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诚 实 守 信 公 平 交 易 好 的 伦 理 为 经 营 之 道 我 们 的 价 值 观 我 们 的 日 常 工 作 让 客 户 和 消 费 者 展 露 微 笑 我 们 关 注 员 工 产 品 和 业 务 的 不 断 改 善 和 进 步 我 们 珍 视 我 能 做 到 的 态 度 和 精 神, 尝




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9D 7N A Lifetime Experiences in Arctic Circle 9 天 7 晚毕生难忘北極圈之旅 Aurora is a natural light display in the sky, particularly in the polar region, caused by the collision of charged particles directed by the Earth s magnetic field. If you notice the night sky is clear and starry, your chances of seeing the light are good. The light shine every other clear night between Octobers to early April.In this program, you have a chance to spot the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) from Day 3 to Day 6 at Arctic Circle areas. (Aurora Borealis is a natural phenomenon and subject to weather conditions) 極光欧若拉是在高緯度 ( 北極和南極 ) 的天空中, 帶電的高能粒子和高層大氣 ( 熱層 ) 中的原子碰撞造成的發光現象 若您察觉夜空晴朗, 繁星聚多, 極光出现的机率便会相当高. 从每年的十月份至来年的四月初北极圈以北地区均会出现较高频率的北极光 在此行程您将有机会於第三天至第六天在北極圈范围内观望浩瀚与神秘的北极光.( 极光是一种大自然天文奇观, 所以视天气条件而定 ) Tour Code 团号 : S9EOH-QR SLEEP! 住宿! 4 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard 旅游住宿 4 星级以类似为标准 Oslo (1N-Radisson BluAlna) 奥斯陆 (1 晚 - 丽笙 ) Kirkenes (1N Thon Hotel) 希尔克内斯 (1 晚 - 吞希爾克內斯酒店 ) Ivalo (1N Kakslauttanen Glass Igloo) 伊瓦洛 (1 晚 -Kakslauttanen 玻璃冰屋 ) Dec departures: 十二月份出发 : 罗瓦涅米 (2 晚 - 蘭塔斯皮 ) Rovaniemi (2N RantasipiPohjanhovi) Feb & Mar departures: 二月份及三月份出发 : 罗瓦涅米 (1 晚 - 蘭塔斯皮 ) Rovaniemi (1N RantasipiPohjanhovi) Kemi (1N Cumulus Kemi) 凯米 (1 晚 - 凯迷积云 ) Overnight train (1N-Bunk Bed) 夜行火车 (1 晚 ) 2 人 1 包厢 Helsinki (1N SokosPresidentti) 赫尔辛基 (1 晚 - 所库斯赫尔辛基总统 ) EAT! Arctic King Crab 帝王蟹 道地美食! Reindeer meat 驯鹿肉 Lavish Salmon 鲑鱼 Hot Berry Juice 热莓汁

SEE! 必游景点! A chance to spot the Aurora Borealis in the Arctic Circle! 有机会亲睹北极圈的欧若拉極光! A visit to the coolest snow hotel in the world! 参观世界上最冷最酷的冰雪酒店! Visit the Santa Park and Santa Claus Main Post Office. 参观圣诞老人村及圣诞老人邮政局! Meet the polar bear at the Ranua National Park. 在拉努阿野生动物园与北极熊会面! Learns the history, nature, people, climate and culture of Lapland as well as of Arctic knowledge. 学习拉普兰及北极的历史 人文 气候和文化的知识 DO! 旅游体验! A King Crab Safari named as the world s best experience! 品钓帝王蟹 - 命名为 世界最佳体验! Experience an Ice Fishing Safari on Lake Inari, the largest lake in Lapland. 体验在拉普兰最大的伊纳里湖冰上钓鱼! A lifetime experience to spend a night in the unique Glass Igloo! 在独特的玻璃屋度过一个毕生难忘的夜晚! Experience the Husky Farm visit and the Husky sledge! 体验哈士奇狗拉雪橇及游览哈士奇农场! Meet and take photo with Santa at the Santa Claus Office! 在圣诞老人办公室与圣诞老人亲密合影! An exciting Snowmobile Safari in Lapland! (For Dec only) 体验令人兴奋刺激的雪地摩多飞车!( 只限十二月份 ) Experience the greatest Reindeer Safari in Lapland! 