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Hong Kong 8 June 2014

Hong Kong 8 June 2014 預展 5 月 24 至 29 日及 6 月 5 至 7 日上午 10 時至下午 6 時天成國際香港中環花園道 1 號中銀大廈 30 樓 preview 24-29 May & 5-7 June 10 am - 6 pm Tiancheng International 30/F Bank of China Tower 1 Garden Road, Central Hong Kong 拍賣 2014 年 6 月 8 日星期日下午 1 時正 天成國際香港中環花園道 1 號中銀大廈 30 樓 電話 +852 2150 0700 傳真 +852 2150 0777 電郵 網址 董事總經理汪潔 珠寶部董事楊俊賢 林穎怡黃啟梵黎詠欣 +852 2150 0770 客戶服務部吳愷怡 +852 2150 0761 會計部譚德機 +852 2150 0783 AUCTION Sunday, 8 June 2014 1 pm Tiancheng International 30/F Bank of China Tower 1 Garden Road, Central Hong Kong Tel +852 2150 0700 Fax +852 2150 0777 Email Website managing director Wang Jie JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT Director Stewart Young Janet Lam Connie Huang Katy Lai +852 2150 0770 Client Services Department Heidi Ng +852 2150 0761 Finance Department Raymond Tam +852 2150 0783 LOT 326 瀏覽更多拍賣資訊 Stay in touch with us for latest information of the auction 官方網站 official website 微信 wechat 圖錄分頁插圖 : Pooritat Kunurat Section dividers illustrated by : Pooritat Kunurat 香港中環花園道 1 號中銀大廈 30 樓 30/F., Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong 電話 Tel : 852 2150 0700 傳真 Fax : 852 2150 0777

Lot 359 3 拍賣資料 Auction Information 6 引言 Preface 8 珠寶及翡翠 Jewellery and Jadeite 266 戒指尺寸對照 Ring Size Chart 267 鑽石淨度等級 Diamond Clarity Grading 267 鑽石成色等級 Diamond Colour Grading 268 競投人須知 Bidder s Note 272 購買條款及條件 Terms and Conditions of Purchase 277 個人資料收集聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement 279 競投登記表 Bidding Form 281 珠寶品牌索引 Index of Jewellery Makers

珠寶 無價的藝術與投資 Jewellery Invaluable Art and Investment 藝術, 本為一種由感性的領悟而生的產物, 它帶著獨一無二 具主觀性的美感 市場上熱門的藝術投資產品主要分為三類, 分別是書畫 珠寶翡翠和其他各類收藏 一件好的藝術品該具備可觀賞性 時代性 獨特性與稀缺性的特質, 亦因此在價值上是可隨時間遞增, 傳統投資產品較著重理性的分析與市場消息, 而投資藝術品的升值潛力和回報空間, 則有賴收藏者及其顧問團隊的眼光和專業知識 現今熱門的投資方式主要是股票期貨市場及房地產市場, 但股票市場變化多端, 房地產市場資金需求則較高, 相比之下, 藝術品的投資風險相對較低 主要來自收藏家的鑒別能力, 藝術造詣和變現能力 同時, 基於藝術品的稀缺性和不可再生的特性, 保值能力較強 一件藝術珍品亦能突顯個人品味和格調, 所以在近年快速增長的新興經濟體, 人們每每活躍於世界各大拍賣會上, 加入收藏投資藝術品的行列, 而高級珠寶更是最受追捧的類別 珠寶市場架構已趨成熟, 價格資訊透明度高, 質量認證服務健全, 推動更多藏家加入收藏珠寶陣營, 渴望在這個快速成長的珠寶市場中分一杯羹 這風氣不單發生在傳統的經濟體, 更擴展到新興經濟體, 為珠寶收藏及投資市場增添強大的動力 由此可見, 透過可觀的回報效益和具高欣賞性的優雅格調, 珠寶投資在市場佔有絕對的優勢, 並會繼續不斷增長和普及 A sensuous piece of art can bring serenity to the mind and elevate one s culture. Elements of uniqueness, rarity, impressiveness together with important historic factors contribute to substantial appreciation in value of art over the years. Paintings, Calligraphy, Jewellery and Sculpture have always been the most favoured investment categories in art. Unlike traditional investment products which value relies mainly on formulated market analysis, valuation and assessment of potential rate of return of art investment depend much on the subjective professional opinions of experts in their fields. In the vulnerable capital market, art pieces are ideal investment products due to the comparatively low capital requirement and high risk resistance factors. In the fast growing economic systems, investors are keen to diversify their asset investment into the field of art especially jewellery. Jewellery market has matured rapidly in recent years. However over exhaustion of gemstone mines has led to a severe drop in jewellery production. Auction houses become an alternative to collectors for jewellery investment. Easy access to high quality certifying and appraisal services raises confidence of more and more collectors to invest in the field of jewellery. Value appreciation of these elegant art pieces is inevitable in the foreseeable future giving a promising rate of return to their investors.

Session one Lots 1-92 LOT 68 (ENLARGE)

5 3 4 2 1 TWO RED JADEITE LEAF, JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANTS Each set with a translucent jadeite of orangy-red colour, carved as a leaf, surrounded by circular-cut diamonds extended to the hoop surmount, highlighted by a jadeite cabochon of deep emerald green colour, mounted in 18 karat white gold. (2) Leaves measuring approximately 30.50 x 18.20 x 3.45 and 32.01 x 15.27 x 2.83mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ89827 and SJ89828, dated 13 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$35,000-60,000 US$4,500-7,700 天然紅翡翠 樹葉 配翡翠及鑽石吊墜兩件鑲 18K 白金 ; 樹葉尺寸分別約 30.50 x 18.20 x 3.45 及 32.01 x 15.27 x 2.83 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89827 及 SJ89828, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 1 2 FIVE JADEITE BANGLES Composed of three cylindrical and two inner-flattened bangles of translucent intense celadon colour, suffused with deep emerald green streaks. (5) Bangle s outer, inner diameter and thickness measuring approximately 67.23 x 52.51 x 7.67, 69.21 x 54.35 x 7.66, 69.71 x 54.66 x 7.79, 63.34 x 51.16 x 7.88 and 65.34 x 52.83 x 8.47mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ90145 to SJ90149, dated 19 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$100,000-180,000 US$13,000-23,000 天然翡翠手鐲五隻手鐲外直徑, 內直徑及厚度分別約 67.23 x 52.51 x 7.67, 69.21 x 54.35 x 7.66,69.71 x 54.66 x 7.79,63.34 x 51.16 x 7.88 及 65.34 x 52.83 x 8.47 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90145 至 SJ90149, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉香港尺寸分別 1.42 1.48 1.48 1.38 及 1.43, 台灣尺寸分別 17.00 17.70 17.80 16.60 及 17.20 3 yellow JADEITE BUDDHA S HAND PENDANT The fine translucent jadeite of honey yellow colour with soft white patches to the palm, carved as a Buddha s hand, holding a ruyi sceptre, to a surmount of a yellow jadeite bead, completed by an adjustable black cord. Buddha s hand measuring approximately 54.35 x 17.49 x 9.30mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ89441, dated 11 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$12,000-20,000 US$1,600-2,600 天然黃翡翠 佛手 吊墜佛手尺寸約 54.35 x 17.49 x 9.30 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89441, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 4 JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The marquise-shaped jadeite cabochon of translucent bright apple green colour, surmounted by marquise-shaped and brilliantcut diamonds, mounted in 18 karat white gold. Cabochon measuring approximately 35.51 x 14.17 x 6.62mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ90676, dated 25 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$50,000-100,000 US$6,500-13,000 天然翡翠配鑽石吊墜鑲 18K 白金 ; 翡翠尺寸約 35.51 x 14.17 x 6.62 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90676, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 5 JADEITE AND DIAMOND ABACUS SEED RING; AND A MATCHING PENDANT A translucent jadeite abacus seed ring of rich emerald green colour throughout, set with a detachable ring jacket set to the obverse with square step-cut diamonds; and a matching pendant of similar design, mounted in 18 karat white gold. Ring size: 5¾ (2) Abacus seeds measuring on ring and pendant approximately 22.00 x 16.63 x 5.80mm and 15.60 x 11.01 x 5.83mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ90675 and SJ90680, dated 25 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$50,000-100,000 US$6,500-13,000 天然翡翠配鑽石 算盤 戒指及吊墜套裝鑲 18K 白金, 算盤戒指及吊墜尺寸分別約 22.00 x 16.63 x 5.80 及 15.60 x 11.01 x 5.83 毫米, 算盤戒指尺寸 5¾, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90675 及 SJ90680, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 10 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 附有此符號註明之拍品, 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve. 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 11

