能带宾补的动词 :call, consider, find, leave, name, pronounce, think, beat(black and blue), colour, cut, drive (mad), hold, keep, imagine, want, wish, allow,

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人教版高三英语部分语法英语常用的句型结构 1 S + vi 2 S + link verb + predicative 3 S + vt +o 4 S + vt + o ( 间接 ) + o ( 直接 ) 5 S +vt+ o + o c 6 There be + s + 说明 : 1 句型 4: 间接宾语如果在直接宾语之后, 间接宾语前须加介词 to 或 for * 下列动词要用带 for 的间接宾语 : buy, build, catch, choose, cook, cut, find, fix, get, keep, make, do, prepare, order( 定购 ), leave( 留下 ), save( 留, 节省 ), spare( 让出 ), 等 * 其余动词一般用 to eg. Please get two tickets for me. Did he leave any message for me? 注意使用代词的时候 :I gave it to the teacher. 2 有些表示说话的动词如:explain, express, describe, disclose, announce, introduce, mention, point out, report, repeat, suggest, say, shout, whisper 等, 它们不是带双宾语的及物动词, 用这种动词表示对谁说话时, 要跟由介词 to 引导的介词短语, 不管这种短语是位于直接宾语之前或之后 Eg. Our teacher explained to us the difficult words. He disclosed to them the secret of his invention. 3 There be ( 存在 ) 有 have 表示从属关系的 有 但当表示事物的特征时, 可以互换 Eg. There are five windows in the room. The room has five windows. Eg. How many days are there in March? How many days has March? 4 补充讲介词 to 与 for 的区别 : A. 表示 去向 时 : for 用在动词 leave, start, depart( 启程, 离开 ) 等词之后 to 用在 go, come, move, march 之后 Eg. They are leaving for Australia. Will you come to my office? B. 在某些形容词如 necessary, easy, difficult, impossible, useful 等之后, 两者均可用 Eg. English is useful to (for) us. C. 某些形容词如 :good, cruel, kind 等词后面有较严格的限制 一般来说 to 表示主语主观上对宾语的态度 Eg. Jane s uncle was unkind to her. For 表示主语客观上对宾语所起的作用 Eg. Morning exercises are good for children. 5 S + vt + o + o c 共 8 页第 1 页

能带宾补的动词 :call, consider, find, leave, name, pronounce, think, beat(black and blue), colour, cut, drive (mad), hold, keep, imagine, want, wish, allow, ask, command, encourage, promise, want, see, watch, notice, look at, make, have, let 等等 Eg. We elected him monitor. Colour the third one green. They found it strange that no one would take the money. I can t make myself understand in English. Let me show you out. The manager has made the company what it is today. * 充当宾补的可以是名词 形容词 副词 不定式 分词 介词短语或从句等 简单句 * 只包含一个主谓结构的句子叫做简单句 简单句有 6 个基本句型 :( 前面讲的 6 个基本句子结构 ) 并列句 * 由两个或两个以上的简单句并列连接起来的句子叫并列句 * 并列句的基本句型是 : 简单句 + 并列连词 ( 或连接副词 )+ 简单句 1 联合关系: 常用的连词有 and, not only but(also), neither nor 等 Eg. Tom doesn t smoke, nor does his brother. 2 转折关系常用的连词有 but, yet, still, however, while( 而, 然而 ),when( 那时, 然后 ) 等 Eg. He got up very early, (and) yet he failed to catch the morning train. We played outside till sunset, when it began to rain. She is tired, (but) still she will make another test. *yet 和 still 是连接副词, 又叫半连接句 *however( 然而, 不过, 但是 ) 意义接近 yet, 可放在句首 句末或插入句子中间 3 选择关系: 常用的连词有 or( 或者, 还是, 否则 ),otherwise, or else, either or 等 Eg. Hurry up, or we ll be late for school. 4 因果关系连词有 :for, so, thus, therefore, and so 等 Eg. He studied hard, thus he succeeded in passing the exam. The Frenchman coughed loudly, so he decided to go and get some medicine for it. *for 表示附加或推断的理由 原因 Therefore 较 so 更正式,and so 较口语化 状语从句状语从句在主从复合句中修饰主句中的动词 形容词或副词等, 按意义可分为地点 原因 目的 结果 条件 方式 比较等 1 时间状语从句 共 8 页第 2 页