体验拉普兰驯鹿拉雪橇! Experience the Sampo Ice Breaking Cruise in the midst of vast open arctic sea-scenery! (Feb & Mar) 体验芬蘭气势非凡的桑普号破冰船之旅! ( 二月份及三月份 ) 01 Kuala Lumpur Doha Oslo, Norway (Norwegian dinner) Depart to Oslo, is the capital city of Norway and one of the most exciting Winter holiday destinations! Upon arrival sightseeing tour of Oslo to see the Aker Brygge, The City Hall Square, Karl Johan Street, Vigeland Sculpture Park and Holmenkollen area. Viking Ship Museum (include entrance): Displaying the world s two best-preserved wooden Viking ships built in the 9 th century, as well as small boats, sledges, a cart with exceptional ornamentation, implements, tools, harness, textiles and household utensils. 吉隆坡 多哈 奥斯陆, 挪威 ( 挪威晚餐 ) 出发到挪威的首都奥斯陆, 开展令人极其兴奋的冬季之旅 奥斯陆市区游 : 游览阿克尔码头, 市政厅广场, 卡尔约翰街, 维格兰雕塑公园和贺美科伦区 海盜船博物館 : 館內存放著 3 艘巨大的維京古船, 俗稱海盜船, 這些船是用優質木料製造的, 反映了古代挪威人卓越的造船技術 海盜船首尾尖細, 向上翹起氣勢雄偉造型美观

02 Oslo (2:15hr) Kirkenes (Hotel breakfast/king Crab lunch/norwegian dinner) Take a domestic flight to Kirkenes, far up in the northernmost stretch of Norway even further North than the Arctic Circle lies Kirkenes. King Crab Safari named as the world s best experience! Our original and famous King crab safari is one of our specialties! Join us on safari by snowmobile sledge to catch the legendary King crab. An experienced guide will show us how to saw a hole in the ice and to catch a crab a catch is guaranteed! Savor this fresh delicacy in the traditional farmhouse (Includes: warm clothing, helmet and Snowmobile ledge). A visit to Kirkenes Snow hotel. Visit the coolest hotel in the world! To see the beautifully decorated snow suites and the largest ice bar in Norway. Admire the snow and ice art and pay a visit to the souvenir shop dedicated to native craft. 奥斯陆 (2:15 小时 ) 希尔克内斯 ( 早餐 / 帝王蟹午餐 / 挪威晚餐 ) 乘搭内陆航班前往欧洲大陆最北端帝王蟹的家乡 -- 希尔克内斯 品钓帝王蟹 - 命名为 世界最佳体验! 这将是我们行程的特色之一. 抵达后, 乘雪地摩托雪橇前往帝王蟹捕捉地点 一位经验丰富的导游将会向我们展示如何看到冰里的洞及如何捕捞螃蟹 保证一定有收获! 之后我们将会在当地的传统农舍尽情享受这新鲜美味的帝王蟹 ( : 保暖衣, 头盔和摩托雪橇 ) 游览希尔克内斯冰雪酒店! 参观世界上最冷最酷的冰雪酒店! 欣赏装饰精美的冰雪套房和挪威最大的冰吧 您可感受到精湛的冰雕艺术以及对冰雪艺术和付出 For December departures/ 十二月份出发 03 Kirkenes (199km) Lake Inari, Lapland (40km) Ivalo (Hotel breakfast/laplander lunch & dinner) Experience an Ice Fishing Safari on Lake Inari, the largest lake in Lapland. Learn to fish like the locals! Ride on snowmobile across the impressive frozen Lake Inari, you will follow your guide to the best spots for drilling a hole in the ice. Then it s a case of sitting patiently in the vast white landscape, hoping for something to bite! (Includes: hot berry juice or coffee and warm clothing) A lifetime experience to spend a night in the unique Glass Igloo! From inside of glass igloos, you can admire the northern light and the twinkling of the blinking starry sky with your loved one, with a comforting warmth room temperature inside the igloo (The toilet is inside the igloo, the shower and a female and male sauna are available in separate building). 希尔克内斯 (199 公里 ) 伊纳里湖, 拉普兰 (40 公里 ) 伊瓦洛 ( 早餐 / 拉普兰午餐及晚餐 ) 体验在拉普兰最大的伊纳里湖冰上钓鱼! 学当地人垂钓! 乘坐雪地摩托横越令人印象深刻的冻结伊纳里湖, 您将按照导游的指示找到最佳地点, 然后在冰上钻孔, 之后耐心地坐在冰天雪地里, 期待鱼儿上钩! ( : 热莓汁或咖啡和保暖衣 ) 在独特的玻璃屋度过一个毕生难忘的夜晚! 在舒适温暖的玻璃屋里, 与您的爱侣或同伴欣赏迷人的北极光和闪烁的星空 ( 屋内设有厕所 ; 淋浴间及女性和男性桑拿则设在另外的建筑屋 )