7 6 6 JADEITE, RUBY AND DIAMOND NECklaCE Composed of one hundred and forty jadeite beads of rich emerald green colour, suffused with dark green patches, decorated by tumbled ruby beads and circular-cut diamonds, to the terminals set with tassels of faceted rubies and pink sapphires of graduated tones, mounted in 18 karat white gold, length approximately 1290mm. Bead measuring approximately 8.01mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ89722, dated 12 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$100,000-180,000 US$13,000-23,000 天然翡翠配紅寶石及鑽石項鍊鑲 18K 白金, 珠尺寸約 8.01 毫米, 項鍊長度約 1290 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89722, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 7 GROUP OF JADEITE AND DIAMOND JEWELLERY Comprising: four pendants and a pair of earrings; the pendants each carved as a bamboo, of good translucent deep emerald green colour, decorated by circular-cut diamonds; the pair of earrings each set with an oval jadeite cabochon of intense emerald green colour, accented by circular-cut diamonds, mounted in 18 karat white and yellow gold. (5) Pendants measuring approximately 25.97 x 6.33 x 4.02, 24.31 x 6.69 x 3.80, 27.15 x 12.01 x 4.11 and 30.25 x 19.32 x 3.85mm; earrings measuring approximately 16.75 x 9.76 x 2.96 and 16.73 x 9.76 x 2.98mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ90898 to SJ90900, SJ90893 and SJ91495, dated 27 March and 4 April 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$50,000-80,000 US$6,500-10,000 天然翡翠首飾套組鑲 18K 白金及黃金, 吊墜尺寸分別約 25.97 x 6.33 x 4.02, 24.31 x 6.69 x 3.80,27.15 x 12.01 x 4.11 及 30.25 x 19.32 x 3.85 毫米 ; 耳環翡翠尺寸分別約 16.75 x 9.76 x 2.96 及 16.73 x 9.76 x 2.98 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90898 至 SJ90900,SJ90893 及 SJ91495, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 12 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 附有此符號註明之拍品, 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve. 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 13

10 8 9 11 8 PAIR OF YELLOW JADEITE BANGLES The two cylindrical jadeite bangles of honey yellow colour patched with celadon colour throughout. Bangles outer, inner diameter and thickness measuring approximately 75.38 x 57.09 x 9.68 and 75.41 x 57.25 x 9.73mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ89820 and SJ89821, dated 13 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$250,000-350,000 US$32,000-45,000 天然黃翡翠手鐲一對手鐲外直徑, 內直徑及厚度分別約 75.38 x 57.09 x 9.68 及 75.41 x 57.25 x 9.73 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89820 及 SJ89821, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉香港尺寸 1.54 及 1.54, 台灣尺寸 18.50 及 18.50 9 JADEITE BAMBOO PENDANT Suspending a jadeite carving of translucent celadon tone, suffused with bright apple green streaks, carved as a bamboo with bats and coins, symbolising prosperity and good fortune, accompanied by an adjustable black cord decorated by an icy jadeite ingot bead. Bamboo measuring approximately 50.27 x 21.95 x 10.89mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ91002, dated 28 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,900-6,500 天然翡翠 竹報平安 吊墜竹節尺寸約 50.27 x 21.95 x 10.89 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ91002, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 10 YELLOW JADEITE, BLACK DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING; AND PAIR OF MATCHING PENDENT EARRINGS The ring set with five graduated highly translucent orangy-yellow jadeite curved plaques, accented by pavé-set circular-cut black diamonds and diamonds; and pair of matching pendent earrings, mounted in 18 karat yellow and blackened gold. Ring size: 6¾ (2) Plaques on ring measuring approximately 13.08 x 6.51 x 4.19 to 8.38 x 4.97 x 2.57mm, on earrings approximately 9.50 x 5.32 x 3.21 to 6.20 x 3.52 x 2.64mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ91503 and SJ91502, dated 4 April 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$70,000-90,000 US$9,000-11,500 天然黃翡翠配黑色鑽石及鑽石戒指 ; 及吊耳環套裝鑲 18K 黃金及黑金, 戒指黃翡翠尺寸約 13.08 x 6.51 x 4.19 至 8.38 x 4.97 x 2.57 毫米 ; 耳環尺寸約 9.50 x 5.32 x 3.21 至 6.20 x 3.52 x 2.64 毫米 ; 戒指尺寸 6¾, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ91503 及 SJ91502, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 11 TWO UNMOUNTED JADEITE CaboCHONS Composed of two unmounted jadeite cabochons, of oval- and heart-shapes respectively, of transulent deep emerald green colour. (2) Cabochons measuring approximately 22.96 x 17.37 x 9.32 and 12.15 x 14.48 x 5.66mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ90150 and SJ90151, dated 19 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$100,000-200,000 US$13,000-25,500 天然翡翠蛋面兩件蛋面尺寸分別約 22.96 x 17.37 x 9.32 及 12.15 x 14.48 x 5.66 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90150 及 SJ90151, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 14 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 附有此符號註明之拍品, 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve. 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 15