由从属连词 when, whenever, as, while, before, since, once, till. Eg. I waited till he had finished his work. A. when, as, while 作时间从属连词的区别 When 可引导持续性动作, 又可引导短暂性动作 它可表示主从句的动作同时发生, 或从句的动作发生在主句动作之前 Eg. When I was a boy, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays. ( 同时 ) B. as 引导持续性动作, 侧重表示主句和从句动作同时发生 Eg. He hurried home, looking behind as he went. C. while 在某一段时间里 在 期间 While 引导的动作必须是持续性的, 它也强调主句和从句动作的同时发生, 往往侧重主句和从句动作的对比 Eg. Please don t talk so loud while others are working. * 当 when, as, while( 正当 的时候 ) 表示主句和从句的动作同时发生时, 可以换用 * 当 when 引导的状语从句是系表结构 ( 名词作表语 ), 其主语又和主句主语一致时, 往往可用 as 引导的省略从句代替, 应注意 as 在这里是连词, 不是介词, 后边名词与年龄有关 Eg. As a young man(=when he was a young man)he was a postmaster. D. before 如果 when 和 before 引导的句子位于主句之后, 有时要译为 才 这时 等 Eg. He almost knocked me down before he saw me. I was having lunch when someone knocked at the door. E. by the time, each time, every time, immediately, the moment, soon after, shortly after 等也可以作为连词, 引导时间状语从句 Eg. Each time he came to Beijing on business, he would call on me. I recognized you the moment I saw you. F. 时间状语从句中的谓语动词一般不能用任何一种将来时, 只能用现在时或过去时态表示将来时 E. hardly when; no sooner...than=as soon as 这两个句组只能用于过去时, 即从句谓语动词用一般过去时, 主句谓语动词用过去完成时 Hardly no nooner 放在句首时, 主句主谓倒装 Eg. He had hardly fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. Hardly had he fallen asleep when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. Eg. I had no sooner come home than it began to rain. No sooner had I come home than it began to rain. 2 地点状语从句 :where, wherever 引导 Eg. Go back where you came from. Where there is water, there is life. 3 原因状语从句由连词 because, as, since, now than ( 既然, 由于 ) because 引导的从句是全句意思的重心所在 在有上下文的情况下, 可以不要主句而单独成句 as 与 since 则不能 在回答 why 开始的问句时只能用 because * 在强调句式中强调原因状语从句, 只能用 because 引导从句, 不能用 as 或 since. Eg. It was because he was ill that he didn t go with us. *as ( 由于 ) 所引导的从句一般放在主句之前, 说明原因 ; 后边的主句说明结果 主句和从句表达的内容同等重要 共 8 页第 3 页

Eg. As there was no answer, I wrote again. 以 as 引导的从句位于主句之后时, 它的力量更弱一些, 类似一种附带的说明 As 在口语中使用较多 *since( 既然, 因为 ): 用以表示显然的或已知的理由 原因 从句的意思是次要的, 主句是全句意思的重心所在 Eg. Since he can not answer the question, you d better ask someone else. *now that 与 since, as 同义 其区别是 now that 用来说明一种新情况, 然后再加以推论, 从句与主句的因果关系很小, 而 since 和 as 连接的句子因果关系比较明显 Eg. Now that you have finished the work, you are free to do what you like. 注意 :# 用了以上表示原因的从属连词, 主句不可再用并列连词 so. # 并列连词 for 有时表示因果关系, 有时是对前面分句的内容加以解释或推断 当 for 表示因果关系时, 可和从属连词 because 同样使用, 但语气较弱 Eg. He could not have seen me, for (or: because) I was not there. 4 目的状语从句 that, so that, in order that, for fear that( 以免, 唯恐 ),lest( 唯恐, 免得 ):lest 从句中谓语 (should)+v, in case ( 万一 ) 等 Eg. We remained at home lest(=for fear that) they should come in our absence. 目的状语从句的消语常含有 may(might),can, could, should, will 等情态动词 通常主句在前, 从句在后, 主句与从句之间没有逗号 *lest 只用于正式文体, 在现代英语中多以 for fear that, so that not 等代替 5 结果状语从句由连词 that, so that, so that, such that etc. 注意区别 that, so that 引导的目的状语从句和结果状语从句 根据上下文来判断, 从句之前有逗号的常是结果状语从句 ; 从句中有情态动词的多半是目的状语从句 Eg. She hurried, so that she caught the bus. ( 结果 ) She hurried so that she might catch the bus.( 目的 ) 6 条件状语从句通常由 if, unless( 除非 ),as long as, so long as 只要,in case (that) 万一 *unless 从句的谓语只能用肯定式 * 主将从现 7 方式状语从句连词 as, as if(as though) 等引导从句多用虚拟语气 Eg. He walked as if he were drunk. 8 比较状语从句 as as, not so (as) as, than 等引导 eg. Peter swims as well as Tom does. *the + 比较级 ( 从句 ),the+ 比较级 ( 主句 ) eg. The harder we work, the happier we feel. 9 让步状语从句 though, although, as( 虽然 ),even if, even though, whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever, however, no matter who (what, which, etc) eg. Wherever you work, you can always find time to study. Whether he comes or not, we ll discuss the problem this afternoon. * 让步状语从句可放在句首 句中 句尾 共 8 页第 4 页