04 Ivalo (289km) Rovaniemi(Hotel breakfast/laplander lunch/chinese dinner) Experience the Husky Farm visit and the Husky sledge! Visit the Husky Farm, get closer to the puppy and get to learn how the huskies train to become sled dog in husky safari. Experience the husky sledge through the wilderness, drawn by these eager and friendly dogs (Includes: A demonstration and training how to ride on husky sledge, hot drink and warm clothing). 伊瓦洛 (289 公里 ) 罗瓦涅米 ( 早餐 / 拉普兰午餐 / 中式晚餐 ) 体验哈士奇狗拉雪橇及游览哈士奇农场! 驱车前往芬兰极地小镇伊瓦洛 参观哈士奇农场, 近距离的接触并了解如何训练哈士奇狗成为雪橇狗 体验雪地摩托, 换上专业的技术装备, 在教练的指导之下, 体验这项最时尚最刺激的雪地摩托 ( : 示范和培训如何乘坐雪橇, 热饮和保暖衣 ) 05 Rovaniemi (Hotel breakfast/laplander lunch/typical Lavish Salmon dinner) Rovaniemi is a gateway to the arctic wilderness and to witness the Northern Lights. Also known as the official town of Santa Claus. Snowmobile Safari (2 people in one vehicle). The best way to get to the nature. Enjoy snowmobiling along the frozen rivers and through forests covered with snow. You also have a chance to enjoy the beautiful view of the river valley from the top of the hills. (Includes: warm clothing and helmet). Arktikum(include entrance): Is a museum, science center, attraction and a popular cultural destination. The exhibitions provide the history, nature, people, climate and culture of Lapland as well as of Arctic knowledge. Visit the Santa Park and Santa Claus Main Post Office, Santa Park is an exciting fantasy world filled with the warm atmosphere of Christmas. There are many souvenir shops, cafes, restaurant as well as Santa s Main Post Office for you to send a postcard to your friends and relatives around the world (Includes: Arctic Circle Crossing Certificates). Visit the Santa Claus Office, you can see and make a wish with the old man every day of the year. Our elves can create a lasting memory of your meeting with Santa Claus (Includes: Photo with Santa Claus base on per family per photo)

罗瓦涅米 ( 早餐 / 拉普兰午餐 / 道地鮭鱼晚餐 ) 罗瓦涅米是前往观看北极光的主要通道处 这里也称为正式的圣诞老人城镇 雪地摩多飞车 (2 人一车 ) 贴近大自然的最佳途径 开着雪地摩多沿着冰封的河流, 穿过白雪覆盖的森林, 你也有机会从山顶欣赏河谷的美丽景色 ( 保暖衣物和头盔 ) Arktikum 博物馆 ( 入门票 ): 解拉普兰以及北极地区的人文, 历史地理, 文化等 还可在北极光模拟大厅体验极光的形成, 在北极中心近距离了解极昼与极夜奇观的形成原理 参观圣诞老人村及圣诞老人邮政局, 圣诞老人村是一个充满温馨及圣诞气氛的地方 那里包括正门的尖顶, 餐厅, 花圃, 圣诞老人办公室, 居所, 邮局, 礼品店, 麋鹿园等 圣诞老人邮局里有各种充满童话色彩的邮票, 贺卡和礼品等 所有从此处寄出的信件, 都会特别盖上北极圣诞老人邮局的邮戳 您还可以在邮局预订一封由圣诞老人亲笔签名的信, 寄到亲朋好友手上, 给他们带来意外的惊喜 ( : 跨越北极圈证书 ) 参观圣诞老人办公室, 在此您将有机会跟圣诞老人会面并许愿 也可与圣诞老人亲密合影, 留下一个持久难忘的回忆 ( : 每个家庭一张圣诞老人合影 ) 06 Rovaniemi Overnight train to Helsinki (Hotel breakfast/typical Reindeer lunch/chinese dinner) Ranua National Park (include entrance):meet the polar bear and 200 other representatives of Arctic animal species such as brown bear, snowy owl, wolf, wolverine, mink, arctic fox, otter, and many more. These animal species live in a natural and a near wilderness environment. Experience the greatest Reindeer Safari in Lapland! Visit an authentic reindeer farm and meet people living on the farm and their wild and trained safari reindeer. Get close to the reindeer and participate on a reindeer safari sledge in the wilderness while enjoying beautiful landscapes (Includes: an arctic cross ceremony by a Lavish dressed in traditional costume and a hot drink). Enjoy a relaxing and comfortable overnight train ride on the VR Train from Rovaniemi to Helsinki (ETD: 1915 / ETA: 0900), 2 people in 1 double decker berth with shower and toilet facility). 