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摘 要 本 鎮 近 數 年 來, 在 政 府 的 經 費 補 助 及 指 導 下, 各 項 經 濟 建 設 均 有 所 成 長, 惟 為 通 盤 考 量 開 發 本 鎮 成 為 文 化 生 態 及 經 建 均 衡 發 展 的 城 鄉, 已 無 法 閉 門 造 車, 故 欲 利 用 本 次 出 國 實

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A study on color temperature and room temperature in local lighting environment Experiment and analysis on skin temperature of face and psychological responses 1



Abstract About the subject of the internal research, the part of human psychological responses from lighting environment lacked a lot, and stressed on the way of general lighting. Because of considering more various ways of lighting, the study would discuss the effects of human responses from local lighting environment used in living place. According to the research from abroad, the color temperature would affect the psychological and physiological responses, and influenced further thermal sensation in surrounding environment. Therefore, we sought more comfortable vision in local lighting environment,we should estimate all effects about color temperature and room temperature. The study used the Infrared Ray(IR) technology to measure the skin temperature of face for the objective research, and understood if the different color temperature would affect the skin temperature of face.finally,the result of study will provide a reference for designers and users in local lighting environment. Methods The study chose the full-scale room to evaluate the effects of human from the change of color temperature and room temperature. The study used the SD method to investigate the subjective evaluation and analyzed the effects of psychological responses. The study used the Infrared Ray technology to measure the skin temperature of face and observed the change and condition of skin temperature in different environment. The study used the statistics to transform the results and provided the suggestion for designers and users. Results When we use the PL-F tube in local lighting environment, we suggest the white light (4000K) for better psychological sensations and the skin temperature of face. Keywordsroom temperature, color temperature, psychological responses, skin temperature of face 4

...1-1 11... 1-1 12... 1-3 13... 1-5 14... 1-6...2-1 21... 2-1 2-1.1... 2-1 2-1.2... 2-3 2-1.3... 2-4 22... 2-5 2-2.1... 2-5 2-2.2... 2-6 23... 2-9 2-3.1... 2-9 2-3.2... 2-10...3-1 31... 3-1 32... 3-2 3-2.1... 3-2 3-2.2... 3-4 33... 3-6 3-3.1... 3-6 3-3.2... 3-8 34... 3-10 3-4.1... 3-10 3-4.2... 3-12 3-4.3... 3-13 3-4.4... 3-15 35... 3-16 5

3-5.1... 3-16 3-5.2... 3-18 3-5.3... 3-20 3-5.4... 3-22...4-1 41... 4-1 4-1.1... 4-1 4-1.2... 4-6 4-1.3... 4-9 42... 4-11 43... 4-15 4-3.1... 4-15 4-3.2... 4-18 4-3.3... 4-20 4-3.4... 4-21 44... 4-23 4-4.1... 4-23 4-4.2... 4-25 45... 4-26...5-1 51... 5-1 52... 5-3 6

1) 1) Harald Hofmann2000.6. p.22 1



NO YES 1-2 4

1. (hue-heat) 2-1 ( 3,300K) ( 5,300K) 6) (4000K) (4000K) 2. 1941 PHILIPS A. A. Kruithof 7) Kruithof 80 ( 2-3 ) (pleasing) (displeasing) (dim) (cold) 8) (IESNA) Kruithof 9) 6) 1998 p.20 7) A.A. Kruithof,1941,Tubular luminescence lamps for general illumination.,philips Tech.Rev,p.65-73 8) Steven Weintraub,2000,The color of white:is there apreferredcolor temperature for the exhibition of works of art?, Waac Newsletter,Volume21. 9) IESNA, 1993,Lighting handbook reference & application 8th edition,p.98. 5

2-3 (kuithof curve) 12) 1999.6 p.2-1 6

S.D (1) (2) (3) 3. SD 7 0 1 2 3-1 -2-3 0.25 0.5 0.75-3 -2-1 0 1 2 3 7


1. PL-F 2700 ~ 6500K 9

(2700K) (4000K) (6500K) 3-4 3-4 PL-F (K) 2700 4000 6500 (lm) 1750 1680 1630 82 82 82 (mm) 15 15 15 lm/w 64.8 62.2 60.4 (W) 27 27 27 (V) 56 56 56 (ma) 600 600 600 (HR) 6000 6000 6000 PL-F 27w/827 PL-F 27w/840 PL-F 27w/865 10

