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7 2 Vol. 7 No. 2 2016 2 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Feb., 2016 李杨, 马智宏 *, 平华, 何昭颖, 李冰茹 (, ( ), 100097) 摘要 : 目的 方法 ( ), 5 结果 6, 5, 结论, 5,, 关键词 : ; ; ; Removal efficiency of organophosphorus pesticides in Chinese chives by different rinsing methods LI Yang, MA Zhi-Hong *, PING Hua, HE Zhao-Ying, LI Bing-Ru (Beijing Research Center for Agricultural Standards and Testing, Risk Assessment Lab for Agro-Products (Beijing), Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the effects of different rinsing methods on removing organophosphorus pesticides in Chinese chives. Methods Chinese chives contaminated chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, diazinon, methidathion and phosemet were rinsed by water, flour water, caustic soda water, rice vinegar water, rice water and salt water, respectively. The gas chromatography was used to analyze the organophosphorus pesticides residues in Chinese chives rinsed by different methods. Results Chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, diazinon, methidathion and phosemet all could be partly removed from Chinese chives by 6 kinds of rinsing methods with rice water and lye had the best results. Phosemet was more likely to be rinsed from the Chinese chives. At the same time, with the increase of standing time of rice water, the removal ability of organophosphorus pesticide with rice water would increase. Conclusion The 6 kinds of rinsing methods in daily life can reduce the organophosphorus pesticides residues and have different removal efficiency. Among all the 6 kinds of rising 基金项目 : (KJCX20140302 KJCX20150301) Fund: Supported by the Innovation and Capacity-building Projects of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (KJCX20140302, KJCX20150301) * 通讯作者 :,,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: MA Zhi-Hong, Associate Researcher, Beijing Research Center for Agricultural Standards and Testing, Beijing 100097, China. E-mail:

530 7 methods, rice water is the most effective method. KEY WORDS: rinsing method; organophosphorus pesticide; removal rate; Chinese chives 1 引言,,,,,,,,, [1,2],,,,,,,,,, [3-5], [6-8] Smith [9] 30 s 88% Krol [10] 12, 3, 9 [11] 3, 3 [12], 3,, 6,,,,, 2 材料与方法 2.1 材料与试剂 (, Fisher ); (, Fisher ); (, ); ( ), 100 mg/l,, 2.2 仪器与设备 GC 2010, FPD ( ); DB-17 (0.25 mm 30 m, 0.25 μm); ( - ); ( Buchi ); ( ) 2.3 实验方法 2.3.1 样品处理 :, 10 min,, 2.3.2 清水清洗 10 min, 3,, 2.3.3 淘米水清洗 15 min 10 min, 3, 2.3.4 面粉水清洗 1% 10 min, 3,, 2.3.5 碱面清洗 3% 10 min, 3,, 2.3.6 盐水清洗 5% 10 min, 3,, 2.3.7 醋水清洗 1% 10 min, 3,,

2, : 531 2.4 样品前处理 20 g,, 40 ml, 1 h, 7.5 g, 1 min,, 2 h 10 ml, 35, 5 ml, 0.45 μm, 3.2 不同清洗方法对乐果的去除效果 2, 6,, 50% 30% 2.5 气相色谱条件 FPD ( )280 ; 220, 270 ; 150 2 min, 8 /min 270, 13 min; (H 2 ) 80 ml/min, 120 ml/min; ; 1.0 μl 2.6 结果计算 Y(%): Y=(Xd Xc)/Xd 100 Xd (mg/kg); Xc (mg/kg) 3 结果与分析 3.1 不同清洗方法对二嗪磷的去除效果 6 1,,, 70%,,, 21.8% 2 6 (n=3) Fig. 2 Removal efficiency of dimethoate with 6 kinds of rinsing methods (n=3) 3.3 不同清洗方法对毒死蜱的去除效果 3,, 51.3%,, 10% 3 6 (n=3) Fig. 3 Removal efficiency of chlorpyrifos with 6 rinsing methods (n=3) 1 6 (n=3) Fig. 1 Removal efficiency of diazinon with 6 kinds of rinsing methods(n=3) 3.4 不同清洗方法对杀扑磷的去除效果 4, 6, 65.5%,

532 7, 56.7% 54% 40%,, 34.2% 5 min, 5,, 15 min 5 5 min 15 min 5 50%, 5 min 2 50%, 30%~40%,,,,,, 4 6 (n=3) Fig. 4 Removal efficiency of methidathion with 6 kinds of rinsing methods(n=3) 3.5 不同清洗方法对亚胺硫磷的去除效果 5, 6, 69.4%, 60%, 50%,, 46.7% 6 (n=3) Fig. 6 Removal efficiency of organic phosphorus pesticide by rice water with different standing time (n=3) 5 6 (n=3) Fig. 5 Removal efficiency of phosmet with 6 kinds of rinsing methods (n=3) 3.6 淘米水放置时间对有机磷去除效果的影响, 5 min 15 min, 10 min, ( 6), 15 min 3.7 不同清洗方法对韭菜中 5 种有机磷农药去除效果比较 1~5, 6,,, 50%, 6 5, 50%,,,, H 3 CO -,, ph, ph,,

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