语法专题复习 : 名词和冠词 名词用法 1 在句子里使用名词应注意的问题名词的数 : 单数 复数和不可数 ; 名词的格 : 通格和属格 ('s ) 名词的限定 : 特指 泛指 数量和习惯用法, 即名词前加冠词或其它限定词, 例如 : some, many,this,my 等 2 名词的数和单位词 1

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第二学期第一周 [ 课程内容 ] 单元课题 : 语法复习 : 名词和冠词 新课预习 : 根据教学大纲, 以周为单位在网上以文本的形式发布 新课预习 或 阶段小结 的内容, 一中网校特聘教师根据每周教学所涉及的各知识点 重点与难点进行剖析, 并通过典型例题分析进行深入探究 学生利用此份文稿进行有针对性的预习, 找出自己 1 / 18 存在的问题, 并通过听课及时解决, 从而切实提高听课效率

语法专题复习 : 名词和冠词 名词用法 1 在句子里使用名词应注意的问题名词的数 : 单数 复数和不可数 ; 名词的格 : 通格和属格 ('s ) 名词的限定 : 特指 泛指 数量和习惯用法, 即名词前加冠词或其它限定词, 例如 : some, many,this,my 等 2 名词的数和单位词 1) 复型名词 + 复数动词 The trousers are too big for me. Please show me the smaller pair. 备用词 : shoes,stockings,glasses,socks NOTICE: A pair of glasses costs quite a lot. 2) 复型名词 + 单数动词 A. The news on TV is seldom satisfying. 备用词 :mathematics,physics,politics,means,works,the United States B. Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 备用词 : five pounds,two feet,six weeks 3) 集合名词 + 复数名词 The police have surrounded the building. Cattle are selling for record price ( 创记录 ) 备用词 : the enemy,(the) people NOTICE: 表示由若干人组成的集合体的单数词常可作复数用, 但若把这个集合体看作整体就用作单数 : My family are wonderful. They do all they can for me. The family which now consists of four members at most is smaller than it used to be. 4) 不可数名词作可数的情况 A. 部分不可数名词可以有下列情况 a (an) + adj. + n. It looks like rain. a thirsty for knowledge( 求知欲 ) a heavy rain He has a good knowledge of politics. 2 / 18

备用词 : snow,breakfast,wine,oil,education B. 口语特例 ( 特定场合 ) A (One) beer,please. Two teas and four coffees,please. 5) 既是可数又是不可数的名词 I broke a glass this morning. ( 杯子 ) Glass is made from sand. ( 玻璃 ) 备用词 : paper / a paper, light( 光 ) / a light( 灯 );ice( 冰 ) / an ice ( 冰激凌 ), chicken( 鸡肉 ) / a chicken ( 雏鸡 ) 6) 单位词 A. 个数 a piece of information (furniture, advice ) B. 以形状表示个数 a grain of rice, a flight of stairs C. 容量 a box of matches, a cup of tea D. 计量 a metre of cloth,a ton of coal E. 其它 a (new) set of tools (wires, teeth, rules) 3 名词的格: 1)'s 的用法 A. 与时间有关的名词 a night's sleep ten minutes' walk NOTICE: a two-hour walk = two hours' walk B. 和 else 连用 book can this be?a. Who else's B. Whose else C. Who's else D. Whose else s(a) C. 's 修饰的词, 如果前面提到, 可省略 This is Jack s book, not Tom s. This book is Jack s not Tom s. D. 表示店 铺 家 诊所等, s 后面的名词省略 at the Green s (house),at the doctor s (office) 2) OF 结构表示所有关系 A. 无生命的名词用 of the price of the success B. 有生命的名词被一个短语或从句修饰而表示所有关系时用 of Can t you look at the book of the boy behind you? 3) 双重所有格 s 与 of 结构并用, 此时 of 结构所修饰的名词前通常有 a,an,two, some,that 等 Miss Smith is a friend of Mary s mother s. that brother of the girl 4) 名词 + 名词 ( 名词用作形容词 ) A. 单数名词 + 名词 a shoe (flower) shop ticket office NOTICE: the tailor s (shop) B. 复数名词 + 名词 3 / 18