3-6 ( ) (678 ) (345 ) (91011 ) (1212 ) 28.39 21.30 23.82 16.47 28.17 22.88 24.43 17.47 28.57 24.88 25.82 20.07 28.14 22.79 24.47 18.72 28.3 (0.2) 22.9 (1.5) 24.6 (0.8) 18.2 (1.6) 3-7 ( ) (678 ) (345 ) (91011 ) (1212 ) 75.73 80.46 75.31 79.39 78.28 79.52 76.90 77.22 80.29 76.14 75.30 73.93 77.56 79.07 76.41 76.42 77.97 78.80 75.98 76.74 77.4 1 (1) (2) 28 18 75 11

1. (1) (28) (18) 75 3-8 28 28.1 0.2 28.50.1 18 18.2 0.2 20.5 0.1 74.9 1.5 70.40.5 0.09m/s 20.5 28.5 3-8 (28) (18) (75) 28.1 0.2 18.2 0.2 74.9 1.5 28.5 0.1 20.5 0.1 70.4 0.5 0.09m/s (2) 6) 15 3-5 3-10 48dB 45~55dB 3-10 ( db) 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 48 48 47 47 48 47 48 47.57 db (0.53) 6) 1996.8 p.327 12

3-11 JISZ-9110 2700(K) 539(Lux) PL-F 4000(K) 501(Lux) 6500(K) 523(Lux) (Lux) 500 (Lux) 300700 3. 28.5 20.5 70 0.09 m/s 48 db 520 Lux 77 4 43 12 85 13

3-4 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 28.5 20.5 2700K 4000K 6500K 2. 90 30 30 60 6 3-7 3-7 14


0 123-1-2-3 0.25 0.5 0.75 24 1. 20.5 30 30 28.5 30 30 20.5 28.5 15 0.3 15 1560 ( ) ( ) 4-1 4-2 16

2. 20.5 28.5 60 20.5 60 28.5 4000K ( ) ( ) 4-3 4-4 3. 4-12 60 24 20.5 2700K ( 17

)4000K ( )6500K ( ) 28.5 4000K ( ) 6500K ( ) 2700K ( ) (20.5 ) (28.5) (4000K) (6500K) (2700K) 4-12 1. 20.5 20.5 2700K 4000K 6500K 2700K 4000K 6500K 18

2. 4-17 60 12 12 20.5 2700K( )4000K( ) 6500K( ) 28.5 4000K ( ) 6500K ( ) 2700K ( ) (20.5) (6500K) (28.5) (4000K) (2700K) 4-17 19

1. 24 4-19 4-18 20

4-19 2. 20.5 15 29.8 60 2700K ( ) 60 1.09 4000K 60 0.61 6500K 60 0.43 28.5 15 35 60 2700K 60 0.47 4000K 60 0.1 6500K 60 0.24 20.5 2700K 28.5 2700K 6500K 4000K 21

20.5 4-20 ( 20.5) 28.5 4-21 ( 28.5) 22

3. 4-22 60 20.5 2700K 0.7 4000K 0.23 6500K 0.3 4000K( ) 2700K( ) 28.5 2700K 0.31 4000K 0.02 6500K 0.18 4000K( ) 2700K( ) 4000K( ) 4-22 23

4. 4-25 20.5 28.5 (R 2 =0.3949) 20.5 28.5 4-25 20.5 2700K( ) 15 15 0.33 1560 60 1.09 28.5 6500K( ) 15 15 0.04 15 60 60 0.24 24

-0.33 20.5 2700K -1.09 4-26 ( 20.5 2700K) 28.5 6500K 0.04 0.24 4-27 ( 28.5 6500K) 25

PL-F 520Lux 70 20.5 28.5 2700K4000K6500K 1. (1) (20.5) (28.5) (4000K) (6500K) (2700K) (4000K) (2) (20.5) (28.5) (4000K) (4000K) 2. (1) (20.5) (28.5) (4000K) (2) (28.5) (20.5) (2700K) (4000K) 3. 26

4. PL-F 5. (1) (20.5) (2700K) (2) (28.5) (6500K) 1. 3. 4. (1) (2) 27

1. 2001.7 2. 2001.2 3. 2000.12 4. 2000.6 5. 2000.6 6. 2000.6. 7. 2000.3 8. 2000 9. 1999.6 10. 1999.6 11. 28 1999.3 12. 1998.7 13. 1998 14. 1998 15. 1998 16. 1997.9 17. 1996.8 18. 31 1996.6 28

19. 1996.5 20. 1995 21. 1994.9 22. 1994.8 23. 1994 24. 1994 25. 1993 26. 1992 27. 1991.6 28. 1991 29. 1986.1 30. 1983 29

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