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BIBLID 0254-4466(2002)20:2 pp. 399-430 20 2 91 12 ** 557-641 * ** 11 2002 4 399

400 20 2 557-641 1 2 1940 3 1950 4 1970 519-594 5 1980 592-672 -691 6 1990 596-658 7 1 1975 59 1543 2 1987 317 2001 320 3 1947 1956 62 4 1951 42 5 1978 186-187 6 1982 56-61 7 3 1991 41-45 74

401 8?-659 9 10 11 535-546 538-570 12 8 1975 189 4947 198 5645 9 1957 14 10 82 2761 2 11 Shooting Sand at People s Shadow : Yingshe as a Mode of Representation in Medieval Chinese Literature, Monumenta Serica 47 (1999): 169-207. 12

402 20 2 13 14 15 13 189 4947 14 189 4947 198 5645 15

403 16 17 691 651-697 18 intertextuality 16 1999 1-5 27-29 Denis Twitchett, The Writing of Official History under the T ang (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992) 1 1995 353-376 17 1998 47-70 18 198 5646 189 4947-4948

404 20 2 19 20 21 22 19 1972 27 343-347 20 21 2 7 22 56 5 1999 45-57

405 23 24 25 26 23 1996 1993 24 Calculated Anachronism and Intertextual Echoes in Bu Jiang Zong baiyuan zhuan, Tang Studies 14 (1996): 67-97. 25 The Poetics of Historical Referentiality: An Outline, Tamkang Review 28.2 (Winter 1997): 1-64. 26

406 20 2 27 intentional anachronism 40 28 545 27 1981 16 28 1992 191 17

407 557-559 569-582 29 40 40 498-563 30 29 569 9 159-160 30 1964 235-260

408 20 2 31 499-502 479 32 502-519 527 527-534 535 536 537 538-541 33 541 542 34 31 32 1975 61 1504 479 473-476 33 32 467 61 1504 34 32

409 anachronism temporal anachronism spatial anachronism nominal 35 36 37 467 32 474 516 35 24 36 37 527 527 534

410 20 2 545 38 527 534 532 534 535 38

411 39 40 39 32 466 61 1504 40

412 20 2 41 42 41 42 24

413 545 546 43 43 51 1262-1263

414 20 2 44 45 46 47 48 540 44 1981 39 32 467 61 1504 536 37 45 46 51 1263 27 343 27 345 47 525 3 69 542 9 258 48 61 1504-1505

415 49 50 49 3 85 50

416 20 2 51 52 597 53 548 54 51 30 52 1973 68 1596-1597 53 1956 178 5552 54


418 20 2 55 56 536 55 9 157 56 66 1613-1614

419 57 58 59 60 57 63 1544-1545 58 43 608 59 43 605 60

420 20 2 61 547 546 548 546-547 62 61 66 1614 62

421 546 546 546 63 63 2001

422 20 2 64 65 66 67 68 64 9 157-158 65 158 66 67 4 105 68

423 69 69

424 20 2 70 70

425 546 71 71 Kominami Ichiro, T ang-dynasty Ch uan-ch i Stories: From the Narrative Locus to the Written Work, Acta Asiatica 82 (2002): 1-17

426 20 2 72 72 1961 444 3629

427 73 74 75 authorial intention 73 61 383 74 1994 75

428 20 2

429 The Displacement of Historical Facts in the Text of Bu Jiang Zong baiyuan zhuan Jue Chen Abstract Bu Jiang Zong baiyuan zhuan, a masterpiece of the early- Tang chuanqi fiction, was written by an anonymous author whose identity has yet to be uncovered. The anachronism found in the text plays an important role, converting the historical facts into a fictional account. In the text, the correspondences between history and fiction are systematic. It resembles a labyrinth with an inner structure in which historical authenticity and creative fictionality shift back and forth. This is achieved through a complex system of displacements and replacements. This paper argues that the anachronism in Bu Jiang Zong baiyuan zhuan is more likely an intentional method of composition rather than the result of careless mistakes. The practice of interweaving nonfiction and fiction into the same text suggests that the author was attempting to establish a referential framework for the story. An in-depth exploration of the mechanics of intentional anachronism in Bu Jiang Zong baiyuan zhuan is conducted in this paper, and the result will become part of a larger project that studies the development of chuanqi fiction as a whole. * Jue Chen is a lecturer in Chinese at the Department of Asian Studies, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

430 20 2 Keywords: Bu Jiang Zong baiyuan zhuan (Supplement to Jiang Zong s Biography of a White Ape), early-tang, chuanqi fiction, intentional anachronism, history of the Southern Dynasties