sports meet clothes shop women pilots 冠词 1 冠词应注意的问题习惯用法同一名词前不同名词的比较 2 不定冠词 1) 成对的名词 ( 此类名词间常有一种自然的联系 ) a knife and fork 2) a most + n. 非常 This is a most beautiful country. 3) a (an) 与 one 之区别 A. 数字对比用 one It was one coffee we ordered,not two. B. 对比 A knife is no good.( 刀子不行 ) One knife is no good.( 一把刀子不行 ) C. 通用 a (one) million,a (one) quarter 4) a (an) 与 every 之比较 : three times a year; twice every three years 5) 惯用法 A. What a surprise! What a lovely dress! quite a nice day rather a good idea such a funny expression B. too cold a day How lovely a dress! so strange a person as good a map as 3 定冠词 1) 普通名词组成的专有名词 the Great Wall the Summer Palace 2) 江河 海洋 山脉 群岛 海峡 海湾 the Pacific (Ocean) 3)the + adj. (-ing; -ed) A. 指一类人, 谓语用复数 The old are being taken good care of. 4 / 18

B. 指一类事, 谓语用单数 The beautiful is not always the same as the good. 4) 用在 radio,piano,telephone, 方位 次序 自然现象 (rain) 身体部位前 He hates the telephone. 5) 被定语从句 介词短语 副词短语 不定式短语等修饰的名词前 The boy who you are looking for (in blue, there, standing there,dressed in blue ) is a student. 4 零冠词街道 广场 节假日 季节 月份 星期 棋类 球类等 National Day Nanjing Road 2) 职位充当补语 同位语时 He was elected headmaster of the school. 3) 成对出现的成语 arm in arm ( 手挽手 ),hand in hand ( 手牵手 ),face to face,side by side( 肩并肩 ),day and night,young and old,from door to door, from morning till night,from beginning to end 5 冠词比较 1)go to school (hospital,church);in prison ( 强调用途 ) go to the school, visit the prison ( 强调建筑物本身 ) 2) I'll go there next Friday. ( 以说话时间为准 ) In 1989,he was 28,and the next year,he was 29. ( 以所给时间为准 ) 3) by air (plane, boat ) in a spaceship (on the bike,on the bus) 4) Open the window to let in fresh air. ( 泛指 ) The air in the room is not fresh. ( 特指 ) 5) be at table be at the table 6) a cup of coffee Two coffees,please. I like white coffee. This is a very good coffee. The coffee on the table is Tom s. 7)Mr. White is waiting to see you. A Mr. White is waiting to see you. The Mr. White you are looking for is waiting to see you. 8)A horse is a useful animal. The horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals. 9)the best season of the year the best time of year 5 / 18

名词 1. I found her sitting in the corner, reading newspaper, with in her eyes. A. a, tear B. a piece of, tears C. a, tears D. a piece of, tear 陷阱 误选 D, 许多学生错误地认为, 既然 news( 消息 ) 和 paper( 纸 ) 均为不可数名词, 那么 newspaper( 报纸 ) 也应是不可数的 ; 同时认为 眼泪 即 泪水, 水 不可数, 泪水 和 眼泪 也应该不可数 分析 最佳答案为 C newspaper 和 tear 均为可数名词, 它们不仅可以连用不定冠词 可以用复数, 而且还可以连用数词 Her eyes filled with tears. 她热泪盈眶 She dried her tears with a handkerchief. 她用手帕擦干了眼泪 The newspapers were full of lies. 报纸上一片谎言 A newspaper is a publication. 报纸是一种出版物 顺便说一句, 若不是将 newspaper 当作是供阅读或传递信息的一种东西, 而只是把它当成一种 纸 来看待, 也可用作不可数名词, 如 : Wrap it in (a sheet of) newspaper. 把它用张报纸包起来 2. Her father works as a in a hotel and her mother a in a private company. A. cooker, typewriter B. cook, typist C. cooker, typist D. cook, typewriter 陷阱 误选 A, 许多同学想当然地认为 :cook 用作动词, 表示 煮饭, 所以 cooker 应是其相应的名词, 表示 煮饭的人, 即 厨师 ;type 用作动词, 表示 打字, 所以 typewriter 应表示 打字员 分析 而事实是:cook= 厨师,cooker= 炊具 ;typist= 打字员,typewriter= 打字机 即此题正确答案为 B 3. Why couldn t they meet us at five o clock? Because they were delayed by. A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics 陷阱 B C D 三项均容易误选 分析 对于此题, 首先要明确 traffic 为不可数名词, 没有复数形式, 故排除 B 和 D 另外, 汉语习惯说 交通拥挤, 而英语习惯上却不能用 crowded 来修饰 traffic, 要表示汉语的 交通拥挤, 英语通常说 heavy traffic, 即选 A 如下面一题也是选 A: She is not a competent driver and can t cope with driving in. A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics 6 / 18