though 与 although 同义 Although 较为正式, 多置于句首,as 引导的让步状语从句多用于书面语 它比用 though(although) 引导的让步状语从句更有表现力, 语气更强 As 引导的让步状语从句要使语序部分倒装 Eg. Child as he was, he had to help support the family. *even if (though) 从句所说的不一定是事实 Though 从句一般说的是事实 *whether 一般引导名词性从句 当引导让步状语从句时, 必须有逗号和主句分开, 而且其前边可加 no matter. Eg. You ll have to do it, (no matter) whether you like it or not. * 让步状语从句和主句之间不可再用 but 等纯并列连词, 但可用 yet, still, nevertheless 等副词来加强语气 Eg. Though he was tired, yet (still, nevertheless) he went on working. * 不可将 no matter 与 疑问词 +ever 连用 Eg. Whatever (no matter what )you say, I won t agree you. No matter whatever you say, I won t agree with you.( 错 ) 倒装句 *full inversion and partial inversion I. full inversion 1 there (here) + be + S eg. Here is the milkman. There comes the bus. * 在 there 和 here 的后面还可跟一些不及物动词, 如 stand, lie, go, fall 等 句子的谓语时态为一般过去时或一般现在时 如例 2 2 单个副词位于句首的倒装句单个副词位于句首, 句子的主 谓需倒装, 表示强调 这类副词有 in, out, now, up, down etc. 句子的谓语一般为 be 动词或不及物动词 Eg. Down came the rain. Up went the flag. Away he ran. 如果这类句子中的谓语动词是短语动词则不能将短语动词中的副词移到句首 Eg. Up it blew.( 错 ) blew up: exploded * 但有时也例外, 当句子的主语在对比的情况下, 作主语的人称代词也可与作谓语的 be 动词形成倒装 Eg. There were they, reading in the classroom, while we were cleaning outside. 3 介词短语作状语位于句首的倒装句 在这类句子中, 谓语一般为 be 或不及物动词 Eg. Near the forest is a small lake. In the doorway stood my brother. 在上述单个副词和介词短语位于句首的倒装句子中, 谓语用一般现在时或一般过去时 4 so, nor, neither, no more 引导的倒装句, 句子全部倒装 Eg. He finished his job, and so did I. Peter doesn t like pop music. No more does his brother. Peter 不喜欢流行音乐, 他兄弟也是如此 * 在美式英语中, 通常认为 nor 不能跟在 but 或 and 的后面 Eg. John didn t see the accident and nor did Mary.( 错 ) 共 8 页第 5 页

John didn t see the accident and neither did Mary.( 对 ) * 当句子的主语与前句的主语为同一人或物, 而 so 位于该句的句首时, 后面 so 引导的句子不用倒装 Eg. It s raining. So it is. 5 as 引导的倒装句在正式书面文体中,as 引导表示比较含义的从句, 句子常用倒装句 Eg. He likes sports, as do most of his friends. 他和他的大多数朋友一样, 喜欢体育 He is a college student, as are his sisters and brothers. II. partial inversion 1 副词位于句首的部分倒装句一些含有否定意义的副词位于句首时, 句子倒装 :seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly, barely, little, never, few, not until, not only 等 Eg. Little did he know about mathematics. 他的数学知识极为贫乏 Rarely did students attend his lectures. 学生很少去听他的讲座 * 如果 scarcely, hardly, little 和 barely 等副词位于句首, 但它们在句中修饰主语, 此时句子不倒装 Eg. Little help can be expected from John. 不指望从约翰那里得到多少帮助 Hardly twenty students are in that big room. 在那间大房子里还不足 20 名学生 2 only 引导的部分倒装句 Only 位于句首, 后接状语, 句子要倒装 Eg. Only on Sunday does he go home. Only alone, does she feel sad. *only 修饰宾语, 位于句首时, 句子也可以倒装 Eg. Only their teacher will they obey. *only 修饰主语, 位于句首, 句子不用倒装 Eg. Only two of us got tickets. 3 not only but also 引导的两个分句, 前一个分句用倒装, 后一个分句用倒装, 后一个分句用陈述结构 Eg. Not only does he speak English but also he speaks German. *not only 不位于句首, 句子则不倒装 eg. He not only speaks English but also he speaks German. 4 hardly when ; scarcely when ; no nooner than eg. Scarcely had he come in when the guests wanted to leave. 5 not+ 名词或副词组成的词组在句子中作状语或宾语, 位于句首, 句子需倒装 Eg. Not a letter did he send home. Not until the end of this week did she realize her mistakes. Not once do I meet him. 我一次也没有见到他 共 8 页第 6 页

