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City Herbs TM FECO Biotechnology Co. Ltd. Company Description : FECO Biotechnology, fine energy concept of oriental biomatirals, is base on a body micro-energy equilibrium theory on developing modern drug of metabolism diseases, including diabetes, cancer, hyperlipidemia, allergy disease, immune dysfunction. We established on 2012, and the active ingredients of us lead product candidate and pipeline products is the potent complex herbs. The brand of City Herbs gives people a newest inside warming concept on multiple phytochemical combination which herbal extract stimulates our body inside cleaning system by drinking daily. Many researchers reported that edible Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) and medical type plants or herbs could give people important herbal vitamins which participate into body metabolism within a role of co-enzymes. Therefore, low dosage via soaking administration could control gentle and balance our nutrition (glucose, fatty acid, and peptides etc.) and waste (organic acid etc.) metabolism rate. The most obviously function is regarding to as GI, cardiac, and immune and structures systemic alternatives with food, or medicines. All final achievements are maintained body organ function, base on serum macro/micro molecules composition level, such as glucose, fatty acid or cholesterols level, or tissue inflammation factors, or interleukin factors or secondary signals transduction. An abundant supplements should give everyone a comfortable, responded and energy day. [Contact] 友蕙生物科技股份有限公司 FECO Biotechnology Co. Ltd. CEO, Dr. Huiju Chen Email : Feco.bio@gmail.com Phone : +886-2-87898278 Address : 2F., No.219, Zhuangjing Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan

City Herbs TM Chinese Herbal functional Tea City Herbs gives people a newest inside warming concept on multiple phytochemical combination which herbal extract stimulates our body inside cleaning system by drinking daily. Many researchers reported that edible Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) and medical type plants or herbs could give people important herbal vitamins which participate into body metabolism within a role of co-enzymes. Therefore, low dosage via soaking administration could control gentle and balance our nutrition (glucose, fatty acid, and peptides etc.) and waste (organic acid etc.) metabolism rate. The most obviously function is regarding to as GI, cardiac, and immune and structures systemic alternatives with food, or medicines. All final achievements are maintained body organ function, base on serum macro/micro molecules composition level, such as glucose, fatty acid or cholesterols level, or tissue inflammation factors, or interleukin factors or secondary signals transduction. An abundant supplements should give everyone a comfortable, responded and energy day. There are eight kinds of native flavors of herbs complex tea-bag could provide people soaking daily. In our life theory, we use edible herbs to maintain liver and kidney metabolism. To cure and to elevate body self-repair cell function to solute apparent disease symptoms. All of dry chops leaves are calculated and focus on city people to design, regarding to 1) More stress work 2) More heavy work 3) More brain-storming work 4) More emotional work 5) More eating work 6) Reversed or irregular work type [Package] Ten tea-bags per box. Each contain 3g dry dry TCM ingradients which is able to directly soaking with cool water, or >95 hot water. Avoid storage on wet places, and light damage. [Storage] All components obtained from nature materials. Drying with native flavors, also multiple enzyme like phytochemical molecular contained which need storage under low degree (8-15 )

City Herbs Chinese Herbal Tea User instruction ** One cup of City Herbs, Easy & Healthier day by day! City Herbs Chinese Herbal Tea ingredients : 賦元氣 Fu-energy tea 賦涼意 Fu-cool tea 賦寧靜 Fu-calm tea 賦暖心 Fu-warm tea 清醣茶 _ 春桑 mulberry leaf Tea 清醣茶 _ 夏芒 mango 西洋蔘, 枸杞, 桑葉, 山楂, 七葉膽, 大棗, 甜菊葉 Mulberry, American ginseng, Goji, Hawthorn, five leaves, Jujube, Stevia leaves 丹蔘, 薄荷, 檸檬草, 山楂, 芒果葉, 甜菊葉 Mango leaves, mint, lemongrass, Hawthorn, Dan Ginseng, Stevia leaves 玄蔘, 酸棗仁, 黃耆, 香椿, 羅漢果, 柿子葉, 甜菊葉 Persimmon leaves, Hyun Ginseng, Semen, five leaves, Toon leaves, Astragalus, Mangosteen, Stevia leaves 人蔘, 桂皮, 覆盆子, 芭樂葉, 甜菊葉 Guava leaves, ginseng, cinnamon, raspberry, stevia leaves 桑葉, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 桂皮 Mulberry, five leaves, Hawthorn, bitter melon, cinnamon 芒果葉, 芭樂干, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 薄荷, 檸檬草 Mango leaves, five leaves, Hawthorn, bitter melon, guava seed, mint, lemongrass 清醣茶 _ 秋柿 persimmon 清醣茶 _ 冬芭 guava 柿子葉, 香椿, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 羅漢果 Persimmon leaves, Astragalus, mulberry leaves, cinnamon, Mangosteen 芭樂葉, 桂皮, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 桑葉 Guava leave, mulberry, five leaves, Hawthorn, bitter melon, cinnamon [Contact] 友蕙生物科技股份有限公司 (FECO Biotechnology Co. Ltd.) CEO, Dr. JudyChen Feco.bio@gmail.com +886-2-87898278

City Herbs Chinese Herbal Tea user instruction City Herbs Royal Chinese Herbal Tea ingredients : 帝王清醣茶 _ 春暖桑葉 mulberry leaf tea 桑葉, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 桂皮 Mulberry, five leaves, Hawthorn, bitter melon, cinnamon 帝王清醣茶 _ 夏清芒果葉 mango 芒果葉, 芭樂干, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 薄荷, 檸檬草 Mango leaves, five leaves, Hawthorn, bitter melon, guava seed, mint, lemongrass 帝王清醣茶 _ 秋潤柿子葉 persimmon 柿子葉, 香椿, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 羅漢果 Persimmon leaves, Astragalus, mulberry leaves, cinnamon, Mangosteen 帝王清醣茶 _ 冬藏芭樂葉 guava 芭樂葉, 桂皮, 山苦瓜, 山楂, 七葉膽, 桑葉 Guava leave, mulberry, five leaves, Hawthorn, bitter melon, cinnamon [Contact] Fu-cool 友蕙生物科技股份有限公司 (FECO Biotechnology Co. Ltd.) CEO, Dr. JudyChen Feco.bio@gmail.com +886-2-87898278

說明 : 全產品以茶品級濃縮錠劑呈現於生活之中, 取台灣產地及天然的原物料製作而成 嚴格管控植物來源的品質及生產技術, 確實落實最終清醣產品的循環系統保健及補充生活飲食中植化素維生素之實用性 工廠 1, 2, :

I. ( ) II. (Fig A) (Table B) (Fig C) III. : 2 1. 1-3 2. 3. 2 15 5-17% 4. 10% 1-6 5. GI (Fig D) 6. (Fig D) oral glucose tolerance test IV. ( ) + +