C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics 4. In fact, one cause that leads to the problem. A. cattle is B. cattle are C. cattles are D. the cattles are 陷阱 此题容易误选 A, 想当然地认为 cattle 是单数, 并且空格有表单数的 one, 自然谓语动词用 is 陷阱 其实, 正确答案为 B cattle( 牲畜, 牛 ) 为集合名词, 尽管它不带复数词尾 -s, 却永远表示复数意义, 若用作主语, 谓语要用复数 又如 : For this many cattle were killed. 为此宰了不少牲畜 The prisoners were herded like cattle. 囚犯像牲口一样被赶到一起 类似地,police( 警察 ),people( 人 ),police( 警察 ),poultry( 家禽 ) 等也具有同样用法, 即只有单数形式, 但却表示复数意义 ; 用作主语时谓语通常也用复数 ; 不与 a(n) 连用, 但可与 the 连用 ( 表示总括意义和特指 ) 如: The poultry have been fed. 家禽已经喂过饲料了 In Britain police do not usually carry guns. 在英国警察通常不带枪 It annoys me when people forget to say thank you. 遇到有人忘记道谢的时候, 我就不痛快 5. By all, you must try every to help him. A. mean, mean B. means, means C. means, mean D. mean, means 陷阱 误选 C, 认为第一空前有 all 修饰, 故用 means, 而第二空前有 every 修饰, 故用 mean 分析 其实,means 是一个单复数同形的名词, 并且永远带有尾 -s 换句话说, 在表示 方式 方法 时, 不存在 mean 这一形式 (mean 主要用作动词, 表示 意思是 ; 也可用作名词, 表示 中间 中庸 ) 此题正确答案为 C,by all means 为习语, 意为 一定 尽一切办法 顺便说一句,means 用作主语时, 其谓语的数需根据句意来确定 比较 : All possible means have been tried. 所有可能的办法都已经试过了 Every possible means has been tried. 每种可能的办法都已经试过了 若句意不能明确地表明主语的单复数, 其谓语则用单数或复数均可 如 : Is [Are] there any other means of getting more money? 还有其他什么办法可弄到更多钱吗? 6. Jim is person, and everyone is willing to be with him. A. so kind a, friends B. so a kind, friends C. so kind a, friend D. so a kind, friend 陷阱 误选 C 或 D 认为 friend 要用单数 分析 其实此题最佳答案为 A so kind a person 相当于 such a kind person, 注意两者中冠词的位置不同 be friends with 是习语, 意为 与 友好 跟 做朋友, 与之 7 / 18