罗瓦涅米 - 夜行火车前往赫尔辛基 ( 早餐 / 道地驯鹿肉午餐 / 中式晚餐 ) 拉努阿野生动物园 ( 包括入门票 ): 此动物园饲养着典型的芬兰和北欧动物, 包括北极熊, 棕色熊, 雪地猫头鹰, 狼, 豹熊, 貂, 北极狐, 水獭和其他 200 种或更多的北极动物 这些动物特别生活在大自然和然曠野的环境 参观拉普兰驯鹿场! 参观正宗的拉普兰驯鹿场与农场内的人民交流并了解如何训练野生驯鹿 您将有机会接近及体验驯鹿拉雪橇奔驰在旷野中, 欣赏美丽的景色 ( : 北极传统十字仪式, 穿着传统服装和一杯热饮料 ) 乘搭舒适惬意的夜行火车 (VR 火车 ) 从罗瓦涅米前往赫尔辛基 ( 出发时间 :1915/ 抵达时间 0900),2 人 1 包厢 ( 双层床卧备有厕所设施 )

For February and March departures / 二月份及三月份出发 03 Kirkenes (199km) Lake Inari, Lapland (40km) Ivalo (Hotel breakfast/laplander lunch & dinner) Experience an Ice Fishing Safari on Lake Inari, the largest lake in Lapland. Learn to fish like the locals! Ride on snowmobile across the impressive frozen Lake Inari, you will follow your guide to the best spots for drilling a hole in the ice. Then it s a case of sitting patiently in the vast white landscape, hoping for something to bite! (Includes: hot berry juice or coffee and warm clothing) Experience the Aurora Hunting Safari with Huskies! After dinner, visit the Husky Farm, get closer to the puppy and get to learn how the huskies train to become sled dog in husky safari. Experience the Aurora hunting with the husky sledge through the wilderness, drawn by these eager and friendly dogs (Includes: A demonstration and training how to ride on husky sledge, hot drink and warm clothing A lifetime experience to spend a night in the unique Glass Igloo! From inside of glass igloos, you can admire the northern light and the twinkling of the blinking starry sky with your loved one, with a comforting warmth room temperature inside the igloo (The toilet is inside the igloo, the shower and a female and male sauna are available in separate building). 希尔克内斯 (199 公里 ) 伊纳里湖, 拉普兰 (40 公里 ) 伊瓦洛 ( 早餐 / 拉普兰午餐及晚餐 ) 体验在拉普兰最大的伊纳里湖冰上钓鱼! 学当地人垂钓! 乘坐雪地摩托横越令人印象深刻的冻结伊纳里湖, 您将按照导游的指示找到最佳地点, 然后在冰上钻孔, 之后耐心地坐在冰天雪地里, 期待鱼儿上钩! ( : 热莓汁或咖啡和保暖衣 ) 体验乘坐哈士奇狗拉雪橇搜寻欧若拉極光之旅! 晚餐后, 参观哈士奇农场, 近距离的接触并了解如何训练哈士奇狗成为雪橇狗. 体验乘坐哈士奇狗拉雪橇搜寻欧若拉極光之旅 ( : 示范和培训如何乘坐雪橇, 热饮和保暖衣 ) 在独特的玻璃屋度过一个毕生难忘的夜晚! 在舒适温暖的玻璃屋里, 与您的爱侣或同伴欣赏迷人的北极光和闪烁的星空 ( 屋内设有厕所 ; 淋浴间及女性和男性桑拿则设在另外的建筑屋 ) 04 Ivalo (404km) Kemi (Hotel breakfast/cruise lunch/laplander dinner) Experience the Sampo Ice Breaking Cruise in the midst of vast open arctic sea-scenery! A guided tour on board the icebreaker visiting its facilities from the engine room all the way up to the captain s bridge. A delicious lunch to be served on board. After lunch, you ll have the chance for the exciting experience of swimming in freezing cold waters, dressed in warm impermeable survival suits. At the end of the tour, the captain will honor each cruise participant with a Sampo Icebreaker Certificate.