16 12 13 15 14 12 PAIR OF JADEITE MONKEY AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each suspending a jadeite plaque of highly translucent intense emerald green colour, carved as a monkey, surmounted by two round jadeite bis of similar colour and translucency, decorated by brilliant-cut diamonds altogether weighing approximately 1.30 carats, mounted in 18 karat white gold. Plaques measuring approximately 31.17 x 7.71 x 2.43 and 31.22 x 7.76 x 2.36mm respectively; Bi approximately 8.88 x 1.35 to 6.14 x 1.33mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ90895, dated 27 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$180,000-280,000 US$23,000-36,000 天然翡翠 靈猴 配鑽石吊耳環一對鑲 18K 白金, 靈猴尺寸分別約 31.17 x 7.71 x 2.43 及 31.22 x 7.76 x 2.36 毫米 ; 璧尺寸約 8.88 x 1.35 至 6.14 x 1.33 毫米, 鑽石共重約 1.30 克拉, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90895, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 13 ICY JADEITE, JADEITE AND YELLOW JADEITE abacus, CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDANT; AND YELLOW JADEITE, JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING The pendant modelled as an abacus of translucent icy jadeite material, the abacus seeds of semi-translucent jadeite beads of deep emerald green and orangy-yellow colour respectively, framed by brilliant-cut diamonds extending to the stylised surmount, anchoring a cultured pearl tassel, the diamonds together weighing approximately 2.10 carats; the ring centring on a translucent yellow jadeite cabochon, surrounded by round jadeite cabochons of translucent emerald green colour, decorated by brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18 karat white gold, pendant fitting. Ring size: 5¾ (2) Abacus seeds measuring approximately 3.78-3.80 x 1.71mm; Abacus approximately 40.93 x 27.08 x 4.25mm; cabochon approximately 18.72 x 15.18 x 10.32mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ89835, SJ89833, SJ89831 and SJ92552 dated 13 March and 23 April 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$100,000-130,000 US$13,000-17,000 天然冰種翡翠配翡翠及黃翡翠 算盤, 養殖珍珠及鑽石吊墜 ; 黃翡翠配翡翠及鑽石戒指鑲 18K 白金, 算盤子尺寸約 3.78-3.80 x 1.71 毫米 ; 算盤約 40.93 x 27.08 x 4.25 毫米 ; 黃翡翠蛋面約 18.72 x 15.18 x 10.32 毫米 ; 吊墜鑽石共重約 2.10 克拉, 戒指可作吊墜, 戒指尺寸 5¾, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89835, SJ89833,SJ89831 及 SJ92552, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 14 JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING Centring on an oval jadeite cabochon of translucent emerald green colour, framed by brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18 karat blackened gold. Ring size: 10 Cabochon measuring approximately 14.90 x 11.87 x 7.26mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ89457, dated 11 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$160,000-250,000 US$20,500-32,000 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指鑲 18K 黑金, 蛋面尺寸約 14.90 x 11.87 x 7.26 毫米, 戒指尺寸 10, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89457, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 15 JADEITE AND DIAMOND BRACELET Composed of numerous oval jadeite cabochons of translucent emerald green colour, to stylised floral links set by circular-cut diamonds together weighing approximately 4.10 carats, mounted in 18 karat white gold, length approximately 180mm. Cabochons measuring approximately 6.82 x 4.25 x 2.35 to 6.03 x 4.65 x 2.68mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ89711 and SJ89712, dated 12 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000 天然翡翠配鑽石手鍊鑲 18K 白金, 蛋面尺寸約 6.82 x 4.25 x 2.35 至 6.03 x 4.65 x 2.68 毫米, 鑽石共重約 4.10 克拉, 手鍊長度約 180 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89711 及 SJ89712, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 16 JADEITE DOG AND DIAMOND PENDANT Modelled as a dog, the jadeite plaque of good translucent intense emerald green colour, the tail and bow-tie decorated by pavé-set brilliant-cut diamonds and a briolette diamond, to a similar-set hoop, the diamonds together weighing approximately 1.25 carats, mounted in 18 karat white gold, brooch fitting. Accompanied by an adjustable black cord. Plaque measuring approximately 32.33 x 20.56 x 4.05mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ89721, dated 12 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$150,000-250,000 US$20,000-32,000 天然翡翠 神犬 配鑽石吊墜鑲 18K 白金, 神犬尺寸約 32.33 x 20.56 x 4.05 毫米, 鑽石共重約 1.25 克拉, 可作胸針, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89721, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 16 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 17

17 17 FINE PAIR OF ICY JADEITE GUANYIN PENDANTS Each of highly translucent celadon tone and icy jadeite material, carved as a head of Guanyin, simply set to an 18 karat pink gold hoop, accompanied by an adjustable black cord. Guanyins measuring approximately 62.17 x 31.68 x 9.48 and 59.07 x 31.49 x 10.37mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered KJ84683 and KJ84685, dated 12 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$2,000,000-3,000,000 US$260,000-385,000 天然冰種翡翠 觀音 吊墜一對鑲 18K 粉紅金, 觀音尺寸分別約 62.17 x 31.68 x 9.48 及 59.07 x 31.49 x 10.37 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 KJ84683 及 KJ84685, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 19

18 19 18 GROUP OF KARAT GOLD, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND JEWELLERY Comprising: a necklace of twisted gold chain intertwining together, length approximately 430mm; the ring in stylised mount decorated with pear-shaped sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds, ring size: 8½ ; the bird brooch decorated with cabochon emerald-set eyes, the body of plique-a-jour enamel, highlighted by a cabochon emerald on the tree branch; the flower brooch of textured gold design, centring to the pistals with brilliant-cut diamonds and green enamel; mount in 14 and 18 karat yellow gold. (4) HK$50,000-80,000 US$6,500-10,000 珠寶套組鑲 14K 及 18K 黃金, 項鍊長度約 430 毫米, 戒指尺寸 8½ 19 GROUP OF KARAT GOLD, GEM-SET AND DIAMOND JEWELLERY Comprising: a bracelet of weaved gold, length approximately 160mm; the ring modelled as an elephant, highlighted by ruby-set eyes and head piece, ring size: 6 ; the brooch modelled as a bouquet, highlighted by brilliant-cut diamonds, circular-cut sapphires and rubies; the puppy brooch decorated by circular turquoises, rubies and circular-cut diamonds; mounted in 14 and 18 karat yellow gold. (4) HK$60,000-100,000 US$7,700-13,000 珠寶套組鑲 14K 及 18K 黃金, 手鍊長度約 160 毫米, 戒指尺寸 6 20 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 附有此符號註明之拍品, 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve. 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 21

24 22 20 21 23 20 A LADY S YELLOW GOLD, lapis LAZULI BRACELET watch, CIRCA 1970, PIAGET A lady s wristwatch, the cushion-shaped case, housing a lapis lazuli dial, completed by a braided chain bracelet decorated by lapis lazuli-set bars, anchored by fringes of gold chains and balls, quartz movement, dial signed, mounted in 18 karat yellow gold, length approximately 185mm. HK$60,000-100,000 US$7,700-13,000 女裝 18K 黃金配青金石手錶, 伯爵出品, 年份約 1970 手錶長度約 185 毫米 21 CultureD Pearl, MOTHER- OF-PEARL AND DIAMOND PENDENT NECklaCE The pendant set with golden cultured pearls measuring approximately 12.00 to 3.00mm, highlighted by collet-set brilliantcut diamonds to the back set with a motherof-pearl plaque, completed by a karat gold chain necklace, mounted in 18 karat yellow gold, length approximately 450mm. HK$40,000-60,000 US$5,200-7,700 養殖珍珠配貝母及鑽石吊墜項鍊鑲 18K 黃金, 養殖珍珠約 12.00 至 3.00 毫米, 項鍊長度約 450 毫米 22 CULTURED PEARL, EMERALD AND DIAMOND PENDANT The cultured pearl measuring approximately 14.00mm, surmounted by a cabochon emerald weighing approximately 5.05 carats, framed by brilliant-cut diamonds and highlighted by two small cultured pearls, mounted in 18 karat white gold. HK$50,000-80,000 US$6,500-10,000 養殖珍珠配祖母綠及鑽石吊墜鑲 18K 白金, 養殖珍珠約 14.00 毫米, 祖母綠重約 5.05 克拉 23 OPAL AND DIAMOND RING Centring on an opal weighing 15.08 carats, within a ballerina setting of taperedbaguette diamonds, highlighted by circularcut diamonds, the diamonds together weighing approximately 1.70 carats, mounted in platinum. Ring size: 5 Accompanied by GRS report numbered 2014-048600, dated 14 April 2014, stating that the 15.08 carat opal is natural, with no indications of treatment. HK$90,000-150,000 US$11,500-20,000 15.08 克拉天然無經處理蛋白石配鑽石戒指鑲鉑金, 鑽石共重約 1.70 克拉, 附 GRS 證書, 戒指尺寸 5 24 GEM-SET AND DIAMOND bangle; AND A MATCHING RING, CartIER The bangle decorated to the obverse with rubies, sapphires, emeralds and brilliant-cut diamonds; and a matching ring, mounted in 18 karat yellow gold, signed. Ring size: 6½. (2) HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000 彩色寶石配鑽石手鐲及戒指, 卡地亞出品鑲 18K 黃金, 戒指尺寸 6½ 22 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 附有此符號註明之拍品, 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve. 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 23