同义的类似地还有 make friends with 值得说明的是, 这类短语中的名词总是用复数, 即使句子主语为单数也是如此 如 : He is friends with me. 他与我是朋友 He has made friends with everyone here. 他与这儿的每个人交上了朋友 7. We already have pencils, but we need two pens. A. dozen of, dozen B. dozens of, dozens C. dozens of, dozen D. dozens of, dozen of 陷阱 误选 B 分析 此题最佳答案为 C 关于 dozen 的复数是否加词尾 -s 的问题比较复杂, 大致原则是 : (1) 当它与具体数字连用时, 既不加复数词尾 -s, 也不后接介词 of 尽管有的词书也有 two dozen of 这样的用例, 但这已属过时用法, 在考试中应避免, 如 1992 年全国高考有一道单项选择题就认为 two dozen of 为错误选项 : Shortly after the accident, police were sent to the spot to keep order. A. dozens of B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozen [D] (2) 当它不与具体数字连用, 而是表示不确定的泛指数时, 则不仅要加复数词尾 -s, 而且要后接介词 of, 此时可将 dozens of( 许多, 几十 ) 视为习语 如 : I ve been there dozens of times. 我去过那儿几十次 She s got dozens of boy-friends. 她的男朋友很多 下面一例中的 dozens 加了复数词尾 -s 也属为似情况 : Pack them in dozens. 按打装袋吧 (3) 当与 a few, several 等数目不很具体的词连用时, 加不加复数词尾 -s 均可, 但需注意 : 不加复数词尾 -s 时, 其后的介词 of 可以省略 ; 加词尾 -s 时, 其后介词 of 不能省略 如 : several dozen (of) pencils=several dozens of pencils 几打铅笔注 : 英语较少使用 many dozen 的说法, 要表示类似意思可用 dozens of (4) 当它后面的名词受 the, these, those 等特指限定词修饰时, 或其后的接的是 us, them 这样的人称代词时, 则此时必须用介词 of 如: two dozen of these eggs 两打这种鸡蛋 three dozen of them 它们中的 3 打注 :score, hundred, thousand, million 等也具有以上类似用法 8. She raised her finger to her lips as for silence. A. an idea B. a mark C. a sign D. a word 陷阱 容易误选 B 分析 应选 C,sign 与 mark 的区别是 :sign 的意思是 迹象 征兆 gesture or movement made with the hand, head, etc, used to give information, a command, etc( 用手或头等做出示意动作以传递信息或命令等 ),mark 的意思是 8 / 18

written or printed symbol or figure, line etc made as signor an indication of sth( 书写与印刷的符号或图 线等记号 ) 根据此二词的语义区别以及常识可知答案为 C 类似地, 下面两题的答案也是 C: (1) Those black clouds are a sure that it s going to rain. A. thing B. mark C. sign D. one (2) Just as a famous Chinese saying goes, a timely heavy snow is a of good harvest next year. A. mark B. track C. sign D. appearance 但是, 下面一题却不能选 sign, 也不能选 mark, 而选 symbol( 象征 ): The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) of courage and power. A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol 顺便说一句, 在近几年的高考中像这类结合词义区别以及语境和生活常识进行考查的试题经常出现, 同学们需引起注意 9. May I take your order now? We d like three black and two green. A. coffee, cups of teas B. coffees, teas C. cups of coffee, tea D. cup of coffees, teas 陷阱 误选 C, 认为 coffee 和 tea 均为不可数名词, 不能后加复数词尾 -s, 从而排除选项 A B D 分析 选 B 有的同学认为 coffee 和 tea 是物质名词, 不可数, 不能用 three coffees, two teas 这样的表达 其实,coffee 既可用作不可数名词, 表示 咖啡 这种物质, 也可用作可数名词, 表示 一杯咖啡, 即在口语中 three coffees 就等于 three cups of coffee 同样, 三杯茶 既可说成 three cups of tea, 也可说成 three teas; 三杯啤酒 既可说成 three glasses of beer, 也可说成 three beers 10. is a good form of exercise for both young and old. A. Walk B. Walking C. The walk D. To walk 陷阱 容易误选 A 或 D 分析 最佳答案为 B 分析如下: (1) 首先, 选项 D 不如选项 B 佳, 因为, 不定式通常表示特定的动作, 而动名词才表示习惯性的动作 (2) 尽管 walk 用作名词时可以表示 散步, 但它是可数名词, 指的是一次一次的具体的散步, 而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的 散步, 要表示此义, 要用动名词 walking 比较: How about going for a walk? 出去散散步如何? 9 / 18

