve the right to make any changes without prior notice. 主辦單位保留任何更改之權力而不作另行通告 Organisers:

Mr Utku Tansel, Strategy Analyst - Licensing, Euromonitor International Utku Tansel leads Licensing at Euromonitor International. Following his Law Degree in Istanbul and MBA in London, Utku joined Euromonitor initially as a Research Analyst in 2004. Over the past 12 years, he has been responsible managing diverse research projects covering 32 countries worldwide and for the strategic development of several industry verticals. After heading syndicated Toys and Games research system for more than 5 years, in August 2015, he was appointed to his current role developing specialist in-depth Licensing knowledge and global expertise, covering a range of related industries. Utku is responsible for managing the publication of market leading Licensing analysis on Euromonitor s Passport system. With a solid market research background and enviable industry expertise Utku also regularly writes for external publications such as LIMA (The International Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association) Licensing Blog, where he is a guest author,, The Licensing Book and Global Toy News focusing on most recent key trends and developments. A sought-after speaker, he also presents at world-renowned industry events including Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair, World Congress of Play and PlayCon highlighting some of the key findings from Euromonitor International s latest global research studies. About the Presentation Global traditional toys and games continue to be driven by strong sales of licensed and construction toys. However, deteriorating macroeconomic conditions in major emerging markets like Russia and Brazil contribute to slowing growth globally. Despite financial difficulties affecting emerging markets in 2015 and 2016, they remain highly prospective over the longer term due to favourable demographics, with growing numbers of children and urbanisation. This is especially true in China and India, as well as many populous emerging markets across Africa. Therefore, in both regions dynamic mid-to-long-term growth is projected, with retail value CAGRs reaching 6% in Middle East and Africa and 5% in Asia Pacific over 2015-2020. Construction, once again, has been the star of the industry stimulating toys sales thanks largely to the continued success of LEGO capitalising on The LEGO Movie as well as the Star Wars phenomenon. In relation to licensing, which is a key parameter for toys sales globally, half of the top 10 most heavily licensed toys markets are in Asia Pacific, while the US is the world s largest. Income growth, increased media consumption, nostalgic and local licensed brands, and increased product diversity are all helping to drive licensing upward. Amid new releases following Frozen, Minions, Zootopia and The Secret Life of Pets all have the potential to be game-changing new properties.

Dr Nelson Chan, PhD, BEng, CEng, FIMechE, CTP, Vice President of Premiums and Product Assurance Asia Pacific, Intertek Intertek 禮品部及風險評估與管理部亞太區運營副總裁 As the Vice President of Premiums and Product Assurance Asia Pacific for Intertek, he has developed consumer product safety and quality assurance programs highlighting injury prevention for many brand name companies. Nelson was educated in the UK and has worked in many countries including UK, Canada, US, China and Hong Kong. He possesses a doctorate degree in Biomedical Engineering and is a Professional Chartered Engineer (CEng). He was elected as a Fellow Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE) for his contribution in advancing the science of engineering and his contribution in engineering education. With his background in the areas of Biomedical Engineering, Injury Prevention and Manufacturing Operations, he also has an extensive experience in the areas of project management, design of laboratory equipment, scientific research and social accountability. In Intertek, Nelson is responsible for the development and operations for Asia Pacific and also manages safety, quality assurance and consultation programs in premiums industry. He has made extensive contributions to brand name companies to achieve the goal of injury reduction, prevention and social accountability. He also is heavily involved in the research and development of new technologies for assessing hazards on consumer products and has published and array of journals worldwide in the area of biomechanics, safety and quality. He is also a member of ISO working committee on Image Safety. Dr Nelson Chan, 生物醫學工程博士 英國注冊特許工程師 英國機械工程師協會資深成員作為 Intertek 禮品部及風險評估與管理部亞太區運營副總裁,Nelson 曾為多家品牌公司開發出以預防傷害為主的消費品安全及質量保障體系 Nelson 在英國接受教育, 並有著多年跨國公司的工作經驗, 在包括英國 加拿大 美國 中國和香港在內的很多國家工作過 Nelson 擁有生物醫學工程博士學位, 是英國注冊特許工程師 (CEng) 由於他在工程學發展及工程學教育方面的貢獻, 被英國機械工程師協會選為資深會員 (FIMechE) Nelson 是生物醫學工程 傷害預防及生產過程等眾多方面的專家, 同時在項目管理 實驗室儀器設計 科技研發及社會責任方面有著深厚的經驗 在 Intertek,Nelson 負責亞太業務的整體發展及運作, 同時為客戶管理安全 質量保障體系和咨詢項目等多方面的工作 他曾幫助很多世界知名品牌公司有效地預防並降低消費品的傷害風險, 及達到社會責任標准的要求 Nelson 還積極參與消費品風險評估新技術的研發, 在諸多國際性刊物發表了生物力學 安全及質量方面的文章 另外, 他還是 ISO 影像安全工作委員會的成員 About the Presentation The requirements for toy testing become increasingly stringent with each day that passes. Many countries have set their own safety regulations for toys. On a global level, these standards differ between countries and regions, which make the distribution of toys much more complex and strenuous. For keeping companies competitive edge over rivals, both importers and manufacturers are required to keep abreast with global market requirements. This seminar will give an overview of the toys requirements and latest updates of EU and US. The major regulations like ASTM F963 Toy Safety Standard in US and Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC in EU will be the highlight for importers and manufacturers; because these international standards are the mandatory rule for all toys they sold in the US and EU. Aside from the US and EU market, the emerging countries like China, Brazil, Japan, Korea and Gulf market come to be a hot topic for importers and manufacturers. All of these markets require their own specific mandatory certification mark that must affix on the imported products. The interested parties are able to gain an insight on the specific requirements in obtaining different certification marks.