27 26 28 25 29 25 A LADY S YELLOW GOLD BRACELET WATCH LA DONA CIRCA 2008, CartIER The trapezoid-shaped case housing a cream dial, with Roman numerals, secret signature at X, sapphire-set crown, case back secured by four screws, mounted in 18 karat yellow gold link bracelet with double deployant clasp, quartz movement, case, dial, movement and bracelet signed and numbered 92303LX 2903, length and width approximately 140mm and 22mm respectively. HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-15,000 女裝 18K 黃金 La Dona 手錶, 卡地亞出品, 年份 2008 手錶編號 92303LX 2903, 長度及寬度分別約 140 及 22 毫米 26 STAINLESS STEEL AND PINK LACQUER TRAVEL alarm DESK CLOCK, CartIER The arch case decorated to the front with guilloché topped with pink enamel, housing a circle cream dial with Roman numerals, silver coloured hand for alarm indication, mounted in stainless steel, quartz movement, dial and case signed, numbered 124229GD, accompanied by a Cartier fitted box. HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,900-6,500 精鋼配粉紅色漆座枱石英鬧鐘, 卡地亞出品座枱鬧鐘編號 124229GD, 附卡地亞原裝盒 27 PAIR OF YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Of chandelier design, each suspending four oval and a pear-shaped yellow diamonds within brilliant-cut diamond surrounds extending to the surmounts, the yellow diamonds and diamonds altogether weighing approximately 7.50 carats, mounted in 18 karat white and yellow gold. HK$120,000-200,000 US$15,000-25,500 黃色鑽石配鑽石吊耳環一對鑲 18K 白金及黃金, 黃色鑽石及鑽石共重約 7.50 克拉 28 A LADY S YELLOW GOLD, sapphire AND DIAMOND BRACELET WATCH, CIRCA 1970, CHOPARD The cut-cornered rectangular case housing a matte gold dial, framed by brilliant-cut diamonds extending to the bracelet, highlighted to the bracelet with square step-cut sapphires, the sapphires and diamonds together weighing approximately 3.80 and 6.80 carats respectively, mounted in 18 karat yellow gold, quartz movement, case, dial and bracelet signed and numbered 175809 5151, length and width measuring approximately 175 and 19mm respectively. HK$100,000-180,000 US$13,000-23,000 女裝 18K 黃金配藍寶石及鑽石手錶, 蕭邦出品, 年份 1970 手錶編號 175809 5151, 藍寶石及鑽石分別共重約 3.80 及 6.80 克拉, 手錶長度及寬度分別約 175 及 19 毫米 29 FANCY YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING Centring on an oval Fancy Yellow diamond weighing 2.17 carats, to the shank set with brilliant-cut diamonds together weighing approximately 1.20 carats, mounted in 18 karat white and yellow gold. Ring size: 5¾ Accompanied by GIA report numbered 13778522, dated 17 November 2004, stating that the 2.17 carat diamond is natural, Fancy Yellow colour, VVS2 clarity. HK$140,000-200,000 US$18,000-25,500 2.17 克拉天然彩黃色 VVS2 淨度鑽石配鑽石戒指鑲 18K 白金及黃金, 鑽石共重約 1.20 克拉, 戒指尺寸 5¾, 附 GIA 證書 24 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 附有此符號註明之拍品, 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve. 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 25

Catherine Sauvage Catherine Sauvage is a German based designer who has actively designed jewellery pieces since 1981. She creates a fusion of avant-garde design with the highest echelon of jewellery manufacture, and ingeniously blends French savoirvivre with German precision. Independent and determined, she lets her jewelleries speak to collectors who reject uninspired multinational mass-production and guaranties them with unique one-off pieces. From the inception of her design to the finished piece, the designer oversees every detail in her own workshop, ensuring the quality that only custom fabrication can produce -- in the spirit of a distinguished jeweler rarely seen today. 31 30 33 (colour changed) 32 30 PAIR OF Colour-CHANGING ALEXANDRITE AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Of cluster design, composed of pear-shaped alexandrites, each set with two pear-shaped diamonds, the alexandrites and diamonds altogether weighing approximately 14.45 and 3.40 carats respectively, mounted in platinum. Accompanied by GIA reports numbered 8399694 and 8646407, dated 9 July 2007, stating that the 1.01 and 1.01 carat diamonds on the pendants are D and E colour, VS1 and VVS1 clarity respectively. HK$430,000-530,000 US$55,000-68,000 天然亞歷山大變色石配鑽石吊耳環一對鑲鉑金, 梨形亞歷山大石共重約 14.45 克拉, 鑽石共重約 3.40 克拉, 附 GIA 證書 31 SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING Centring on a cushion-shaped sapphire weighing 8.81 carats, to a stylised mount set with brilliant-cut diamonds extending to the shoulders, the diamonds together weighing approximately 2.65 carats, mounted in 18 karat white gold. Ring size: 6¾ Accompanied by Gubélin report numbered 0912018, dated 10 Decemeber 2009, stating that the 8.81 carat sapphire is natural, Blue colour, of Burmese origin, with no indications of heating. HK$270,000-370,000 US$34,500-47,500 8.81 克拉古墊形天然 緬甸 無經加熱處理藍寶石配鑽石戒指鑲 18K 白金, 鑽石共重約 2.65 克拉, 戒指尺寸 6¾, 附 Gubélin 證書 32 ruby AND DIAMOND RING, CatHERINE SAUVAGE Centring on an oval ruby weighing 2.90 carats, to a ballerina surround of tapered-baguette diamonds, the diamonds together weighing approximately 2.00 carats, mounted in platinum, signed. Ring size: 6½ Accompanied by C. Dunaigre report numbered CDC 1003425, dated 23 March 2010, stating that the 2.90 carat ruby is natural, Red colour, of Burmese origin, with no indications of heating; also accompanied by a manufacturer certificate. HK$170,000-250,000 US$22,000-32,000 2.90 克拉橢圓形天然 緬甸 無經加熱處理紅寶石配鑽石戒指, Catherine Sauvage 出品鑲鉑金, 鑽石共重約 2.00 克拉, 戒指尺寸 6½, 附 C. Dunaigre 證書 33 EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING Centring on an octagonal step-cut emerald weighing 6.28 carats, flanked on each side by a trilliant diamond, mounted in platinum. Ring size: 4½ Accompanied by Gubélin report numbered 14019016, dated 27 January 2014, stating that the 6.28 carat emerald is natural, Green colour, of Colombian origin, with indications of minor clarity enhancement. HK$280,000-380,000 US$36,000-49,000 6.28 克拉階梯式切割天然 哥倫比亞 祖母綠配鑽石戒指鑲鉑金, 戒指尺寸 4½, 附 Gubélin 證書 26 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 27

