Harold J. Berman The Interaction of Law and Religion Nashville TN Abingdon Press Harold J.

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2015 1 * ** 4 6 11 13 16 18 19 * John Witte Jr. Center for the Study of Law and Religion Jonas Robitscher Christianity and Law An Introduction John Witte Jr. and Frank S. Alexander eds. Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2008. 1-32 2011 2011 2011 2013 ** The Emerging Field of Law and Religion in the Western Tradition Law and Religion the field law and economics law and society law and religion 137

1 2 1 4 6 2 11 13 3 16 4 18 19 9 1917 3 138 1 2 3 Harold J. Berman The Interaction of Law and Religion Nashville TN Abingdon Press 1974 2003 Harold J. Berman Faith and Order The Reconciliation of Law and Religion Grand Rapids MI Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1993 2011 Howard O. Hunter ed. The Integrative Jurisprudence of Harold J. Berman Boulder CO Westview Press 1996 F. C. DeCoste and Lillian MacPhearson Law Religion Theology A Selective Annotated Bibliography West Cornwall CT Locust Press 1997 Reviews on New Books in Law and Religion Journal of Law and Religion 16 2001 249-1035 and 17 2002 97-459 Ecclesiastical Law Journal Studia Canonica Bulletin of the Medieval Canon Law Society Zeitschrift der Savigny - Stiftung Kanonisches Abteilung Ius Commune Journal of Law and Religion Journal of Church and State God s Joust God s Justice Law and Religion in the Western Tradition Grand Rapids MI Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 2006

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312 Constantine 380 Arians Apollonarians Manicheans Codex Theodosianus 438 Corpus Iuris Civilis 529 534 caesaropapist Ambrose of Milan 339 397 Gelasius 496 Gregory the Great 540 604 22 38 St. Augustine 354 430 City of God 9 9 Brian Tierney Kent Greenawalt Jeffrie Murphy David Little 89-124 219-236 271-292 140

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