Walking does good to your health. 散步对你的健康有益 类似地,dance 和 dancing 以及 swim 和 swimming 的区别也是一样 : (1) 名词的 dance 表示 跳舞, 是可数名词, 指的是一次一次的具体的跳舞, 而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的 跳舞, 要表示后者的意思, 要用动名词转化来的名词 dancing 比较 : Let s have a dance. 我们跳曲舞吧 He is interested in dancing. 他对跳舞感兴趣 (2) 名词的 swim 表示 游泳, 是可数名词, 指的是一次一次的具体的游泳, 而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的 游泳, 要表示后者的意思, 要用动名词转化来的名词 swimming 比较 : She had a swim every day. 她每天游一会儿泳 She loves swimming. 她喜欢游泳 精编陷阱题训练 1. Ten years had passed. I found she had. A. a few white hairs B. a little white hair C. some white hair D. more fifty hair 2. Hi, this way, please. OK.I sometimes have no sense of when I arrive at the crossroad. A. position B. direction C. situation D. condition 3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first. A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire 4. I didn t have to work all weekend I did it by. A. chance B. choice C. accident D. myself 5. Did you get to the party? Yes, I replied to it this morning. A. an answer B. an invitation C. a question D. a letter 6. I paid him 50 for the painting, but its true must be at least 500. A. price B. money C. value D. importance 7. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any of it. A. explanation B. meaning C. sense. guess 8. You ve just missed your, and you will have to wait for the next round. A. chance B. turn 10 / 18

C. time D. part 9. Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well. It s no he always gets the first place in any examination. A. question B. doubt C. problem D. wonder 10. How can I use this washing machine? Well, just refer to the. A. explanations B. expressions C. introductions D. directions 11. Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the. A. rooms number B. room number C. room s numbers D. room numbers 12. Hello, I d like to speak to Henry. Oh, which? There are two in our office. A. Henrys, Henrys B. Henries, Henries C. Henry, Henrys D. Henrys, Henries 13. Electricity, like other forms of, has greatly increased in price in recent years. A. pressure B. force C. strength D. energy 14. In order to learn the of the family business, Bill took a job as messenger boy in one of the offices. A. ins and outs B. dos and don ts C. heads and tails D. t s and i s 15. I ve got an A in the examination. That s a good. You will surely win a second. A. result B. news C. start D. idea 答案与解析 1. 选 A hair 可用作可数或不可数名词, 用作可数名词时, 指一根一根的毛发或头发, 如说 There s a hair in my soup ( 我的汤里有根头发 ); 用作不可数名词时, 则是整体地指一个人的头发 2. 选 B 需根据句意来分析 have no sense of direction 意为 没有方向感 3. 选 B 需根据句意来分析 attempt 在此表示 尝试 4. 选 B, 由于上文说 didn t have to work, 所以下文相应的语境应是 did it by choice 类似地, 下面一题应选 D, 也是因为 choice 与下文的 have to do it 相呼应 : Were you given a, or did you have to do it? 11 / 18

A. job B. duty C. request D. choice 5. 选 B 注意其后的 to the party 和 replied to it 6. 选 C value 指 价值 7. 选 C make sense of 意为 明白 理解 比较:make sense 意为 有意义 意思清楚 有道理 如下面一题选 D: What he told us about the situation simply doesn t make any. A. use B. reason C. value D. sense 8. 选 B miss one s turn 电为 错过机会, 注意下文的 have to wait for the next round 所表示的语境 9. 选 D it s no wonder (+that 从句 ) 的意思是 难怪, 也可说成 No wonder (+that 从句 ) 10. 选 D directions 的意思是 使用说明, 空格前的 refer to 意为 查看 参考 11. 选 D room 为无生命名词, 不用 room s 这样的所有格形式, 在此可直接用名词作定语 类似地, 下面一题要选 B, 也是一样的道理 ( 名词作定语通常用单数不用复数 ): The boy was very happy that his mother bought him a new pair of shoes at a yesterday. A. shoes shop B. shoe shop C. shoes s shop D. shoe s 12. 选 C 在通常情况下, 专有名词具有 独一无二 性, 因此它通常没有复数形式, 即不可数 但是, 专有名词的独一无二性有时是相对的, 随着范围的扩大, 这种独一无二性便会受到破坏 如在一个星期 (week) 内, 只有一个星期六 (Saturday), 一个星期日 (Sunday) 等, 但是在一个月中甚至一年中, 便有多个星期六, 多个星期日了 所以我们有时可以说 :We have spent many happy Sundays there. 我们在那儿度过了许多个愉快的星期日 另外一点值得注意的是, 与一般的名词单数变复数不同, 以 辅音字母 +y 结尾的专有名词, 其直接加词尾 -s, 而不将 y 改为 i 13. 选 D 从常识来考虑,electricity 属于 energy, 结合全句的语境, 只有 D 最合适 同样地, 下面一题从常识和语境来考虑也应选 D: (1) Some countries are increasing their use of natural gas, and other forms of. A. source B. material C. power D. energy (2) The has become extremely tense. A war could break out any time between the two sides. A. pollution B. friendship C. condition D. situation 12 / 18

