1 Mario Bunge 2 theorizing emergence analytical sociology 3 1 Wan, Poe Yu-ze Reframing the Social: Emergentist Systemism and Social Theory. Ald

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* 2011 6 Ashgate Publishing Reframing the Social: Emergentist Systemism and Social Theory 12

1 Mario Bunge 2 theorizing emergence analytical sociology 3 1 Wan, Poe Yu-ze. 2011. Reframing the Social: Emergentist Systemism and Social Theory. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing. 2 Bunge 1919 Bunge Werner Heisenberg Bunge 1952 Cinemática del electron relativista American Association for the Advancement of Science Royal Society of Canada Humboldt Guggenheim Prince of Asturias Ludwig von Bertalanffy Award in Complexity Thinking Bunge Universidad Obrera Argentina 1938 Miverva 1944 Bunge 1966 Karl Popper Raymond Klibansky McGill University 2009 Bunge 3 73 2011 12 57-63 2014 6 15 3 13

Routledge commercially not viable Ashgate Ashgate Neil Jordan book proposal sample chapters The Statement of Aims Table of Contents Chapter Summaries Other Information about This Book The Target Market Competing Books About the Author it looks very well organised and the writing is of a high standard the appeal of the book to be limited primarily because the author focuses too much on systems theory, and a small sample of authors at that There are 14

some notable advantages to the revised submission....this is a very specialist text, at a high level of theoretical discourse and promises to be well-written 2009 10 2010 3 2011 6 Ashgate Routledge Ashgate Brill Palgrave Macmillan Pluto Press Verso 2014 6 15 3 15

1. 充分科際整合 emergence emergentism 2. 充分整合歐美研究成果 Omar Lizardo Wan... appears to have read everything and everyone 3. 結合理論探索與經驗研究 T E 1 T E generative mechanisms causal processes 2 T E underlabor 4. 討論題材新穎且受重視 cutting-edge social ontology causal power 16

Contemporary Sociology Science & Education Soziologische Revue Mario Bunge Stephen Jay Gould 2011 10 Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science BCSSS Wolfgang Hofkirchner 2014 European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research EMCSR 2014 EMCSR Mario Bunge 2014 6 15 3 17

International Migration Institute Oliver Bakewell 2013 11 Migration Studies Re-launching Migration Systems DOI: 10.1093/migration/mnt023 Dave Elder-Vass Andreas Pickel Keith Sawyer 18