*not 在句首修饰主语, 句子不必倒装 Eg. Not many people came to the party. 6 当含有 no 的词组位于句首时, 句子用倒装 *Nowhere else in the world can you buy a better and cheaper camera than in our shop. No longer are they cooperating with us. By no means should you break the rules. 你决不能违反规章制度 At no time should we give in to difficulties. 任何时候都不应在困难面前屈服 * 类似的短语 : in no way 决不,in no sense 决不,in no case 决不, under no excuse 毫无理由,on no account 决不如果这类短语不在句首, 句子不用倒装 7 在 if 引导的虚拟条件句子中, 如有 had, were, should, 可将 if 省去, 而将 had, were, should 移到句首倒装 Eg. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believe it. 8 as, though 引导的让步状语从句, 形容词 名词作表语常位于句首, 形成倒装 Eg. Small though the room is, it can hold more than twenty people. Child as he is, he knows a lot.( 省略冠词 ) 谈谈 as 引导定语从句 I as 引导非限制性定语从句, 代替整个句子的内容, 并在从句中作主语 宾语 表语等 Eg. This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see. ( 宾语 ) This experiment is very simple, as indeed it is. ( 表语 ) He opposed the idea, as could be expected. ( 主语 ) 他反对这个意见, 这是可以预料的 II such as 像 这样的 ( 之类的 ) Eg. He isn t such a man as he used to be.( 表语 ) Don t read such books as you cannot understand.( 宾语 ) Let s discuss only such questions as concern every one of us.( 主语 ) 我们只讨论与大家都有关的问题 III the same as 和 一样 Eg. I d like to use the same instrument as is used in your workshop. 主语我愿用你们车间所用的同样的仪器 Eg. He is not the same man as he was. 表语 IV as (many, much) as 也可引导定语从句, 其中第二个 as 是关联词 Eg. There are as many books as are needed. 主语 Take as much paper as you want. 宾语 V as 与 which 引导非限制性定语从句 : *as 引导的从句可放在句首或句末, 但 which 引导的从句只能放在句末 * 在关系分句中, 当 as 作主语时, 其后要跟系动词, 但 which 就没有这个限制 Eg. We had much knowledge, as was the Party expected. 正是党所期望的 共 8 页第 7 页

*which 在关系分句中可作定语, 而且它前面还可跟介词, 但 as 就没有这个功能 Eg. I said to him rudely, for which mistake I apologized. If 和 whether I. if 和 whether 都能引导主语从句 只不过 if 引导主语从句不放在句首, 而放在句尾 句首用 it 作先行词, 而 whether 引导的主语从句可放在句首或句尾 * 有些语法书说 if 不能引导表语从句 而在实际阅读中 if 引导表语从句的句子也是有的 Eg. The question is if we should go on with the work. II. if 与 whether 不能互换的情况 : 1 介词后用 whether 不用 if eg. It depends on whether he s ready. 2 不定式之前用 whether, 不用 if eg. He worried whether to come. 3 名词之后用 whether 不用 if eg. The decision whether to see her was mine alone. 4 whether 可和 or not 直接连用,if 不能 Eg. I don t know whether or not he is ready. 5 引导让步状语从句用 whether 不用 if: eg. Whether you like it or not, you will have to do it. 6 如果宾语从句放在句首, 用 whether 不用 if. Eg. Whether this is true or not, I can t say. 7 如果宾语从句是个否定句, 用 if 引导不用 whether 引导 Eg. I don t care if he can t come. 共 8 页第 8 页