14. 选 A ins and outs 意为 细节,dos and don ts 意为 注意事项,heads or tails 为掷钱币打赌时用语, 意为 你赌正面还是赌反面,p s and q s 主要用于 mind one s p s and q s, 意为 留意自己的言行 结合句意, 选 A 最合适 15. 选 C 从语法上看,news 不可选, 因为它不可数 ; 从意义上看,D 不可选, 因为选 D 意思不通 ; 比较 A 和 C, 选 C 最合适, 因为 start 与下文的 a second 相吻合 冠词 1. Do you know English for 帅哥? I m afraid I don t. I m not interested in English language. A. the, the B. the, 不填 C. 不填, the D. 不填, 不填 陷阱 容易误选 D, 因为表示语言的名词前通常不用冠词 分析 最佳答案为 A 在英语中, 表示语言的名词前通常不用冠词, 但在某些特殊情况下可用冠词 如 : (1) 当语言名词表特指意义, 其前可用定冠词 如 : The English spoken in America and Canada is a little different from that spoken in England. 美国和加拿大讲的英语与英国讲的英语有点不同 (2) 当语言名词表示某一语言中的对应词时, 其前要用定冠词 如 : What s the English for this? 这个东西用英语怎么说? (3) 当在语言名词后加上 language 一词时, 也要用冠词 如 : There have been many changes in the history of the English language. 英语发展过程中有很多变革 2. I couldn t remember the exact date of the storm, but I knew it was Sunday because everybody was at church. A. a, the B. a, 不填 C. 不填, a D. 不填, 不填 陷阱 容易误选 D, 因为星期名词前不加冠词 ; 而 at church 表示在教堂里做礼拜, 其中也不用冠词 分析 最佳答案为 B 确实, 在通常情况下星期名词前不用冠词, 但在某些特殊情况下还是可以用冠词的, 如表示特指, 其前可用定冠词 ; 表示 某一个 或受描绘性定语修饰表示 某种 这样的意义等, 其前可用不定冠词 如 : He came on the Sunday and went away on the Monday. 他星期日来, 星期一就走了 My birthday happened to be on a Saturday. 我的生日碰巧是星期六 3. Which person do you refer to, the one with long hair or the one with long beard? A. a, a B. 不填, 不填 C. a, 不填 D. 不填,a 13 / 18