伊瓦洛 (404 公里 ) 凯米 ( 早餐 / 破冰船午餐 / 拉普兰晚餐 ) 体验芬蘭气势非凡的桑普号破冰船之旅! 到驾驶舱和核动力控制中心参观, 了解破冰船的性能和破冰原理 在船上享用一顿美味的午餐. 午餐后, 开始激动人心的活动, 穿上保温防渗漂浮衣, 挑战北冰洋冰泳, 现场体验冰点温度 每位旅客将获颁船长签名到北极点 90 度的珍贵证书, 成为全球极少数到达北极极点的顶级旅行者中的一位 05 Kemi (117km) Rovaniemi (Hotel breakfast/typical Reindeer lunch/ Typical Lavish Salmon dinner) Rovaniemi is a gateway to the arctic wilderness and to witness the Northern Lights. Also known as the official town of Santa Claus. Ranua National Park (include entrance):meet the polar bear and 200 other representatives of Arctic animal species such as brown bear, snowy owl, wolf, wolverine, mink, arctic fox, otter, and many more. These animal species live in a natural and a near wilderness environment. Experience the greatest Reindeer Safari in Lapland! Visit an authentic reindeer farm and meet people living on the farm and their wild and trained safari reindeer. Get close to the reindeer and participate on a reindeer safari sledge in the wilderness while enjoying beautiful landscapes (Includes: an arctic cross ceremony by a Lavish dressed in traditional costume and a hot drink). 凯米 (117km) 罗瓦涅米 ( 早餐 / 道地驯鹿肉午餐 / 道地丰富鮭鱼晚餐 ) 罗瓦涅米是前往观看北极光的主要通道处 这里也称为正式的圣诞老人城镇 拉努阿野生动物园 ( 包括入门票 ) 此动物园饲养着典型的芬兰和北欧动物, 包括北极熊, 棕色熊, 雪地猫头鹰, 狼, 豹熊, 貂, 北极狐, 水獭和其他 200 种或更多的北极动物 这些动物特别生活在大自然和然曠野的环境 参观拉普兰驯鹿场! 参观正宗的拉普兰驯鹿场与农场内的人民交流并了解如何训练野生驯鹿 您将有机会接近及体验驯鹿拉雪橇奔驰在旷野中, 欣赏美丽的景色. ( : 北极传统十字仪式, 穿着传统服装和一杯热饮料 ) 06 Rovaniemi Overnight train to Helsinki (Hotel breakfast/laplander lunch/chinese dinner) Arktikum(include entrance): Is a museum, science center, attraction and a popular cultural destination. The exhibitions provide the history, nature, people, climate and culture of Lapland as well as of Arctic knowledge.

