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Low Blood Sugar Low blood sugar means not having enough sugar, also called glucose, in the blood. Low blood sugar is also called hypoglycemia, insulin shock or insulin reaction. Glucose is needed by the body s cells. A normal blood sugar level is 70 to 100. A blood sugar level below 70 is low. Causes Sometimes the cause is not known, but it may be from: Too much insulin or diabetes pills Meals that are skipped or delayed Too much exercise or unplanned exercise Signs There may be no warning signs or you may: Feel dizzy, shaky, nervous, weak or tired Sweat Feel hungry Feel moody or grumpy or not think clearly Not be able to speak Have blurred vision Feel a fast heart beat Feel numb around the mouth or lips Have a headache Your Care When your blood sugar is low, you need to eat or drink food with sugar. Do not eat too much. Your blood sugar may go too high. Eat or drink one of these: 1

低血糖 低血糖是指血液中没有足够的糖 ( 也称葡萄糖 ) 低血糖也称为 hypoglycemia 胰岛素休克或胰岛素反应 身体细胞需要葡萄糖 正常血糖水平是 70-100 血糖水平在 70 以下即为低 原因 有时候原因不明, 但可能是由于 : 使用太多胰岛素或糖尿病药片 不吃饭或晚吃饭 太多锻炼或无计划地锻炼 症状 您可能没有警示症状或可能有以下症状 : 觉得头晕 站不稳 紧张 虚弱或疲累 出汗 觉得饥饿 觉得忧郁或暴躁或不能清楚地思维 不能说话 视力模糊 觉得心跳快 觉得嘴或唇周围麻木 头痛 您的医疗当您血糖低的时候, 您需要吃喝含糖的食物 不要吃太多 您的血糖可能会变得太高 食用以下一种或多种食物 : Low Blood Sugar. Simplified Chinese. 1

½ cup or 120 milliliters of juice or soda (no diet, sugar free or calorie free drinks) 3 or 4 glucose tablets 1 tablespoon or 15 milliliters of sugar 1 cup or 240 milliliters of milk Check your blood sugar in 15 minutes. If you blood sugar is still less than 70 or if you are not feeling better, eat or drink another serving of food or drink from the list. When your blood sugar is 70 or more, you still need to eat something to keep your blood sugar from dropping again. If it is time for your next meal soon, eat your normal meal. If your next meal is more than an hour away, eat a snack. Try one of these: Half a sandwich and 1 cup or 240 milliliters of milk, or 3 crackers, 2 ounces of cheese and a small apple To Prevent Low Blood Sugar Follow your meal plan. Eat meals and snacks at the same time each day. Do not miss or delay meals. Check and record your blood sugar levels. If you have low blood sugars more than 2 times in a week, call your doctor or diabetes educator. Changes may need to be made to your diet, medicine or exercise routine. Take your diabetes medicine as directed. Do not take extra diabetes medicine without your doctor s advice. Exercise regularly. 2

½ 杯或 120 毫升的果汁或汽水 ( 非节食型 不含糖或无卡路里的饮料 ) 3 或 4 个葡萄糖片 1 大汤匙或 15 毫升的糖 1 杯或 240 毫升的牛奶 在 15 分钟之后检查血糖 如果您的血糖仍然低于 70 或如果您的感觉没有好转, 再食用一份列单上的餐点 当您的血糖是 70 或更高时, 您仍需吃一点食物以使您的血糖不再下降 如果很快就是您下一次的用餐时间, 请正常进餐 如果您下一次的用餐时间是一个多小时之后, 请吃一点小吃 可以吃以下一种 : 半个三明治和 1 杯或 240 毫升的牛奶 ; 或者 3 块饼干 2 盎司干酪和一个小苹果 若想避免低血糖 遵守您的用餐计划 每天在相同的时间用餐 吃小吃 不要错过或延迟用餐 检查并记录您的血糖水平 如果您在一周有 2 次以上的低血糖, 请打电话给您的医生或糖尿病教育人员 可能需要对您的饮食 药物或锻炼常规作出改变 按医嘱服用您的糖尿病药物 如无医生建议, 请不要服用更多的糖尿病药物 有规律地锻炼 Low Blood Sugar. Simplified Chinese. 2

To Stay Safe Keep food such as crackers, gels, and juice with you at all times. Tell other people who work or live with you that you have diabetes and how to treat low blood sugar. Wear a medical bracelet or necklace to tell others that you have diabetes during a medical emergency. If you have Type 1 diabetes, people close to you should learn how to give a glucagon shot. Glucagon is a hormone used to raise blood sugar when a person is not alert or awake. A nurse can teach them how to give a glucagon shot. Call your doctor when you have frequent low blood sugars or wide swings from high to low. Talk with your doctor and dietitian before starting a weight loss diet. Keep all your appointments with your doctor, diabetes nurse, and dietitian. Call your doctor, nurse or dietitian with any questions or concerns. 2005 5/2010 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3

若想保持安全 请随时随身备好食物, 如饼干 胶冻和果汁 请告诉和您一起工作或和您居住的其他人您有糖尿病以及应该如何处理低血糖 在急诊时戴一条医用手腕条或颈链来告诉其他人您有糖尿病 如果您有 1 型糖尿病, 您身边的人应该学会注射葡萄蛋白 葡萄蛋白是一种激素, 用于当一个人不警醒或醒不来时升高血糖 护士能教他们如何进行葡萄蛋白注射 如果您常有低血糖或血糖或高或低, 请打电话给您的医生 先和您的医生及营养师谈一谈再开始一种减肥饮食 请按时赴医生 糖尿病护士和营养师的所有约诊 如果您有任何疑问或关注事宜, 请告知您的医生或护士和营养师 2005 5/2010 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Low Blood Sugar. Simplified Chinese. 3