陷阱 误选 A 或 B, 认为 hair( 头发 ) 和 beard( 胡须 ) 性质和用法应该差不多, 要么都可数, 要么都不可数, 或者说要么都用不定冠词, 要么都不用 分析 最佳答案选 D hair 和 beard 在用法上并不完全相同 :hair 可用作可数或不可数名词, 用作可数名词时, 指一根一根的毛发或头发, 如说 There s a hair in my soup ( 我的汤里有根头发 ); 用作不可数名词 ( 集合名词 ) 时, 则是整体地指一个人的头发 比较 : He has gray hairs. 他有几根白发了 He has gray hair. 他满头白发了 而 beard 则通常只用作可数名词, 且指的是一个人所有的胡须, 而不是指一根胡须, 它的复数形式, 通常是指多个人的胡须, 而不是指多根胡须, 如 : He no longer wears a beard. 他不再留胡须 Not all men grow beards. 并不是所有的男人都留胡须 4. I once watched one-act play, which was played by 11-year-old boy. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a 陷阱 几个干扰均有可能误选 分析 最佳答案填 C 第一空填 a, 因为 one-act 的第一个音是辅音不是元音 ; 第二空填 an, 是因为 11 的英文是 eleven 它的第一个音是元音不是辅音 类似以下各题的答案是 C 不是其他 : (1) Before he was arrested, he had taken one-month holiday, and stayed in the country with 18-year-old girl, one of his students. A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a (2) We hired one-eyed man to play in our film, and we gave him 100-pound check for just one minute. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an 5. Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning. Is it black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a, the B. the, the C. a, a D. the, a 陷阱 误选 A, 生搬硬套冠词用法规则 : 第一次提到某人或某事物用不定冠词, 第二次再提到该人或该事物时用定冠词 分析 最佳答案为 C 第一空填 a, 比较好理解 ; 而第二空填 a 是因为此句中的 one 并非指前面提到的 pen, 即这里的 one 与前面的 pen 并非同一事物, 这从后面一句的 I think I saw it somewhere 可以清楚地知道 请比较下面一题 : 14 / 18

Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning. Is it black one? I found it in the corner. A. a, the B. the, the C. a, a D. the, a 此题的最佳答案是 A 不是 C 请注意其后 I found it in the corner 这一信息, 它表明说明者是拿着笔在与对方说话 请再看一个类似的例子 : Have you seen new bike? I put it here just now. Is it white one? A boy has ridden it away. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a 此题答案选 A, 注意其后的 A boy has ridden it away 表明自行车已不在说话者身旁 6. My friend Mary is beautiful girl and girl everyone likes to work with. A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. the, the 陷阱 很容易误选 B, 认为第一次提到 girl 用不定冠词, 第二次提到就应该用定冠词 分析 最佳答案为 A 句中第二次提到 girl 时并不是特指的, 此句实为一省略句, 补充完整为 My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and she is a girl everyone likes to work with. 请再做以下试题 ( 答案选 A): (1) Jim is brave boy and boy never fearing anything. A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. the, the (2) It is really useful dictionary and dictionary every one of us needs. A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. the, the 精编陷阱题训练 1. Since tasting the excitement of big city life, she never wants to live in country again. A. the, the B. 不填, 不填 C. the, 不填 D. 不填,the 2. The operation is success and the patient is now out of danger. A. a, the B. a, 不填 C. 不填, the D. 不填, 不填 3. As writer, he was complete failure. A. a, a B. a, the C. 不填, 不填 D. a, 不填 4. How strange! These years my birthday always falls. A. on the Sunday B. on a Sunday C. on Sunday D. at a Sunday 15 / 18

5. This is best kind of pen you can get here. A. the, the B. the, a C. the, 不填 D. a, the 6. As is known to us all, tiger is in danger of becoming extinct. A. the, a B. the, 不填 C. a, 不填 D. 不填, the 7. He spent too much time talking on phone while we were all busy at work. A. the, 不填 B. a, 不填 C. 不填, 不填 D. the, the 8. As unemployment is very high at the moment, it s very difficult for people to find work. A. the, 不填 B. 不填, 不填 C. the, a D. an, the 9. Apartments in cities can be quite high. Renters are paying up to $1,000 per month for bedroom apartment. A. one a B. the one C. one D. a one 10. The education of young is always hot and serious topic. A. 不填, 不填 B. the, a C. 不填, the D. the, 不填 11. I often have conversations with John over telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by letter. A. 不填 ;the B. 不填 ;a C. the; 不填 D. the; a 12. John has put forward most challenging question for us to answer. Yes, it really is. I have never heard harder one. A. the; 不填 B. 不填 ; the C. the; the D. a; a 13. What about school? It is as good, as anybody can see, school as No 1 Middle School Attached to Hunan Normal University. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the 14. The market for used computers is getting larger and larger as years go on. A. 不填, 不填 B. the, 不填 C. the, the D. 不填, the 15. Charley Oakley, NBA All-star, hasn t missed game in the past three years. I can hardly believe it. 16 / 18