維納斯女神的禮物 The Gift from Venus 自古以來, 人們都對綠柱石中的祖母綠推崇備至, 優雅的綠色代表了大自然給予人類春天的承諾 在古籍中已有記載祖母綠用作奉獻給維納斯女神 (Venus) 的禮物 遠在公元前 3500 年, 埃及人已在開羅西南的沙漠發現祖母綠, 並廣為人們佩戴 直至公元 1600 年, 在哥倫比亞的莫索 (Muzo), 一次山洪暴漲將大量的祖母綠出土, 而後來西班牙移民將這些寶石帶回國, 震驚了整個歐洲, 甚至世界 各國皇室爭相採用為皇室珠寶, 遠至伊朗皇朝, 近至英國女皇皆擁有大量的祖母綠飾物, 而慈禧太后的金絲被亦鑲了兩顆逾八十克拉的祖母綠 Since time immemorial, the emerald variety of beryl has been adored for its elegant green colour, which symbolizes nature s gift of the spring season for mankind. Ancient fables abound about Goddess Venus being lavished with gifts of emerald. Back in 3500 BC, the ancient Egyptians discovered emeralds in the desert southwest of Cairo, a gem that became extensively worn. In 1600 AD, huge emerald deposits emerged from the ground in Muzo of Colombia, following a torrential flood. Later, the Spanish immigrants stunned the entire Europe and even the world when they took this enormous batch of gemstones back to their home country. Emeralds can be found in many Royal jewellery collections. They include those from the royal family of the bygone Iranian dynasty and the regnant Queen of England. Even the gold-woven quilt of Empress Dowager Cixi of Qing-dynasty in China had been embroidered with two emerald pieces that weighed over 80 carats. 除哥倫比亞外, 俄羅斯 巴西 津巴布韋 坦桑尼亞 贊比亞等國家都相繼發現祖母綠礦, 但質素及價格始終不及哥倫比亞祖母綠 而最早出土的埃及祖母綠礦早已被耗盡 祖母綠的開採較其他寶石困難, 耗掉的也較多, 也因此令其價格高昂 天然祖母綠或多或少帶有不同形狀的結晶包裹體及裂縫, 為了令其更完美, 都會在裂紋中注入一些油, 由於注油方法並沒有損害寶石本身的結晶組合, 因此在行內廣泛利用, 同時亦能在市場上被接受及肯定 未經注油處理的祖母綠, 而俱備極少內含物的更是難得之撰, 是收藏與投資界內一樣上乘的珍寶 Apart from Colombia, emerald deposits have also been found successively in Russia, Brazil, Zimbabwe and Zambia. However, Colombian emeralds remain unrivalled in quality and prices. The mines in Egypt where emeralds were first extracted are now depleted. Emeralds are more difficult to mine than other gemstones and more resources are wasted in the process. As a result, they are sold at extremely high prices. Natural emeralds are more or less covered with cracks and irregularly-shaped crystalline. The cracks are often filled with oil to render these gemstones in perfection. Such a practice has been widely accepted, adopted and endorsed in the industry, given that oil injection does not compromise the gemstone s integrity or its crystalline combinations. Natural, nonenhanced emeralds with fewer inclusions are extremely rare and highly treasured by jewellery connoisseurs and investors. 34 35 (other view) 34 PAIR OF EMERALD AND DIAMOND PENDENT EARRINGS Each suspending a cushion-shaped emerald weighing 4.47 and 4.38 carats respectively, surrounded by marquise-shaped and brilliant-cut diamonds, extending to a cluster of pear-shaped diamond surmount, the diamonds altogether weighing approximately 5.60 carats, mounted in platinum. Accompanied by Gubélin reports numbered 12011022 and 12011021, dated 18 January 2012, stating that the 4.47 and 4.38 carat emeralds are natural, Green colour, of Colombian origin, with indications of minor clarity enhancement. HK$1,400,000-1,800,000 US$180,000-230,000 4.47 及 4.38 克拉古墊形天然 哥倫比亞 祖母綠配鑽石吊耳環一對鑲鉑金, 鑽石共重約 5.60 克拉, 附 Gubélin 證書 35 IMPORTANT EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING Centring on an octagonal step-cut emerald weighing 10.85 carats, to a stylised mount set with baguette and brilliant-cut diamonds, the diamonds together weighing approximately 3.90 carats, mounted in platinum. Ring size: 6 Accompanied by Gubélin report numbered 12030263, dated 2 April 2012, stating that the 10.85 carat emerald is natural, Green colour, of Columbian origin, with no indications of clarity enhancement, also accompanied by SSEF report numbered 62885, dated 26 March 2012, stating that the 10.85 carat emerald is natural, green of medium strong saturation, of Colombian origin, with no indications of clarity enhancement. HK$3,500,000-4,500,000 US$450,000-580,000 10.85 克拉階梯式切割天然 哥倫比亞 無經處理祖母綠配鑽石戒指鑲鉑金, 鑽石共重約 3.90 克拉, 戒指尺寸 6, 附 Gubélin 及 SSEF 證書 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 29

37 39 38 36 36 ICY JADEITE JOY AND JUBILANCE PENDANT The highly translucent jadeite pendant of celadon tone, carved as two deities symbolising joy and jubilance, knotted to a jadeite bead chain decorated by a yellow jadeite hoop, length approximately 276mm. Pendant measuring approximately 58.86 x 31.02 x 19.79mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ90356, dated 21 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$60,000-100,000 US$7,700-13,000 天然冰種翡翠 和合二仙 吊墜吊墜尺寸約 58.86 x 31.02 x 19.79 毫米, 長度約 276 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90356, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 37 TRI-ColoureD JADEITE BUDDHA PENDANT The translucent jadeite of cream white colour, suffused with orangy yellow patches and apple green stripes, carved as a Buddha wearing a long bead necklace and decorated with a bat on the shoulder. Accompanied by an adjustable dark brown cord. Pendant measuring approximately 51.00 x 26.46 x 11.48mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ89436, dated 11 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$25,000-35,000 US$3,200-4,500 天然三色翡翠 佛公 吊墜佛公尺寸約 51.00 x 26.46 x 11.48 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89436, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 38 TWO JADEITE FISH AND Cat ORNAMENTS The first ornament of fine translucent icy jadeite material suffused with green and yellow patches, carved as a fish and a lotus leaf, symbolising prosperity( 年年有餘 ); the second ornament of light yellow colour with green patches, carved as a cat and a butterfly. Fish and Cat measuring approximately 32.01 x 28.66 x 24.26 and 19.51 x 40.17 x 17.67mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ89440 and SJ89442, dated 11 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$30,000-50,000 US$3,900-6,500 天然翡翠 魚 和 貓 擺件兩件擺件尺寸分別約 32.01 x 28.66 x 24.26 及 19.51 x 40.17 x 17.67 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89440 及 SJ89442, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 39 RED JADEITE RUYI, YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND PENDANT The translucent jadeite of russet colour carved as a ruyi head, symbolising longevity, to a stylised surmounted pavé-set with brilliant-cut yellow diamonds and diamonds, mounted in 18 karat pink gold. Accompanied by an adjustable dark brown cord. Ruyi measuring approximately 31.40 x 42.51 x 3.56mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ89201, dated 10 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$60,000-80,000 US$7,700-10,000 天然紅翡翠 如意 配黃色鑽石及鑽石吊墜鑲 18K 粉紅金, 如意尺寸約 31.40 x 42.51 x 3.56 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89201, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 30 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 附有此符號註明之拍品, 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve. 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 31

