~ % ~ Misseriya 4 Baggara Stephanie Beswick Sudan s Blood Memory The Legacy of War Eethnicity an

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011 7 Murahleen 1 00 7 005 1 6 1956 1 1 3 3 1979 1999 50% 007 3 1 3 36 See ICG Africa Report A Strategy for Comprehensive Peace in Sudan No. 130 6 July 007.

4 4 3. 95 1. 65 1 005 1 9 6 011 50% 4% % % 005 % - % 005 ~ 007 18 4% 7. 56 % - 3 600 3 0 70 80 1984 199 1 4 1996 75% 40% 1 See Sudan Explores New Areas Opened Up by Peace Agreement International Oil Daily 11 November 005 Crisis Group Report The Khartoum - SPLM Agreement op. cit. 3 ICG Africa Briefing Sudan Breaking the Abyei Deadlock No. 47 Nairobi /Brussels 1 October 007 p. 8. 37

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The Issue of Abyei in North - South Relations in Sudan Jiang Hengkun & Zhou Jun Abstract Appeared in the 1960s the issue of Abyei in which the clashes based on religious and ethnic divergences between farmers and pastoralists and the competition for oil resources play an important role is a microcosm of North - South conflict in Sudan. Although the issue of Abyei is one of the disputes between the North and the South it is closely related to such post - referendum problems faced by the North and the South as border demarcation oil revenue distribution security arrangement and citizenship. The solution to the Abyei issue is directly related to the future relationship between the North and the South. If the Abyei issue can be resolved the peaceful separation of the two sides is expected to be steadily pushed forward and the Abyei region could become a model to resolve other outstanding issues otherwise it would likely become Sudan s Kashmir and even reignite the war between the North and the South. Key Words Sudan Abyei Oil South - North relations 45