A. an; the B. a; the C. the; a D. an; a 16. In the market, vegetables are sold by kilogram, I mean, by weight. A. the; 不填 B. 不填 ; 不填 C. the; the D. 不填 ;the 17. Many people agree that knowledge of English is a must in international trade today. A. the, an B. a, 不填 C. the, the D. 不填, the 18. The cakes are delicious. I d like to have third one as second one I ate was too small. A. the, the B. a, the C. the, a D. a, a 19. England of those years was England in peace. A. 不填, 不填 B. The, an C. The, 不填 D. 不填, an 20. Did you happen to see black and white cat? Are they missing? I told you to take care of them. A. a; 不填 B. the; 不填 C. the; the D. a; the 答案与解析 1. 选 D,big city life 表泛指, 其前不用冠词 ;country 表示 农村 时, 其前习惯上要用定冠词 2. 选 B,success 在此指 成功的事, 为可数名词 ;out of danger( 脱离危险 ) 为习语, 其中不用冠词 3. 选 A, 其中的 failure 在此指 失败的人, 为可数名词 4. 选 B,Sunday 前用不定冠词, 表示 某一个 5. 选 C,kind of 后的名词通常不用冠词 6. 选 B, 当概括事物的种类时, 用定冠词, 不用不定冠词 ; 另外 in danger of 是短语, 不用冠词 7. 选 A on the phone 和 at work 均为习语, 其中一个带冠词, 一个不带冠词 8. 选 B unemployment 和 work 均为不可数名词, 表示一般意义时其前不用冠词 9. 选 D a one bedroom apartment 意为 一套只带一间卧室的套房 10. 选 B the young 意为 年轻人, 定冠词用于某些形容词前表示一类人或事物 ; 第二空填不定冠词修饰名词 topic 11. 选 C over [on] the telephone 为习语, 意为 通过电话 ; 若用 by telephone 则不用冠词, 类似地,by letter( 通过信件 ) 也不用冠词 17 / 18

12. 选 D 第一空后的 most 不是构成最高级, 而是表示 很 十分, 故其前用 a; 第二空也填 a, 该句为 I have never heard a harder one than this one 的省略 13. 选 B 第一空填 the, 表特指 ; 第二空填 a, 表泛指,as good a school as No. Middle School Attached to Hunan Normal University 意为 与湖南师大附中一样好的一所中学 14. 选 A used computers 与 years 均为复数名词表示泛指意思, 其前不用冠词 15. 选 D NBA 中的 N 读音为 [εν], 即前面一个音为元音, 故填 an 不填 a; 第二空填 a 表泛指, 泛指任何一场比赛 16. 选 A 介词 by 表示 以 计 时, 若后接单数可数名词, 其前要用定冠词, 如 :by the week 按周, 按星期 / by the ton 按吨 / by the yard 按码 / by the meter 按米 ; 若后接抽象名词, 则通常不用冠词, 如 :by volume 按体积 / by weight 按重量 17. 选 B knowledge 虽为不可数名词, 但其前却可用不定冠词, 表示某种程度的知识, 有类似 some 的意思 ; 第二空不填冠词, 是因为 trade 为不可数名词, 表示泛指时不用冠词 18. 选 B 序数词前通常用定冠词, 表示特指 ( 如第一空 ); 有时也用不定冠词, 表示原有数量上的增加 ( 如第一空 ) 19. 选 B 原则上说, 专有名词前不用冠词, 但在些特殊情况下也可用冠词 此题第一空填定冠词, 表特指, 即指 那时的英国 ; 第二空填不定冠词, 表示具有某种特征 20. 选 C Are they missing? 中的代词 they 是一个很重要的信息词, 它表明上文中的 black and white cat 是两只猫而不是一只猫, 所以 C the black and white cat 可视为 the black cat and the white cat 之省略 若选 A, 则表示 一只黑白相间的猫 18 / 18