南紅瑪瑙 南紅瑪瑙是中國獨有的品種 亦是石髓的一種 古代稱之為 赤 玉 赤玉具有非常重要的歷史 藝術價值 被定為國家一級文物 歷代南紅精品都被統治者所珍視 尤其至清代更達到頂峰 由於 產量極低 且早在清代乾隆時就一度絕礦 故市場流通的上品非 常稀少 明代著名地理學家及旅行家徐霞客曾記載 其色月白有紅 皆 不甚大 僅如拳 此其蔓也 說的就是南紅瑪瑙 典型南紅瑪 瑙主產地於雲南 固因其產地而得名 最具代表性的產區在保山 市的瑪瑙山 其次 南紅瑪瑙在甘肅 四川等地也有出產 通常 稱之為 甘南紅 近年來 隨著四川涼山地區高品質南紅瑪瑙 礦的發現 收藏級別的南紅瑪瑙作品又重新回到收藏界 吸引了 眾多收藏家的關注 現在 用上等南紅瑪瑙製作的珠寶及擺件存 世稀少 品質高的老南紅瑪瑙石材存量亦有限 基於這些因素 注定南紅瑪瑙的精品收藏價值將與日俱增 天成國際 2014 春季拍賣將推出多件來自雕刻大師王凱的南紅拍品 編號 40 41 及 42 作為海派新書畫玉雕的代表人物 王凱 以中國畫和書法的畫面美感 意境內涵與溫潤內斂的玉雕相結合 創作出唯美 寫實 婉約或禪意鮮明的藝術特色 41 40 40 CHALCEDONY PEONY PENDENT NECKLACE, WANG KAI 41 TWO CHALCEDONY PENDENT NECKLACES, WANG KAI The semi-translucent carnelian agate pendant of orangy-red colour, carved to the obverse with a peony, strung on an adjustable bead necklace composed of yellow ambers and agates, signed, length approximately 660 to 540mm. The two semi-translucent carnelian agate pendants of orangy-red colour, one carved as goldfishes with lotus leaves whilst the other as bats with coins, strung on an adjustable bead necklace composed of yellow ambers and agates, signed, length approximately 660 to 490mm. (2) Pendant measuring approximately 42.66 x 25.78 x 14.49mm. Pendants measuring approximately 36.82 x 21.86 x 14.83 and 28.30 x 16.80 x 9.93mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ90903, dated 27 March 2014, stating that the chalcedony is natural agate. HK$16,000-28,000 US$2,100-3,600 天然南紅瑪瑙 花開富貴 吊墜項鍊 王凱設計 吊墜尺寸約 42.66 x 25.78 x 14.49 毫米 項鍊長度約 660 至 540 毫米 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90903 鑑定為天然石髓 32 珠 寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ90906 and SJ90905, dated 27 March 2014, stating that the chalcedonies are natural agate. HK$16,000-28,000 US$2,100-3,600 天然南紅瑪瑙 金玉滿堂 吊墜項鍊 及天然南紅瑪瑙 福在眼前 吊墜項鍊 王凱設計 吊墜尺寸分別約 36.82 x 21.86 x 14.83 及 28.30 x 16.80 x 9.93 毫米 項鍊長度約 660 至 490 毫米 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90906 及 SJ90905 鑑定為天然石髓 附有此符號註明之拍品 將不設底價出售 All lots marked with this symbol are to be offered without reserve.

Red Agate Red Agate (Carnelian) is a gemstone species found exclusively in China. It is also a type of chalcedony known as red jade in the ancient times. Red jade, which embodies significant historical and aesthetic values, has been appraised as a national grade-one cultural relic. Over the past dynasties, the finest red agates were treasured by political rulers. Their popularity peaked in the Qing dynasty, when mining of the gemstones was temporarily halted during Emperor Qianlong s reign, due to their severely limited deposits. This accounts for the scarcity of premiumgrade red agates in the market. Renowned Ming-dynasty geographer and traveller Xu Xiake once recorded his encounter with a gemstone of moon-white colour tinged with red and a size no larger than a fist, which turned out to be a piece of red agate. Yunnan province has gained considerable fame as a region of origin for red agates. Within the region, the most representative mining area is located in Ma Nao Shan of Bao An city. Red agates produced from other secondary regions, including Gansu and Sichuan, are popularly called Gan Nan Hong. In recent years, the discovery of high-quality red agate reserves in the Liangshan region of Sichuan province has aroused great interest among many collectors. Since then, red agate carvings of high collectible value becomes sought-after by connoisseurs. Nowadays, jewellery and carving ornaments created from premium-grade red agates are still extremely rare. Owing to their limited quantities, it is certain that the collectible value of red agates will increase progressively with time. In Spring Auction 2014, Tiancheng International presents 4 pieces of red agate (carnelian) pieces from celebrated carving master Wang Kai, a prominent representative of Shanghainese chalcedony craftsmanship. By integrating the fine aesthetic values in Chinese painting and calligraphy with chalcedony carvings, Wang skillfully renders the artistic sense of graceful charm and zen in his works. (other view) 42 42 CHALCEDONY DRAGON AND PHEONIX PENDENT NECKLACE, WANG KAI The semi-translucent carnelian agate pendant of orangy-red colour, carved to the front with a dragon, to the back carved with a pheonix, strung on an adjustable bead necklace composed of yellow ambers and agates, signed, length approximately 662 to 575mm. Pendant measuring approximately 60.99 x 43.27 x 14.80mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ90902, dated 27 March 2014, stating that the chalcedony is natural agate. HK$100,000-150,000 US$13,000-20,000 天然南紅瑪瑙 龍鳳呈祥 吊墜項鍊 王凱設計 吊墜尺寸約 60.99 x 43.27 x 14.80 毫米 項鍊長度約 662 至 575 毫米 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90902 鑑定為天然石髓 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 35