Visit the Santa Claus Office, you can see and make a wish with the old man every day of the year. Our elves can create a lasting memory of your meeting with Santa Claus (Includes: Photo with Santa Claus base on per family per photo). Enjoy a relaxing and comfortable overnight train ride on the VR Train from Rovaniemi to Helsinki (ETD: 1915 / ETA: 0900), 2 people in 1 double decker berth with shower and toilet facility). 罗瓦涅米 - 夜行火车前往赫尔辛基 ( 早餐 / 拉普兰午餐 / 中式晚餐 ) Arktikum 博物馆 ( 入门票 ): 了解拉普兰以及北极地区的人文, 历史地理, 文化等 还可在北极光模拟大厅体验极光的形成, 在北极中心近距离了解极昼与极夜奇观的形成原理 参观圣诞老人村及圣诞老人邮政局, 圣诞老人村是一个充满温馨及圣诞气氛的地方. 那里包括正门的尖顶, 餐厅, 花圃, 圣诞老人办公室, 居所, 邮局, 礼品店, 麋鹿园等 圣诞老人邮局里有各种充满童话色彩的邮票, 贺卡和礼品等 所有从此处寄出的信件, 都会特别盖上北极圣诞老人邮局的邮戳 您还可以在邮局预订一封由圣诞老人亲笔签名的信, 寄到亲朋好友手上, 给他们带来意外的惊喜 ( : 跨越北极圈证书 ) 参观圣诞老人办公室, 在此您将有机会跟圣诞老人会面并许愿. 也可与圣诞老人亲密合影, 留下一个持久难忘的回忆 ( : 每个家庭一张圣诞老人合影 ) 乘搭舒适惬意的夜行火车 (VR 火车 ) 从罗瓦涅米前往赫尔辛基 ( 出发时间 :1915/ 抵达时间 0900),2 人 1 包厢,( 双层床卧备有厕所设施 ) 07 Arrive Helsinki (Hotel breakfast/finish lunch/chinese dinner) Sightseeing tour of Helsinki to see the Rock Church, the Sibelius Monument, the Senate Square and the Uspenski Cathedral. Spend some free time to do shopping in the capital city of Finland. Look for the famous designer brand of Marimekko, which a Finnish design company renowned for its original prints and colors since 1951. The company designs and manufactures apparel, bags, textiles, kitchenware and many more! 抵达赫尔辛基 (( 早餐 / 芬兰午餐 / 中式晚餐 ) 赫尔辛基市区游 : 岩石教堂, 西贝柳斯纪念碑, 议会广场和乌斯别斯基教堂 市区游后, 有机会在芬兰首都自由购物 您可在此找到芬兰著名设计师品牌 Marimekko. 该公司原自 1951 年, 著名原始打印和颜色, 设计和制造服装, 手袋, 纺织品, 厨具和更多!

08 Helsinki Doha Kuala Lumpur (Hotel breakfast) Time to bid farewell to these exciting destinations and bring home an unforgettable experience of the Arctic Circle! 赫尔辛基 多哈 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 ) 告别这毕生难忘北極圈之旅, 带着美好的回忆带回家! 09 Arrive Kuala Lumpur 抵达吉隆坡 欢迎回到马来西亚! Activities 活动 King Crab Safari 品钓帝王蟹 Ice Fishing Safari 冰上钓鱼 Husky Safari 哈士奇狗雪橇 Ice Breaker Cruise 破冰船 Warm Suit 保暖衣 不 Helmet 头盔 N/A 无需 不 Hat 帽子 N/A 无需 N/A 无需 不 Shoe 鞋子 不 Glove 手套 不 Hot Drink 热饮 不 No. of People in 1 sledge 雪橇人数 10 6-8 2 Floating suit provided* 保温防渗漂浮衣 2 Reindeer Safari 破冰船 不 不 不 不 不 Snowmobile 2 Safari 不 不 不 不 雪地摩多飞车 *** The floating suit for SAMPO is only provided for the swimming part. Another time the customers are on board the SAMPO ship and will only wear their own cloth. There is plenty of inside seating on SAMPO. Disclaimer: 1. Tour commentary will be conducted in English with simple Mandarin or Cantonese translation by Tour Leader. 全程使用英文讲解, 领队将以中文或粤语简约地说明 2. We reserve the right to alter the sequence or change, amend or alter the itinerary if necessary, with or without prior notice. 我们有权改变顺序或更改, 修正或改变行程, 如果有必要, 恕不另行通知 3. All flights and hotels are provisional and will be subject to our final confirmation. 所有航班及酒店乃暂定性, 最终确认将随后通知 4. Local specialty meals are subject to the season and availability at time of travel. 膳食安排将可能因季节材料转换及不同出发日期而有所变动 5. Sightseeing places are subject to weather condition. 行程景点将以视当地的天气而定及更改 6. The group departure is subject to a minimum group size of 25 paying adults and a maximum of 38 paying adults. 本团成团人数将以最少 25 位及不多于 38 位付费成人为标准 *Valid from December 2016 till further notice* * 有效期从 2016 年 12 月起至另行通知 *