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89 12 27 60 * *

28 1 2 1 2

89 12 29 3 3

30 4 4

89 12 31 5 5 negative thinking inferior thinking

32 6 6 self so situation

89 12 33

34 7 8 ideal type 9 7 8 9

89 12 35

36 10 10 self so

89 12 37

38 strange attractor 11 11 chaos theory strange attractor

89 12 39

40 12 12

89 12 41 13 14 13 14

42 15 16 15 16

89 12 43 17 18 17 18

44 19 20 19 20

89 12 45 21 21

46 22 23 22 consequence 23

89 12 47

48 24 25 24 25

89 12 49 26 27 26 27 Sarah A. Queen


89 12 51 void & on its own

52 28 28

89 12 53

54 29 inferior value 29

89 12 55

56 30 31 30 31

89 12 57 32 32


89 12 59

60 The Political Thought of Four Texts of Yellow Emperor Lin Chun-Hung Abstract Jing Fa (Constant Law ) Shi Liu Jing (The Sixteen Classics ) Cheng (Aphorisms ) and DauYuan (On Tao the Fundamental ), which known as Four Texts of Yellow Emperor systematically sort out the discourses on Tao from Lao-tsu and Juang-tsu. By stressing that it is out of Tao that laws come into being, Four Texts endows laws with a higher ranking of legitimacy. Four Texts also dissert that as soon as forms and names are established, it will be easy to make clear the distinction between the ruler and the ruled. The functions and interactions referred to political roles reveal the emphasis of ruling skills hidden in the theory construction of Four Texts. Yin ( ) yang ( ) four seasons ( ) virtue ( ) and punishment ( ) are well arranged and connected in Four Texts, therefore the regulation of Heaven which begins with wen ( ) and ends with wu ( ), is similar to the regulation of governing. We can read the influence in some works of Legalist later. The concepts xiu (void, emptiness) and jing (still, on its own) rooted in Lao-Tsu have been critically and creatively transferred to be technical and positive by Huang Lao thought found in Four Texts. The core thinking and the form of discourse found in Four Texts are quite different from what read in Lao-Tsu. It exemplifies re-construction rather than just destruction when facing the grand scale of chaos of Warring States. We can also feel the strong want of order which

89 12 61 reflects the crucial mobilization of thinking to the achievement and practical orientation. New political order is shaping, and it s the theory of Four Texts that paths the way for a unitary epoch.