(other view) 43 45 46 44 43 RED JADEITE LAUGHING BUDDHA, JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT; AND BLACK JADEITE GUANYIN, JADEITE AND DIAMOND PENDANT The first pendant of highly translucent jadeite material of orangy-red colour, carved as a laughing Buddha ; the other one of black jadeite with good trancluency, carved as a Guanyin, each decorated by brilliant-cut diamonds, surmount by an oval jadeite cabochon of bright emerald green colour of good transluency, mounted in 18 karat pink gold and white gold respectively. (2) Buddha and Guanyin measuring approximately 22.40 x 24.02 x 5.25 and 36.23 x 22.61 x 7.23mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered SJ90671 and SJ90670, dated 25 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$80,000-100,000 US$10,000-13,000 天然紅翡翠 彌勒佛 配翡翠及鑽石吊墜 ; 及天然墨翠 觀音 配翡翠及鑽石吊墜鑲 18K 粉紅金及白金, 紅翡翠及墨翠尺寸分別約 22.40 x 24.02 x 5.25 及 36.23 x 22.61 x 7.23 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90671 及 SJ90670, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 44 JADEITE, ONXY AND DIAMOND BROOCH Centring on a pear-shaped jadeite cabochon of translucent bright emerald green colour, to a rhombus-shaped motif decorated by black onyx and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18 karat white gold. Cabochon measuring approximately 24.02 x 15.22 x 2.86mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ90155, dated 19 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$180,000-280,000 US$23,000-36,000 天然翡翠配縞瑪瑙及鑽石胸針鑲 18K 白金, 梨形蛋面尺寸約 24.02 x 15.22 x 2.86 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90155, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 45 JADEITE HuaIGU, RUBY AND DIAMOND LOCket PENDANT The locket centring on a circular jadeite disc of good translucent intense emerald green colour, carved as a huaigu, framed by pavé-set brilliant-cut diamonds extending to the back, enhanced by circular-cut rubies, open to review two photos, surmounted by an oval ruby, the diamonds and rubies together weighing approximately 6.40 carats and 4.50 carats respectively, mounted in 18 karat white gold, accompanied by an adjustable black cord. Huaigu measuring approximately 33.19-33.27 x 1.08mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered KJ84788, dated 19 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$380,000-480,000 US$49,000-62,000 天然翡翠 懷古 配紅寶石及鑽石照片小盒吊墜鑲 18K 白金, 懷古尺寸約 33.19-33.27 x 1.08 毫米, 鑽石及紅寶石分別共重約 6.40 及 4.50 克拉, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 KJ84788, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 46 JADEITE RING The ring simply set with an oval jadeite cabochon of highly translucent bright emerald green colour, mounted in 18 karat white gold. Cabochon measuring approximately 19.25 x 12.05 x 5.46mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered KJ84702, dated 13 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$380,000-480,000 US$49,000-62,000 天然翡翠戒指鑲 18K 白金, 蛋面尺寸約 19.25 x 12.05 x 5.46 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 KJ84702, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 36 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 37

50 48 49 47 JADEITE GUANYIN ORNAMENT The jadeite of semi-translucent celadon tone, suffused with bright apple green veins, carved as a Guanyin holding a bottle, standing on top of a flying dragon within swivelled clouds, accompanied by a wooden stand. Guanyin measuring approximately 252.00 x 95.62 x 52.61mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ90666, dated 25 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$280,000-380,000 US$36,000-49,000 天然翡翠 觀音 擺件觀音尺寸約 252.00 x 95.62 x 52.61 毫米, 附木底座一件, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90666, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 47 (reduced size) 48 ICY JADEITE PEAPOD, JADEITE, TSAVORITE GARNET AND DIAMOND PENDANT The highly translucent icy jadeite peapod, surmounted by an oval jadeite cabochon of good translucent intense emerald green colour, decorated by tsavorite garnets and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18 karat pink gold. Peapod measuring approximately 47.00 x 16.51 x 8.88mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered KJ84592, dated 7 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$350,000-480,000 US$45,000-62,000 天然冰種翡翠 豆莢 配翡翠, 沙弗萊石榴石及鑽石吊墜鑲 18K 粉紅金, 豆莢尺寸約 47.00 x 16.51 x 8.88 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 KJ84592, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 49 JADEITE LAUGHING BUDDHA PENDANT The translucent jadeite of bright apple green colour, carved as a laughing Buddha, hoop mounted in 18 karat white gold. Buddha measuring approximately 45.87 x 45.30 x 10.35mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report number SJ90347, dated 21 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$50,000-80,000 US$6,500-10,000 天然翡翠 彌勒佛 吊墜鑲 18K 白金, 彌勒佛尺寸約 45.87 x 45.30 x 10.35 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ90347, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 50 ICY JADEITE, SAPPHIRE, yellow DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING, ALESSIO boschi Centring on a highly translucent icy jadeite cabochon of pale green colour, to a stylised basket composed of rose-cut yellow diamonds, brilliant-cut diamonds, and circular-cut light blue sapphires, the diamonds and sapphires together weighing approximately 3.35 and 2.30 carats respectively, mounted in 18 karat yellow and blackened gold, signed. Ring size: 6½ Cabochon measuring approximately 19.32 x 14.13 x 9.24mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered SJ89156, dated 7 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$250,000-380,000 US$32,000-49,000 天然冰種翡翠配藍寶石, 黃色鑽石及鑽石戒指,Alessio Boschi 設計鑲 18K 黃金及黑金, 蛋面尺寸約 19.32 x 14.13 x 9.24 毫米, 鑽石及藍寶石分別共重約 3.35 及 2.30 克拉, 戒指尺寸 6½, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 SJ89156, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 38 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 39

52 (view as a pendant) 51 51 PAIR OF JADEITE HUAIGU, RUBY AND DIAMOND HIM & HER PENDANTS The pair of highly translucent jadeite huaigu pendants of icy celadon tone suffused with intense emerald green patches, surmounted a barrel-shaped bead set with brilliant-cut diamonds and rubies respectively, mounted in 18 karat white and blackened gold, each accompanied by an adjustable black cord. Huaigus measuring approximately 43.65 x 9.26 x 5.67 and 38.71 x 8.73 x 5.50mm respectively. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory reports numbered KJ84967 and KJ84966, dated 28 March 2014, stating that the jadeites are natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$2,800,000-3,800,000 US$360,000-490,000 天然翡翠 懷古 配紅寶石及鑽石 他與她 吊墜一對鑲 18K 白金及黑金, 懷古尺寸分別約 43.65 x 9.26 x 5.67 及 38.71 x 8.73 x 5.50 毫米, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 KJ84967 及 KJ84966, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 52 FINE JADEITE AND DIAMOND RING Centring on a highly translucent jadeite cabochon of intense emerald green colour, decorated to the surrounds by oval and brilliant-cut diamonds extending to the shoulders, the diamonds together weighing approximately 4.20 carats, mounted in 18 karat white gold, pendant fitting. Ring size: 5¼ Cabochon measuring approximately 17.97 x 14.60 x 5.03mm. Accompanied by Hong Kong Jade & Stone Laboratory report numbered KJ84786, dated 19 March 2014, stating that the jadeite is natural, known in the trade as A Jade. HK$2,300,000-3,500,000 US$295,000-450,000 天然翡翠配鑽石戒指鑲 18K 白金, 蛋面尺寸約 17.97 x 14.60 x 5.03 毫米, 鑽石共重約 4.20 克拉, 可作吊墜, 戒指尺寸 5¼, 附香港玉石鑑定中心證書 KJ84786, 鑑定為天然硬玉質翡翠 A 玉 40 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 41

