Congress Party Stephen King-Hall Defense in the Nuclear Age The Strategy of Civilian Defense disarmament transarmament 4[4] all-out defense passive to

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Congress Party Stephen King-Hall Defense in the Nuclear Age The Strategy of Civilian Defense disarmament transarmament 4[4] all-out defense passive total defense positive campaign 5[5] CBD 4[4] See ibid., p. 2. 5[5] pp. 60-63, p. 66, pp. 69-74. 2001 7 pp. 1-21.

Civil Right Act CBD Czechoslovakia Alexander Dubček socialism with a human face the Spring of Prague Leonid Brezhnev Warsaw Pact Gustav Husak 6[6] CBD CBD CBD the Politics of Peace The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment non-military defense The Institute for Peace and Conflict Research CBD Anders Boserup Andrew Mack War without Weapons University of Uppsala CBD CBD Tampere CBD The Politic of Nonviolent Action, 1973 Social Power and Political Freedom, 1980 CBD 7[7] CBD CBD 6[6] See James Wilkinson and H. Stuart Hughes, Contemporary Europe, 9 th Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998, pp. 533-536. 7[7] See Bogdonoff, op.cit., p. 3.

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CBD Bonnie Glaser CSIS Pacific Forum Ralph Cossa 17[17] CBD 18[18] CBD CBD Credit Suisse First Boston political misconduct Goldman Sachs Merrill Lynch Clark T. Randt Jr. WTO 19[19] CBD 17[17] See Monigue Chu, Cossa Says Put National Security First, on Taipei Time, 31 August, 31, 2001, The author was also beside Monigue Chu, when Ralph Cossa was interviewed. 18[18] See ibid. 19[19] See Craig S. Smith, U. S. Diplomat Said to Protest Action on First Boston, The News York Times, 5 Sep., 2001, and Joe Leahy, Invest Banks Wander into Taiwan Minefield, on Financial Times, 4 Sep., 2001, also Richard McGregor and Joe Leahy, China Warns Investment Banks on Taiwan Dealing and Front Page: Beijing in Threat to Banks that Aid Taiwan, on the same newspaper.

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