Ms Carmel Giblin, President & CEO, ICTI CARE Foundation Carmel Giblin is the President & CEO of the ICTI CARE Foundation and has been with the organisation since February 2015. She is responsible for the overall success of the ICTI CARE Process globally. Carmel believes passionately that businesses globally have a duty to behave responsibly, at all times protecting the rights of their workers, the communities in which they operate and the environment in which they live and work and is proud to be part of the world s leading initiative committed to improving the lives of workers involved in toy and juvenile products production. Before joining ICTI CARE Carmel was the CEO of Sedex, an organisation that, under her leadership, grew to become the largest technology and services company operating in the responsible sourcing sector globally. Carmel s earlier roles include: Head of Corporate Responsibility & Accessibility at Sky, Europe s leading entertainment company, Buyer at retailers Somerfield, Waitrose, and Exxon Mobil and in supplier organisations Britvic Soft Drinks and Allied Domecq in roles that included customer management, risk management and organisational design and effectiveness reviews. About the Presentation ICTI CARE is the ethical manufacturing program for the world s toy and entertainment industry. ICTI CARE certifies over 1,300 toy factories worldwide covering over 600,000 workers. During this presentation you will hear from the ICTI CARE CEO, Carmel Giblin, how ICTI CARE is developing to provide further support and value to the toy manufacturing industry in China, Hong Kong and overseas. Since 2004, ICTI CARE has positively impacted the toy manufacturing industry in many ways namely through addressing audit duplication, unifying buyers around one ethical manufacturing standard and providing factory management and workers with training and support. Carmel Giblin will share information on the review of the ICTI CARE program which was conducted in 2016. The purpose of this review was to ensure that the program keeps pace with the evolving requirements of suppliers and buyers alike. This review involved major benchmarking work to compare and evaluate the program against other codes and standards, the learnings from which will inform the latest version of the program. You will also hear about major partnerships developed that enhance the program for the benefit of all stakeholders. This includes ICTI CARE s work with CCR CSR in Hong Kong and the Mainland and further afield with Impactt and BSR in India. During this presentation you will also learn about the work completed by ICTI CARE in 2016 to further protect and enhance the integrity of the program which has included a complete review of the audit firms who conduct factory assessments on behalf of ICTI CARE.

Mr Kenny Cao, Senior Vice President, Alpha Group 奧飛娛樂有限公司高級副總裁曹永強先生 Mr. Cao is currently Alpha Group s Senior Vice President, overseeing the group s toy segment. Since joining Alpha in 2003, he has held a number of positions including Product Manager, Marketing Director, GM for Sales and Vice President. During his 13 years in Alpha, he has been instrumental in the company s transformational upgrade,meanwhile witnessing the rapid growth of China s animation industry. Alpha Group (SZ:002291) is one of China s leading pan-entertainment platforms. With over 20 years of development, from manufacturing and licensing, to complete industry chain with IP at its core, Alpha has accumulated multiple star properties. Leveraging its rich portfolio of IP, it allowed the properties to be penetrated into a wide range of cultural industries, including animation, mobile game, media, literature etc. Alpha also possesses strong operational capabilities as well as brand influence, all aimed at fostering a pan entertainment ecosystem under the guidance of full industry chain strategy. 曹永強先生現任奧飛娛樂高級副總裁, 分管奧飛娛樂玩具事業群業務 2003 年加入奧飛動漫, 歷任產品經理 市場總監 銷售公司總經理和股份公司副總裁等職務 其在奧飛工作的 13 年間, 促進了奧飛從產業文化化到文化產業化的升級轉型, 見證了中國動漫行業快速成長的歷程 奧飛娛樂股份有限公司 (SZ:002292) 是中國目前最具實力和發展潛力的動漫及娛樂文化產業集團公司之一 公司經過 20 多年發展, 從簡單的製造與授權到原創並圍繞 IP 進行全產業鏈開發, 打造與積累了眾多知名的 IP 形象, 並通過多樣化的媒體傳播途徑使 IP 滲透到動漫 遊戲 影視 文學等多個文化產業領域, 並擁有在衍生產業中強大的運營能力, 逐漸凝聚行業領先的品牌影響力, 形成全產業鏈佈局的泛娛樂生態 Mr Louis Li, Deputy General Manager, JD Worldwide 京東全球購副總經理李迪恒先生 Louis Li co-led JD Worldwide, s division that helps foreign consumer brands enter the China market. He oversees JD Worldwide s business development, overseas operations, and strategic projects. Prior to joining, Mr Li held several positions in sales, international affairs, and logistics operations in the Hong Kong-based airline Cathay Pacific, including Manager Bangladesh and East India. Mr Li earned his MBA degree from the University of California Berkeley and a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Hong Kong. 李迪恒, 京東全球購聯合負責人, 管理全球購的招商 海外業務和戰略項目, 為京東商城建立進口跨境電商業務, 為中國消費者引入海外優質消費品 加入京東之前, 李迪恒在香港國泰航空公司曾擔任孟加拉國和東印度經理, 以及在國際事務 銷售和物流運營等業務擔任數個崗位 李先生畢業于香港大學商學院, 並隨後獲得美國加州大學伯克利分校商學院 MBA 學位

Mr Keith Yung, Director, Toys, Electrical and Children s Products The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd Overlooking operations and technical development of STC toys, electrical and children s products testing facilities in Hong Kong, China, Asia, EU and the USA. Keith has over 20 year experience in toys and children s products testing. Since 2005, Keith has been a member of the China National Technical Committee of Standardization for Toys and involved in the research, establishment, revision and supervision of China National Standards. STC is one of the world major consumer products testing, inspection and certification organizations recognized for global toy safety testing and certification requirements of CCC, CPSIA, CE, ST and others.