Picchiotti Giuseppe Picchiotti made his first foray in the world of fine jewellery in 1967 when the Picchiotti atelier opened its doors in Valenza, Italy. He is above all a connoisseur of colour gemstones which are a trademark of the Picchiotti s collections; customers often look for the unmistakable colour accent that is not easy to find anywhere else. Picchiotti s designs are traditionally inspired by classical lines and are characterized by the elegance of their style. Customers describe them as timeless, setting the guidelines for haute-couture jewellery, transcending changing fashion styles and trends, and heirlooms to be passed on to generations. The company s dedication to excellence in the art of designing and manufacturing has been recognized by the industry through several awards including the Basel Award, Couture Design Award and House Beautiful Award. 53 55 56 54 53 EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING Centring on a step-cut emerald weighing 4.50 carats, framed by brilliant-cut diamonds extending to the split shoulders, the diamonds together weighing approximately 1.30 carats, mounted in 18 karat white gold. Ring size: 7 Accompanied by GRS report numbered GRS2014-028538, dated 25 February 2014, stating that the 4.50 carat emerald is natural, Vivid Green colour, of Zambian origin, with minor to moderate indications of clarity enhancement. HK$120,000-150,000 US$15,000-20,000 4.50 克拉天然 贊比亞 祖母綠配鑽石戒指鑲 18K 白金, 鑽石共重約 1.30 克拉, 戒指尺寸 7, 附 GRS 證書 54 rubellite, SAPPHIRE, EMERALD AND DIAMOND NECklaCE The articulated necklace set with graduated oval and pear-shaped rubellites and sapphires, linked by brilliant-cut diamonds, highlighted by circular-cut emeralds. Rubellites and sapphires together weighing approximately 92.55 and 56.95 carats respectively, diamonds and emeralds together weighing approximately 7.50 and 2.85 carats respectively, mounted in 18 karat white gold, length approximately 460mm. HK$150,000-200,000 US$20,000-25,500 紅碧璽配藍寶石, 祖母綠及鑽石項鍊鑲 18K 白金, 紅碧璽及藍寶石分別共重約 92.55 及 56.95 克拉, 鑽石及祖母綠分別共重約 7.50 及 2.85 克拉, 項鍊長度約 460 毫米 55 DIAMOND, BLACK DIAMOND AND RUBY SNAKE RING, PICCHIOTTI Modelled as a snake, the head centring on a pear-shaped diamond weighing 2.01 carats, decorated to the body with pavé-set brilliant-cut diamonds and black diamonds, accented by ruby-set eyes, the diamonds and black diamonds together weighing approximately 2.80 and 2.00 carats respectively, mounted in 18 karat white and blackened gold. Ring size: 6½ Accompanied by GIA report numbered 16152217, dated 25 June 2007, stating that the 2.01 carat diamond is H colour, VS1 clarity; also accompanied by a manufacturer certificate. HK$180,000-250,000 US$23,000-32,000 2.01 克拉梨形 H 色 VS1 淨度鑽石配黑色鑽石, 紅寶石及鑽石 靈蛇 戒指鑲 18K 白金及黑金, 鑽石及黑色鑽石分別共重約 2.80 及 2.00 克拉, 戒指尺寸 6½, 附 GIA 證書 56 PERIDOT, RUBY AND DIAMOND RING Centring on a peridot weighing approximately 16.35 carats, to a stylised mount set with marquise-shaped diamonds and circular-cut rubies, the diamonds and rubies together weighing approximately 1.25 and 1.15 carats respectively, mounted in 18 karat yellow gold. Ring size: 6½ HK$60,000-90,000 US$7,700-11,500 橄欖石配紅寶石及鑽石戒指鑲 18K 黃金, 橄欖石重約 16.35 克拉, 鑽石及紅寶石分別共重約 1.25 及 1.15 克拉, 戒指尺寸 6½ 42 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 43

57 59 58 60 57 DIAMOND BANGLE The oval bangle set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds, the diamonds together weighting approximately 10.50 carats, mounted in 18 karat pink gold. Inner diameter measuring approximately 160mm. HK$150,000-180,000 US$20,000-23,000 鑽石手鐲鑲 18K 粉紅金, 鑽石共重約 10.50 克拉, 內直徑尺寸約為 160 毫米 58 PAIR OF PINK DIAMOND FLOWER EARRINGS Of flower head design, set throughout with brilliant-cut diamonds of pink hues, the diamonds altogether weighting approximately 7.00 carats, mounted in 18 karat pink gold. HK$180,000-280,000 US$23,000-36,000 鑽石 百合 耳環一對鑲 18K 粉紅金, 鑽石共重約 7.00 克拉 59 ColoureD DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING; AND PAIR OF MATCHING EAR CLIPS, CartIER Of bombé design, the ring set with brilliant-cut diamonds and diamonds of champagne to brownish hues; and pair of matching earrings, mounted in 18 karat yellow gold, signed. Ring size: 6½ (2) HK$60,000-100,000 US$7,700-13,000 彩色鑽石配鑽石戒指及耳環套裝, 卡地亞出品鑲 18K 黃金, 戒指尺寸 6½ 60 CULTURED PEARL AND DIAMOND NECklaCE Composed of thirty-three graduated golden cultured pearls measuring approximately 15.85 to 12.98mm, completed by an 18 karat yellow gold diamond-set clasp, length approximately 510mm. HK$120,000-180,000 US$15,000-23,000 養殖珍珠配鑽石項鍊鑲 18K 黃金,33 顆養殖珍珠尺寸約 15.85 至 12.98 毫米, 項鍊長度約 510 毫米 44 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 45

61 64 62 63 61 PAIR OF FANCY YELLOW DIAMOND AND PINK DIAMOND EAR STUDS Each centring on a modified rectangular brilliant-cut Fancy Yellow diamond weighing 2.08 and 2.00 carats respectively, within double surrounds of brilliant-cut pink diamonds, mounted in 18 karat pink gold. Accompanied by GIA reports numbered 2146685145 and 2146664254, dated 8 and 5 March 2013, stating that the 2.08 and 2.00 carat diamonds are natural, Fancy Yellow colour, SI1 and VVS2 clarity. HK$200,000-300,000 US$25,500-38,000 2.08 及 2.00 克拉長方形天然彩黃色 SI1 及 VVS2 淨度鑽石配粉紅色鑽石耳環一對鑲 18K 粉紅金, 附 GIA 證書 62 DIAMOND RING Centring on a cut-cornered rectangular modified brilliant-cut diamond of yellowish hue weighing 8.35 carats, surrounded by brilliant-cut yellow diamonds, to an outer surround composed of marquise-shaped and brilliant-cut yellow diamond, the yellow diamonds and diamonds together weighing approximately 2.30 carats, mounted in 18 karat white and yellow gold. Ring size: 6 Accompanied by GIA report numbered 2145998829, dated 10 October 2012, stating that the 8.35 carat diamond is of Y to Z colour range, VS2 clarity. HK$645,000-950,000 US$82,500-120,000 8.35 克拉長方形鑽石配鑽石戒指鑲 18K 白金及黃金, 鑽石共重約 2.30 克拉, 戒指尺寸 6, 附 GIA 證書 63 DIAMOND PENDENT NECklaCE The pendant set with an emerald-cut diamond weighing approximately 4.79 carats, decorated by brilliant- and baguette-cut diamonds, to a pear-shaped diamond surmount, the diamonds together weighing approximately 1.40 carats, accompanied by a gold chain, mounted in platinum and 18 karat yellow gold, length approximately 375mm. HK$350,000-450,000 US$90,000-128,000 鑽石吊墜項鍊鑲 18K 鉑金及黃金, 階梯式切割鑽石重約 4.79 克拉, 其他鑽石共重約 1.40 克拉, 項鍊長度約 375 毫米 64 FANCY YELLOW DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING, BULGARI Centring on an emerald-cut Fancy Yellow diamond weighing 5.65 carats, to a stylised mount set with baguette- and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum, signed. Ring size: 5¾ Accompanied by GIA report numbered 2105111856, dated 21 November 2008, stating that the 5.65 carat diamond is natural, Fancy Yellow colour, VS1 clarity. HK$700,000-1,000,000 US$45,000-58,000 5.65 克拉階梯式切割天然彩黃色 VS1 淨度鑽石配鑽石戒指, Bulgari 出品鑲鉑金, 戒指尺寸 5¾, 附 GIA 證書 46 珠寶及翡翠 JEWELLERY AND JADEITE 天成國際 TIANCHENG INTERNATIONAL 47